Showing posts with label beasiswa s3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beasiswa s3. Show all posts

Info Beasiswa S2 dan beasiswa s3 di Jepang, tahun keberangkatan 2014

2.4.13 |

Program Research Student
Keberangkatan 2014 untuk Umum

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2014 telah dibuka pada 1 April 2013 dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 30 April 2013.

Program ini ditujukan untuk mereka yang berminat dalam program research student di perguruan tinggi di Jepang.
Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke program degree (S-2 / S-3 / professional graduate course) atau meneruskan program S-3 setelah menyelesaikan program S-2 / professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.
Peminat juga dapat langsung masuk ke program degree tanpa mengikuti research student apabila telah mendapatkan izin dari universitas yang bersangkutan. Beasiswa diberikan tanpa ikatan dinas, mencakup biaya kuliah dan biaya hidup.

  1. Lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1979.
  2. IPK minimal 3.0 dari tingkat perguruan tinggi terakhir
  3. Nilai TOEFL-PBT minimal 550 atau TOEFL-IBT 79 atau IELTS Minimal 6.0, atau nilai Japanese Language Proficiency Test minimal level 2.
  4. Memilih bidang studi yang sama dengan disiplin ilmu sebelumnya.
  5. Bersedia belajar Bahasa Jepang.
  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
CARA PELAMARAN (& Info lebih lanjut) :

Info beasiswa s2 dan beasiswa s3 di LSKK ITB untuk Perioda Agustus 2013


Dengan hormat,
Bersama ini diumumkan pendaftaran seleksi beasiswa untuk Program Magister & Doktoral ITB yang residensi di Grup LSKK, Sekolah Teknik Elektro & Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung.Beasiswa mencakup Program Magister Teknik Elektro (opsi Teknik Komputer, opsi Kendali & Sistem Cerdas, opsi Mekatronika dan Opsi Teknologi Media Digital & Game ) serta untuk Program Doktor Teknik Elektro & Informatika.
Beasiswa mencakup Biaya Pendidikan & Biaya Penelitian.
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan tertentu, juga disediakan biaya hidup.
Persyaratan umum:
- Latar Belakang Pendidikan: Sains & Teknik
- IPK >= 3,25
- Nilai Tes Potensi Akademik minimal 500 dari OTTO BAPPENAS, Nilai EPT (ELPT) 93.
- Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
- Surat Ijin dan Rekomendasi dari Atasan bagi yang telah bekerja
Grup LSKK juga membantu mengkoordinir pelaksanaan tes TPA dan EPT dengan jadwal-jadwal tertentu.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut:
1. Aspek Administrasi Pendidikan: sdr. Rahman Faisal ( ) +62-22-250960
2. Aspek Akademik: Dr. Ir. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto ( )
Pendaftaran beasiswa dapat juga dilakukan secara online melalui
Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Beasiswa S3 di Nanyang Technological University

15.12.12 |

Bagi agan/aganwati yg mau melanjutkan studi S3 (Doctor) di Singapore, Nanyang Technological University membuka kesempatan untuk program studi di bawah ini:

Communication-related Areas, Communication Law and Policy, International and Intercultural Communication, Health Communication, Communication Technology, Media Arts and Cultural Studies, Marketing Communication and Public Relations, Journalism and Political Communication, Information-related Areas, Library and Information Science, Information Systems and Knowledge Management.

Deadline: 31 Desember 2012

Bagi yg tertarik, monggo segera pelajari cara daftar dan petunjuk selengkapnya di sini:

Semoga berguna!

Info Beasiswa The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program

11.10.12 |

The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program, launched in 2004, awards fellowships to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences*, engineering and technology at leading universities abroad*.
The long-term goal of the Faculty for the Future program is to generate conditions that result in more women pursuing academic careers in scientific disciplines thus contributing to the socio-economic development of their home countries and regions.
The Faculty for the Future program is growing each year and has become a powerful community of 257 women scientists from 62 countries. Grant recipients are selected as much for their leadership capabilities as for their scientific talents. Ultimately they are expected to return to their home countries to continue their academic careers, to further their research, to teach and to become inspirational role models for other young women. 
Faculty for the Future grants are based on actual costs up to a maximum of USD 50,000 per year and may be renewed through to completion of studies subject to performance, self-evaluation, and recommendations from supervisors.
Candidates should have applied to, have been admitted to, or be currently enrolled in a university abroad* when submitting their Faculty for the Future grant application. Candidates must hold an excellent academic record and be able to evidence their commitment to teaching, research or using science in public policy advocacy. Candidates should demonstrate leadership skills and have a track record in encouraging young women into the sciences. 
* Related disciplines may also be awarded. For example, awards in biological sciences are limited to interdisciplinary research between physical and biological sciences.
*In a developed country.

All information on eligibility criteria and the application process can be consulted here
If you believe you are eligible, please apply on-line as of September 10th, 2012 at

Info beasiswa S3 Doktor di Graduate School of Energy Science and Engineering, The Technische Universität Darmstadt

26.9.12 |

30 doctoral scholarships

Graduate School invites applications for doctoral scholarships

The Technische Universität Darmstadt offers an excellent research environment to educate tomorrow's leading Energy Engineers within the field of renewable energy.

The new Graduate School is based on a multidisciplinary field of expertise geared to identify and master the most demanding scientific, engineering, economic and social challenges. The challenge of a continuous transition from the carbon-based, non-renewable primary energy sources of today, to renewable and environmentally friendly energy resources of tomorrow, is met by the strategy of the Graduate School to improve conventional energy technologies and render them progressively more efficient, while simultaneously developing innovative and advanced renewable energy technologies.

The Graduate School of Energy Science and Engineering invites applications for:

30 doctoral scholarships in the field of Energy Science and Engineering

Positions commence on November 1st, 2012.

