(info ini juga diposting oleh masdhenk.blogspot.com)
Info Beasiswa ITB
Pengumuman Beasiswa M99 ITB
M99 adalah sebuah organisasi yang seluruh anggotanya merupakan alumni Teknik
Mesin ITB angkatan 1999. Sebagai mantan pelajar, kami menyadari bahwa
mahalnya biaya perkuliahan mengakibatkan sedikit kesempatan bagi pelajar yang
cerdas tapi tak mampu secara ekonomi untuk terus bersekolah. M99 membuka
peluang bagi adik-adik sekalian yang *punya prestasi SMU yang baik dan **tidak
mampu secara ekonomi* untuk mau berkuliah di Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Syaratnya mudah, silahkan kirimkan data pribadi dibawah ini beserta hasil
scan/photocopy rapor selama SMU
Nama :
Alamat tinggal :
Sekolah :
Nama orang tua/wali (yang bisa dihubungi) :
Pekerjaan :
Nomor telp orang tua/wali :
ke :
farhan_ketum@yahoo.com atau
Farhan Muhammad
Jl. Bintaro Permai 3
Gang Anggrek No.34 RT. 1
Jaksel 12330
M99 akan memberikan *beasiswa penuh* untuk dapat berkuliah di ITB (sesuai
ketentuan-ketentuan yang M99 tetapkan). M99 akan tunggu data dari adik-adik
sampai dengan 15 Mei 2008.
Salam hangat,
Info Beasiswa ITB


beasiswa ITB untuk SMU
Info Beasiswa dari Deperin (Beasiswa D3)


Info Beasiswa dari Deperin (Beasiswa D3)
blog ini didukung oleh blog cpns
Untuk informasi www.depperin.go.id atau www.depperin.go.id/ropeg
Departemen Perindustrian akan memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa-siswi
berprestasi tingkat Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas (SMA/MA/SMK) yang
tidak mampu pada Pemerintah Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota untuk
disekolahkan pada Unit Pendidikan di Lingkungan Departemen
Perindustrian dengan Program Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan
Program D-3, dengan spesialisasi sebagai berikut :
Jl. Jakarta No. 31 Bandung Telp.(022) 7272580
- Teknologi Pembuatan Kain
SMK (Eksakta)
Jl. Letjen Suprapto No. 26 Jakarta Telp. (021) 4244280
- Teknologi Pengendalian Mutu Industri
SMK (Eksakta)
Jl. Imogiri Km.6 Ngoto Bangun Harjo Yogyakarta Telp.(0274) 383728
- Teknologi Bahan Kulit, Karet & Plastik
- Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
SMK (Eksakta)
Jl. Pangeran Sogiri No. 283 Tanah Baru Bogor Telp. (0251) 650351
- Pengelolaan Lingkungan Industri
SMK : Kimia
Jl. Timbul No.34 Ps. Minggu Ciganjur Jakarta Telp. (021) 7867382
- Kewirausahaan (enterpreunership)
Jl. Bungo Pasang Tabing Padang Telp. (0751) 55053
- Pengolahan Industri Pangan
SMK : Kimia
Jl. Sunu No.220 Makassar Telp. (0411) 4499609
- Teknologi Pangan
SMK : Kimia
Jl. Medan Tenggara VII Medan Telp.(061) 7867810
- Teknologi Pengolahan Atsiri dan Produk Hilir CPO
SMK : Kimia
Adapun Persyaratan Pendaftaran untuk Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh
Lapangan (TPL) Industri Kecil dan Menengah adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Siswa kelas III SMU/MA/SMK atau yang telah lulus 1 tahun sebelumnya dan
menduduki peringkat 1 s/d 10 di kelasnya.
2. Prestasi Siswa ditunjukkan oleh Raport kelas 1 s/d 3.
3. Mendapat Surat Rekomendasi dari Pemerintah Daerah/Kepala Dinas yang
menangani Sektor Industri.
4. Apabila mengundurkan diri diwajibkan mengembalikan seluruh biaya
yang telah dikeluarkan.
5. Mempunyai minat yang kuat pada salah satu program studi yang
ditawarkan dan mempunyai bakat wirausaha.
6. Orang tua dari Siswa yang dicalonkan tergolong tidak mampu
1. Masing-masing calon pelamar mengisi formulir pendaftaran
2. Surat lamaran harus dilampiri :
a. Fotocopy rapor kelas 1 s/d 3 telah dilegalisasi oleh Kepala Sekolah
b. Surat pernyataan minat pelamar dan bersedia mengembalikan seluruh
biaya apabila mengundurkan diri
c. Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari RT, RW, dan Kepala Desa setempat
d. Surat Keterangan Domisili (Putra Daerah) dilampirkan dengan Kartu
Identitas (KTP/KK)
e. Surat Rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah tentang perkembangan, prestasi
Siswa serta dinyatakan tentang ketidakmampuan orang tua secara ekonomi
f. Surat Rekomendasi dari Pemerintah Daerah/Kepala Dinas yang menangani
Sektor Industri
g. Surat Keterangan berbadan sehat dan bebas dari narkoba dari Dokter
h. Pas foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar
i. Surat Lamaran dimasukkan ke dalam amplop dan pada sisi kanan amplop
dituliskan nama Sekolah yang dituju
1. Lama Pendidikan
Program Pendidikan bagi Calon Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan (TPL) IKM setara
Program D-3 dapat ditempuh selama 3 (tiga) tahun (6 semester) sebanyak
110 – 120 sks.
2. Beasiswa Yang diberikan
Biaya Pendidikan yang ditanggung meliputi antara lain :
- Bantuan Transport dari daerah yang bersangkutan ke Unit Pendidikan
dilingkungan Departemen Perindustrian Pulang Pergi
- Bantuan Biaya Hidup
- Biaya Kuliah/Praktek dan
- Bantuan Buku
Setelah yang bersangkutan lulus Program D-3 Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan
(TPL) IKM, akan ditempatkan sebagai Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan (TPL) IKM
di Propinsi/ Kabupaten/Kota masing-masing dengan Sistem Kontrak selama
2 (dua) tahun yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Industri Kecil
dan Menengah (Ditjen IKM) dengan yang bersangkutan dan diketahui oleh
Pemerintah Daerah/Kepala Dinas yang menangani Sektor Industri
setempat. Selama kontrak (2 tahun) segala biaya operasional
(Honorarium dan biaya operasional lainnya) bagi Tenaga Penyuluh
Lapangan (TPL) IKM menjadi tanggung jawab Ditjen IKM Departemen
Setelah selesai kontrak diharapkan yang bersangkutan dapat mandiri
sebagai wirausaha atau sebagai tenaga konsultan IKM di daerah yang
bersangkutan dan tidak lagi menjadi tanggungan Departemen Perindustrian.
Berkas Lamaran/Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh
Lapangan (TPL) IKM dapat dikirimkan secara kolektif/perorangan
disertai Surat Pengantar dari Kepala Sekolah/Pemerintah Daerah/Dinas
yang menangani Sektor Industri setempat kepada Biro Kepegawaian
Departemen Perindustrian R.I. Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53
Lt. 8 Jakarta Selatan, paling lambat tanggal 30 Mei 2008 (Cap Pos).
Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan bulan Juli 2008 dan akan dikirim ke
Pemerintah Daerah/Dinas yang menangani Sektor Industri setempat dengan
tembusan SMU/MA/SMK yang bersangkutan dan Peserta yang dinyatakan
lulus harus melakukan pendaftaran ulang di Unit Pendidikan yang ditunjuk.
Pemberitahuan ini agar dapat disebarluaskan/ diinformasikan kepada
Sekolah-Sekolah di Propinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota masing-masing.
Demikian, atas perhatian dan kerjasama Saudara kami sampaikan terima
Sekretaris Jenderal
info ini juga dipost oleh : masdhenk.blogspot.com
beasiswa d3,
beasiswa depperin 2008
Beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2009


Beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2009
Kedutaan Besar Jepang membuka penawaran beasiswa kepada mahasiswa/
mahasiswi Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di universitas di
Jepang sebagai research student pada tahun 2009 dalam Program Beasiswa
Pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho).
Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke
program degree (master/doctor/professional graduate course) atau
meneruskan program doctor degree setelah menyelesaikan program master
degree atau professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes
ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan
Persyaratan untuk melamar, sbb
(1) Pelamar lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1974
(2) IPK minimum 3,0 atau nilai EJU (Examination for Japanese
University Admission for International Students) minimum 260 dalam
jumlah 2 mata ujian tidak termasuk Bahasa Jepang
(3) Nilai TOEFL minimum 550 atau ekuivalen atau lulus Tes Kemampuan
Bahasa Jepang Tingkat 2
Formulir pendaftaran dapat diambil secara gratis di Kedutaan Besar
Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan, pukul 08:30-12:00, 14:00-15:30), Konsulat
Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya, Medan, dan Makassar. Formulir pendaftaran
juga dapat diperoleh pada website Kedutaan Besar Jepang (http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp
). Dokumen lamaran harus dikembalikan kepada Kedutaan Besar Jepang
sebelum tanggal 23 Mei 2008, dapat diserahkan secara langsung atau
dikirim melalui pos.
Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai program beasiswa ini dapat diperoleh
di Kedutaan Besar Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan: Tel: 021-3192.4308 psw:
175, 176).
info ini juga dipost oleh : beasiswanda.blogspot.com
beasiswa d3,
beasiswa jepang 2009,
beasiswa smu
Beasiswa ikatan dinas dari PLN


