Open Society Institute/Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening/ University of Nottingham Scholarships

22.10.08 |

Open Society Institute/Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening/
University of Nottingham Scholarships

2009 Entry

These 8 scholarships are available for students from Indonesia,
Jordan, Syria

Registering on the following taught postgraduate programmes
at the University of Nottingham in September 2009:

LLM in Human Rights Law
MA in International Relations
MA in Social & Global Justice
MA in European & Global Politics
MA in International Security and Terrorism
MA Diplomacy
MA Politics and Contemporary History
MA Critical Theory and Politics

Applicants should normally:
be nationals of, and resident in, the selected country,
already hold a first university degree equivalent to a good UK second-
class Honours degree,
have a very good knowledge of English.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously
studied outside their home country.

Each award covers tuition fees, living expenses, return airfare, plus
agreed allowances.

Please read the Guidance Notes for Applicants before completing and
returning the scholarship application form, which you will find

The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 January 2009.

Application forms for scholarships to be completed and returned to
your local British Council Office:

The British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Phone: + 62 21 515 5561
Fax: + 62 21 515 5562
Contact person: Rowena Rompas

University of Nottingham Scholarships 2009-10
Guidance Notes For Applicants

1. What do the scholarships offer?

The scholarships aim to provide opportunities for independent
postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for students who have
demonstrated both academic excellence and the potential to become
leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers in their own country.
Upon completion of their studies in the UK, scholars are expected to
return to their home country to resume their studies or work there.
Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships lead to the award
of a master's degree.

The scholarships are available for study for LLM in Human Rights Law,
MA in International Relations, MA in Social & Global Justice, MA in
European & Global Politics , MA in International Security and
Terrorism, MA Diplomacy, MA Politics and Contemporary History, MA
Critical Theory and Politics.

Each scholarship provides twelve months' tuition fees at the
University of Nottingham, a stipend to cover living costs (for one
person only) and return air travel from the scholar's home country.

2. Who is eligible to apply?

The scholarships are open to applicants from Indonesia, Jordan and

Applicants will normally be expected:
to be nationals of, and normally resident in, the selected country
during the academic year in which they apply for the award;
applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period
of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being
already hold (or expect to hold by the time of taking up the award) a
degree of an equivalent standard to at least a good UK second-class
Honours degree;
to have passed an appropriate English language test by the time of
taking up the award;
to return to their home country at the end of their scholarship
period to continue their studies/ work there.
not to have already received or be currently receiving financial
benefit from a previous HMG funded scholarship;
not to be employees, employees' relatives (of former employees who
have left employment less than 2 years before) of FCO (including FCO
posts), the British Council, the Educational Advising Centers or
other OSI-NSP representations in the region and the participating

Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously
studied outside their home country.

3. How can I apply?

You can obtain application forms from your local British Council
office (See below for address and contact details).

You will need to fill out:
The University Postgraduate Application Form and Reference Form :
please read it carefully and enclose all additional documents
requested in the application form.
The separate Scholarship application form.

The completed forms and supporting documents must be returned to your
local British Council office at the address below by 30 January 2009
at the latest (see below address and contact details). One original
set of the application pack and two copies thereof must be submitted.

4. How does the selection procedure work?
Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview and an
English language test in their home country during April 2009. You
should keep yourself free for these dates. You will be informed by
the local British Council office whether you have been shortlisted or

Interviews will be carried out by representatives of OSI and the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In certain cases, there may also be
a panel member representing the interests of the University.
The final awards will be decided jointly by the University, the FCO
and OSF. Candidates will be informed by the University.

Please note that successful applicants will be invited to the OSI NSP
Pre-Academic Summer School that will be held in July or August 2009
in Istanbul. The Network Scholarship Programmes' (NSP) Pre-Academic
Summer Programme is designed to prepare NSP grantees for successful
academic experiences in the UK. Successful applicants will be
provided with the opportunity to refine their research and writing
skills through intensive courses in academic writing and social

5. How can I find out more about the University?
Read the University's Postgraduate Prospectus. Your local British
Council office will be able to make a copy available for you to
consult. You will not, however, be able to take this copy home.

