beasiswa info PhD position in ecology

18.4.09 |

PhD position in Ecology: The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science has about 160 members including 55 PhD researchers and 55 PhD students (for more information see the department’s homepage:

A new project financed by the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS) in aquatic ecology, entitled: “Eutrophication as a selection factor for the occurrence of predation-resistant and potentially pathogenic bacteria in aquatic environments”.

Project description
Eutrophication is one of the largest threats to aquatic environments, as it causes a number of drastic changes in the system. One example is phytoplankton communities that often become dominated by inedible, filamentous or toxic forms. The underlying mechanism for this may be increased predation on lower trophic levels, selecting for increased occurrence of predation-resistance in nutrient rich environments.
Evolution has taken many solutions for bacterial resistance to protozoan predation. Some examples are increase or decrease in cell size, production of toxins, cell aggregations, biofilm formation, and resistance to degradation within the protozoa. Some predation-resistant bacteria are also resistant to phagocytosis by human macrophages, suggesting that protozoa constitute a biological gym for the occurrence of potentially pathogenic bacteria.

The above theories will be tested within the PhD project. The link between ecosystem drivers, bacterial functional diversity and epidemiological factors will be investigated in aquatic systems. The PhD project will include field experiments as well as selection and microcosm experiments in laboratory. The tularemia-bacterium Francisella tularensis will be used as an example for a predation-resistant and potentially pathogenic bacterium. The project is performed in collaboration with ecologists, microbiologists and medical scientists.

Assoc. Prof. Agneta Andersson, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University will be main supervisor in the project. Prof. Anders Sjöstedt, Department of Clinical Bacteriology, Umeå University, and Assoc. Prof. Mats Forsman, Swedish Defence Research Agency will be associated supervisors.

The application should include a letter of intent, certified curriculum vitae that includes information on previous education, copies of the master’s thesis, publications and other documents supporting your competence and suitability for the position, and address and phone number to two reference persons. The application may be written in English or Swedish.

The recruitment procedure will follow
the Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen chapters 5 and 7). Prerequisites include either i) 240 ECTS credits (Swe. högskolepoäng) of higher education studies of which 60 should be on an advanced level (Master level), or ii) 120 Swedish (old) credits (Swe. poäng; corresponding to 180 ECTS credits) of higher education studies if they were taken before July 1, 2007 or equivalent competence. Education should include 120 ECTS credits (2 year) biological subjects, 15 ECTS credits ecology or corresponding subject, and a 30 ECTS credits independent project in ecology or a similar relevant field. It is qualifying to have good knowledge in ecological theory and training in microbial ecology and molecular biology/genetics. The successful applicant should have good ability to write and speak in English, creativity, power of initiative, independence and ability to collaborate. Evaluations will be based on results on University courses, quality of
master’s thesis, references, interviews and the letter of intent.

A PhD education is 4 years (48 months) and the PhD-student will get a formal position at the start of the project (Sw: “doktorandanställning”). Up to 10 % as teaching assistant may be included in the position (then the position will be extended accordingly).

For more information contact Agneta Andersson, +46 90-786 9845,, Homepage:

Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO civil, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.

Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-364-09, should be sent to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive May 14, 2009 at the latest.

Sayembara Penelitian


Dalam rangka mendorong pengarusutamaan pro poor budget terutama tentang
kebutuhan pembiayaan bagi pencapaian target MDGs di Indonesia dan
efektifitas alokasi anggarannya, kami mengundang akademisi, aktifis
LSM/Ormas, jurnalis, dan masyarakat umum untuk melakukan penelitian
dengan tema "Alokasi dan Efektifitas Penganggaran bagi Pencapaian MDGs
dan Pengarusutamaan Pro Poor Budget“.

Dengan mengacu pada pemenuhan target MDGs 2015, maka 4 (empat) pilihan bidang penelitian dalam sayembara ini adalah :
(1) Penanggulangan Kemiskinan, (2) Kesehatan, (3) Pendidikan, dan (4) Air Bersih dan Sanitasi.

penelitian di setiap topik berfokus pada 2 (dua) hal, yaitu : (a)
Efektivitas anggaran, dan (b) Ketercukupan anggaran, dengan pertanyaan
kunci pada masing-masing fokus sebagai berikut :

Efektivitas Anggaran
a. Berapa besar anggaran yang telah dialokasikan (dalam 5 tahun terakhir)?
b. Apa prioritas kebijakan/program?
c. Sejauh mana efektifitas pengalokasian anggaran dalam mencapai target MDGs?
d. Apa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektifitas alokasi anggaran?