Pengumuman Rekrutmen Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Program D1
18 April 2008
PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & D.I Yogyakarta membuka
kesempatan kepada siswa dan lulusan SMK jurusan Listrik, Akuntansi,
Keuangan serta SMU Jurusan IPA untuk berkarir bersama PT PLN
(Persero), melalui Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Program D1 yang dididik
menjadi Junior Operator dan Junior Officer.
Proses seleksi menggunakan sistem gugur, hanya pelamar yang memenuhi
persyaratan saja yang berhak mengikuti seleksi tahap berikutnya,
materi seleksi meliputi :
1) Seleksi Administrasi
2) Tes Fisik
3) Tes Akademik
4) Tes Psikologi
5) Tes Wawancara
6) Tes Kesehatan
Peserta Beasiswa yang bisa mendapatkan nilai Indek Prestasi
Komulatif (IPK) lebih besar atau sama dengan 2,75 (dua koma tujuh
lima) pada skala 4, dan memenuhi kompetensi teknis sesuai kebutuhan
jabatan setelah mengikuti On the Job Training (OJT) akan diangkat
menjadi pegawai PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah dan D.I
blog ini didukung oleh masdhenk
1. Umum :
a) Lamaran/pendaftaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan Rekrutmen, PO BOX
6240 SMG
b) Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 2 Mei 2008, cap pos
c) Hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi yang akan dipanggil
mengikuti seleksi tahap berikutnya.
2. Persyaratan dan Tata Cara Lamaran/pendaftaran :
Informasi tentang Persyaratan dan tata cara mengajukan
lamaran/pendaftaran dapat dilihat pada website PLN : dapat
didownload di sini, atau di lihat di Kantor PT PLN (Persero) Area
Pelayanan dan Jaringan (APJ) berserta Unit Pelayanan dan Jaringan
(UPJ) terdekat di wilayah Jawa Tengah & D.I Yogyakarta
3. Lain-lain :
a) Pendaftaran/lamaran tidak dipungut biaya
b) Bagi yang lulus seluruh tahap seleksi mendapatkan beasiswa (bebas
biaya) program Diploma Satu (D1) pada Politeknik Negeri Semarang
atau UGM Yogyakarta.
c) Selama mengikuti kuliah diberikan bantuan uang saku kuliah.
Semarang, 19 April 2008
Konsultan Rekrutmen
beasiswa PLN
Beasiswa PPSDMS Nurul Fikri


PPSDMS : Call for Future Leaders
Pendaftaran PPSDMS Angkatan IV, 2008-2010
daftar online klik disini
PPSDMS NF adalah lembaga di bawah naungan Yayasan Bina Nurul Fikri yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan sumber daya manusia Indonesia, khususnya pengembangan kader-kader masa depan pemimpin bangsa (future nation leaders).
Sebagai School of Future Nation Leaders, Visi PPSDMS NF adalah:
Melahirkan pemimpin-pemimpin masa depan yang memiliki pemahaman Islam yang komprehensif, integritas dan kredibilitas yang tinggi, berkepribadian amtang, moderat, serta peduli terhadap kehidupan bangsa dan Negara.
Untuk itu, PPSDMS mengemban Misi sebagai berikut:
Melatih dan mengembangkan mahasiswa terbaik sebagai kader-kader pemimpin bangsa.
Melakukan pengembangan institusi PPSDMS di berbagai daerah di Indonesia.
Menaburkan dan menebarkan alumni PPSDMS ke tengah-tengah masyarakat sebagai pemimpin-pemimpin yang tangguh.
Mempersiapkan alumni PPSDMS untuk berperan di instansi, lembaga, ataupun institusi strategis, demi kempentingan bangsa dan negara.
PPSDMS bersifat non-partisan, non-profit, terbuka, profesional, dan kebersamaan. Untuk itu, semua kegiatan PPSDMS disampaikan kepada publik secara terbuka dan bertanggungjawab, dan seluruh hasil kegiatannya dipersembahkan untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara.
Saat ini PPSDMS sudah memiliki 5 regional di 5 kota besar Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, dan Bogor), yang meliputi 7 PTN terkemuka, yaitu UI, ITB, Unpad, UGM, ITS, Unair, dan IPB.
Program utama PPSDMS NF adalah memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa terpilih dari sejumlah PTN terkemuka di Indonesia. Sejak dimulai pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan saat ini, sudah terdapat alumni PPSDMS dari dua angkatan sebanyak 104 orang, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
Angkatan I Regional 1 Jakarta (UI) 20 orang
Angkatan II Regional 1 Jakarta (UI) 20 orang
Angkatan II Regional 2 Bandung (ITB) 20 orang
Angkatan II Regional 3 Yogyakarta (UGM) 20 orang
Angkatan II Regional 4 Surabaya (ITS) 20 orang
Saat ini sedang berlangsung program pemberian beasiswa untuk angkatan III untuk 150 orang peserta dari tujuh PTN (UI, ITB, Unpad, UGM, ITS, Unair, dan IPB). Para peserta angkatan III tersebut akan diwisuda sebagai alumni PPSDMS NF pada bulan Agustus 2008 yang akan datang.
Program beasiswa PPSDMS NF angkatan IV akan berlangsung Agustus 2008 sampai dengan Juli 2010. Sebagaimana angkatan sebelumnya, peserta yang akan dipilih untuk mengikuti program ini berjumlah 150 orang, dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
Regional 1 Jakarta : 30 orang mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia (UI)
Regional 2 Bandung : 30 orang mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad)
Regional 3 Yogyakarta : 30 orang mahasiswa Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
Regional 4 Surabaya : 30 orang mahasiswa Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) dan Universitas Airlangga (Unair)
Regional 5 Bogor : 30 orang mahasiswa Institut Pertanian Bogor
Pelamar yang terpilih menjadi peserta program beasiswa PPSDMS NF angkatan IV akan diasramakan dan berkewajiban mengikuti pembinaan selama dua tahun.
Peserta program akan memperoleh beasiswa senilai
Rp 1.200.000,- (satu juta dua ratus ribu rupiah) per bulan
yang meliputi komponen-komponen sebagai berikut:
Asrama dan fasilitasnya (antara lain: kamar tidur dan perlengkapannya, ruang belajar, perpustakaan, komputer, printer, dll.)
Kurikulum pembinaan yang terdiri dari: berbagai Kajian Keislaman, Dialog Tokoh, Diskusi Pasca Kampus, Training Pengembangan Diri (Kepemimpinan, Manajemen, dll.), Olahraga Beladiri, Training Jurnalistik, dan Training Bahasa Inggris.
Uang saku Rp 300.000 per bulan
daftar online klik disiniPendaftaran ditutup tanggal 30 April 2008
Persyaratan Calon Peserta
Secara umum calon peserta PPSDMS haruslah :
Laki-laki dan berkewarganegaraan Indonesia
Berusia tidak lebih dari 21 tahun saat bulan Juli 2008
Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak menikah selama masa beasiswa
Tidak sedang mendapatkan beasiswa sejenis PPSDMS
Beragama Islam
Secara khusus calon peserta PPSDMS haruslah :
Pria, muslim, warga negara Indonesia
Mahasiswa program S1 reguler UI, ITB, Unpad, UGM, ITS, Unair, atau IPB semester 2 atau 4 pada saat pendaftaran. (Catatan: Untuk Unpad dan Unair hanya berlaku bagi departemen/jurusan non-eksakta)
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) ≥ 2,8 (skala 4)
Memiliki keinginan dan motivasi yang kuat untuk mengembangkan diri sebagai pemimpin bangsa maa depan di berbagai sektor kehidupan
Sehat jasmani dan rohani
Aktif dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan dan/atau kemasyarakatan
Pengisian Formulir PendaftaranPeminat Program Beasiswa PPSDMS NF Angkatan IV harus mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran dengan lengkap secara on-line melalui situs www.ppsdms.org selambat-lambatnya tanggal 30 April 2008.
Kelengkapan BerkasDi samping mendaftarkan diri secara on-line, peminat juga harus mengirimkan kelengkapan berkas dalam amplop tertutup melalui pos kilat khusus/pos tercatat ke alamat:
Gedung Kantor Pusat PPSDMS Nurul Fikri
Jl. Lenteng Agung Raya No. 20
Srengseng Sawah, Jakarta 12640
Kelengkapan berkas tersebut harus sudah diterima oleh Panitia Seleksi selambat-lambatnya tanggal 30 April 2008 (cap pos). Berkas yang terlambat diterima oleh Panitia Seleksi dan/atau tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.
Kelengkapan berkas terdiri dari:
Pas foto berwarna ukuran 4X6 sebanyak 2 helai (dituliskan nama di belakangnya)
Surat lamaran untuk menjadi peserta Program Beasiswa PPSDMS NF Angkatan IV yang menggambarkan motivasi pelamar mengikuti program ini
Transkrip nilai akademik yang mencantumkan IPK terakhir (dilegalisir oleh pihak yang berwenang)
Surat rekomendasi dari Dekan/Wakil Dekan atau Ketua/Sekretaris Juruan/Departemen
Surat rekomendasi dari Ketua Organisasi Kampus atau Ketua Organisasi Kemasyarakatan di mana pelamar beraktifitas, atau dari Tokoh Masyarakat
Catatan: Isi surat rekomendasi haruslah memuat : 1). Seberapa lama perekomendasi mengenal pelamar, 2). Kelebihan dan kelemahan pelamar menurut perekomendasi, 3). Penjelasan tentang aktivitas pelamar yang dapat menggambarkan kemampuan khusus atau leadership skill pelamar,4). Tempat, tanggal, tanda tangan, nama lengkap, dan jabatan perekomendasi.
daftar online klik disiniPROSES SELEKSIProses seleksi Program Beasiswa PPSDMS NF Angkatan IV adalah sebagai berikut:
Tahap I Seleksi administratif Tahap II Hari 1: Psikotest & Test Potensi Akademik (TPA)
Hari 2: Tes Bahasa Inggris dan Spiritual Capital Assessment Tahap III Presentasi, Wawancara dan Tes Kesehatan dan Kesamaptaan
Dalam setiap tahap proses seleksi berlaku sistem gugur. Calon yang dinyatakan lulus pada suatu tahap dan melanjutkan ke tahap berikutnya akan diumumkan di situs www.ppsdms.org dan dihubungi oleh Panitia Seleksi.
Pengumuman Hasil SeleksiPeserta seleksi yang dinyatakan lulus sebagai Calon Peserta Program Beasiswa PPSDMS NF Angkatan IV 2008-2010 akan diumukan pada tanggal 1 Juli 2008.
Para Calon Peserta tersebut selanjutnya wajib mengikuti Pendidikan Kepemimpinan Nasional (PKN) yang sekaligus merupakan pelantikan menjadi Peserta Program Beasiswa PPSDMS NF Angkatan IV.
Mari Bergabung dalam Barisan ini, baik sebagai pejuangnya, pesertanya, maupun pendukungnya.
Karena kami hanya mengharap terbentuknya Indonesia yang Lebih Baik dan Bermartabat dan Kebaikan dari Allah Pencipta Alam Semesta.
daftar online klik disini
Sincerely yours,
M Solihin Fikri
The Peace Scholarship Program 2008
University of Canberra
didukung oleh masdhenk
beasiswa PPSDMS
Beasiswa PHD di Jerman