We are seeking highly qualified and motivated doctoral fellows to develop their scientific skills in a focused way, and to cooperate under optimal conditions in a highly stimulating interdisciplinary environment.

•Hold a Master of Science degree frdrobekom a University or a University of Applied Sciences in Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Engineering or Applied Mathematics
•Represent the top 15% of their graduating class
•Applications must include curriculum vitae, Master of Science or Applied Science Diploma transcripts, letter of motivation with intended research field of interest and proof of English proficiency

Address for applications (online applications welcome):

Dr. Tanja Drobek

TU Darmstadt

Graduate School of Energy Science and Engineering

Petersenstraße 32

64287 Darmstadt


Download Description

Beasiswa Doktoral 3 PhD (European Industrial Doctorate) positions in theoretical chemistry /physics in Amsterdam and Bremen

31.7.12 |

Dear all,



3 PhD (European Industrial Doctorate) positions in theoretical chemistry /physics in Amsterdam and Bremen

Three PhD positions in theoretical chemistry /physics are available starting between October 2012 and March 2013. The EU-funded 3-year European Industrial Doctorates have very attractive salary and benefits conditions. The three years will be equally spent between Amsterdam, recently elected most attractive city to live in Europe, and Bremen with a gorgeous UNESCO world heritage historical city center.

The subjects of the three PhD projects are:
1) Ground state molecular dynamics: implementation, testing, and optimization (linear scaling) of established ground state ab initio MD methods (BOMD, CPMD, P propagation).
2) Excited state dynamics: implementation of Liouville-von Neumann MD (LvNMD) and time-dependent DFT-MD (TDDFT-MD) for thermally and electronically excited systems
3) QM/MM excited state dynamics: implementation and application of hybrid TDDFT-QM/MM to study photochemistry of biophysical systems.

Day-to-day guidance in method development in Amsterdam will be by the highly experienced development staff of Scientific Computing & Modelling, SCM, while scientific guidance will be by Prof. Thomas Heine (Jacobs University Bremen) and Prof. Luuk Visscher (VU University Amsterdam).

Key requirements for the successful candidates are:
• Method & software development skills: the ability to quickly grasp complex mathematical ideas and turn them into clean and efficient (Fortran) source code
• MSc in a relevant field, or to be obtained soon (e.g. theoretical physics, quantum chemistry)
• Willingness to relocate from Amsterdam to Bremen or v.v. after 18 months

A full description of the projects, benefits, requirements, and application procedure can be found on

Send your application by e-mail to SCM’s CEO, Dr. Stan van Gisbergen (vangisbergen at scm dot com) by 30 August 2012 at the latest.

Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa PhD

7.5.12 |

28th cycle Ph.D. call - 2012/2013

Deadline for application: 25th May 2012

(see the deadlines of the call)

The call

Staffordshire University: PhD fee-waiving studentships in Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Medical Engineering

30.4.12 |

PhD fee-waiving studentships in Electrical, Electronic Engineering and Medical Engineering for Overseas and UK/EU students

Staffordshire University - Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Technology

A number of fee-waiving studentships are available to undertake PhD within the Research Centre for Energy Efficient Systems. The studentships will cover only the tuition fees and are tenable for three years. Candidates for the following projects are sought.

Project 1: Clinical Assessment and Rehabilitation using a Cost Effective 3D Motion Tracker system

Aim: Investigate the use of 3D motion trackers such as Kinect, Move etc as cost effective 3D measurement systems suitable for clinical use.

Applicant: Self motivated, experience in areas such as computer programming, 3D motion tracking and patient monitoring.

Project 2: Development of a Monitoring System and Procedure to Quantify Patient Physical Function and Injury.

Aim: Investigate the use of sensing and measurement systems and patient monitoring systems to yield quantitative clinical data.

Applicant: Self motivated, experience in areas such as data acquisition, mechanical principles, measurement systems and patient monitoring.

Project 3: Simulation of high power thyristors.

Aim: Evaluate the current thyristor models for the accurate prediction of voltage and current transients applied to high power converters for power transmission applications.

Applicant: Experience in modelling, simulation and power electronics.

Project 4: Investigation into Enabling Technologies for the Digital Industrial Design.

Aim: Investigate how new design technologies, such as CAD, haptic modelling and rapid prototyping can influence the work of industrial designers and in particular the interface between industrial and engineering design.

Applicant: Strong ability in the use of IT based design technologies and the ability to communicate with both creative and technical designers.

Project 5 : Energy storage Systems for DC traction.

Aim: Investigate energy delivery and storage systems using super-capacitors and Li-on batteries for transport systems.

Applicant: Experience of Control systems, power electronics, microprocessors and Matlab/Simulink. It is expected that a significant amount of work will be carried out in France for which travel and living expenses will be paid.


Applicants should possess at least an upper-second class degree at bachelor's level, or equivalent qualification in engineering or a related discipline including physics. A Masters degree, at a merit or higher grade, will be an added advantage. IELTS or TOFEL grade at an appropriate level that meets UKBA requirement is required for international applicants.

Beasiswa S3, Beasiswa PhD

How to apply:

Please send an email by clicking 'Apply Online' below. The subject field of your email must be "PhD Studentships in CEES". The email must include (i) a curriculum vitae which should include contact details of two referees (one of the referees should be your current/last supervisor); (ii) copies of transcripts of results, and (if applicable) official statement(s) of results for English language proficiency test(s) such as IELTS, TOEFL; (iii) an application cover letter. The cover letter should include a summary of your reasons for wishing to undertake PhD studies in the specific project that you are interested in.

The application closing date is 14th May 2012

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.


12.4.12 |

Just INFO :

Dear International Students,

Greetings from the Office of International Affairs at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU) ! We are very pleased to learn that you are interested in our programs including International Graduate Programs or Undergraduate Programs.

We are in the process of starting next semester's enrollment.