Visit the University's Home Page at
Who should I contact if I have any questions?

Please make use of all of the written documentation available to you:
the guidance notes and the University's Postgraduate Prospectus:

If you have any queries about these guidance notes, then you should
contact either
your local British Council office (please see addresses below) or
Margareta Mamaliga, UK Programme Coordinator, Network Scholarship
Programmes, Open Society Foundation:

Fax or e-mail only:
Fax: 00 44 20 7031 0217

If you have any academic questions, then you should direct these to
the appropriate department at the University (listed in the
University's Postgraduate Prospectus).
Contact details of local British Council offices:

The British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Phone: + 62 21 515 5561
Fax: + 62 21 515 5562
Contact person: Rowena Rompas


20.10.08 |


have you ever dreamt of having an internship abroad ?
have you ever dreamt of working in a group of people from all over the world
have you ever dreamt of working on MNCs abroad ?

are you a person who always want to challenge yourself?
are you a person who care about world issue?


what is AIESEC ?
AIESEC is the world's largest student organization, exist in more than 100
countries and
territories in more than 1100 universtities in the WORLD.

every year, AIESEC provides 4,500 working abroad opportunities for students and
recent graduates
to gain a professional and international experience.

so,,is it your turn now ??
------------ --------- --------- -----
------------ --------- --------- ----------------- -------

internships related to administration, finance, accounting, marketing,
project management and HR.

spesific requirement : - have an academic and/or working background from

usually with NGOs, internships usually relate to wide variety of issues
in community development.

spesific requirement : none

internships related to management and development in web, software, networks,
and databases,plus some engineering.

spesific requirement : - have an academic and/or working background from
skill requirement : - web development
and management
- software development and
programming (Java,SQL,HTML, C,C++,C#, Javascript,XML,Visual Basic,PHP)
- system analysis and design
- database management (MySQL,Oracle,
Sybase,Microsoft SQL Server,DB/2)

internships related to promotion, curriculum development, teaching,
and counseling in education sector.

spesific requirement : - have a teaching experience (in anykind area)

------------ --------- --------- ----------------- --------- ---------
----------------- -------

general requirement :
- max 30 years old
- have organization experiences
- fluent in english
- TOEFL score min 550
- max 2 years after graduation

------------ --------- --------- ----------------- --------- ---------
----------------- --------
please send :
1. CV (max 3 pages,pdf format,recent photograph,signatur e)
2. motivation letter
3. TOEFL Score sertification
4. Supporting Documents about Language
5. Application form,please download from:

email subject : name_type of internship_universi ty
example: lola_TT_ITB

to : globalxprogram. aiesecbandung@
last submission : 29th october 2008, 5pm
announcement : 31st october 2008 (via email)

contact person:
email : dessy.marlissa@
ph : 0856 9133 4141 / 022 920 35 741
msn : marlissa.dessy@
ym : inspiring_dessy
skype : dessy.marlissa indonesia/ bandung
------------ --------- --------- ----------------- --------- --------- ------

PwC, DHL, Electrolux,
ABN-AMRO, Microsoft,
Alcatel, InBev,
HP , GE , and literally thousands more of different sizes and sectors from all
over the world.

Friecy Nadia Amantha
PBOX Coordinator
AIESEC Indonesia

Email :
Phone: +62 21 33060304
Mobile: +62 817 71 95 97
AIESEC Indonesia | Jl. Patiunus 5 Jakarta Selatan | 12120 | Indonesia

Interview Session for Petronas Scholarship 2008

16.10.08 |

Muhamad Abduh
International Islamic University Malaysia

Dear All, (Maybe you have read the email forwarded in
your mailing list)

Please forward it again as a reminder to your friends.

The details of the interview session plan are as

15 October - Traveling to Jakarta
16 October - Jakarta (Interview session at PETRONAS Country Office Meeting Room, Level 27, Citibank Tower)
17 October - Traveling to Bandung
18 October - Bandung (Interview session at Sheraton Bandung Hotel)
19 October - Traveling to Jogjakarta
20 October - Jogjakarta (Interview session at UGM)
21 October - Traveling to Surabaya
22 October - Surabaya (Interview session at ITS)
23 October - Traveling back to KL

We would like to get your assistance in distributing the advertisement
attached and information about the Postgraduate Studies opportunities
at University Teknologi PETRONAS and also other relevant issues. The
new benefit is the increment of the allowance effective January 2009
Semester (MSc - RM 1650 per month, PhD - RM2200 per month).