Ketercukupan Anggaran
a. Berapa besaran yang harus dialokasikan pada tahun 2010?
b. Apa prioritas kebijakan/program yang menjadi prioritas pengalokasian?
c. Faktor apa yang menghambat pemenuhan alokasi anggaran? Baik di ranah “politik anggaran” maupun “faktor struktural”?

penulis dapat menggunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan
kualitatif atau pendekatan kuantitatif, peneliti diharapkan mampu
memberikan jawaban-jawaban dari topik dan pertanyaan kunci penelitian,
serta mampu memberikan bangun argumentasi serta analisis yang mencakup
dimensi struktural dan tidak hanya dimensi teknokratis. Sayembara
penelitian ini hanya akan memilih empat (4) pemenang (masing-masing
tema akan dipilih satu pemenang. Tiap peneliti yang proposal
penelitiannya lolos seleksi berhak hadiah penelitian (sudah termasuk
biaya penelitian dan honorarium) sebesar Rp. 15.000.000,- (Lima Belas
Juta Rupiah), dengan pajak ditanggung oleh pemenang.

lebih lengkap/terinci tentang Persyaratan, Ketentuan dan Panduan
sayembara ini bisa diunduh di website Perkumpulan Prakarsa ( link :

Master Scholarships at MIB, Trieste, Italy


MIB, Trieste, Italy

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These scholarships are given according to merit criteria based on requirements indicated by the companies that offer financial support.

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Beasiswa Australia, April 2009

2.4.09 |

Australian Postgraduate Award Industry (APAI) PhD Scholarship
The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Applications are now open for a 3 year APAI PhD scholarship. The position is funded by a multidisciplinary Australian Research Council Linkage grant.
Applicants wishing to pursue a PhD as part of this multidisciplinary project are sought in one of the following three areas: (1) Chemical Ecology, (2) Population Genetics, (3) Climate Change modelling or a combination of these fields.
Applicants must hold either a First Class Honours Science Degree, a Master Degree in Science or equivalent qualification. A sound scientific background in one of the above three fields or a combination of these fields is essential. Evidence of research excellence as demonstrated by publications is highly desirable.
Ref No: LP0989338 APAI
Closing date: April 20, 2009.
For details:
For further information:

Beasiswa Sampoerna Foundation, April 2009


Titip mau menyampaikan info pendaftaran mahasiswa baru untuk Strata S-1 dan Full-Scholarship dari Putera Sampoerna School of Education. Do kindly please
pass this message to your network

Untuk info lebih lanjut, bisa menghubungi Syeron Syahril di (0817-4864802) atau email ke

Salam hangat.
R. Yudhi Pradhana.

Pertukaran Pelajar Jawa Barat


The Department of Youth and Sports of West Java Province has announced its
decision on this year selection. It will be the same as previous year, which is
conducted in two phases of selection process. In the first phase, participants
should pass the selection conducted by Department of National Education, Sec.
Outer School Education and Sport of Daerah Tingkat II (Kabupaten/Kota) .
Therefore, participants should immediately contact their local department above
(e.g. Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung or Kab. Bogor etc) on how and when will be
the selection process conducted.

Each selected participants from each Kab/Kota final result (quota based) will be
selected through thorough process of selection in the second phase, which is the
Province level. It is held through quarantine method. This year province level
selection will be conducted in 13 - 15 April 2009 in Hotel Talagasari,

Every participant who pass the first phase will have a Letter of Recommendation
(LoR) from authorized Kab/Kota Department to be submitted to the committee
during the Registration (check in) by 13 April 2009. The LoR is your ticket to
join the province’s selection.

Please Note that there will be a long weekend holiday from 9 - 12 April 2009
(due to the election and good friday), so each Kab/Kota selection will be held
before the long weekend holiday (e.g Selection of Kota Bandung will be on 7
April 2009). Therefore, the soonest you apply to your local department, the
biggest chance you have to get through to the province level.

Clear Info check or

We Wish You Good Luck and See You in Talagasari:)

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