We only accept your admission application through this on-line application system.
From 1st May to 30th November, 2012, the on-line application system only open for Spring term (class start from Feb, 2013)
If you would like to apply for Fall term (class start from Sep 2012),
please register in this system from 4th December 2011 to 30th April, 2012.

After completing the on-line system, please submit hardcopy of the required application documents through post before the end of April 30, 2012 for the Fall term (class start from Sep, 2012)
All the applicants are required to go through the on-line application system, upload all the required documents to this on-line application system and submit the hardcopy of application materials to:

Office of International Affairs
Chung Yuan Christian University
200 Chung Pei Rd., Chungli 32023 Taiwan, R.O.C.

If you have any enquires, please feel free to contact:

Rebecca ( ) Telephone: +886-3-265-1703 /1704
Julia Tsai ( ) Fax: +886-3-265-1729 E-mail:

◎ Your admission application will fail, if you haven’t completed the on-line application system and submitted the hardcopy of application materials.
Best Regards,
Danang Kisworo
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Chung Yuan Christian University
200, Chung Pei Rd., Chung Li, Taiwan 32023
Tel:+886 03-2654412
Fax:+886 03-2654499
Mobile : +886 098 766 2798
Skype : dhanankiss

Beasiswa Monbukagakusho Research Student Keberangkatan 2013

2.4.12 |

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2013 telah dibuka pada 2 April 2012 dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 2 Mei 2012.

Program ini ditujukan untuk mereka yang berminat dalam program research student di perguruan tinggi di Jepang.

Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke program degree (S-2 / S-3 / professional graduate course) atau meneruskan program S-3 setelah menyelesaikan program S-2 / professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.

Peminat juga dapat langsung masuk ke program degree tanpa mengikuti research student apabila telah mendapatkan izin dari universitas yang bersangkutan. Beasiswa diberikan tanpa ikatan dinas, mencakup biaya kuliah dan biaya hidup.

  1. Lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1978.

  2. IPK minimal 3.0 dari tingkat perguruan tinggi terakhir (atau nilai EJU minimal 260 dalam jumlah 2 mata ujian tidak termasuk Bahasa Jepang)

  3. Nilai TOEFL-PBT minimal 550 atau TOEFL-CBT minimal 213 atau TOEFL-IBT minimal 79 atau ekuivalen, atau nilai Japanese Language Proficiency Test minimal level 2.

  4. Memilih bidang studi yang sama dengan disiplin ilmu sebelumnya.

  5. Bersedia belajar Bahasa Jepang.

  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.

  1. Formulir dapat diambil di Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang, Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya dan Medan atau bisa download dari halaman ini.

  2. Formulir beserta dokumen yang diminta harus dibawa/ dikirim langsung ke :
    Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
    Jl.M.H. thamrin No. 24 Jakarta Pusat 10350

  3. Pendaftaran dibuka pada tanggal 2 April 2012 sampai dengan tanggal 2 Mei 2012.

  4. Siapkan dokumen sesuai dengan lampiran berikut ini :

    Dokumen yang diserahkan :
    1. Application Form (bisa didownload)
    2. Field of Study and Research Program (bisa didownload)
    3. Foto 3.5 * 4.5 cm (ditempel pada application form, foto 6 bulan terakhir)
    4. Copy transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir
    5. Copy ijazah yang dilegalisir atau surat keterangan lulus
    6. Surat rekomendasi dari Universitas (form bisa didownload)
    7. Surat rekomendasi dari tempat bekerja bagi yang sedang bekerja (form bisa didownload)
    8. Abstract of Theses
    9. Foto hasil karya/rekaman bagi yang memilih bidang seni
    10. copy hasil nilai TOEFL
    Semua dokumen harus dalam bahasa Inggris/Jepang
    Semua dokumen harus dibuat copy sebanyak 4 buah
    Semua dokumen yang diberikan tidak dapat dikembalikan
  5. Download:
    Form-form yang dapat di-download dari sini adalah :
    - Application Form
    - Field of Study and Study Program
    - Recommendation Form

    download forms

  1. Kedutaan Besar Jepang melakukan seleksi dokumen, dan akan memberitahukan kepada mereka yang lolos 1 (satu) minggu sebelum ujian tertulis. (Kurang lebih 100 pelamar dipilih melalui seleksi dokumen ini.)

  2. Ujian tertulis Bahasa Jepang dan Bahasa Inggris akan dilaksanakan di Jakarta, Surabaya, atau Medan pada tanggal 18 Juni 2012(Bahasa Inggris sebagai ujian pilihan. Nilai yang lebih tinggi akan dipakai untuk pertimbangan seleksi).

  3. Wawancara akan diadakan di Jakarta bagi seluruh peserta ujian tertulis pada pertengahan bulan Juli 2012 sampai selesai , sesuai dengan jadwal yang sudah ditentukan oleh Kedubes Jepang (biaya transportasi dan akomodasi tidak disediakan Kedubes Jepang).

  4. Bagi yang lolos seleksi di Kedubes Jepang akan diberikan surat keterangan sbb:
    1. berkas formulir beserta dokumen yang telah diberi stamp Kedutaan Jepang,
    2. surat keterangan untuk perguruan tinggi di Jepang, dan
    3. lembar “Letter of Acceptance”.
    Pelamar boleh memilih maksimal 3 perguruan tinggi untuk mendapatkan izin penerimaan sebagai mahasiswa program degree atau research student, atau “Letter of Acceptance” (izin penerimaan tidak resmi) sebagai research student.

  5. Untuk mencari informasi perguruan tinggi di Jepang, silakan lihat website berikut:
    Directory Database of Research and Development atau
    Asian Students Cultural Association.

  6. Harap mengirimkan surat izin atau Letter of Acceptance dari perguruan tinggi Jepang secepat mungkin ke Kedutaan Besar Jepang.