PhD - Students / Promotionsvorhaben
University of Hamburg (Germany)
Wer hat Interesse, im folgenden Forschungsfeld eine Promotionsarbeit
unter meiner Betreuung anzufertigen:
‚Die Stagnation – Gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Ursachen, Folgen
und Chancen der stagnativen Wirtschaftsentwicklung in der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland seit 1990’
Die (alte) Bundesrepublik und ihre Institutionen – des Arbeitsmarktes,
der industriellen Beziehungen und des Sozialsystems – sind ein Kind der
wirtschaftlichen Prosperität, des goldenen Zeitalters oder kurz: des
Booms. Das Ende dieser Wachstumsentwicklung prognostizierten nicht nur
marxistische Ökonomen und Soziologen, sondern auch keynesianisch
orientierte Wissenschaftler und jene Skeptiker, die die ökologischen
‚Grenzen des Wachstums’ überschritten sahen. Tatsächlich war spätestens
mit den beiden Ölpreiskrisen in den 1970er Jahren das Ende der
Wachstumseuphorie des westdeutschen ‚Nachkriegs-Wirtschaftswunders’
gekommen, die 1980er Jahre sahen in der alten Bundesrepublik und
weltweit eine stagnative Wirtschaftsentwicklung, deren Ursachen in
überbordender (traditionelle Ökonomik) bzw. fehlerhafter (Neo-Marxismus)
Marktregulierung beim Übergang von der Industrie- zur Dienstleistungs-
bzw. Informationsökonomie oder in Sättigungsphänomenen und mangelnder
bzw. fehlerhafter wirtschaftspolitischer Intervention
(Post-Keynesianismus) gesehen wurden. Die neoliberale Wirtschaftstheorie
mit ihrer Krisenerklärung gewann weltweit die Deutungshoheit. Die 1990er
Jahre sahen eine erstaunliche Renaissance des ‚liberalen Kapitalismus’
angelsächsischer Prägung, die sowohl in den USA als auch in
Großbritannien und Neuseeland auf einer Überwindung der Stagnation der
1980er Jahre fußte, wie sie sich für Deutschland nicht manifestierte.
Vor diesem Hintergrund sind sowohl die Ursachen dieser
Wirtschaftsentwicklung zu beleuchten, wie auch die ökonomischen und
gesellschaftlichen Folgen zu untersuchen sind. Lässt sich ein neuer
Akkumulationstyp bestimmen oder ist die Wirtschaftsentwicklung mit den
bekannten Wachstums- und Akkumulationstheorien zu erklären? Sind
fehlerhafte Institutionalisierungen oder unzureichende
Governance-Prozesse ursächlich für die Stagnation? Oder wird die
Stagnation ‚künstlich’ erzeugt, um partikularen Interessen durch einen
erzwungenen Institutionenwandel zu dienen? Wurden in der Stagnation
Weichen für einen institutionellen Wandel gestellt, die auch unter
veränderten Wachstumsbedingungen nur schwer rückgängig zu machen, also
weitgehend irreversible sind (Pfadabhängigkeiten?) Welche Konsequenzen
hatte die lang anhaltende wirtschaftliche Stagnation für
gesellschaftliche Diskurse über Gerechtigkeit, Umwelt, Staat und
theoretische Entwicklungen der Fachdisziplinen? Lassen sich aus den
Erfahrungen mit der Stagnation ökonomische Bedingungen für einen
nachhaltige(re)n Pfad ökonomischer Entwicklung und dessen
gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz ableiten? Können Stagnation und Wachstum
überhaupt als sinnvolle Entgegensetzungen sozio-ökonomischer
Entwicklungen angesehen werden?
Anträge zur Förderung eines entsprechenden Promotionsvorhabens können
bei verschiedenen Stiftungen gestellt werden und würden von mir
nachdrücklich unterstützt!
Informationen oder Projektskizze: Prof. Dr. Arne Heise (Tel. 040 42838
2209; Arne.Heise @ wiso.uni-hamburg.de)
didukung oleh masdhenk
beasiswa di jerman
Beasiswa dari King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


Beasiswa dari IIEF
IIEF Jakarta KAUST Discovery ScholarshipFakultas Teknik, MIPA Batas Waktu
5 Mei 2008
Fakultas Teknik, MIPA
1. Mahasiswa S1 tahun ketiga keatas jurusan teknik dan sains
2. Memilki prestasi akademik dan/atau pengalaman riset yang memuaskan
3. memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik : TOEFL Score Min 550 (TOEFL ITP atau PBT) atau IELTS 6.0
4. Pada bulan Agustus 2009 sudah bisa memulai pendidikan S2 di King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Apabila ada mahasiswa yang berminat dapat langsung mendaftarkan diri secara online pada www.kaust.edu.sa
Sincerely yours,
M Solihin Fikri
The Peace Scholarship Program 2008
University of Canberra
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beasiswa terbaru
Beasiswa di Australia 2008


Australia Indonesia Governance Research Partnership
News Update:
Applications for the 2008 Young Scholars Workshop close 31 May 2008. See details below.
What is the Young Scholars Workshop?
The Young Scholars Workshop is designed to encourage a new generation of prospective researchers from Indonesia and Australia (especially Honours and post-graduate students). Funding is available on a competitive basis to bring young scholars together with established researchers and to present summaries of their research.
The workshop will be held annually at the same time as the AIGRP Policy Research Forum. In 2008 the Young Scholars Workshop will be held in December in Jakarta. Participants in the Young Scholars Workshop will also have an opportunity to observe the Policy Research Forum.
Who can take part?
Honours and post-graduate students who are currently (or have recently completed) undertaking research with a focus on Indonesia.
Applicants do not have to be currently enrolled. Applicants do not have to be scholarship recipients or recent scholarship holders.
What are the benefits?
The Young Scholars Workshop is designed to give young researchers a taste of the profession, enabling them to showcase their research and develop their presentation skills. It is also a great opportunity to network with leaders in the field and to build a new network of peers.
Economy travel and accommodation for 3 nights will be available to the successful applicants.
Read more about the experiences of last years young scholars.
What should you research?
The Young Scholars Workshop seeks to bring together a rich and diverse group of aspiring young scholars. Research topics should be broadly related to Indonesian governance concerns for example politics, economy, law, society and the environment.
How can you apply?
To apply, simply fill in the application form below and attach:
* Summary of Research (see section 3 of the application form).
* Curriculum vitae (see section 4 of the application form).
The email your application to:
Kate Fuller
Young Scholars Coordinator
Applications close on the 31 MAY 2008.
pdf Download Application Form (pdf)
Download Application Form (word)
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beasiswa di Australia 2008
Beasiswa di Belgia


Starting from September 2008, the Institute of Statistics of the Université catholique
de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, is offering a series of full time teaching and
research assistant positions for preparing a PhD in statistics.
Description of the positions
Starting as of now, and until the application deadline (June 1, 2008), the Institute of
Statistics (IS) is filling 4 teaching assistant and 4 research assistant positions.
As a teaching assistant (up to 6 years’ contract with average monthly salary of about
2600 Euros including social security) the doctoral student, besides working on his/her
thesis, is teaching tutorials in a variety of service and master courses of the IS.
As a research assistant (up to 4 years’ tax-free monthly grant of about 1500 Euros) the
doctoral student’s main activity is working on his/her thesis, but he/she can be
involved on a small scale into some teaching activities of the IS. One of the research
assistant positions is on asymptotic theory for semiparametric statistics, one is on time
series econometrics, and two are on general topics in statistics.
Description of the working environment
The Institute of Statistics is a renowned research centre of high international
reputation which offers a very stimulating working environment. It is equipped with
modern computing facilities, a statistics library, a vivid visitors’ programme and
ample funding for scientific travel. At the IS there are about 15-20 doctoral students
working under the supervision of 10 professors, in a variety of fields of
methodological and applied statistics, including biostatistics and actuarial sciences.
They are integrated into the Graduate School in Statistics and Actuarial Sciences which
offers them an up-to-date training in their field via regular seminar series, short
courses and workshops, all in English and often given by international short and longterm
visitors. A high percentage of the PhD students graduate from the IS and succeed
in starting a promising career, be it in academia or industry.
The IS is part of a large international research network. It has numerous academic
contacts, including those to neighbouring fields (medicine, agronomy, social science,
economy, finance and engineering) as well as collaborations with industry. It is placed
in the heart of a modern, vivid and international university campus, in close proximity
of Brussels and its international airport, and in short travel distance to other European
Required qualifications
- Degree on the master level in statistics, mathematics or physics, bio-engineering,
commercial or civil engineering, quantitative economics, finance or actuarial
sciences. This diploma must be obtained with at least distinction or an
equivalent grade.
- The candidate must be younger than 30 years at the moment the position starts.
- Good active knowledge of French for a teaching assistant position (however,
French is not a requirement for a research grant position).
To apply, please send the following documents to the administrator of the IS,
Christine Denayer (christine.denayer@uclouvain.be) as of now and at the very
latest before June 1, 2008:
- a letter of motivation (which can - but does not have to - include a statement
of interest in one or several of the diverse fields of research at the IS)
- a curriculum vitae including a list of the relevant courses taken within a
qualifying progamme (including evaluation grades)
- copies of diploma
- two letters of reference to be sent by e-mail directly by the referees
Please understand that only duly completed applications can be taken into account.
Simultaneous applications (teaching and research position) are possible by
explicitly stating so in your letter of motivation.
For further information please contact Professor Ingrid Van Keilegom
(ingrid.vankeilegom@uclouvain.be) and/or Professor Rainer von Sachs
Further information on the Institute of Statistics can be obtained from
http://www.uclouvain.be/en-stat.html .
disampaikan oleh-----> pamotan
beasiswa di belgia
Beaiswa di Schlumberger 2008


