Showing posts with label japan scholarships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label japan scholarships. Show all posts

Inpex japan Scholarships 2012

22.8.12 |


  All of the following conditions should be satisfied.

Less than THREE (3) students will be accepted for the 2013 scholarship program.

(1) Those who have the nationality of the Republic of Indonesia and have studied the course of Natural Science in the prestigious universities in Indonesia with more than 16 years of school education, and are not more than 30 years of age when application is submitted, having “SARJANA” Degree.
(2) Those who have the aim to study the course of Natural Science in the master's programs of university in Japan, and were permitted or are expected to be permitted to enter the university.
(3) Those who have excellent results of school record, (cumulative GPA : more than 3.0) and are in good health.
(4) Those who have been permitted to get the scholarship of the FOUNDATION by their belonging institutes, universities or companies.
(5) Those who have interest in the friendly relations between the Republic of Indonesia and Japan and are prepared to contribute to the promotion of such relations.
(6) Those who had not or have not been awarded similar scholarships in Japan or in developed countries.

(1)The payment of school and living expenses will be made to the scholarship students during their study in Japan, based on the Regulation of Scholarship Award of this FOUNDATION.
(2) The scholarship award in 2013 is as follows.
1) School expenses to be paid to the university such as entrance examination fee, entrance fee, tuition fee, etc. are all borne by the FOUNDATION.
2) Monthly award of Yen 160,000 is given to each student as living expenses, including lodging expenses, medical expenses, transportation fee, books, etc. Commuting pass expense is seperately borne by the FOUNDATION.

(3) Air ticket (economy class, Jakarta-Tokyo) will be given to the scholarship students when coming to and leaving Japan. However, all other expenses necessary for travelling such as passport acquisition fee, visa fee for entering Japan, etc. are to be borne by the students.
(4) A scholarship is awarded for up to two years and eight months maximum.
(5) The payment of the award will commence from the date mentioned in the notification of acceptance, and will end on the date 30 days after the day of completion of study or research, the date leaving Japan or the expiration of 2 years and 8 months, whichever occurs earlier.
(6) In case the date of commencement or termination of the scholarship award is in the middle of the month, full amount will be given if the balance of days is more than half month, and half amount if the balance of days is less than half month.
(7) The payment of scholarship award is stopped in the following cases.
1) When it becomes impossible for the student to continue his study or research due to illness or failure in the examination to the master's course or other reasons.
2) When the results of school record are poor.
3) When the professor in charge considers that the student is not qualified to continue studying or continue research.
4) In case the student is unsound and improper in his conduct.
5) When the student brings discredit to this FOUNDATION's prestige and reputation.
(8) Absence from Japan during grant period.
Scholarship students may leave Japan temporarily during the grant period if such absence does not interfere with the purpose of the grant.
1) A total absence of up to 21 days per year after having passed the entrance examination to the master's course will be allowed without any deduction in grant benefits.
2) A total absence in excess of 21 days per year will result in deduction of monthly award for the excess period accordingly.
(1) The selection shall be made from the qualified applicants by examining application form, past school records, study plan, letter of recommendation, English proficiency test score andother documents.
The FOUNDATION will favorably consider a positive recommendation letter by a prospective academic supervisor of a Japanese university which an applicant wishes to enter.
(2) Selection procedures are as follows.
1) Primary Selection
To be made by the Screening Committee of the FOUNDATION on examining the documents.
2) Final Selection
To be made by the Board-Directors' Meeting of the FOUNDATION.
3) All applicants will be notified of the results of the primary selection by the end of
January 2013 and the final selection of the scholarship students by the end of March 2013.

(1) Applicants must fill out the fixed forms which please bring or send by registered mail to the following with the description of“APPLICATION FOR SCHOLARSHIPS”on the envelope.
(2) The following papers must be submitted, being attached to the application form.
(3) The deadline for application is November 15, 2012, but the documents received with the postmark of the above date are also valid for application and accepted by the FOUNDATION.
(4) All papers received with the application form will not be returned to the applicants.