  7. Kedutaan Besar Jepang akan merekomendasikan peserta MEXT.

  8. PPeserta akan menjadi penerima beasiswa jika lolos seleksi di MEXT.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut silakan menghubungi:
Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang
Jl. MH Thamrin no.24 Jakarta 10350
Telp. (021) 3192-4308 ext.175 atau 176

Beasiswa s2 dan S3 di The University of Adelaide – Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI)

1.4.12 |

The University of Adelaide offers a scholarships scheme for international students undertaking postgraduate research study. Its purpose is to attract high quality overseas postgraduate students to areas of research strength in the University of Adelaide to support its research effort. The selection for scholarships is extremely competitive.

A number of ASI scholarships may be available in the mid year round of scholarships for semester 2, 2012 to outstanding international students from any country undertaking postgraduate research in any academic discipline.
The ASI provides:

Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only);
An annual living allowance of approximately $23,728 (2012 value) for the normal duration of the program; and
If the award holder holds a subclass 574 visa the award covers the cost of compulsory standard Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Worldcare policy for the student and their spouse and dependents (if any) for the period of the scholarship. If the award holder does not hold a subclass 574 visa then he/she is responsible for the cost of health insurance.

The scholarship does NOT cover visa application fees.

Applicants should hold at least the equivalent of an Australian First Class Honours degree. This is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year. Other criteria that will be taken into consideration is undergraduate performance, bachelor and honours awards and scholarships, other postgraduate degrees, publications in internationally refereed journals, the presentation of conference papers and relevant industry experience.

Applications for these scholarships are always highly competitive. Generally ASI recipients have completed a Masters degree including a significant research component and have several publications and relevant work and research experience.

ASI Scholarship will be awarded strictly on academic merit. Extra-curricular achievements will not be considered.
Citizens and Permanent Residents of Australia, and citizens of New Zealand are ineligible.
Those undertaking research via remote candidature are ineligible.
International applicants are not eligible for an ASI if they have already commenced the degree for which they are seeking an award, unless they can establish that they were unable to apply for an ASI in the last round of the previous calendar year.
International applicants who have not provided evidence of their meeting English language proficiency requirements by the closing date are not eligible for an ASI.
International applicants must not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research Masters degree, not hold a research qualification regarded by the University of Adelaide to be equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Masters degree.
Candidates are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide as ‘international students’ and must maintain ‘international student’ status for the duration of their enrolment in the University.
Scholarships holders must commence study at The University of Adelaide in semester 2, 2012. No ASI may be commenced after 30 November 2012.
Scholarship winners will not be permitted to defer commencement until 2013.
Applicants who applied in previous international major scholarship rounds are not eligible to apply again.
The offer of an ASI scholarship is contingent upon a student not being offered another award by the Commonwealth of Australia, The University of Adelaide, or an overseas sponsor. The University reserves the right to withdraw an offer of a scholarship at any time prior to enrolment if it is advised that a awardee has been offered a scholarship equal to or in excess of the financial value of the award offered by the University

Closing Date: 1 May 2012. We strongly recommend that all applicants submit their application and all required documents well before the closing date. Incomplete applications at the scholarship application deadline will not be considered for a scholarship.

Applicants will be notified by the end of June 2012 regarding the outcome of their scholarship application.

Application Form


SEADI Scholarship Program

19.3.12 |

SEADI Scholarship Program
SEADI is offering scholarships to Indonesians for PhD and Master degree training in Economics, Public Policy, and other SEADI related fields in the United States. The first round of scholarship applications closed October 10, 2011 and selections of recipients have now been made. Applications are still being accepted from students who have already been obtained accepted to an appropriate US graduate program in 2012. For consideration apply as soon as possible, but no later than March 31, 2012. Funds are limited and applications received after funding as been fully committed will not be considered.

Applications should be submitted to:

SEADI Project
Allianz Tower, Level 27 Unit D
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Superblock 2
Kawasan Kuningan Persada
Jakarta Selatan 12980

For more information, e-mail to:

silakan dicek tautan berikut

SCHOLARSHIPS ALERT: Get new scholarships info sent to your email. Click Subscribe Now!

E.P. Abraham Scholarship in Chemical, Biological / Life and Medical Sciences


E.P. Abraham Scholarship in Chemical, Biological / Life and Medical Sciences

St Cross College invites applications for this scholarship from students who will begin studying for a postgraduate research degree in the University of Oxford in the academic year 2012 – 2013 and who list St Cross College as their first choice college on their Graduate Admissions application.

The E.P. Abraham Scholarship has the value of the annual College fee, currently £2426 per annum for 2012-2013 and is tenable for three years coterminous with college fee liability. This Scholarship is open to those wishing to study for degrees in the chemical, biological/life and medical sciences. Applications should be received by Friday 25th May 2012.

The Scholarship is tenable at St Cross College only. Application forms can be downloaded, or requested by email using the Contact Form (choose the category Academic and Admissions). Written requests should be sent to the Admissions & Academic Secretary, St Cross College, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LZ.

For more information, please visit official website:

SCHOLARSHIPS ALERT: Get new scholarships info sent to your email. Click Subscribe Now!

Laces Trust Scholarship in Philosophy / Ethics, St Cross College, University of Oxford, UK


St Cross College invites applications for this scholarship from students who will begin studying for a postgraduate research degree in philosophy and/or ethics (with a preference for the Philosophy of Mind or Neuroethics) at the University of Oxford in the academic year 2012-2013 and who list St Cross College as their first choice college on their Graduate Admissions application.

The Laces Trust Scholarship has a value of £3000 per annum to cover the annual College fee plus a small stipend and is tenable for three years coterminous with college fee liability. Applications should be received by the application deadline of Friday 1st June 2012.

The Scholarship is tenable at St Cross College only. Application forms can be downloaded or requested by email using the Contact Form (choose the category Academic and Admissions). Written requests should be sent to the Admissions & Academic Secretary, St Cross College, St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LZ.

