Info Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora)

28.3.13 |

JAKARTA - Asyiknya ikut pertukaran pelajar adalah kita enggak hanya kenal dengan teman-teman baru dari berbagai negara, tetapi juga berkesempatan jalan-jalan gratis ke negara asing. Tentu saja, sambil jalan-jalan itu kita belajar banyak hal dari negara, penduduk, dan kebudayaan negara yang kita singgahi.
Contohnya, beasiswa Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora) Republik Indonesia ini. Selama sepuluh hari hingga tujuh bulan, pemuda-pemudi Indonesia bisa mengikuti berbagai jenis pertukaran pelajar di berbagai negara.
Syaratnya mudah, kok. Pelamar program ini haruslah merupakan warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta belum menikah. Pelamar juga harus memiliki wawasan luas tentang Tanah Air dan dunia internasional.
Selain itu, pelamar harus memiliki kemampuan seni dan budaya Indonesia atau skill yang dapat dikontribusikan untuk program. Misalnya, fotografi, film making, menulis, public speaking, membatik, dll.
Ada juga persyaratan khusus untuk tiap program. Pelamar Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) berusia 21-25 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) berusia 20-30 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP) berusia 23-27 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP) berusia 18-25 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP) berusia 18-23 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; dan pelamar China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (CHIYEP): berusia 23-28 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013.
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online di laman masing-masing Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) tiap provinsi. Misalnya, pemuda-pemudi Jawa Tengah bisa membuka laman PCMI Jawa Tengahuntuk melihat informasi pendaftaran secara online.
Menurut laman PCMI Jawa Tengah tersebut, Jumat (22/3/2013), berkas lamaran dikirimkan dalam satu email ke sebelum Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013 Pukul 13.00 WIB. Tuliskan subject “PPAN2013_Nama Pendaftar”, contoh: PPAN2013_Dewi Lestari.
Dalam berkas lamaran tersebut, lampirkan scan KTP, scan sertifikat kompetensi berbahasa Inggris TOEFL Paper (450)/TOEFL IBT (40)/ TOEIC (400)/IELTS (4,0); dan dokumen pendukung yang relevan seperti sertifikat prestasi, dokumentasi kegiatan, dan surat rekomendasi.
Secara ringkas, berikut penjelasan tentang masing-masing program PPAN:
Tema: Cross-Cultural Understanding & LeadershipDurasi: dua bulan
Elemen Program: Homestay, JASEAN Youth Leader Summit, Onboard Activities, Discussion, Club activity, Courtesy Call, Institutional Visit.
2. Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP)
Tema: Youth Leadership in Action (Community Development & Volunteering)
Durasi: tujuh bulan (3,5 bulan fase Kanada, 3,5 bulan fase Indonesia)
Elemen program: Host Family, Work Placement, Counterpart, Educational Activity Day, Culture Show, Community Project, Sector Project 

3. Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP)
Tema: ProfessionalismDurasi: empat bulan (dua bulan fase Australia, dua bulan fase Indonesia)
Elemen Program: Homestay, Internship, Social Activities, Counterpart, Art Performance.
Tema: EntrepreneurshipDurasi: 10 hari
Elemen Program: Courtesy Call, Field Visit, Art Performance, Homestay.
5. Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP)
Tema: Art & CultureDurasi: 20 hari
Elemen Program: Art Workshop, Art Performance, Homestay, Institutional Visit, Field Trip, Courtesy Call.
6. China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (CHIYEP)
Tema: Youth EmpowerementDurasi: 10 hari
Elemen Program: Courtesy Call, Visit, Comparative study about Youth Empowerment in China.(rfa)
Sumber: Okezone

Info Beasiswa New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) tahun 2014


Beasiswa New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) mengundang anda untuk menempuh pendidikan pasca sarjana di New Zealand.

