Beasiswa S1 Pendidikan Sampoerna School of Education 2010

24.2.10 |

PUTERA SAMPOERNA SCHOOL OF EDUCATION membuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru tahun akademik 2010/2011 melalui jalur BEASISWA dan STUDENT FINANCING.

Program Studi yang ditawarkan:
1. Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
2. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


1. Lulus SMA atau setara pada tahun 2008, 2009 atau lulus di tahun 2010.
a. Program Pendidikan Matematika: SMA jurusan IPA
b. Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris: SMA semua jurusan
(Bagi peserta lulusan SMK dapat mendaftar untuk pilihan Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)
2. Bagi lulusan SMA Internasional harap menyertakan Ijazah yang disetarakan oleh Depdiknas
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan syarat dokumen lainnya
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik
5. Nilai raport rata-rata 7,00 selama masa SMA/SMK (kelas 10 – 12) dengan nilai matematika dan bahasa inggris minimum 7,00
6. Surat referensi dari Kepala Sekolah & Wali Kelas/Guru BK
7. Surat keterangan kesehatan
8. Lulus proses seleksi

PERSYARATAN KHUSUS (Program Beasiswa):

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Menjelaskan dan menunjukkan bukti kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dengan melengkapi informasi yang tercantum dalam formulir pendaftaran mahasiswa baru SSE
3. Memiliki prestasi akademik dan non-akademik yang tinggi semasa SMA yang dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai raport atau surat rekomendasi guru atau kepala sekolah
4. Lulus proses seleksi beasiswa


1. Fotokopi raport kelas 10-12 (legalisir)
2. Hasil UAN SMA (diwajibkan bagi yang sudah lulus saat mendaftar)
3. Fotokopi KTP (2 lembar)
4. Pas foto berwarna 4x6 (2 lembar)
5. Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu yang dikeluarkan oleh RT/RW atau kelurahan sesuai domisili(khusus peserta melalui jalur beasiswa)
6. Dokumen-dokumen pendukung, seperti tagihan listrik, PAM, dll (khusus peserta melalui jalur beasiswa)
7. Surat referensi dari kepala sekolah (format surat referensi disediakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education)
8. Surat referensi dari Wali Kelas/Guru BK (format surat referensi disediakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education)
9. Fotokopi KTP orang tua (1 lembar)
10.Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga (1 lembar)
11.Surat Keterangan Kesehatan (1 lembar)


Proses seleksi penerimaan terdiri dari 3 tahap sbb:
Tahap 1: Seleksi Dokumen
Tahap 2: Tes Potensi Akademik , Tes Kemahiran Bahasa Inggris & Tes Materi (sesuai program studi yang dipilih)
Tes 3: Interview & Diskusi Kelompok


1. Batas akhir penerimaan dokumen
Dokumen kami terima paling lambat tanggal 09 April 2010. Dokumen dapat dikirimkan melalui pos atau langsung ke Sampoerna School of Education.

2.Pengumuman Lolos Seleksi Dokumen:
Pengumuman aplikan yang lolos seleksi akan kami umumkan pada 14 April 2010. Pengumuman dapat dilihat melalui website di

3. Ujian Seleksi Masuk:
Ujian Seleksi Masuk akan diadakan di 4 kota besar sbb:
Jakarta: 23 – 25 April 2010
Medan: 26 – 28 April 2010
Yogyakarta: 23 – 25 April 2010
Makassar: 26 – 28 April 2010

4. Pengumuman Lolos Ujian Seleksi Masuk:
Aplikan yang lolos Ujian Seleksi Masuk akan diumumkan tanggal 7 Mei 2010. Pengumuman dapat dilihat melalui website di

5. Seleksi Interview & Diskusi Kelompok:
Interview & Diskusi Kelompok akan diadakan di 4 kota besar sbb:
Jakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010
Medan: 17 – 19 Mei 2010
Yogyakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010
Makassar: 17 – 19 Mei 2010

6. Pengumuman:
Aplikan yang lolos akan kami umumkan tanggal 7 Juni 2010. Pengumuman dapat dilihat melalui website

1. Prosedur Pendaftaran

2. Formulir Pendaftaran

3. Formulir Surat Referensi

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Program ini dapat menghubungi:
021-577 2275 ext. 7283 / 7285

115 PhD scholarships at University of Edinburgh, UK


115 PhD scholarships at University of Edinburgh, UK

Edinburgh's research and teaching have been influencing the world since 1583. In the recent RAE, 63% of our research was considered either world-leading or internationally excellent. We were rated the best in the UK for hospital-based clinical subjects, Veterinary, Linguistics and Informatics research. We offer all our PhD students training in transferable skills in public engagement, effective publications and career management to provide an unrivalled depth of support.