For more information, please visit official website:

SCHOLARSHIPS ALERT: Get new scholarships info sent to your email. Click Subscribe Now!

Beasiswa dari Kent University Scholarships, England 2012

17.3.12 |

The School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science is offering several scholarships which will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant equivalent to that offered by the Research Councils (£13,590 in 2011-12).

These scholarships will be offered for one year in the first instance, renewable for a maximum period of three and a half years subject to satisfactory academic performance.

The scholarship includes a travel grant of up to £1750 to allow students to present their work at national and international conferences.

Candidates must hold a good Honours degree (First or 2i) and preferably a Master’s degree (MSc, MMath, Msci) at merit or distinction in a relevant subject or equivalent.

The scholarship competition is open to all postgraduate research applicants. UK, EU and overseas fee paying students as well as full-time and part-time postgraduate research students are invited to apply.

How to apply
To be eligible for these scholarships, candidates must make a formal application for postgraduate research study at the University of Kent. To be considered for one of these scholarship, applicants should select the box `School Scholarship’ under ‘How are you intending to fund your studies?’ on the Kent application form:

Applications for PhD scholarships will be considered in two rounds. The deadlines for receipt of completed applications are:

First deadline 20th April 2012
Second deadline 22nd June 2012

For further information please contact:

School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
Cornwallis Building
University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NF

SCHOLARSHIPS ALERT: Get new scholarships info sent to your email. Click Subscribe Now!

The Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Scholarships UAE Scholarships 2012


The Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Scholarship encourages scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research towards informing policy making in the United Arab Emirates. The Scholarship is open to Ph.D. students from all nationalities studying at an accredited university in the UAE or abroad.

The Scholarship financially supports doctoral candidates in the research phase of their dissertation. In its initial phase, two awards are granted annually for applied research projects to be conducted in the UAE. The Scholarship covers all student expenses, including return airfares from the country of origin, accommodation in the UAE for the duration of research and a stipend to cover cost of living and assistance with the research.

The Scholarship provides the opportunity for distinguished university graduate researchers to utilize their potentials in providing cutting edge applied research.

Further, it fosters high quality research and develops the research capacity in the region whilst promoting cross-cultural exchange and cooperation between highly recognized universities world wide and national institutions in the UAE.

Applicants must be candidates for the doctoral degree at an accredited graduate institution wishing to participate in field research for their dissertation. Applicants may not be on probation, suspension or other provisional registration and must have English proficiency with a minimum score

The Scholarship is awarded based on merit as measured by academic performance and relevance of research proposal. The applicant’s intended field of study is also considered in the evaluation process with preference given to those candidates pursuing a degree in education or a directly related field of study. The Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation Directors and Advisory Board serve as the evaluation and selection committee.

In order to apply online, you will need the following documents:

The latest available official transcript and transcripts of completed degrees
A resume outlining educational background, work experience, co-curricular and extracurricular activities
A copy of the approved research proposal or preliminary proposal
A two page essay outlining the reason/s why the candidate is interested in the scholarships
Two letters of reference that address the suitability of the candidate. One letter must be from the candidate’s doctoral advisor and the other should be from another academic and must indicate the nature of the relationship with the candidate and the length of time of the relationship

All materials submitted for consideration will automatically become the property of the Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research and will not be returned to the sender.

The application deadline for the 2011-2012 Doctoral Research Scholarship has now passed. We are currently accepting applications for the 2012-2013 academic year. Applications will be open until June 30, 2012.

For more information, please visit official website:

SCHOLARSHIPS ALERT: Get new scholarships info sent to your email. Click Subscribe Now!

New Zealand scholarships 2012

14.3.12 |

This page has scholarship information specific to Indonesia. It should be read with the general information in theScholarships section.

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia


The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to make a substantial contribution to ASEAN’s development by providing opportunities for postgraduate study (i.e. Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s degree and doctorate/PhD) in New Zealand.

The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) are part of the New Zealand’s official development assistance to the ASEAN region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through the New Zealand Aid Programme, delivers this scholarships scheme.

Under the NZ-AS scheme, up to 170 scholarships are available to candidates from ASEAN countries. From the total of 170, up to 50 scholarships per annum are available for Indonesian applicants.
The scholarships are for full-time study (See the scholarships benefits) at one of nine eligible New Zealand institutions. See the list of eligible New Zealand education institutions

Who can apply?

Individuals who meet the following profile may apply for the NZ-AS scholarships:

  • From the public or private sector;
  • With a proposed field of study in support of sustainable economic development ,as the core focus of the New Zealand Aid Programme, especially on agriculture, renewable energy (Geothermal) and disaster risk management;
  • Strong candidates from all areas will be considered, especially candidates who can demonstrate leadership quality and potential for future leadership;
  • Preferably be under 40 years of age at the time of application for Masters and under 45 years of age at the time of application for PhD
  • Those with work experiences in a field relevant to their intended course of postgraduate study, and can demonstrate a connection between their previous field of study and their intended field of postgraduate study.

Applicants must also meet the general eligibility criteria outlined in the ASEAN Scholarships under Indonesia Country Portfolio.

Targeted Candidates

  • People from Eastern Indonesia (West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua);
  • Individuals prioritised who are from the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Mineral Resources and Energy, Marine Resources and Fisheries, (including relevant research institutions under those Ministries); Environment; Tourism; Education, Foreign Affairs, National Police, National Agency for Planning and Development and Ministry of Defence (civilian officials).


Date Task
11 April 2012 Applications due
August/September Short-listed candidates interviewed and IELTS tests administered, if required
September/October Successful candidates informed
January 2013 Pre-departure English language training commences
Janaury 2013 Pre -departure briefing


For further information and to submit an application please contact PT Austraining Nusantara (PTAN), the managing service contractor for New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards in Indonesia:

PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO BOX 1808
JKP 10018
Tel: 021-5292 0810
Fax: 021-5292 0818


2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs


2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program Guideline for International Students Enrolled in Graduate Programs

Program Objective
The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries.