Batas waktu pengajuan aplikasi beasiswa ini akan ditutup pada tanggal 22 April 2013. Informasi detail mengenai beasiswa berikut dengan formulir aplikasi, bisa dilihat melalui website

Aplikasi bisa dikirim ke:
PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO Box 1808
JKP 10018

Bila ada pertanyaan silakan mengirimkan email ke

Info Beasiswa 2014 di Turki untuk Undergraduate, dan PostGraduate


Türkiye scholarships consist of these opportunities:

• Monthly Pocket Money
- For Vocational School Students 500 TL (approximately 300 USD) per month

- For Undergraduate Students 500 TL (approximately 300 USD) per month

- For Master's Students 750 TL (approximately 450 USD) per month

- For Ph.D. Students 1000 TL (approximately 575 USD) per month

• Housing
Türkiye Scholarship students can stay in public university dormitories without paying anyfee. Students who do not want to stay in these dormitories can use other housing possibilities on their own expenses.

• Tuition Fee
Türkiye Scholarship students do not pay any tuition or university fee for education.

• Health Expenses
Türkiye Scholarship students are covered by public health insurance.

• Turkish Language Course
Türkiye Scholarship Students take Turkish language course for one year if they do not have proof of Turkish Language knowledge. Students who are placed in departments which instruct in other languages than Turkish also must take Turkish Language Course.

Türkiye Scholarship students will get certain amount of money for their transportation expenses at their first arrival to Türkiye and departure after graduation from Türkiye. 

All nationalities (excepct Turkish) are eligible for this scholarships. Application deadline for Postgraduate and Doctoral programs: 31 March 2013. Application deadline for Undergraduate program: 31 May 2013. For further info about the scholarship, please proceed to the link below.

Info beasiswa 2014 di Tohoku University


Rekan2 pencari beasiswa

Berikut ada kesempatan beasiswa untuk yg berminat melanjutkan study di Tohoku University di bidang Disaster and Global Safety Science, mulai April tahun ini telah dimulai program beasiswa 5 tahun (master-doktor terusan) Global Safety, Disaster Science and Engineering. Info lengkapnya bisa dilihat di laman ini

Note: Berhubung pagenya dalam bahasa Jepang, silakan gunakan google translate untuk menerjemahkan.

Beberapa info dari orang dalam: program ini sangat well designed, dan utk mahasiswanya tersedia beragam funding untuk menunjang riset ybs. termasuk di dalamnya peluang untuk short stay di univ2 yang punya collaboration research dengan IRIDeS ( seperti USGS, DLR, Univ. Lyon, Hawaii Univ. UCL dll. Profesor2 dari univ2 dan institusi tersebut nanti juga punya lecture sendiri di program ini.


Info Beasiswa 2014 di IMT Institute, Lucca - Italy



Sebagian informasi berikut mungkin membantu, namun disarankan untuk melihat "Call of Application" (terlampir) dan mempelajari website IMT untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Informasi pendaftaran
Aplikasi online

