Showing posts with label beasiswa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beasiswa. Show all posts

PhD Studentships University of Bath School of Management

13.12.08 |

PhD Studentships

University of Bath School of Management

Overseas PhD Studentships

Studentships to cover Overseas fees, stipend and £1,000 training support grant and are awarded for three years.


Excellent PhD Studentships

Studentships to cover home/EU fees, stipend and £1,000 training support grant and are awarded for three years.

Applicants are expected to be seeking to pursue careers as professional research scholars and to exhibit excellent potential to succeed as international academics.

Applicants are strongly advised to approach suitable potential supervisors at the School of Management before applying.

To apply please follow this web link:

Closing Date: 16th January 2009

The University of Bath, School of Management is rated 5A for research in the latest UK government's Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and is ranked among the top UK business schools.

Further Details

The Craig Mathieson China Master’s Scholarship

12.1.08 |

The University of Edinburgh offers a number of International Master’s Scholarships for postgraduate study in any subject offered by the University.
The most outstanding candidate from China who applies for an International Master’s Scholarship will receive the Craig Mathieson China Master’s Scholarship which was set up in 2005 in memory of Craig Mathieson who served as Director of the International Office from 2001 until his death in 2005. Craig was widely admired and welcomed in a number of countries including China where the University attracts a large number of students each year.

The Craig Mathieson China Master’s Scholarship will have a value of £5,000 which will be deducted from the tuition fee. The scholarship will be tenable for one academic year.


The scholarship will be awarded to a Chinese citizen who is normally resident in China, and who is accepted for admission on a full-time basis for a postgraduate Master’s programme of study at the University of Edinburgh.

Applicants should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so.


The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit with candidates requiring a Bachelor Degree with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.3 out of 4, or equivalent, from a recognised Chinese university.

In addition to the above academic qualifications, the selection panel will also take into account the financial circumstances of applicants to ensure that as far as possible a student’s financial situation does not impede a university education at the University of Edinburgh.

Application Procedure

Applicants can download an application form in Rich Text Format (RTF) or PDF (which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader), or request one to be sent to them from:

The Scholarships and Student Finance Office
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge

Telephone: +44 131 651 4070

A completed scholarship application form, together with a copy of your degree transcript and two academic references, should be received by the Scholarships and Student Finance Office by the closing date of 1 April 2008 in order to be considered for the scholarship.

Selection Procedure

A Selection Committee will meet in mid May 2008 to select the scholarship holder. The winner of the scholarship will be announced in late May 2008.

source :

Beasiswa S3 dari Habibie Center


Beasiswa dari Habibie Center

Yayasan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Yayasan SDM-IPTEK) didirikan oleh Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.J. Habibie (mantan presiden RI) pada tahun 1997. Badan pengurus yayasan ini diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro, mantan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan memiliki tujuan :
l Mewujudkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang unggul dan memiliki kualitas Iman dan Takwa yang tinggi.
l Menguasai, mengembangkan dan mengendalikan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi secara mandiri.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut diatas, Yayasan melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut:
l Memberikan beasiswa untuk tingkat S3 (Doktor),
l Memberikan penghargaan dan hadiah kepada orang atau Badan yang telah berjasa atau melakukan terobosan di bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Habibie Award).
l Mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Iptek).
l Membentuk atau membantu berdirinya Pusat Peragaan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi.

Beasiswa diberikan 2 (dua) kali setahun yaitu:
a. Periode bulan Mei
Formulir harus sampai di panitia paling lambat 21 April tahun berjalan.
b. Periode bulan Nopember
Formulir pendaftaran diajukan paling lambat tanggal 20 Oktober.
Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk beasiswa S3.
l Usia maksimum 35 tahun.
l Tidak menerima beasiswa dari lembaga atau sumber lainnya.
l Sudah diterima atau telah mendapatkan surat keterangan diterima dalam program S3 di perguruan tinggi atau lembaga yang berada di Indonesia.
l Selama mengikuti program S2, penerima beasiswa S3 harus mendapatkan nilai cum laude atau minimal berada pada peringkat ke-5.
l Pendaftar harus menyerahkan dua rekomendasi dari tokoh ilmuwan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
l Pendaftar harus menunjukkan sikap kepemimpinan dalam bidangnya dan memiliki tingkat integritas dan kreatifitas yang tinggi.

Proses pendaftaran dan seleksi
l Pendaftar harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran secara lengkap disertai dengan dokumen penunjang.
l Pemilihan penerima beasiswa ditentukan dalam sidang dewan pakar yang telah ditentukan oleh Yayasan.
l Seleksi dilakukan berdasarkan 5 (lima) kelompok bidang ilmu yakni :
1. Kelompok Ilmu Dasar,
2. Kelompok Ilmu Kedokteran dan Bioteknologi,
3. Kelompok Ilmu Rekayasa,
4. Kelompok Ilmu Sosial, Hukum, Ekonomi dan Politik,
5. Kelompok Ilmu Filsafat, Agama dan Budaya.

Beasiswa yang diberikan berupa:
l biaya pendidikan (SPP) dan dana studi lainnya,
l tunjangan tugas akhir,
l tunjangan biaya buku/fotokopi,
l tunjangan biaya hidup,
l tunjangan biaya transportasi dari daerah ke tempat kuliah (jika saat melamar ada di daerah di luar tempat belajar)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut

Student Loan from Sampoerna Foundation



Non-collateral loans up to IDR 200 million. Competitive and fixed interest rates, no administrative and provision fee, quick and hassle-free process

StudentLoan is a joint program from BII, IFC and Sampoerna Foundation providing financial support for educational financing in University graduate (Bachelor) and post graduate (Master and Doctorate) to universities across Indonesia.

1. Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
2. Universitas Bina Nusantara
3. Prasetiya Mulya Business School
4. IPMI Business School
5. President University
6. Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB)
7. Satya Wacana
8. Universitas Atmajaya
9. Universitas Indonusa Esa Unggul
10. Universitas Ma Chung
11. STIE Nusantara
12. GS Fame Institute of Business
13. Akpar NHI Bandung
14. STT Telkom
15. ESMOD Jakarta
16. ICAT Bandung
18. Universitas Ciputra
19. Universita Bunda Mulia

Terms & Conditions:
• Maximum credit is 5x monthly income
• Minimum Net Income IDR 40 million per annum
• Income can be calculated by joint income
• Work experience must be at least 1 year for employees and 2 year for professionals and entrepreneurs
• Flexible Credit Tenor that is 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 months
• Applicable for new and current students enrolled in university

Applications can be obtained at participating universities, BII and Sampoerna Foundation

For further information, please contact:
BII Customer Care :
via GSM Operator 69 811
Jakarta (62-21) 788 69 811
Medan (62-61) 45 68 811
Bandung (62-22) 42 18 811
Surabaya (62-31) 54 78 811

source :,en/

Beasiswa Bank Dunia 2008


Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must meet the following general criteria to be eligible for a fellowship award:

* Be a national and resident of a World Bank member country which is currently eligible to borrow;
* Candidates should be under 45 years. Candidates born before January 1, 1964 will not be considered;
* Must have completed and been awarded at least a Master's degree, or equivalent, at the time of application;
* Be regularly registered in a development related doctoral program in their home or another country;
* Must have completed all coursework and exam requirements for their doctoral program;
* Be employed as full time lecturer or researcher by an academic or research institution in their home country;
* Be accepted as a visiting scholar by a renowned university for a period of five to ten months.

Application Procedures

Application forms for Robert S. McNamara (RSM) Fellowships Program are available in English, French, and Spanish in PDF format.

Each application consists of the three documents: 1) 2008 RSM Application Form; 2) Letter of Reference (Professional or Academic), and 3) Statement of Acceptance by Host Institution & Research Adviser

application form click here
supporting documents : click here

supporting document 2 click here :

Beasiswa Universitas of Tokyo

9.1.08 |

Graduate School of Engineering (Three Departments), The University of Tokyo, offer advanced study and research opportunities to foreign students in the framework of the Special Graduate Program on Engineering for Systems Innovation (“the Special Program”).

The program offers:

* Master’s (2 years)
* Doctoral (3 years)

courses leading to the degrees of Master of Engineering and Doctor of Engineering degrees in the Three Departments, respectively.

Those accepted to Special Graduate Program on Engineering for Systems Innovation will be enrolled in the winter semester which begins on October 1, 2008. Research and instruction are conducted both in English and in Japanese. Japanese language courses are offered by the Department of Systems Innovation.

The students for Special Graduate Program on Engineering for Systems Innovation will be selected primarily based on academic qualification. To be eligible for admission to the Master’s program an applicant must hold Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. For admission to the doctoral program an applicant must hold a Master’s Degree or its equivalent. The age of the applicant must be under 35 on April 1, 2008 and must be citizens of countries with whom the Japanese government has diplomatic relations.

How To Apply
The following documents (originals and/or several copies as indicated) must reach the Foreign Student Office of the Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science by January 4, 2008. In case you want to submit the application urgently to meet the due date please send at first the documents in PDF files by email, then submit the original ones through ordinary mail.

The necessary materials to be submitted:

* One original and five copies of Application for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusyo) Scholarship (Form #1).
* One original and five copies of Field of Study and Study Program (Form #2).
* One original and five copies of Application for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusyo) Scholarship (Annex) (Form #3).
* One original and five copies of Certificate of Health completed by a registered medical doctor. Copy of the latest periodic medical check-up record of your institute is acceptable.
* One original and six copies of Application Card (Form #4).
* One original and five copies of Self-evaluation Form (Form #5).
* Mailing address labels (Form #6).
* One original and five A4-sized copies of Certificate of Graduation and Diploma of Degree for each study period (Bachelor, Master, Doctor), with English translation if the original one is not in English.
* One original and five A4-sized copies of Official Transcript or Academic Record of undergraduate and graduate study from each institution which the applicant graduated from or is presently enrolled in, with English translation if the original one is not in English.
* Two evaluation reports (Confidential Evaluation Report on Applicant). One evaluator must be a dean or a person in higher position in the institution, the other should be a faculty member of the institution which the applicant is presently attending or attended most recently, who knows the applicant well such as an academic advisor. The evaluation is expected to rank the applicant according to his/her grade within certain education unit, for example, “top 5% among 98 students of the department, top 3 among 350 students” (see Sample). The report should be signed, sealed then sent directly to the Foreign Students Office of the Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science.
* A recommendation Letter from dean or a person in higher position of the institution. The letter should address to the President of The University of Tokyo and be directly sent to the Foreign Students Office of the Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science. Recommender’s E. mail address and telephone number must be indicated.
* Six copies of census register, passport or other proof of citizenship (do not need to send the original passport).
* Six passport-size photographs (6cm x 4cm) taken within past six months.
* A summery of thesis, research papers and other publications authored by applicant.
* Score of TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or official certificate of your English capability. This does not apply to the native English speakers.
* Score of GRE (Graduate Record Examination), if available.

Ms. N. Kanzaki
Foreign Student Office
Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
Phone: +81 -3 - 3814 - 7553
Fax: +81 -3 - 3818 - 3455

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