Schlumberger Faculty for the Future
Women in science and technology Faculty for the Future is a strategic
partnership with the education sector in emerging economies to encourage
women in their pursuit of academic careers in science and technology.
Building on our worldwide network of university relationships, this program
provides funding for advanced graduate study. The long-term goal is to
support role models and improve gender balance at the faculty level so that
more young women are attracted into scientific disciplines.
Grant recipients in the Faculty for the Future program are expected to
return to their home countries to continue their academic careers.
Application process The 2007-2008 program is closed.
We received 180 applications this year—a new record—and are pleased to
announce the names of the successful candidates who join our 95-strong
community of Faculty for the Future fellows.
Names of new and renewed Faculty for the Future
available now.
The 2008-2009 program will open on September 1st.
Eligibility Women must meet the following criteria:
- are preparing for PhD or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences
and related technologies
- have a proven track record demonstrating commitment to teaching
- demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach to
encourage young women in to the sciences
- have a strong academic record, with teaching and research
Schlumberger Foundation Grants range from USD 25,000 to 50,000 per year and
may be renewed up to two times subject to performance, self-evaluation, and
recommendations from supervisors. The amount of the grant depends on the
costs of study and living in the chosen location
info lomba ada di------> kontesaja
beasiswa Schlumberger
Beasiswa Program Master di Inggris 2008


-----> info contest : HERE
Masters Studentships
History of Medicine
School of Historical Studies
The School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University is pleased to advertise between 2 and 4 Masters Studentship Awards for postgraduate study in Newcastle's Wellcome Trust recognised MA programme in the History of Medicine during the academic year 2008-9. The closing date for applications is 14 April 2008.
The stipends for these awards will be set as follows: EITHER c. £5,000 (including home/EU-fees) for full-time home/EU students; OR £10,000 (including international fees) for non-EU students of outstanding merit. Part time studentships will be awarded to meritorious applicants at c. half the above rate per annum. The studentships are funded by the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine and will be available as of September 2008. The Centre is a partnership between the Universities of Newcastle and Durham, and is supported by the Wellcome Trust. Successful applicants would join the postgraduate community based at the School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University. Postgraduate teaching and research supervision in the History of Medicine at Newcastle is delivered by scholars with established international reputations in the field.
The MA in the History of Medicine incorporates 3 compulsory formal research training components (30 credits), during which students develop research skills and methodologies; a compulsory core module ‘Introduction to the History of Medicine' (30 credits), and 2 special study options (60 credits); and culminates in the completion of an intensively researched 14,000 word dissertation (60 credits). Study consists mainly of seminars, tutorials and independent learning. The programme provides the necessary research training that will either link into further PhD and postgraduate academic study, or act as a stand alone MA. Candidates who have successfully completed the programme will be eligible to take part in the annual Wellcome Trust PhD studentship competition. The MA also provides the key skills and training for a wide range of careers both within and outside of Higher Education.
Eligibility: Applications for the studentship are invited from highly motivated
graduates from various backgrounds including the Humanities and Social Sciences (e.g. History, Classics, Philosophy, Literature, Religious Studies, Archaeology, Psychology, Sciences, Sociology etc.). Applicants require a good (or predicted) undergraduate degree result (1st or high 2:1) in such a subject. Candidates with a medical background are also encouraged to apply, and the studentship is open to current stage 4 Newcastle medical students who have opted to take the MA in the History of Medicine as an intercalated degree after stage 4 MBBS. Applications from overseas candidates with equivalent qualifications are also very welcome.
Application procedure: In order to be considered for this competition, applicants must first have secured a place in the programme by completing and submitting the University's online postgraduate application form for the MA in the History of Medicine and receiving written confirmation of acceptance to the programme. Once this is the case, applicants are asked to send: i) a CV; ii) a personal statement and letter of application outlining reasons for wanting to pursue postgraduate study in the history of medicine at Newcastle and highlighting specific research interests (max 300 words), and iii) references from two academic referees. Applications should be sent to the Postgraduate Secretary, Ms Sandra Fletcher, School of Historical Studies, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, to arrive no later than 14 April 2008.
Any applicant offered an MA place additionally has the option to apply or UK Research Council funding if eligible, and if applying before the relevant deadline (NB the deadline for applications to the AHRC via the School of Historical Studies is February 22nd 2008). However, if successful in both that competition and the NCHM competition applicants would not be able to hold both awards
For specific inquiries about the studentships and about the MA programme please contact:
Dr Jonathan Andrews
Degree Programme Director, MA in History of Medicine
School of Historical Studies & Northern Centre for the History of Medicine,
Newcastle University
Armstrong Building
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
tel: (direct) 0191 222 5756; (switchboard, Newcastle) 0191 222 6000 email:
For information about postgraduate study in the School of Historical Studies contact the School's Postgraduate Secretary, Mrs Sandra Fletcher, at , tel. (+)44.191.2227966.
General information regarding postgraduate study at Newcastle University
Beasiswa program master
Beasiswa Program Master Matematika Keuangan


Fisher Scholarships: MSc in Mathematical Finance
Department of Economics and School of Mathematics
The University of Birmingham's MSc in Mathematical Finance teaches technically trained graduates - including in Mathematics, Science and Engineering – to apply their quantitative skills to financial analysis. Successful completion of the MSc will qualify students to work in quantitative analysis in City of London
Recent advances in theoretical finance and computing power have moved quantitative analysis from the margins of the financial world to its core. Rigorous quantitative analysis is now involved in everything from the design and pricing of individual assets to the optimisation of whole portfolios. Birmingham’s MSc in Mathematical Finance gives highly motivated, high performing students an opportunity to work in this area. It is taught by two top ranked institutions - its School of Mathematics and its Department of Economics. Students take core courses in financial econometrics, mathematical finance and computational methods. Optional modules allow them to hone further their technical skills (e.g. further mathematical finance) or to broaden their economic understanding (e.g. macroeconomics).
The MSc accepts students on the basis of quality rather than quantity. In 2007-08, only one in six applicants were offered places. Thanks to a generous private gift from Andrew Fisher (Birmingham economics 1982; CEO Towry Law), six Fisher Scholarships covering full tuition fees are available. Applicants with first class degrees are automatically considered for Fisher Scholarships as well as internal scholarships offered by the Economics Department, covering from a quarter to full tuition fees. In both cases, scholarships are awarded to the most able applicants, regardless of nationality. Home, EU and overseas students all pay the same fees. This fee structure ensures that the most qualified applicants are accepted, regardless of nationality.
Prospective students are encouraged to apply online via the MSc's website. Those outside the OECD are encouraged to post any additional material that would help us evaluate their application, including results of standardised assessments such as the GRE and CVs. Non-native speakers of English must attain an IELTS score of 6.5, with no less than 6 in any band. financial institutions, such as banks and hedge funds, or for postgraduate research in mathematical finance.
More information on funding opportunities is provided by the Student Funding Office. The International Office maintains a list of scholarships to which international students may apply.
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis for study to begin in late September.
Learn more
Emma Steadman, Department of Economics
University of Birmingham, Edgbaston B15 2TT
Tel: 0121 414 6650 E-mail: e.p.steadman@bham.ac.uk
Beasiswa program master
Beasiswa PhD 2008


PhD scholarship available on "The Right to Health through litigation"
(law/economics/social sciences/medicine/ethics)
We invite applications to write a PhD as part of a multi-disciplinary
research project focusing on the role of litigation in the shaping of
health policies in low and middle-income countries. Health right
litigation has over the past two decades been on the increase in Latin
America, Asia and Africa. Do such litigation strategies hold a
potential for advancing the human right to health, or do they
reinforce inequalities by primarily benefitting the more resourceful?
The project investigates under what conditions litigants succeed with
health rights claims as well as the effects of such litigation: on
legal developments, on health policies and budgets, and on health
services on the ground (see project outline at
The research project is based at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) in
Bergen, and is undertaken in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine,
University of Bergen; Harvard Law School, USA; the Center for Applied
Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa; Ain o
Salish Kendra (ASK), Bangladesh, and individual researchers in a
number of countries.
The international research team is composed of researchers with a
background in political science; law; economics; anthropology;
medicine and ethics, and applications are invited from all of these
fields. Applicants should have an MA or equivalent university degree.
Academic or practical experience from relevant fields is an advantage
but not a condition.
English is the working language of the project. Candidate must have
sufficient command of the English language to participate in
discussions and write the PhD in English.
To enable synergies with the rest of the research group it is a
condition that the PhD candidate is located in Bergen during the grant
period (except during field work, courses, exchanges etc). The grant
period is 4 years, including one year of work for the CMI as the host
institution. It is a condition that the candidate applies and is
admitted to a relevant doctoral programme within the first six months
of the project period. The salary level for PhD candidates is Ltr.
43-48 (NOK 325 600 - 355 000).
Application requirements
The application should state your motivation for applying for a PhD
within this project and describe aspects of your background and
experience that would be of value for the project, and should include:
• A short (1-3 pages) project proposal describing what you would like
to focus on for the PhD and how you see this within the framework the
broader project.
• A Curriculum Vitae.
• A sample of your writing (optional). This may be English, Norwegian
or Spanish, but if written material is not submitted in English,
language skills must be documented.
• Two referees that can be contacted (with contact details).
Deadline for applications is 15 May 2008.
Applications should preferably be sent electronically to Merete.leby@cmi.no.
Alternatively to postal address: CMI, P.O.Box 6033, N-5892 Bergen,
Norway, Attn. Merete Leby.
For applications by postal mail, notification should be given by
e-mail or fax (+47 55574166).
For additional information contact Siri Gloppen (project leader)
siri.gloppen@cmi.no /+47 55574000/ +47 91820532
beasiswa PhD 2008
Beasiswa MM dari Prasetiya Mulya Business School