Total Number of Grantees : 345

2012 KGSP Allocations by respective Korean Embassies : 145 candidates (from 90 nations). Among the 145 candidates, 15 (from 10 nations) overseas Korean adoptees are included. Their quotas are allotted to 10 Korean embassies, and are separate from general candidate quotas.
2012 KGSP Allocation for the Designated Korean Universities : 200 candidates (from 82 nations)

Eligible Universities and Fields of Study

Eligible Universities: The 51 listed universities (or institutions) as designated by NIIED

Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via Korean Embassies must choose 3 desired universities out of the 51 universities listed below.
Applicants who apply for this program via the designated universities may choose only 1 desired university out of the 51 universities listed below.

Ajou University
Cheongju University
Chonbuk National University
Chonnam National University
Chosun University
Chung-Ang University
Chungbuk National University
Chungnam National University
Daejeon University
Dong-A University
Dongguk University
Dongseo University
Ewha Womans University
Gyeongsang National University
Hallym University
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Hannam University
Hanyang University
Hongik University
Inha University
Inje University
Jeonju University
Kangwon National University
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Keimyung University
Kongju National University
Kookmin University
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Korea National Defense University
Korea University
Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Kyonggi University
Kyunghee University
Kyungpook National University
Pai Chai University
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Pukyong National University
Pusan National University
Seoul National University
Seoul National University of Science and Technology
Silla University
Sogang University
Sookmyung Women’s University
Soon Chun Hyang University
Sungkyunkwan University
Sun Moon University
The Academy of Korean Studies
University of Ulsan
Woosong University
Yeungnam University
Yonsei University

Available Fields of Study: Detailed information about the fields and majors offered by the listed eligible universities can be found in the University Information section on the GKS website ( Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the listed programs in the University Information section provided by participating universities.

Night schools, seasonal programs, broadcasting schools, and cyber-schools (including online distant learning programs) are not eligible for application.

Available Courses: Master’s programs and Doctoral programs

Main Notes for the 2012 Selection

Applicants have to apply for this program via either an embassy or a designated university. Overseas Korean adoptees have to apply only via an embassy if their countries are allotted the adoptee quotas.
The selection process for applicants will proceed in three steps. Firstly, applicants must be selected by the institution he or she is applying through (a Korean embassy, or a designated university). Secondly, applicants who passed the first round must be selected by the NIIED Selection Committee. Finally, applicants who passed the second round must gain admission from a university.
Institutions accepting applications: 90 overseas Korean embassies or 51 designated Korean universities. Applicants who submit applications to more than one of the aforementioned institutions will be disqualified immediately.
Selection Procedure
1st Selection: Each 1st selection institution will draft a selections standard based on the criteria provisioned by NIIED, and recommend the best applicants according to its respective standards.
2nd Selection: The NIIED Selection Committee will select the most successful candidates from the pool of applicants recommended by the 1st selection institutions.
3rd Selection: Only the candidates who were recommended by a Korean embassy and passed the 2nd selection successfully will be evaluated for admission by the 3 universities to which they applied; each candidate has to gain admission from at least one university.
Applicants who were recommended by a designated university will automatically be granted admission to said university that recommended them, upon the condition they are selected as a successful candidate in the 2nd Selection. Subsequently, once they pass the mandatory medical examination, they will join the ranks of the final successful candidates.

Duration of Scholarship

Master’s (01.09.2012 ~ 31.08.2015) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master’s
Doctoral (01.09.2012 ~ 31.08.2016) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral
(Important) After the Korean language course, the scholarship period of degree course (2 years of master’s or 3 years of doctoral) cannot be extended beyond the designated duration.
In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level that is higher than 5, he or she is exempted from the Korean language course; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral).

Korean Language Course

All scholars, unless exempted, must take one year of Korean language course in the designated language institution.
Exemption from the Korean language course requirement: Korean proficiency at TOPIK Level 5 or 6 (with certification).
Scholars who have surpassed TOPIK Level 5 and want to start their degree course without the Korean language course should obtain permission from NIIED in advance.
Scholars who are exempted from taking the Korean language course may take their degree course starting from September 1st, 2012 or March 1st, 2013.
Only the scholars who will have passed at least Level 3 of TOPIK (the Test of Proficiency in Korean) after one year of Korean language course are permitted to start their master’s or doctoral program.
Scholars who do not pass at least TOPIK Level 3 after one year of Korean language course should complete an additional six-month coursework in the Korean language.
Language Institution : the NIIED has designated five language institutions for the Korean language course

Application Requirements

The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships. Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time.
Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) when he/she apply for this program, and then submit an Official Medical Examination Report issued in a hospital to NIIED after passing the NIIED Selection Committee (the 2nd Selection). A serious illness reflected in the examination results will be the main cause of disqualification from the scholarship.
NOT Eligible : those who are pregnant
Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2012 (born after Sep. 1st, 1972).
Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1, 2012.
(Important) Applicants who have ever enrolled in a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has previously enrolled in an undergraduate program, a master’s program, or a doctoral program in Korea cannot apply for this program. However, a KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of August 31st, 2012 can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he/she holds at least TOPIK Level 4 and obtain another recommendation within the allotment from the Korean Embassy of his/her respective country of origin (re-application is limited to one instance).
Applicants who apply for the Master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree.
Applicants who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree.
Applicants who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or diploma by August 31st, 2012 must submit a certificate of degree or diploma expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or diploma to NIIED by August 31st, 2012.
Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution. If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program.
If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required.
Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference.
Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference.


