Scholarship Global Faculty Grants Program from Soros Foundation

6.3.12 |

Track 2: Global Faculty Grants Program

Track II of the Global Faculty Grants Program offers Fellows the time, space and resources necessary to conduct research leading to publication in an internationally-recognized peer reviewed journal. The program aims to promote original research and to increase the international mobility of scholars in countries of focus. The program supports well-established scholars who occupy responsible and influential position at home universities to pursue research visits of up to 5 months to any accredited higher education institution worldwide.


Track II is offered to academics in Nepal, Afghanistan, select countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan) and select countries of the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine). The Program does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, and is offered to individuals matching the following profile*:

  • well-established scholars holding a doctorate (PhD) or its equivalent;
  • occupying a full-time position at a university with regular teaching responsibilities;
  • demonstrating language ability sufficient for with the desired university placement;
  • having an established record of academic achievements, including publications in area of specialization;
  • able to articulate a persuasive and well-planned research project to be completed during the fellowship.

Collaborative research projects, in which the guest scholar participates in an ongoing research project at the host institution, are strongly encouraged.

* Employees of the Open Society Foundations and employees of local administering organizations (and their immediate family members), who are directly involved in the administration of scholarships are not eligible; nor are individuals receiving other Open Society Foundations--funded fellowship support.

Research Proposal

The research proposal should focus on a specific question in a relevant area of social sciences/humanities, should have a well-defined research hypothesis, and should explain what contributions the study will make to the academic discipline. The proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and will be evaluated also in relation to the duration requested (up to 5 months) and hosting environment arranged.


April 15, 2012


Competition is merit based and applications are evaluated on the academic merit of the proposed research project. Other factors include the applicant’s professional aptitude, leadership potential, long-term commitment to a career in higher education in home country, and language ability sufficient for the host university setting.

All completed applications are reviewed and evaluated by a committee of university representatives and OSF staff. Selection committees comprised of academic specialists will evaluate the merits of the research proposal, as well as the logic of the proposed destination and duration of the proposed research visit.

Host University Placement and Activities during Fellowship

In addition to completing the program application form, applicants are expected to submit a detailed study plan describing their proposed project, activities, and goals to be achieved while on program. Applicants will be expected to negotiate their own invitation by an academic colleague in the hosting department and are required to obtain the endorsement of both the hosting institution and home university administration. OSF plays no role in brokering placement of applicants at host universities.

The hosting institution must be capable of offering appropriate resources such as a workplace, access to libraries and the Internet, and other assistance as needed at the host institution, at no cost to the program. For collaborative projects, written confirmation by the lead investigator of the research agreement, including express reference to the applicant's project, must be included with the application materials.

Fellows must uphold the academic standards of the host institution and are expected to be in residence at the host university for the duration of the fellowship. Failure to maintain academic and professional standards as defined by the host university may result in dismissal from the program. Failure to follow the laws governing foreign students in the host country will result in dismissal from the program.

The program is focused on research support, but grantees are encouraged to take advantage of the full range of the host education environment, such as administrative structures and student-related services, which may be applicable to the home institution. Specific additional activities may include:

  • Visiting classes to observe teaching methods, review syllabi and reading lists of host faculty;
  • Attending departmental and university faculty meetings;
  • Auditing relevant courses, participating in classroom discussion;
  • Giving guest lectures or helping to teach a course; and
  • Participating in the OSF Academic Webfolio Project (, which provides opportunities for networking and peer review/feedback.

Fellowship Terms

Track II fellowships last up to 5 months and are renewable once, after the grantee has spent at least one (1) year back in the home country. The fellowship provides:

  • monthly stipend for room, board, and other living expenses;
  • program-related travel;
  • accident and sickness insurance during the program;

The fellowship does NOT provide funding for dependent family members or administrative fees for the hosting institution.

Fellowship Outcomes

The expected outcome of the fellowship is significant progress made toward the submission of an article to an international peer-reviewed journal. Fellows are also expected to present a public lecture to their host department as well as the home university community.

Fellows will be required to submit a final narrative report, describing the progress made on their research project and outlining further steps required to bring the project to completion and publication. This report will be included in any renewal applications.


Applicants from Egypt, Jordan and Palestine only should submit their applications and address any questions to:

Global Faculty Program Coordinator
Open Society Scholarship Programs
1700 Broadway, Floor 17
New York. NY 10019

All other applicants can obtain more information and should submit their applications to their local scholarship programs' coordinator at the local educational advising center or Soros Foundation.

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