Prasetiya Mulya Business School awards up to four scholarships for
full-time Magister Manajemen (MM) students each year.
Subject Areas and Type of Scholars:
Open to highly talented and qualified potential leaders from
financially disadvantaged family. Preference is given to any students
who possess the necessary aptitude, personal qualities and interest in
Details of the Award:
Four scholarships are available each year paying tuition fee, books
and living allowance within the maximum tenure of 20 months.
Program Admission:
Application for the scholarship will be open each year. The full-time
MM Prasetiya Mulya program runs two intakes each year. The admission
process begins three to four months before the program intake. The
matriculation program starts in early March or July. Applicants must
complete both MM Prasetiya Mulya Application Form and Prasetiya Mulya
Future Leaders Scholarship Application Form.
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Indonesian citizen who can demonstrate leadership potential
and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Hold a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from any legally
accredited Indonesian or overseas institution. For overseas graduates,
valid proof of full scholarship is required. A minimum Grade Point
Average (GPA) of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale) is required.
3. Applicant must be under 30 years of age when lodging the
4. Preferably having a minimum of two-year full time
professional work experience after the completion of their
undergraduate degree when lodging the application.
5. Pass Prasetiya Mulya screening process.
6. Preferably having: International or Institutional TOEFL with
a minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based).
7. Not currently enrolled in graduate or post-graduate program
or school, or has already obtained a Master's degree or equivalent.
8. Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship
offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate they are from financially disadvantaged family
and that without the scholarship s/he will not be able to study for
our graduate (MM) program.
Enquiries and Contact Information:
Marketing & Admission Prasetiya Mulya Business School
Jl. R.A. Kartini, (Tol TB Simatupang) Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Phone: (021) 751-1126 ext.1005 (Rini), 1119 (Lina)
Fax: (021) 750-0462
Email: futureleaders@pmbs.ac.id
Website: www.pmbs.ac.id
Prasetiya Mulya Business School is a member of The Association to
Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International and The
Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS).
-----> kunjungi masdhenk.com untuk info lowongan terbaru
beasiswa Prasetiya Mulya 2008
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship - 2009


blog yang layak anda kunjungi : pamotan.blogspot.com
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship - 2009 Intake
Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 10 AM – 12 PM
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower (ex. Tower A), 25th Floor, Room 01
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
(For more information: utami.permatasari@sampoernafoundation.org or ella.cecilia@sampoernafoundation.org or 021 577 2340)
Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship
The Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarship is a means to groom Indonesia’s future business leaders. Sampoerna Foundation provides the qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration degree at leading business schools overseas. Upon completing the program, scholars are expected to return to Indonesia and endeavor to transfer their knowledge to their fellow citizens.
Application deadline is May 30, 2008. Applications should be submitted as early as possible.
Name of Scholarship
Maximum number of scholarships for 2009 Intake
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in UK
Basic Requirements
Indonesian citizen under 35 years of age when lodging the application
Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
Have a valid proof of GMAT and TOEFL as required by each Program (GMAT and TOEFL score can be submitted when applicants pass Sampoerna Foundation selection)
Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent
Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship
Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award
Demonstrate that without the scholarship, they are not able to afford an Overseas MBA Program
What is covered?
This scholarship is worth approximately USD 70,000 – to USD 150,000 per student, depending on the country and university, for the duration of study and it covers:
· GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
· University application fee, for up to 2 (two) universities;
· Student visa application fee;
· Return airfares from Jakarta to the place of study;
· Tuition fees;
· Living allowance;
· Literature allowance.
List of universities
Sampoerna Foundation recommends the 2009 scholarship applicants to apply for admission to any of the following universities:
Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA Scholarship
1. Harvard University (MA)
2. Stanford University (CA)
3. University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan)
5. Northwestern University (Kellogg) (IL)
5. University of Chicago
7. Dartmouth College (Tuck) (NH)
8. University of California–Berkeley (Haas)
9. Columbia University (NY)
10. New York University (Stern)
11. University of Michigan–Ann Arbor (Ross)
12. Duke University (Fuqua) (NC)
12. University of Virginia (Darden)
14. Cornell University (Johnson) (NY)
14. Yale University (CT)
16. University of California–Los Angeles (Anderson)
17. Carnegie Mellon University (Tepper) (PA)
18. University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
18. University of Texas–Austin (McCombs)
20. Emory University (Goizueta) (GA)
* Reference: USNews: America’s Best Graduate Schools 2008 (www.usnews.com)
Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia Scholarship
Australian Graduate School of Management
Macquarie Graduate School of Management
Melbourne Business School
Monash University Graduate School of Business
Curtin University of Technology Business School
* Reference: Australian Financial Review Boss - MBA Rankings in 2007
Ambassade de France en Indonésie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France Scholarship
HEC Paris
ESCP – EAP European School of Management
Essec Business School
*Reference: Financial Times European Business Schools 2007
Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore Scholarship
1. National University of Singapore
2. Nanyang Technological University
* Reference: Asia’s Best MBA Schools 2000 (www.asiaweek.com)
British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK Scholarship
London Business School*
University of Cambridge: Judge*
University of Oxford: Said*
Manchester Business School*
Lancaster University Management School*
London School of Economics and Political Science**
* Reference: Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2007
** The Scholarship is only applicable for Management and Business Related Program
Prospective applicants should directly contact the universities to find out about the admission process and requirements for enrolment. Applicants’ inquiries about the scholarship (requirements, conditions, coverage, etc.) should be directed to Sampoerna Foundation.
How to Apply?
Download the application package (application, reference and health information forms) at www.sampoernafoundation.org , or obtained it from:
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th – 27th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45
Jakarta 12930
When submitting the application package, please write the name of the program at the top right hand corner of the envelope. Sampoerna Foundation will only consider the completed applications and will notify the short-listed applicants to attend the continuing stages of the selection process.
Further Information
Before applying, the applicants must read and understand the terms and conditions of the scholarship, including our policy about Alumni Contribution Scheme. For further explanation, please visit our website at www.sampoernafoundation.org or call us at 021 577 2340
Inti Utami Permata Sari
Program Department
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
North Tower, 26th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav.45, Jakarta 12930. Indonesia
Phone : 62 21 577 2340/ Fax : 62 21 577 2341
E-mail : utami.permatasari@sampoernafoundation.org
Website : www.sampoernafoundation.org
Beasiswa ke Inggris (University of Westminster) 2008


blog yang layak anda kunjungi : pamotan.blogspot.com
Research Scholarships in Media and Communication, Arts and Cultural
Criticism University of Westminster
£12,000 p.a. tax-free stipend (plus tuition fee waiver)
Fixed-term (renewable for 3 years subject to satisfactory progress)
The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) based in the School
of Media,Arts and Design at the University of Westminster is one of the
UK's leading research centres (RAE 5, 1992, 1996, 2001) and has an
international reputation in media policy and economics, media history and
media audiences. The Institute hosts the University's China Media Centre
and Arab Media Centre. It is developing work in media audiences and
identities and Indian and African media. We currently have an opportunity
for two students to undertake an MPhil/PhD in media and communication.
The Centre for Research and Education in Arts and Media (CREAM) is a
leading centre for research across the disciplines of ceramics and visual
arts, photography, film and digital media. Its researchers and
practitioners are internationally recognised for their work in ceramic
history and installation, art criticism, sculptural and architectural
installation, photographic history, theory and practice, documentary and
experimental film and new media arts. The CREAM doctoral programme is at
the cutting edge of theory and practice based research and is a major
centre for PhD by practice in the still and moving image area. We
currently have an opportunity for two students to undertake an MPhil/PhD
in arts, media and cultural criticism (written or practice based).
In recognition of the scholarship you will also be required to undertake
teaching or research assistant duties not exceeding 6 hours per week. To
be eligible to apply you will need to hold an Upper Second Class Honours
first degree in a relevant subject and a Master's degree, or equivalent
postgraduate standing.
Prospective students wishing to discuss an application informally may
contact Dr Roza Tsagarousianou for the CAMRI Scholarships
(tsagarr@wmin.ac.uk) or Dr Joram ten
Brink (tenbrij@wmin.ac.uk) for the CREAM Scholarships.
To receive a University application pack and further details of the
scholarships,please contact Erica Spindler (e.spindler@wmin.ac.uk).
You should specify that you wish to apply for the CAMRI or CREAM
Closing date for receipt of applications: 1 May 2008.
Interviews will to be held in May and the successful candidates will be
required to attend enrolment/induction in September 2008.
The scholarships will commence in October 2008.
beasiswa ke inggris 2008
Lomba pengajuan Proposal Inovasi ke United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP)


info ini juga disampikan oleh : kontesaja.blogspot.com
Aretha Aprilia
APFED Showcase Facility Secretariat
United Nations Environment Programme
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP/ROAP)
e-mail: unep-apfed@un.org
fax: +66 22 80 38 29
Send your innovative environmental project proposals!
APFED Showcase Programme 2008
Asia Pacific Forum for Environment and Development (APFED)
is a regional group of eminent experts that aims to address critical
issues facing Asia and the Pacific region and to propose new models
for sustainable development. To promote sustainable development in
the region, APFED launched the APFED Showcase Programme as one of
the main activities.
The APFED Showcase Programme, grants up to US$ 30,000 to Asia
Pacific projects that demonstrate innovative approaches. This year
we are pleased to announce another round of proposals selection to
be endorsed by the Programme.
Further information such as eligibility, how to apply, and
proposal format can be obtained from the following websites:
The completed proposals should be e-mailed to:
Deadline: 31 May 2008
Lomba dari PBB
Info Beasiswa ke Jerman ( Beasiswa PhD)