           INPEX Corporation, Jakarta Office
           7th Floor, Mid Plaza Building
           Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 10-11
           Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
1) 2 photographs, 5cm x 3.5cm, of upper part of the body without hat. One should be attached to the application form and the other with the name written on the backside should not be attached.
2) School Record
Transcript of academic record issued by the university attended
3) Letter of Recommendation
Confidential letter addressed to the FOUNDATION from the president or the advisory professor of the graduated university, and/or from the present employer (if currently employed).
4) Certificate of Graduation
Graduation certificate issued by the university attended.
5) Personal History and Personal Data (Curriculum Vitae)
6) Health Certificate made out by the medical doctor
7) Admission Certificate from the university or other research institute in Japan, if already obtained.
8) Certificate of TOEFL/IELTS score record.
9) Certificate of Japanese language proficiency, if any.
10) Return Envelope (approx. 23cm×12cm) with your name and address on the front.
The candidates who passed the final selection by this FOUNDATION should submit a Letter of Acceptance of Scholarship Award to this FOUNDATION by the fixed date. In case of failure, he will automatically be disqualified as a candidate for the scholarship award.
The grantees of the scholarship award should take up their scholarship during the course of 2013 Japanese fiscal year (up to March 31, 2014). Extension of the scholarship beyond the specified period will not be considered.

Yen 60,000 will be paid to each student, who are awarded 2013 scholarships by this FOUNDATION, upon his arrival at Tokyo.

When a student is awarded a scholarship by this FOUNDATION, comprehensive accident insurance will be taken out covering the student's travelling between Jakarta and Tokyo. The amount to be insured is Yen 25,000,000 for Injury Death or Residual Disability.

In case an applicant has an advisory professor in Japan, his name and the reason of asking for his advice must be mentioned in the application form.

This FOUNDATION has no lodgings to accomodate the scholarship students. Housing problem is very serious in big cities in Japan, and therefore, the student who is awarded the scholarship of this FOUNDATION should secure his lodgings beforehand through his advisors or acquaintances in Japan. This FOUNDATION will also help the scholarship student to find his suitable lodgings.

November 15, 2012 ………………… Closing of application
January 2013 ………………………… Decision of successful candidates from primary selection
March 2013…………………………… Decision of scholarship students
April/May 2013……………………… Submission of application as Research Student by the above scholarship students
September 2013……………………… Arrival of scholarship students from Indonesia to Japan
September/October 2013…………… Commencement of study of Japanese language in the special course of the university or Japanese language school
October 2013 ……………………… Commencement of study of Research Student Program of the university
January 2014………………………… Entrance examination to the master's course
April 2014…………………………… Commencement of study at the master's course of the university

Japan Scholarship 2008

29.1.08 |

Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang

The Graduate Schools of Agriculture of Ehime University, Kagawa University and Kochi University, Japan menawarkan The Special Course for International Students from Asia, Africa, and the Pasific Rim.

Program yang ditawarkan adalah Japanese Government (Monbugakusho: MEXT) Scholarships dan Privately Funded Students. Program ini ditujukan untuk mahasiswa Sarjana program social, sains dan teknlogi yang berminat mengiktui program pendidikan Master dan Doktor berkelanjutan selama 5 tahun (untuk mendapat beasiswa Monbugakusho) serta program Master untuk Privately Funded Students.

Japanese Government (Monbugakusho: MEXT) Sholarship memberikan beasiswa yang mencakup uang saku senilai ¥ 170.000 (tentative) per bulan selama 5 tahun, biaya kuliah, dan transportasi (dari dan ke Jepang). Sementara untuk Private Funded Students, mahasiswa diharuskan menanggung biaya hidup sendiri dengan membayar biaya masuk sebesar ¥ 282.000 dan biaya kuliah ¥ 535.800.