Principal's Career Development PhD Scholarships

57 PhD Scholarships are available to students from any country. Each scholarship covers the UK/EU rate of tuition fee as well as a stipend which in year 1 will be £13,500; year 2 £14,000; and year 3 £14,500. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships are awarded for three years.

Closing date for applications: Monday 15 March 2010

Overseas Research Scholarships

58 overseas research scholarships are also available to overseas PhD students undertaking a research degree in any field of study. Each award covers the difference between the UK/EU tuition fee rate and that chargeable to an overseas student. Subject to satisfactory progress, the awards are tenable for up to three years.
28 of these awards are available through the Scottish Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme (SORSAS), with a further 30 scholarships offered under the University's Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships.

All applicants should apply for a SORSAS award, and if you are unsuccessful in obtaining an award, you will automatically be considered for an Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship.

Closing date for applications: Friday 26 February 2010

Find out more at

beasiswa S3 bidang Soil Science di North Carolina State University


Berikut informasi beasiswa S3 bidang Soil Science di North Carolina State University. Mohon disebarluaskan.


Dr. Taufik
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo

Beasiswa S2 Teknik Mesin di Saudi Arabia 2010


Berikut informasi beasiswa S2 bidang teknik mesin di Saudi Arabia:

Graduate Scholarships are available in the general areas of solid mechanics and thermal fluid sciences.
The current program emphasis in solid mechanics includes:
1) computational and experimental mechanics; 2) controls and applied automation; 3) robotics; and, 4) design and manufacturing.

Apply by email to:
Abdulhakim Almajid
Mechanical Engineering Department
King Saud University, P.O. Box 800 Riyadh
Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia

Beasiswa depag 2010 untuk santri berprestasi

9.2.10 |

Jl. Lapangan Banteng Barat No. 3-4,
Telepon : 3811642, 3811654, 3812216, 3812679, 3811214


Kebijakan pembangunan pendidikan mencakup tiga aspek yaitu: perluasan akses, peningkatan mutu, dan tata kelola. Perluasan akses dan peningkatan mutu pendidikan Islam mengisyaratkan keseriusan Kementerian Agama RI dalam meningkatkan angka partisipasi masyarakat di dunia pendidikan. Dalam rangka meningkatkan akses pendidikan tinggi bagi santri berprestasi dan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan Islam, Kementerian Agama RI. bermaksud menjaring santri terbaik di kelas III pada Madrasah Aliyah (MA) atau yang sederajat di pondok pesantren untuk mengikuti program pendidikan tinggi melalui Program Beasiswa Santri Berprestasi (PBSB).

a. Tercatat sebagai siswa/i kelas III Madrasah Aliyah (MA) atau yang sederajat
di pondok pesantren.
b. Berstatus sebagai santri aktif yang bermukim dan belajar/nyantri di pondok pesantren
sekurang-kurangnya selama 2 (dua) tahun.
c. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
d. Pada saat mendaftar berumur tidak lebih dari 20 tahun, terhitung tanggal
13 Maret 2010.
e.. Memiliki prestasi yang baik selama pendidikan 5 semester berturut-turut dengan
nilai minimal 70 (skala 100) untuk tiap mata pelajaran:

Program IPA : Matematika, Fisika, Kimia, Biologi, dan Bahasa Inggris.
Program IPS : Ekonomi, Geografi, Sosiologi, Bahasa Indonesia dan
Bahasa Inggris.
Program Bahasa : Bahasa Inggris, Bahasa Indonesia, Antropologi,
Sastra Indonesia dan Bahasa Asing lain.
Program Keagamaan : Bahasa Arab, Ilmu Hadist, Ilmu Tafsir, Fiqih, Bahasa Inggris.

f. Diajukan oleh Pimpinan Pondok Pesantren santri yang bersangkutan.

Pendaftaran dimulai pada tanggal 5 Februari s/d 5 Maret 2010 di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama masing-masing.