The International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC) at
Justus Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, invites international
applications for Ph.D. and postdoc fellowships.
Due to generous support from the German Research Foundation (DFG), the
GCSC can offer in 2008 up to
10 Ph.D. fellowships and
2 postdoctoral fellowships.
Ph.D. candidates seeking an excellent research environment will find ideal
conditions and maximum support at the GCSC, which was awarded the status
of a ‘DFG - Graduate School of Germany's Excellence Initiative’ in 2006.
The Ph.D. fellowships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1.000
and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each
of a year. The postdoctoral fellowship, with a monthly stipend of about
€1.500, is limited to two years. All fellowships start on October 1st,
Acceptance of a fellowship requires participation in the study programme
and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active
involvement in the relevant GCSC graduate research group. Ph.D. fellowship
holders must be registered as Ph.D. students at Justus Liebig University,
and all fellowship holders are expected to take up residence in or near
Giessen. Ph.D. supervisors from among the GCSC faculty may be chosen by
the applicants before or after their admission. There are no tuition fees
for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately
€200 per semester.
The GCSC encourages applicants who have graduated with excellent marks
from their home universities in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects or in
the arts/humanities, cultural studies or social sciences. Candidates for
the post-doctoral fellowship should have an excellent PhD in one of the
GCSC’s academic subjects or in arts/humanities, cultural studies or social
sciences. The proposed research project should fit into one of the GCSC’s
research areas. Candidates must have fluency in either English or German.
To apply, please complete and submit our application form (online for PhD
applicants, via email for post doctoral candidates) and send the following
materials by post to the address indicated below:
a short CV
copies of all degree certificates
a research proposal of no more than 10 pages for PhD applicants, no more
than 20 pages for post-doctoral candidates. All proposals should include a
brief abstract summing up your aims and methods, sketch the guiding
questions of your project while embedding them in the current academic
debate, and show that the dissertation will make an original and important
contribution to the field. The proposal should also clearly indicate how
the project connects with the GCSC research profile and outline the source
materials that will be used
a realistic time-plan for the completion of your project
two references from university teachers
a copy of the degree/master’s thesis (Ph.D. candidates) or the Ph.D.
thesis and further publications (Postdoc)
two additional copies of the entire application (with exception of the
degree thesis or Ph.D. thesis)
Applications must be received by May 2nd, 2008, and should be sent
directly to:
Director of Graduate Studies Prof. Dr. Ansgar Nünning
International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Alter Steinbacher Weg 38,
D- 35394 Giessen
The selection of candidates will be determined by the academic
qualification of the candidates as well as by the quality of the research
proposal and suitability of the project to the GCSC research programme.
Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview,
telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.
For further information, please visit our website or contact us at
gcsc@uni-giessen.de. On April 7th, the GCSC will host an information day
at which potential applicants will be given the opportunity to meet staff
and students involved in the programme and to learn more about the
academic vision and aims of the Centre, the wide range of
interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, conferences, and research support on
offer, as well as the international networks and publishing opportunities
available to our members.
The links on the left hand side provide more information concerning your
application. Here you find an overview of the GCSC's aims and objecitves,
information on the centre's research profile and a list of its academic
subjects. If you have questions concerning your application, please check
the FAQ. For any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
kunjungi kami : ----->kontesaja.blogspot.com-----> info lomba terbaru
beasiswa ke Jerman 2008
Beasiswa Fullbright 2008


Dear All,Kesempatan
Belajar di Amerika Serikat dengan beasiswa dari Fulbright …Dan berbagai macam program beasiswa lainnya…
AMINEF mengundang
Anda sekalian untuk menghadiri Information Session yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Senin/ 07 April 2008
Waktu : 13:00 – 15:00
Tempat : Seminar Room, International Village 2nd Fl.
Universitas Surabaya, Jl. Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya.
Telp. 031-2981320, 031-8471809, 081-7395538
Ratna I. Widjaja
Village 2nd Floor, Universitas Surabaya
Jl. Raya Kalirungkut,
Ph. 62.31.8471809, Fax. 62.31.2981321
Beasiswa Fulbright 2008
Beasiswa untuk bidang Biology


PhD student in Hydrology with specialization in global water-balance mode
Work description: The PhD student will work in the project "Modelling
Climate Effects on Global-Scale Water Balance" funded by FORMAS (The
Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and
Spatial Planning). In the project, where Uppsala, Göteborg, and Oslo
Universities cooperate, we work with development of the global
water-balance model WASMOD-M. A key question is the estimation of
parameter values in a globally consistent manner from available
land-surface data. This will be investigated through regional studies
in, e.g., parts of China and the Baltic-Sea basin. Another question
deals with downscaling of climate variables.
The application must include CV, copies of exams and list of courses
including the grades obtained, a copy of the undergraduate thesis (or
a draft thereof), as well as names of two reference persons.
For further information about the position, please contact Professor
Sven Halldin, tel. +46-18 471 2262 or+46 70 425 08 11), e-mail
sven.halldin@hyd.uu.se. Union representatives are Anders Grundström,
SACO-rådet, tel. +46-18 471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, tel. +46-18
471 1996 and Stefan Djurström, SEKO,
tel. +46-18 471 3315.
Welcome with your application no later than April 14, 2008 at:
Registrator, UFV-PA 2008/647, Uppsala universitet, Box 256, 751 05
Uppsala, Sweden; fax
+46-18 471 2000 or e-mail: registrator@uu.se. A fax or e-mail should
be followed by a signed application sent within a week of the deadline.
Beasiswa 2008 biology


Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas institusi perencanaan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota melalui peningkatan potensi SDM di dalamnya serta sejalan dengan fungsi Bappenas sebagai Instansi Pembina Jabatan Fungsional Perencana, maka Bappenas pada Anggaran Tahun Dinas 2009 Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana (Pusbindiklatren) Bappenas kembali memberikan kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi staf perencana yang bekerja di Bappenas, Unit Perencanaan di Departemen/LPND, Bappeda atau nama lain, dan unit perencanaan di Dinas Teknis pada Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota untuk memperoleh Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2008 untuk program : (a) S2 Dalam Negeri 13 Bulan; (b) S2 Double Degree, (c) S2 Luar Negeri, S3 Dalam Negeri dan (d) S3 Linkage. Untuk seleksi beasiswa tahun 2009 dan seterusnya, Pusbindiklatren Bappenas membuka kesempatan menyampaikan usulan calon peserta melalui pendaftaran sepanjang tahun. Dengan demikian, dimulai dengan seleksi yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2008 ini, selanjutnya Pusbindiklatren Bappenas akan memiliki jadwal tetap, yaitu untuk pelaksanaan TPA setiap bulan Agustus dan pelaksanaan TOEFL setiap bulan September.
Untuk Selengkapnya silahkan download dibawah ini.
Beasiswa Pusbindiklatren 2008
( Beasiswa Spanyol 2008) Open MSc/PhD positions at UPF, Barcelona, Spain


Call for MSc / PhD students
in the area of wireless communications and multimedia signalling
NeTS Research Group (http://nets.upf.edu)
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
NeTS is looking for students coming from renowned universities from
around the world, with a very good grade record, who have a very high
interest in wireless communications, specially those based on the IEEE
802.11 principles, including sensor, adhoc, infrastructure WLANs and
mesh networks. We are also looking for students passionate about
multimedia communications in the Internet, and the protocols associated
to it. We seek students with a strong background on communications
networks, coming from electrical engineering, computer science or
related fields. Paramount is a desire to learn and push the limits of
current technology, as well as providing new insight into today's and
tomorrow's networks and services.
The accepted candidates will participate in several projects in tight
cooperation with other researchers from our group.
Positions available are:
1 PhD / MSc position in "Reconfigurable, adaptive and selforganized
sensor networks". Sensor networks are formed by small, inexpensive and
resource limited devices that can interact with the environment (sensing
or actuating) and communicate wirelessly with other devices. The work
will consist in the design and implementation of a complete new protocol
stack based on collaborative and crosslayer techniques, including power
control routing algorithms, reconfigurable PHY/MAC protocols and
adaptive self organized multihop clustering algorithms.
1 PhD / MSc position in "Modeling adaptive traffic flows over capacity
varying wireless mesh networks". Current WLANs suffer from various
impairments which reduce their ability to carry multimedia flows
satisfactorily. One of them is the intrinsic variable capacity due to
the multiple transmission rates used and caused by the distributed
random access to the channel. The proposed thesis will consider the
definition of a mathematical framework to analyze multichannel wireless
mesh networks, based on the IEEE 802.11s/n prestandard, in order to
optimize the QoS and signalling mechanisms (e.g. based on P2P paradigms)
to adapt properly the multimedia traffic sources (such as VoIP, video
1 PhD / MSc position in "Next Generation Multimedia Signalling for the
multiservice Internet". The Internet is undergoing a dramatic evolution
through new architectural paradigms, like the NGNs, P2Pbased signalling
and applications, mobile and wireless access networks and the like.
There is a necessity to design a new set of integrated signalling
protocols, which permit to control the transmission of multimedia
traffic over such heterogeneous networks. IMS is the current best
practice in that area, but its many shortcomings and high complexity
suggest to explore new approaches that go beyond IMS, like P2PSIP based
systems. The goal of this PhD, thus, is to design, evaluate and
standardize new signalling protocols for the Internet of the future.
We offer a three year grant to PhD students with a MSc already finished.
Moreover, for students without a MsC a four year grant is also possible
with the requirement to follow our master program during the first year.
How to apply (Deadline: 1 May 2008)
Please send your full CV, together with your student record (as
appropriate) and a cover letter stating your interests and goals to:
Dr. Miquel Oliver: miquel.oliver@upf.edu
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Edifici Estació França, Passeig de la
Circumval∙lació, 8. Postal code: 08003 Barcelona (Spain). Tel: 93 542
24 51 Fax: 93 542 25 17
beasiswa Spanyol 2008
Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (Update!!)


Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (Update!!)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (Update!!)
Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (diperpanjang hingga 7 April 2008)
Magister Teknologi Informasi UGM bekerjasama dengan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia menawarkan bantuan finansial melalui program beasiswa bagi para calon mahasiswa terpilih yang memiliki outstanding knowledge dan/atau skill dan bermotivasi besar untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan e-Government di Indonesia.
Program CIO (Chief Information Officer) ditujukan untuk eksekutif/pengambil kebijakan yang bertanggungjawab mempromosikan TI sebagai sarana peningkatan kualitas birokrasi pemerintahan, baik pada level strategis maupun operasional. Program CIO MTI UGM dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan SDM dalam rangka pengembangan e-Government di lembaga pemerintah tingkat pusat maupun daerah.
Lebih detil baca/download leaflet berikut (klik pada gambar) Update !!! :
Tujuan pemberian beasiswa adalah mencetak SDM unggul untuk mendukung penerapan e-Government. Program beasiswa ini diharapkan dapat menjadi katalisator dan akselerator dalam peningkatan kualitas SDM TI, khususnya di lingkup pemerintahan dan pengembangan TI di Indonesia pada umumnya.
Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk pembebasan penuh (full waiver) terhadap biaya pendidikan di Program CIO MTI UGM, senilai biaya SPP yang berlaku saat ini.
Beasiswa hanya mencakup biaya program selama 16 bulan, tidak mencakup biaya hidup (living cost), biaya transportasi dari/ke lokasi asal peserta, biaya pendaftaran, dan biaya wisuda. Jika peserta tidak dapat menyelesaikan studi dalam waktu 16 bulan, biaya tambahan masa studi harus ditanggung peserta (tidak dicakup dalam beasiswa).
Calon penerima beasiswa diharapkan memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:
* Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang ditempatkan di lembaga-lembaga departemen, non departemen, baik di lingkungan pemerintahan pusat maupun daerah.
* Memiliki masa kerja sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun terhitung mulai tanggal diangkat menjadi PNS dalam gelar S1 pada instansi yang bersangkutan.
* Memiliki IPK S1 minimum 3,0 (dari skala 4,0).
* Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada saat mendaftar
* Bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan e-Government di lingkungan asalnya.
* Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat berwenang (minimum pimpinan instansi setingkat Eselon II).
* Belum memiliki gelar S2 dan tidak sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 di tempat lain.
* Tidak menerima dan/atau sedang menerima beasiswa dari lembaga lain.
* Memiliki outstanding knowledge dan/atau skill.
Prosedur Aplikasi
1. Calon peserta harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran (Form aplikasi bisa diperoleh di Kantor Program MTI atau di-download di sini )Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi dan seluruh dokumen yang dipersyaratkan harus dikirim via pos atau diantar langsung dan diterima Panitia Seleksi dengan alamat tersebut di bawah ini paling lambat 18 Februari 2008 (Gelombang I) dan tanggal 7 April 2008 (Gelombang II).
2. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat administrasi (shortlisted) akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes seleksi dan wawancara di kantor MTI UGM.
3. Wawancara akan mengidentifikasi hal-hal sebagai berikut:
* Potensi keberhasilan studi
* Penguasaan knowledge dan/atau skill dalam bidang TI
* Motivasi dan attitude
Syarat-syarat yang harus dikirimkan
1. Formulir permohonan beasiswa
2. Salinan Ijazah dan Transkrip Akademik S1 yang dilegalisir
3. Surat rekomendasi dari pejabat berwenang (minimum pimpinan instansi setingkat Eselon II).
4. Surat keterangan yang menerangkan bahwa bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan e-Government di lingkungan asalnya.
5. Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan PNS dalam gelar S1 pada instansi yang bersangkutan.
Download Formulir Pendaftaran
Alamat Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :
Magister Teknologi Informasi
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Gedung Teknik Elektro lt. 2
Fakultas Teknik
Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta
Perkuliahan dimulai 2 Juni 2008
blog ini merekomendasikan masdhenk.com untuk lowongan lowongan terkini dan info2 terkini
Beasiswa ke ITALIA untuk S1