Semoga sukses

General Description
2013 PhD Scholarships for international students at IMT Institute in Italy. Applications are open to candidates without regard to nationality, age, gender or religion. Proficiency in English is compulsory as research and teaching are conducted in English.36 Scholarships are offered of 13,638.47€ /year. Applicants are evaluated by the selection committee of the program in which they intend to register on the basis of their prior performance and professional promise, as evidenced by their academic record and any other pertinent data they submit. Application should be submitted till July 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm (Italian time).
Admission to IMT’s PhD program is competitive on an international level, with evaluation mainly focusing on past academic performance (grades) and scientific relevance to the selected track. First and foremost, however, certain basic formal requirements must be met before candidates are eligible to apply. Namely, applicants must have completed and obtaineda degree equivalent to at least 4 years of university studies. (Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on the condition that their bachelor’s degree is awarded before they enroll at IMT.)
Selection Procedure
Applicants are evaluated by the selection committee of the program in which they intend to register on the basis of their prior performance and professional promise, as evidenced by their academic record and any other pertinent data they submit. While high academic achievement does not guarantee admission, IMT expects such achievement or other persuasive evidence of professional promise. Candidates will be evaluated on the basis of their academic background, skills and scientific value with reference to the subjects of the interdisciplinary program, and their general aptitudes to research. The selection committee will also assess the relevance of any publications, the suitability of the research project or motivation letter and any additional special qualifications, educational activities and /or participation in research groups or projects. The selection committee reserves the right to propose that the applicant beconsidered, interviewed for or admitted to another track/curriculum it deems appropriate in addition to or instead of that to which the candidate has applied.The selection procedure willbe carried out in two phases:
-Assessment of all the applications admitted through the online procedure: The short-list of candidates admitted to the interview will be published on the website and on the Online Notice Board of IMT on September 10th, 20132.Interview: Once short-listed, applicants will berequired to participate in a comprehensive interview in English in order to assess their aptitude for research in the track/curricula for which they have applied, as well as their English proficiency. The interviews will take place from September 23thto September 27th, 2013. Candidates admitted to the interview must confirm their participation by email to phdapplications-at-imtlucca.itwithin 48 hour so publication of the shortlist. According to the mode by which the Candidates wish to be interviewed, the interviews could be conducted as follows:
-At IMT headquarters in Lucca. In this case, candidates will be provided with free accommodation, if available (travel expenses are not covered).
-Via videoconference or through any other procedure allowing visual contact with the candidates and viewing of their identity document (candidates must show identification before the interview begins).
-At an Italian Embassy/Consulate. In this case, the candidate must provide IMT with the contact details of the relevant Italian Embassy/Consulate. Before the interview, the Embassy/consulate staff will proceed with an identification verification of the candidate.
Applicants must fill out the online application form and attach the required documents by July 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm (Italian time). All Candidates are invited to read carefully the Application guidelines, available on IMT website inside the application procedure section. This document provides guidance on filling out the different sections of the application form:- In order to apply, applicants must first submit their personal data: Applicants will then receive a confirmation e-mail containing a password and basic instructions for the submission procedure.
-The first time applicants access their account, they will be requested to choose the Track(s) and the Curriculum (if applicable) to which they wish to apply. While not mandatory, information and attachments marked Optional are most welcome, as they enable the Admissions Committee to evaluate candidates comprehensively. Data and documents entered into the application form are the sole responsibility of the applicant. In the event of false declaration(s), the applicant will not be allowed to enroll in the Ph.D. Program at IMT.
Tenggat Waktu (Deadline)
The application deadline is July 17, 2013 at 6:00 pm (Italian time).

Info Beasiswa Sekolah kedinasan, Info Kuliah di Sekolah Kedinasa dengan Ikatan Dinas/Tanpa Ikatan Dinas


Berikut info Kuliah dan Ikatan Dinas, mungkin manfaat buat keluarga atau sodara.
Ada 7 Info Perguruan Tinggi Kedinasan yang mungkin bermanfaat buat Anak Sendiri, Keponakan, atau Anak Tetangga yang ingin kuliah tapi gak pengen membebani biaya kuliah kepada Orang Tua. Selain itu, begitu tamat kuliah, langsung ditempatkan di Kementerian/Lembaga RI yang terkait.
1. STIS – di bawah Badan Pusat Statistik (dapat uang saku per bulannya Rp. 850.000), pendaftaran online (4 april s.d. 20 Mei 2013 di Lokasi kuliah Jakarta
2. AKAMIGAS-STEM – Akademi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Sekolah Tinggi Enerji dan Mineral) di bawah Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral RI. Lokasi kuliah Cepu, Jawa Tengah (Kawasan Rig dan pengeboran minyak) – Info bisa dilihat di
3. MMTC – Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media Training Center di bawah Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI (Kominfo).Pendaftaran online di Lokasi kuliah di Yogyakarta
4. STSN – Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara – di bawah Lembaga sandi Negara. Pendaftaran online di
Lokasi kuliah di Bogor
5. STKS – Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial di bawah Kementerian Sosial RI. Pendaftaran offline di Kemenkes RI, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Padang, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Jayapura, Palu.Info di
6. STPN – Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional di bawah Badan Pertanahan Nasional RI. Pendaftaran online di
Lokasi kuliah Yogyakarta
7. IPDN – Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI. Pendaftaran offline di Bagian Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten/ Kota seluruh Indonesia. Lokasi kuliah Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Manado, Bukittinggi, Makassar.

Bisa disebarkan ke Anak atau Saudara Kita yg baru lulus  SLTA

Semoga Bermanfaaat.

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