Scholarship Period : same as the period of invitation.
Airfare : Round-trip economy class ticket.
Airfare for entry will not be provided to scholars who already presently live in Korea for academic study or employment.
The fees for domestic travel within a scholar’s home country and for travel insurance to and from Korea will not be provided.
Scholars from China and the Czech Republic will not be provided airfare by NIIED, but by their country of origin according to the mutual agreements.
Monthly Allowance : 900,000 won (KRW) per month.
Research Allowance : 210,000 won for scholars in the humanities and social sciences; 240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester.
Relocation (Settlement) Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival
Language Training Fee : Full coverage
Tuitions : All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university). The tuition is paid by NIIED.
Dissertation Printing Costs : 500,000 ~ 800,000 won, depending on the actual costs.
Medical Insurance : 20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage).
Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean language (TOPIK Level 5 or 6): 100,000 won per month (commencing from the degree program)


NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s country and Korea.
Airfare for entry into Korea will not be provided to a scholar that has been staying in Korea for his or her study, work, etc. as of the date of announcement of successful candidates
NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance for traveling to and from Korea.
The medical fee is to be reimbursed through the insurance company to the scholar after s/he pays first. However, the expense for dental clinic or chronic disease will not be covered.
Any scholar who gives up his/her study during the scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for repatriation.
Any scholar that quits the program within 3 months after s/he entering Korea, should refund all scholarship fees (The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly stipend, Korean language training expenses, etc.).

Selection Procedure Details

The guideline, application form, and university information will be available at the website of GKS (, Korean Embassies, and designated domestic universities.
For applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for KGSP via Korean Embassies
(1st Selection) Korean Embassies make its own selection schedule and plan based on the criteria provided by NIIED, and accept the applications. They select 1.5 times as many candidates as their quota from the pool of applicants and recommend them to NIIED.
Applicants from China and the Czech Republic should submit their applications to the Ministry of Education (or equivalent institution) in their respective country of origin, in accordance with the mutual agreements between Korea and those countries.
Only Korean adoptees who have foreign citizenship can apply for this program via a Korean Embassy if their countries of origin are allotted the adoptee quota. They are selected through a separate procedure; general applicants cannot be accepted through this application category.
(2nd Selection) NIIED Selection Committee selects as many successful candidates as each embassy quota amongst the pool of candidates recommended by the Embassies.
(3rd Selection) NIIED submits the documents of successful candidates to their 3 universities of indicated preference, and requests admission examination of the candidates into their master’s or doctoral programs. The universities have to notify the result of examination to the candidates and NIIED by the designated date. The candidates who gain admission from more than one university will have to make a final selection, and notify their respective local Korean Embassy and NIIED by the designated date. Only the candidates who gain admission within the 3rd Selection period can be accepted as official KGSP scholars.
For applicants who apply for KGSP via designated domestic universities
(1st Selection) Each designated university will draft its own selection schedule and plan based on the criteria provided by NIIED, and accepts the applications. Each designated university will select up to 15 candidates from all of the quota-assigned countries and recommend them to NIIED. They cannot recommend more than 3 candidates from a single country, with the exceptions of Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, and Turkey.
(2nd Selection) NIIED Selection Committee selects as many successful candidates as each country’s quota from all of the candidates recommended by the universities. The candidates who are selected in the NIIED Selection Committee will be accepted to the university which recommended them, and will be finally accepted as official KGSP scholars upon a successful comprehensive medical examination.

Selection Criterion
All documents including transcript, self-introduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc., will be evaluated.

Required Documentation

Place of submission
NIIED and Foreign embassies in Korea are not 1st Selection Institutions and do not accept applications.
NIIED accepts and judges only the candidates recommended by the 1st Selection Institutions. They are:
For applicants (including overseas Korean adoptees) applying via a Korean embassy : the Korean embassy in the country of origin. *Korean Educational Institutes affiliated with the local Korean embassies may accept applications, and select and recommend candidates in place of embassies in some countries.
For applicants applying via a domestic university : One of the 51 designated universities
Deadline of Submission : The date set forth by the 1st Selection Institutions within March 2012
Deadline for the recommendation of candidates to NIIED by the 1st Selection Institutions is April 13th, 2012.
If the respective 1st Selection Institutions do not submit their candidates’ documents to NIIED on time, they will be excluded from the examination of NIIED Selection Committee, and their quotas will be substituted by the other 1st Institutions’ reserve candidates.
Required documents : One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 3 extra copies.
Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office.


Selection for successful candidates will be done strictly by the NIIED Selection Committee. Therefore, appropriate documents should be submitted by the deadline.
Dual applications are not accepted. Applicants must apply for this program via only one institution.
Documents should be presented in their original form.
Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicants.
Incomplete or incorrect documents may lead to application rejection or failure in the Selection Committee, and scholarship revocation even after entry into Korea.
In case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the 1st Selection Institution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. The confirmation of collation should be indicated in the photocopied documents.
Applicants who are expected to graduate from their respective home undergraduate/graduate institutions by August 31st, 2012, should submit the certificate (or letter) of expected graduation issued by said institutions when they apply; the official certificate of graduation should be received by NIIED by August 31st, 2012.
Applicants must accurately complete the health checklist truthfully. All successful candidates must take a comprehensive medical exam after passing the 2nd Selection. In accordance with the requirements of the Korea Immigration Service and the KGSP Program, the candidates who are judged to be physically unfit for this program will not be accepted.
Applicants may submit the copies of published papers, if available.
Applicants may submit the copies of awards, if available.
Applicants must submit all the documents by the checklist order. (Checklist for the application documents should be on the front page, followed by the required documents, stapled and attached.)
Transferring to a different university after confirming the host university is not permitted in any cases. In regards to changing majors, it would be permitted only under the mutual agreement of the departments concerned only within the same university, with the scholarship period unchanged. (2 years of Master’s, or 3 years of doctoral, in total). However, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted.