1. Test Bakat Skolastik (TBS)
2. Test Kemampuan Akademik
3. Test Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris
4. Test Kepesantrenan
5. Test Bahasa Arab

Seleksi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Maret 2010 di 29 Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama RI.

Kementerian Agama RI akan menanggung komponen pembiayaan sebagai berikut:
1. Biaya seleksi.
2. Biaya pendidikan pre-university (matrikulasi/orientasi/bridging program).
3. Biaya pendidikan (SPP dan Sumbangan Dana Pengembangan Akademik (SDPA).
4. Bantuan Biaya hidup (living cost).

Peserta yang lulus seleksi akan studi pada perguruan tinggi mitra: Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya, Institut Teknologi 10 November (ITS) Surabaya, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Universitas Mataram, UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, dan IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Panitia Seleksi Peserta PBSB Direktorat Pendidikan Diniyah dan Pondok Pesantren, Ditjen Pendidikan Islam Kementerian Agama RI. dengan nomor telepon 021-3811810 atau melalui website

Jakarta, 3 Februari 2009

Direktur Jenderal Pedidikan Islam


Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Ali, MA

NB. Silahkan download

* FORMULIR PBSB 2010.pdf

Info Beasiswa Sampoerna School of Education 2010


Sampoerna School of Education membuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru tahun akademik 2010/2011 melalui jalur beasiswa dan reguler.

Program Studi yang ditawarkan:

1. Program Studi Pend id ikan Matematika
2. Program Studi Pend id ikan Bahasa Inggris


1. Lulus SMA atau setara pada tahun 2008, 2009 atau lulus di tahun 2010.

· Program Pend id ikan Matematika: SMA jurusan IPA

· Program Pend id ikan Bahasa Inggris: SMA semua jurusan

(Bagi peserta lulusan SMK dapat mendaftar untuk pilihan Program Pend id ikan Bahasa Inggris)

2. Bagi lulusan SMA Internasional harap menyertakan Ijazah yang disetarakan oleh Depdiknas
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan syarat dokumen lainnya
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik
5. Nilai raport rata-rata 7,00 selama masa SMA/SMK (kelas 10 – 12) dengan nilai matematika dan bahasa inggris minimum 7,00
6. Surat referensi dari Kepala Sekolah & Wali Kelas/Guru BK
7. Surat keterangan kesehatan
8. Lulus proses seleksi

PERSYARATAN KHUSUS (Program Beasiswa):

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Menjelaskan dan menunjukkan bukti kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan pend id ikan dengan melengkapi informasi yang tercantum dalam formulir pendaftaran mahasiswa baru SSE
3. Memiliki prestasi akademik dan non-akademik yang tinggi semasa SMA yang dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai raport atau surat rekomendasi guru atau kepala sekolah
4. Lulus proses seleksi beasiswa


1. Fotokopi raport kelas 10-12 (legalisir)
2. Hasil UAN SMA (diwajibkan bagi yang sudah lulus saat mendaftar)
3. Fotokopi KTP (2 lembar)
4. Pas foto berwarna 4x6 (2 lembar)
5. Surat Keterangan T id ak Mampu yang dikeluarkan oleh RT/RW atau kelurahan sesuai domisili(khusus peserta melalui jalur beasiswa)
6. Dokumen-dokumen pendukung, seperti tagihan listrik, PAM, dll (khusus peserta melalui jalur beasiswa)
7. Surat referensi dari kepala sekolah (format surat referensi disediakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education)
8. Surat referensi dari Wali Kelas/Guru BK (format surat referensi disediakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education)
9. Fotokopi KTP orang tua (1 lembar)
10. Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga (1 lembar)
11. Surat Keterangan Kesehatan (1 lembar)


Proses seleksi penerimaan terdiri dari 3 tahap sbb:

· Tahap 1: Seleksi Dokumen

· Tahap 2: Tes Potensi Akademik , Tes Kemahiran Bahasa Inggris & Tes Materi (sesuai program studi yang dipilih)