The candidate are require to submit the application online at UTP
website and bring the printed application form
together with the
relevant documents during interview session.

We shall inform the candidates from time to time about
the details
using the email given in the online application form.

Thank you.


Tajul Ariffin Bin Shamsuddin
Admission & Registration Unit
Registry Office
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar
31750 Tronoh
Perak, Malaysia
Tel : +605-3688403 ; Mobile : +6012-5218403
Fax : +605-3654082
Email : tajul_ariffin@ my

Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Cheil Jedang Indonesia

12.10.08 |

Kami, PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan PMA-Korea yang memproduksi Lysine, Threonine dan MSG. Saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan tenaga muda professional di bidang Research & Development untuk menjadi tenaga ahli masa depan. Untuk tujuan tersebut, kami mengadakan Program Beasiswa dengan detail sebagai berikut :

1.Sasaran / Persyaratan :
- Lulusan S1 tahun wisuda 2008 dari perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka.
- Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Mikrobiologi atau Biologi.
- IPK minimal = 3.00 ; Belum menikah ; Usia maksimal 25 tahun.
- Bersertifikat nilai TOEFL minimal 400.
- Familiar dengan bahasa Korea menjadi suatu nilai tambah.

2.Bentuk :
- Beasiswa kuliah S2 (master) pada jurusan Biological Engineering di INHA University — Korea Selatan, selama 2 (dua) tahun terhitung mulai April 2009.
- Biaya administrasi (pengurusan passport, visa, dll.) serta biaya hidup selama di Korea ditanggung oleh CJ Group.
- Ikatan dinas dengan CJ Group.
- Ikatan dinas pertama selama 1 (satu) tahun pasca kelulusan, akan ditempatkan di R & D Centre CJ Group di Korea.
- Sisa masa ikatan dinas akan ditempatkan di CJ Group Indonesia (pabrik PT CJI Pasuruan atau Jombang).

Keterangan selengkapnya mengenai perkuliahan dapat dilihat di website INHA University"> tentang 2009-Spring Admission for International.

Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan dan tertarik dengan tantangan tersebut, segera siapkan :
- Surat lamaran ;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) lengkap ;
- Ijazah dan transkrip nilai ;
- Pasfoto berwarna ukuran 3 X 4 Cm = 2 lembar ;
- Nomor telepon / hand phone (HP) yang mudah dihubungi ;
- Dokumen penunjang lain yang relevan.

Cantumkan kode “IKATAN DINAS” pada sudut kanan atas amplop, dan kirim ke alamat :

Jl. Raya Arjosari, Kecamatan Rejoso, Kab. Pasuruan — 67181
Contact person : Kikit - (0343) 401231 ; email :

Surat lamaran sudah diterima HRD PT CJI paling lambat tanggal 18 Oktober 2008. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk proses seleksi berikutnya.

Pasuruan, 6 Oktober 2008



INTERNSHIP PROGRAM at The Mercedes-Benz Indonesia 2008

8.10.08 |

The Mercedes-Benz Indonesia offers motivated talents a fascinating environment in a
global corporation with a production site for chassis parts, passenger cars and
commercial vehicles.
What we offer you:

An internship with a duration of 3 - 6 month

Support from experienced skilled professionals

Work in a field of activity oriented to your field of study

Internships are possible in the fields of quality management, finance & controlling,
marketing & sales, human resource and logistics.
What we expect from you:

You are enrolled as a student at a university

You are studying in one of the aforementioned fields

You are willing to take an internship for a minimum of 4 months

Work experience (training, other internships)

Fluent in English

Advanced IT/computer skills

Intercultural competence
If you are interested, send us your application and other supporting documents:

Cover Letter

Curriculum Vitae

Certificate of intermediate diploma

Certificates of previous trainings / internships
Contact Email:

Best Regards
Devi Yulia

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