Beasiswa S2 bidang Kehutanan

13.11.10 |

Dear All:

Berikut info beasiswa S2 Erasmus Mundus utk bidang Kehutanan:

Jika berminat atau ada pertanyaan silakan hubungi contact info yg disediakan di website tsb diatas.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.


Dr. Taufik
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

Tawaran magang di Institut International de Recherche sur la Paix


*O**ffre pour un stage au sein du département de la**communication du
*(Institut international de recherches sur la paix**de Stockholm)*


Internship for communications and outreach

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) is looking
for an intern to join its outreach and communication activities for a
period of at least 4 months between January and June 2011.

As an intern you will have the opportunity to work closely with the SIPRI
communications and editorial team during an exciting period. During the
period of the internship, SIPRI will be preparing its renowned Yearbook
and will release its key data sets on international arms transfers, arms
production and worldwide military expenditure. These media launches
traditionally attract wide international media coverage.

You will help to assemble and develop the contents of the Yearbook,
prepare background media material, draft press releases, follow up with
journalists, facilitate interviews, help make media material available
through the webside and facebook, help setting up launch events, help
monitor media coverage and more.

As a candidate ideally:

* you have a background in or are studying communications or public
relations [or publishing?]

* you have a rough understanding of international relations and
security issues
* you have a strong interest in communication, outreach activities and
enjoy talking to journalists
* you are organized, reliable, taking initiative, independent and
enthusiastic about the tasks
* you have some basic knowledge of website content management systems
and a basic understanding of social forums such as Facebook and
* you have good language skills, English is a prerequisite, Spanish
highly advantageous, Swedish useful

SIPRI cannot not pay for housing, travel or any other expenses and does
not pay interns a salary. Applicants should indicate in their applications
that they can provide their own funding to cover all their costs in
Sweden. However, we can offer a highly stimulating working environment and
a truly international experience with relevant topics and advanced media

Send an email with your CV to Stephanie Blenckner, SIPRI's Communications
Director, email:

Starting time: According to agreement, as soon as possible during January.

Scholarships dari IFAS


Semoga bermanfaat !

Étudiant Doctorat
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Marseille
Centre Norbert Elias (UMR 8562 - CNRS - EHESS)


Call for funding application 2011
Honours, Masters, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral students, Senior Researchers

IFAS-Research would like to remind research teams, researchers and
students in the Human and Social Sciences working on Southern Africa,
that all applications for the financing of research works, events, field
trips or publications for 2011 must imperatively reach us by email only
before the 30th of November 2010.

All applications will be considered. However, research in line with that
of the Institute will be an advantage. As a reminder, we list hereunder
our four current focus areas. No conditions of nationality apply. This
call is therefore clearly intended to elicit projects from researchers
from both Europe and Southern Africa. Beyond the themes indicated below,
Southern African researchers willing to submit projects of a comparative
nature (between Southern Africa and Europe) requiring fieldwork in
France are welcome.

The 3 essential eligibility criteria are:

* an existing or potential scientific partnership between France and
Southern Africa, and with Francophone countries when applicable;
if in doubt the applicants may contact IFAS to be put in touch
with researchers likely to collaborate with them
* an overall budget of less than 40 000 South African Rands or 4000
* financial participation from another institution (details of which
should be provided in the project).

*Focus areas : *

1. *Southern African Cities: Urban Dynamics and Governance*
Issues of security, privatisation of public services, local
government and the adoption of "best practice" models,
participation, migration and xenophobia, historical development of
Southern African cities, spatial justice and the right to the city.
2. *Democratic Transformation in the Region*
1. Mapping of electoral dynamics, party politics, republicanism;
2. Law and transformation : constitutional changes, protection
of minority rights, equity policies; human rights regime,
refugee & asylum regimes, citizenship and its
transformation, challenges posed by right of access to basic
3. Democracy and the media including the challenges of
E-government and digital democracy;
4. Education and transformation: school and nation-building
processes, language policy, higher education transformation,
elite formation.
3. *Long Term Perspective on the History of People's Settlement in
Southern Africa*
Multidisciplinary knowledge of Middle and Late Stone Age; past and
current migration trends in the field of history, archaeology,
rock art, socio-anthropology, linguistics, current issues of
memory and the celebration of history in contemporary Southern Africa
4. *Comparative Developments Economics*
Formal/informal labour, economic policy development, governance,
effects of liberalisation on Southern African economies,
sector-focused studies, SADC-NEPAD – EU relations, critical and
comparative approaches to development economics, in particular to
sustainable development issues (such as environmental justice).

*Selection process of applications:*

* Deadline for applications : *30 November 2010*
* Pre-selection of applications and sending to the reporters of the
Research Advisory Comittee : mid-December 2010
* Feedback from the Research Advisory Committee members and
validation : end of January 2011

Responses will be sent to applicants by e-mail by mid-February 2011.

/Please note that financing of research projects will be granted with
the condition precedent that IFAS has enough allocated budget to this
end in the year 2011./

*[Application form

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