Untuk Formulir kelengkapan dapat diperoleh di Humas Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia. Batas akhir pengiriman formulir dan berkas adalah tanggal 31 Januari 2008.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, peminat dapat menghubungi:

Graduate Schools of Agriculture (Ehime, Kagawa dan Kochi University)

Telp. 790 8566 (Ehime University),

761 0795 (Kagawa University),

783 8502 (Kochi University)


Japan Scholarship 2008


Beasiswa dari Pemerintah Jepang

The Graduate Schools of Agriculture of Ehime University, Kagawa University and Kochi University, Japan menawarkan The Special Course for International Students from Asia, Africa, and the Pasific Rim.

Program yang ditawarkan adalah Japanese Government (Monbugakusho: MEXT) Scholarships dan Privately Funded Students. Program ini ditujukan untuk mahasiswa Sarjana program social, sains dan teknlogi yang berminat mengiktui program pendidikan Master dan Doktor berkelanjutan selama 5 tahun (untuk mendapat beasiswa Monbugakusho) serta program Master untuk Privately Funded Students.

Japanese Government (Monbugakusho: MEXT) Sholarship memberikan beasiswa yang mencakup uang saku senilai ¥ 170.000 (tentative) per bulan selama 5 tahun, biaya kuliah, dan transportasi (dari dan ke Jepang). Sementara untuk Private Funded Students, mahasiswa diharuskan menanggung biaya hidup sendiri dengan membayar biaya masuk sebesar ¥ 282.000 dan biaya kuliah ¥ 535.800.

Untuk Formulir kelengkapan dapat diperoleh di Humas Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia. Batas akhir pengiriman formulir dan berkas adalah tanggal 31 Januari 2008.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, peminat dapat menghubungi:

Graduate Schools of Agriculture (Ehime, Kagawa dan Kochi University)

Telp. 790 8566 (Ehime University),

761 0795 (Kagawa University),

783 8502 (Kochi University)


Japanese Government Scholarship for Research Stude


Japanese Government Scholarship for Research Stude

Japanese Government (Monbugakusho/MEXT) menawarkan beasiswa untuk Research Students 2008 (University Recommended) dari Chiba University, Jepang.

Program ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa program S2 atau S3 yang berusia dibawah 35 tahun, memiliki kemampuan bahasa Jepang yang cukup, dan memenuhi persyaratan lainnya sebagai berikut:

1. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran (dapat diperoleh di Humas FTUI)
2. Fotokopi KTP / KK
3. Fotokopi ijazah S1 atau S2 dan transkrip nilai S1 atau S2
4. Transkrip nilai terakhir
5. Fotokopi akte kelahiran
6. Surat rekomendasi dari ketua departemen atau dekan fakultas yang ditujukan kepada President of Chiba University.
7. Pasfoto 4x6 yang diambil paling lama 6 bulan yang lalu. Harap menuliskan asal negara dan nama mahasiswa di belakang pasfoto.
8. Ringkasan skripsi/ tesis peminat.
9. Sertifikat kemampuan bahasa (TOEFL, TOEIC, dll.)
10. Sertifikat kemampuan di bidang pendidikan yang diminati.

Pemerintah Jepang menawarkan beasiswa senilai ¥ 170.000/ bulan (jumlah beasiswa menjadi ¥ 160.000/bulan mulai bulan ke 13) dari Oktober 2008-Maret 2010 dan tiket perjalanan PP.

Formulir dan berkas pendukung harap disampaikan ke Direktorat Kemitraan dan Inkubator Bisnis, Gedung DRPM lt. 1, Kampus UI Depok paling lambat tanggal 25 Februari 2008.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, peminat dapat menghubungi:

Japan Program at Chiba

Center for International Research and Education

Chiba University

1-33 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba-shi

Chiba, 263 8522 Japan

Fax. 81-43-290-2198


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