(blog ini direkomendasikan oleh masdhenk.com)
The Government of Italy offers scholarships to Indonesian citizens
wishing to pursue their studies in Italy. The selection is held
annually by a Selection Committee consisting of competent authorities
and expert representing both Italy and Indonesia. This Scholarship
grants are distributed for students, professionals, teachers, and
artists who meet the necessary requirements for enrollment in any
Italian post-secondary institutions (universities, academies,
conservatories, art restoration institutes, National School of
Cinematography, research centers or laboratories, libraries, archives,
museums and other national or nationally-recognized institutions), and
who would like to attend specialization courses or to conduct research
in specific fields. For Italian language study, the scholarships are
awarded for specific programs which are held at the Universities for
Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Roma Tre or at the other recognized
institutions (which are authorized to issue certification of Italian
as a second language).
The short-term scholarships are distributed in the range period
between one to nine months and are reserved primarily for courses in
Italian language and culture. Applicants must possess a high school
diploma at the time they apply and must be 35 years of age or younger
(minimum maturity age is 18 years old for Indonesian citizen).
Italian language and culture courses of a one-month period are
reserved for Italian language teachers to whom no age limit applies,
and for 3rd year University students in the Italian Studies Department.
The long-term scholarships consist of a nine – to twelve-month period,
(depending on the length of the course) beginning in autumn. They are
awarded for specific research or specialized courses at public
post-secondary institutions in any area of study, except for medical
studies. All courses of study must be undertaken at the Government
approved educational institutions. Applicants for the long-term
scholarships interested in undergraduate research or study must
possess a high school diploma entitling the applicant to enroll in
university; for those wishing to study or conduct research at the
post-graduate level, the minimum requirement is a Master's degree.
Applicants must be 35 years of age or younger (minimum maturity age in
Indonesia is 18 years old).
Elements taken into consideration by the Selection Committee are:
- The applicant's curriculum studiorum and vitae.
- The applicant's proposed program of study (for post-graduate, master
courses and doctorate studies).
- The Reference letters from Indonesian or Italian academics (for
post-graduate, master courses and doctorate studies).
- The existence of direct contacts between the candidate and Italian
academics and/or institutes of higher learning in the candidate's
field of study (applies particularly to applicants for long-term
- Knowledge of Italian is mandatory; unless the applicant is applying
for Italian language courses or applying for an independent study (in
this case the candidate must have a letter from a professor declaring
willing to follow the student in another language).
Scholarships offered by the Italian Government cover standard living
expenses such as boards and lodging expenses, Insurance( valid only in
Italian Territory ) , and do not include air fares (return)
Please note that scholarship recipients must make their own travel and
lodging arrangements.
Any partial or total exemption from university fees for scholarship
recipients is the decision of the individual university/ institution;
no exemptions are granted by private institutions.
Changes in the place of study or the starting date will not be
permitted once the scholarship has been awarded. Applicants must
therefore indicate the name of their chosen institution and the dates
of the chosen existing course/s clearly and exactly on their
application forms.
Please read carefully; incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- three copies of the application form (in MS Word Format n. 1), each
with original signature and each accompanied by a signed passport-size
When you win the scholarship, you are subsequently required to submit
the following documents as soon as possible:
- at least two original letters of reference from professors, teachers
and/or professional superiors (for post-graduate, master courses and
doctorate studies)
- Original (for authentication) and certified copies of the
applicant's high school diploma and/or university degree(s).
- Original and certified copy of High school transcript;
- Original and certified copy of University transcript, if applicable;
- Original (for authentication) proof of Indonesian citizenship:
copies of one of the following: passport, citizenship certificate or
birth certificate;
Certified copies will not be returned and original documents will be
returned upon completion the process of authentication and
authorization by the Italian Institute of Culture and the Embassy of
Applications postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted.
For more information click here:
Beasiswa ke ITALIA
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- beasiswa di swedia (1)
- beasiswa di UCL (1)
- beasiswa dikti 2012 (1)
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- beasiswa doktoral (4)
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- beasiswa ericsson (1)
- Beasiswa Finland (1)
- Beasiswa FORD Foundation (1)
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- beasiswa ke Jerman 2008 (1)
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- beasiswa korea 2012 (1)
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- beasiswa luar negeri 2009 (1)
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- beasiswa master itb (1)
- Beasiswa Master of Engineering di MIST Abu Dhabi dan KSU-KSA (1)
- Beasiswa Menag 2010 (1)
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- beasiswa NESO (1)
- Beasiswa Nestle 2010 (1)
- beasiswa new zealand (4)
- beasiswa Norwegia (2)
- beasiswa Paramadina Fellowship 2008 (1)
- Beasiswa Pelatihan Internasional Manajemen Rumah Sakit (InWEnt) (1)
- Beasiswa Pemda Jambi (1)
- beasiswa pemerintah jepang (1)
- Beasiswa Pemerintah Prancis (1)
- Beasiswa Pemprov Kaltim (1)
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- beasiswa perancis (1)
- beasiswa pertukaran guru (1)
- beasiswa pertukaran pelajar (3)
- beasiswa petronas (2)
- beasiswa Phd (5)
- beasiswa PhD 2008 (2)
- beasiswa Phd 2010 (4)
- beasiswa pilot (1)
- beasiswa PLN (1)
- beasiswa post doctoral (1)
- beasiswa post graduate (1)
- beasiswa postdoktoral (1)
- beasiswa PPSDMS (1)
- beasiswa Prasetiya Mulya 2008 (1)
- Beasiswa program master (2)
- Beasiswa Program S2 Chief Information Officer (CIO) Tahun Akademik 2012/2013 untuk PNS CPNS (1)
- beasiswa PU (1)
- Beasiswa Pusbindiklatren 2008 (1)
- Beasiswa Rio Tinto (1)
- beasiswa riset (1)
- beasiswa rusia (1)
- beasiswa S1 (36)
- beasiswa s1 2012 (1)
- Beasiswa S1 Pendidikan Sampoerna School of Education 2010 (1)
- beasiswa s1 usaid (1)
- Beasiswa S2 (71)
- beasiswa s2 2012 (8)
- beasiswa s2 bangkok (1)
- Beasiswa S2 bidang Kehutanan (2)
- beasiswa s2 dalam negeri (1)
- Beasiswa S2 dan Beasiswa S3 dari Pemerintah Turki (1)
- beasiswa s2 di belanda (1)
- Beasiswa S2 di Estonia 2012 (1)
- beasiswa s2 di korea (1)
- Beasiswa S2 in Public Policy (1)
- beasiswa s2 inggris (1)
- beasiswa s2 perancis (3)
- Beasiswa S2 Teknik Elektro dan S3 Teknik Elektro Informatika ITB (1)
- Beasiswa S2/S3 Luar Negeri (LN) Tahun 2010 (1)
- beasiswa s3 (46)
- beasiswa s3 2011 (1)
- beasiswa s3 2012 (2)
- Beasiswa S3 bidang Management di Denmark (1)
- Beasiswa S3 bidang Material Science di Eropa (1)
- beasiswa S3 bidang Soil Science di North Carolina State University (1)
- Beasiswa S3 di Amerika (1)
- beasiswa sampoerna (1)
- beasiswa sampoerna 2009 (1)
- beasiswa sampoerna academy (1)
- beasiswa sampoerna foundation (7)
- beasiswa sampoerna foundation 2009 (1)
- beasiswa sampoerna foundation 2010 (1)
- beasiswa Schlumberger (2)
- beasiswa SEARCA (1)
- beasiswa sime darby 2011 (1)
- Beasiswa Singapura (2)
- beasiswa skripsi (1)
- beasiswa SMA (3)
- beasiswa smp (1)
- beasiswa smu (1)
- beasiswa SMU beasiswa SMK (1)
- beasiswa Spanyol 2008 (1)
- beasiswa Stan (1)
- Beasiswa swedia (1)
- beasiswa tanoto 2012 2013 (1)
- beasiswa terbaru (6)
- beasiswa thesis (1)
- beasiswa UGM (1)
- beasiswa UI (2)
- beasiswa UI untuk Seribu anak bangsa (2)
- beasiswa undergraduate (1)
- beasiswa UNESCO (1)
- beasiswa unggulan 2012 (1)
- beasiswa unggulan s2 (1)
- Beasiswa Universitas Cambridge (1)
- beasiswa untuk anak ekonomi (1)
- beasiswa untuk guru 2008 (1)
- Beasiswa untuk Lulusan SLTA / SMA ke Jepang (1)
- beasiswa untuk SMA (5)
- beasiswa untuk SMU (3)
- beasiswa USAID (1)
- beasiswa World Bank (1)
- beassiswa s1 (1)
- beastudi etos 2012 (1)
- Belgium (1)
- besiswa bank dunia (1)
- bhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifeasiswa S1 (1)
- call for papers (1)
- CG Foundation – ASEAN Foundation Scholarship for Bachelor and Master (1)
- chevening scholarship (1)
- China – AUN Scholarship 2010 (1)
- china scholarship (1)
- Chinese Government Scholarship (1)
- Chinese Government Scholarship 2009 (2)
- City Overseas student awards (1)
- Climate Scholarships in Denmark (1)
- CNU (1)
- D3 dan S1 (1)
- Daejeon University (1)
- deadline 20 Juni 2010 (1)
- Department of Economics NUS National University of Singapore (1)
- Doctoral Scholarship (2)
- Education UK eNews - LSE Special Edition (1)
- Erasmus Mundus - AFEPA Schlolarships (1)
- Erasmus Mundus - IMRD Scholarships (1)
- ericsson scholarship (1)
- EU-funded scholarships available for regional Asia nationals (1)
- Fellowship (2)
- fellowship 2010 (1)
- fellowship 2011 (2)
- fellowship ancora foundation (1)
- Fellowship from Harvard University (1)
- Fellowship program (5)
- fellowships (1)
- fellowships information (3)
- French Government Scholarships (BGF) (1)
- Fujitsu Scholarship (1)
- Fujitsu Scholarship study at Hawaii (1)
- fully funded) in Information Retrieval at TU Delft (1)
- Ghent University (1)
- Global Undergraduate Exchange program (1)
- Government of India Scholarships (1)
- graduate fellowships in Atmospheric sciences at Florida International University (USA) (1)
- Gwangju Center (1)
- Health Psychologist REsearch Associate at UCL (1)
- HESS (1)
- hong kong scholarship (1)
- how to make motivation letter (1)
- IMF Scholarship Program for Asia (JISPA) (1)
- Indonesia's Young Leaders Programme Summer School Scholarships (1)
- info beasiswa 2012 (3)
- Info Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa master di KOREA (1)
- Info Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa Master di Politecnico di Torino (1)
- Info Beasiswa 2012 : Info Beasiswa di University of Birmingham - School of Metallurgy and Materials (1)
- Info Beasiswa 2012 : Master Scholarships in Education and Teacher Training (1)
- Info Beasiswa 2012 di University of Sheffield (1)
- info beasiswa 2014 japan (1)
- info beasiswa 2014 new zealand (1)
- info beasiswa 2014 turki (1)
- info beasiswa ASEAN 2008 (2)
- info beasiswa dalam negeri (1)
- Info Beasiswa inggris (1)
- Info Beasiswa Jepang (3)
- info beasiswa ke Inggris (1)
- info beasiswa ke jepang (1)
- Info beasiswa ke Jerman (1)
- info beasiswa magister (2)
- info beasiswa master (1)
- info Beasiswa Msc (1)
- info beasiswa s1 (5)
- info beasiswa s2 (2)
- info beasiswa s2 belanda (1)
- info beasiswa s2 dalam negeri (1)
- info beasiswa s2 italia (1)
- info beasiswa shell 2009 (1)
- Info Riset (1)
- info sekolah kedinasan (2)
- informasi petukaran pelajar (1)
- informasi sekolah kedinasan (1)
- International Development Studies Scholarship (1)
- Internship Fair Goes to UGM (1)
- internship program (3)
- Italy (3)
- ITTO Fellowship Programme (1)
- Japan Indonesia Scholarship (JIPS) (1)
- japan scholarships (4)
- jenjang D2 (1)
- Joint Japan-World Bank Scholarship (1)
- Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP) (1)
- Kangwon National University (1)
- KGSP Graduate Scholarships (1)
- kgsp scholarships (1)
- Korea (2)
- korea scholarships (2)
- Korean Government Scholarship Program 2010 (1)
- Korean Government Scholarship Program 2012 (1)
- korean scholarships (2)
- Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS) (1)
- Lomba dari PBB (1)
- lowongan D3 (1)
- lowongan di Bogor (1)
- lowongan fresh graduate (1)
- lowongan hotel (1)
- lowongan ZTE Indonesia (1)
- magang (1)
- make cv (1)
- master and phd scholarships (1)
- Master in Public Policy Scholarship (1)
- master scholarships (14)
- Master Scholarships at MIB (1)
- master scholarships info (1)
- Masters and PhD Scholarships (10)
- Masters Programme in Terrorism and International Security Studies (1)
- masters scholarships (1)
- masters shttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifcholarships (1)
- MBA Scholarships (1)
- Nanyang Assistant Professorships (1)
- Netherland scholarship 2008 (1)
- Netherlands (2)
- New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (1)
- NOMA Master Scholarships 2010-2014 (1)
- Open PhD position (4 years (1)
- Open PhD positions at University of Ferrara (1)
- Open Positions at Umeå University (1)
- pertukaran pelajar (2)
- pertukaran pelajar 2011 (1)
- pertukaran pemuda (1)
- PhD Opportunities (1)
- PhD opportunities-TU Eindhoven and Macquarie Univ (1)
- PhD position in Geology (1)
- PhD positions at Medical University of Gdansk (1)
- PhD scholarships (6)
- PhD Student in Operations Research (1)
- PhD Studentship in Organic Chemistry - Monash University (1)
- PhD Studentship in Public Health - University of Leeds (1)
- Poland (1)
- post graduate scholarships (1)
- postdoctoral Fellowships (1)
- Postgraduate Research Opportunities (1)
- Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (1)
- Program Teacher Training (1)
- Public infrastucture project PhD scholarship (1)
- QUT (1)
- Rio Tinto Scholarship Fund - Graduate Program (1)
- sampoerna foundation (1)
- Sayembara Penelitian (1)
- scholar (1)
- scholarship 2008 (1)
- Scholarship at Cambridge University (2)
- scholarship for Graduate (1)
- scholarship form netherlands (1)
- Scholarship in Germany (1)
- Scholarship of Mitsubishi Corporation to Japan (1)
- Scholarship untuk S1 di Prasetiya Mulya (1)
- scholarships 2011 (1)
- Scholarships at Life Science (1)
- Scholarships at TU Wien (1)
- Scholarships at King Mongkut’s University (1)
- scholarships at qatar univ (1)
- Scholarships dari IFAS (1)
- Scholarships for Developing Countries in Switzerland 2009 (1)
- scholarships for indonesian student (1)
- Scholarships from the Government of the Slovak Republic (1)
- scholarships from UNESCO (2)
- scholarships in france (1)
- scholarships in Italy (1)
- Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (1)
- sekolah ikatan dinas (1)
- Sime Darby Scholarships untuk D3 dan S1 (1)
- Singapore scholarship (1)
- Singapore Technologies Engineering Scholarships (1)
- Spain Scholarship (1)
- Studentships at Univ. of the West of Scotland (1)
- summer school (1)
- Summer Studentship at CERN (1)
- Survey of financial aid / scholarships for foreign undergrads in 2006 (1)
- swiss scholarships (2)
- Taiwan Scholarship (1)
- Taiwan Scholarship Program Guidelines (1)
- tasmanian scholarship (1)
- tawaran magang (1)
- Thailand (1)
- The Australian and Pacific Science Foundation- Research Grants (1)
- The Dhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifag Hammarskjöld Fund for Journalists (1)
- The IWC Water Leader Scholarships (1)
- the Ken Thiess Memorial Scholarship: Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management (1)
- The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) (1)
- The Swedish Institute Study Scholarships (1)
- tips memilih universitas (1)
- tips: online research with zotero (1)
- Trieste (1)
- Tsukuba Scholarship” for undergraduate English course students (1)
- TWAS Fellowships: Call for applications now open (1)
- Two PhD positions at ETH Zurich (1)
- Two Year Postgraduate Scholarship in Emotionally Intelligent ICTs for Social Innovation (1)
- UK (2)
- UN Journalism Fellowships (1)
- undergraduate scholarship (3)
- undergraduate scholarships (7)
- UNESCO/Poland Fellowships (1)
- Univ of Southern Denmark (1)
- Univ. of Vienna (1)
- UNU International Course from 11 May through 19 June 2009: Application Deadline 31 Jan 2009 (1)
- USA (1)
- winston churchill scholarships (1)
- womens scholarships (1)