Selection Schedule

Application Period : Jan. 31st ~ Mar. 31st (decided by the 1st Selection Institution)
The 1st Selection : The end of March (decided by the 1st Selection Institution)
Deadline for Recommendation to NIIED : April 13th (All documents must be received by NIIED.)
The 2nd Selection : Mid-April (NIIED Selection Committee)
Announcement for the Results of the 2nd Selection : April 30th (posted on GKS websites)
Official Physical Examination : May 1st ~ May 31st (completed by candidates themselves)
Admission Procedures for the Korean Embassies’ candidates: May 7th~May 31st
Announcement for Final Successful Candidates : June 11th (GKS
Visa Issue and Air ticket purchase : June 12th ~ July 31st
Entry into Korea : August 27th ~ August 29th
NIIED Orientation : August 30th ~ August 31st
Korean Language Course : September 1st

For further information, please contact :

1st Institutions : Refer to The Contact Information of Korean Embassies and Universities in the attachment #8.
KGSP Team, National Institute for International Education (NIIED)
Address: #205 NIIED, 81 Ewhajang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea English version: Inbound -> Korean Government Scholarship Program -> Announcement
Phone: +82-2-3668-1364, +82-2-3668-1358
Fax: +82-2-743-4992

Other useful websites

KCUE (Korean Council for University Education)
Learning Korean
Universities and Graduate schools in Korea
Understanding of Korean culture
Overseas Korean embassies
Visa and Registration

China/AUN Master & Doctoral Scholarships for ASEAN citizens

9.3.12 |

China/AUN Scholarship is a full scholarship program provided for ASEAN member countries by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE). MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of this scholarship program.

Categories of Applicants

Master’s Degree Students: 2-3 academic years
Doctoral Degree Students: 3-4 academic years

The instruction language could be either Chinese or English. Applicants who apply for courses instructed in Chinese are required to take one-year Chinese language course prior to the academic study if their Chinese is not qualified. Only by passing the examinations of the Chinese language course, could they start their major studies. For those taking the Chinese language preparatory courses, the scholarship duration will be extended automatically for one year.

Scholarship students should complete their study within the due time; duration for scholarship specified at the time of admission cannot be extended in principle.

Applicants shall apply to the ASEAN University Network Secretariat between January and the beginning of April, 2012.


Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens from ASEAN member countries and be in good health.
Education background and age limit:
Applicants for master’s degree studies must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.
Applicants for doctoral degree studies must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.


Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, and fee for basic learning materials, and accommodation fee for dormitory on campus;
Living allowance;
One-off settlement subsidy after registration for new student;
Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme for International Students in China;
One-off inter-city travel subsidy.


Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the university’s arrangements should be self-afforded.
Fee for basic learning materials only covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other textbooks and materials shall be self-afforded.
Monthly living allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):
Master’s degree students: CNY 1,700 Yuan
Doctoral degree students: CNY 2,000 Yuan

Scholarship students shall get their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of the living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount. Students upon graduation will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month for those students who do not register on time without permission from the university, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from university over a month.

Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnancy or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The international travel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year, and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.
New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China.
CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year and above
Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals appointed by the institution. The students are to cover a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s relevant regulations.
Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China in case of hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the appointed medical assistance agencies provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship students, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company.
One-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving China)
A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling.
From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution is located;
From the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located;
From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation.
Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.
In principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located.
International travel expenses: self-afforded

The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate).

Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or in English). Applicants shall fill in and print the application form after submitting it online. The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on Those who cannot apply online shall fill in the application form printed by CSC.
Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
A study or research plan written in Chinese or English (no less than 400 words).
Recommendation letters: Applicants for senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.
Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (the original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months.

The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th 2012 via the ASEAN University Network Secretariat. Individual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned.

Applicants may choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Applicants are required to fill in their preferences of institutions and specialties strictly according to those listed in the Directory.


CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions.
Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEIs, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC.
Students are required to sign on their Admission Notice, if they have no objection with the placement, and are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.
CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to the candidates via ASEAN University Network Secretariat by July 31st, 2012.

After receiving the Admission Notice, students should apply for visa to study in China at the Chinese embassy or consulate-general in their home countries with the Admission Notice, Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) and Foreigner Physical Examination Form (can be downloaded from The students are required to register in Chinese universities with the original copies of the above documents.

Ms. Raksit Waropas
ASEAN University Network Secretariat
Tel: 00662-2153640, 2153642, 2153248 ext 0
Fax: 00662-2168808
Address: Rm.210, Jamjuree 1 Bld, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Rd., Patumwan, Thailand
Postcode: 10330

Scholarships fro International Postgraduate at University of Birmingham


For over a century the University of Birmingham has been recognised as one of the world’s leading universities for the quality of our teaching and research. We attract students of the highest calibre from around the world and have been welcoming international students to the University for over 100 years. To award outstanding achievement, we are pleased to offer a number of international postgraduate scholarships.

What we are offering
The University of Birmingham is offering International Postgraduate Scholarships worth £10,000 towards the cost of tuition fees for a one year masters course. These awards are for tuition fees only and cannot be used for maintenance/living costs.

Who we are looking for
Applicants must have an excellent academic background. Due to the level of competition for these scholarships, only applicants with a 1st class bachelors degree will be considered.

Applicants must also demonstrate excellence in an area of their life. This might be outstanding academic achievement, exceptional achievement in extra curricular activities (such as sport, music, managing events or societies) or significant achievement gained either in their working life or through volunteering and service to others.

Applicants must also outline the contribution they will make to the University of Birmingham as a student and what they expect to gain from studying here.

In order to apply candidates must:

be overseas for fee purposes
have applied for a one year full time masters course and have been issued with a student id number
not be in receipt of a full fee scholarship from any other source
have made adequate financial provision to study in the UK

How to apply
You must have made an application to study at the University of Birmingham before submitting a scholarship application.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 1 June 2012. Applications will not be accepted if they are submitted to the University after this date.

For more information, please visit official website:

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