· Tes 3: Interview & Diskusi Kelompok



1. Penerimaan Dokumen:

14 Jan – 14 Peb 2010

1. Penerimaan Dokumen:

15 Peb – 9 Apr 2010

2. Pengumuman Lolos Seleksi Dokumen:

19 Pebruari 2010

2. Pengumuman Lolos Seleksi Dokumen:

14 Apr 2010

3. Ujian Seleksi Masuk:

Jakarta: 27-28 Peb 2010

3. Ujian Seleksi Masuk:

Jakarta: 23 – 25 Apr 2010

Medan: 26 – 28 Apr 2010

Yogyakarta: 23 – 25 Apr 2010

Makassar: 26 – 28 Apr 2010

4. Pengumuman Lolos Ujian Seleksi Masuk:

15 Maret 2010

4. Pengumuman Lolos Ujian Seleksi Masuk:

7 Mei 2010

5. Seleksi Interview & Diskusi Kelompok:

Jakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010

5. Seleksi Interview & Diskusi Kelompok:

Jakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010

Medan: 17 – 19 Mei 2010

Yogyakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010

Makassar: 17 – 19 Mei 2010

6. Pengumuman:

7 Juni 2010

6. Pengumuman:

7 Juni 2010

Perkuliahan akan dilaksanakan di:

Sampoerna School of Education

Jl.Kapt. Tendean No.88C

Jakarta Selatan

Dokumen pendukung lain:

1. Prosedur Pendaftaran (download)

2. Surat Referensi (download)

3. Biaya Pendidikan bagi peserta reguler (download)

Informasi Pendaftaran:


021-577 2275 ext. 7283 / 7285

Beasiswa di Norwegia 2010


The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU, announces six PhD- and one post doctor positions. Two PhD-positions are earmarked for the newly established Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB), one is within the field of real estate development and facilities management, one ph.d and post doctor related to research by design and the three last are attached to the Faculty's priority areas:

. Plan, project and process
. Environment and resources
. Art and theory
. Art and common space
. Tectonics and construction

PhD-position - ZEB: AB-19-09

PhD-position - Real estate development and facilities management: AB-20-09

"Open" Ph.d-position: AB-21-09

Post doctor position: AB-22-09

PhD-position - Research by design: Innovative design strategies to the use of wood as a building material: AB-23-09

The application deadline is 20.02.10

Beasiswa Norwegia, 2010


available at the Department of Economics.

For information about The Department of Economics, please see:

The appointments are for a period of 3-4 years, depending on the teaching load. Fellows with 4-year appointments will have 75% of their working hours available for research training and 25% for performing mandatory work for the Department.

One position is connected to the project "Econometric aspects of the credit crisis", funded by The Norwegian Research Council. The applicants for this position is expected to have a special interest in understanding advanced methods for dynamic econometric modelling, and in developing a talent for relevant applications of these methods to real word issues.
One position is connected to ESOP (Centre for the study of Equality, Social Organization, and Performance). Candidates for this position should have a research interest in areas such as comparative welfare state arrangements, mechanisms of social mobility, studies of institutional arrangements, forms of redistribution and labor organization. For more details about ESOP, see
The other positions are not linked to specific topics or research projects, and the students can choose their own projects freely.

The applicants must indicate which of the grants they are applying for.

A Master's degree, the degree of cand oecon, a Norwegian hovedfag or an equivalent qualification in economics is required. Candidates completing their master's degrees (or equivalent) in the spring semester 2010 before August 1, 2010, may apply. Candidates will be expected to take part in the Faculty's PhD programme and the work performed will be expected to lead to a PhD in economics. For further information, please see:

For candidates with education from an institution outside the European economic area/the European Union or Switzerland a recent score from the general GRE test is recommended as part of the documentation of qualifications.

Applicants are requested to submit proposals for projects and progress plans for qualifying work. The application must be accompanied by two sorted copies of CV, certificates, recommendation letters (if any), and a list of publications. Research papers, including master's dissertation, must also be attached in double. Where research work is coauthored, the relative distribution of work should be specified.

In assessing applications particular weight will be attached to prior qualifications and to the project description, see

The Department of Economics is seeking more women in research posts. Women are accordingly encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline


Beasiswa di Swedia 2010


Uppsala University, Sweden


PhD positions
at the Department of Theology
Application no later than 26 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/278

PhD studentship within the IceCube project
At the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than 15 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2009/3252

PhD student position Medical Sciences in Neuroscience for studies of vertebrate colour vision
at the Department of Neuroscience
Application no later than 15 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/108

PhD student position in Meteorology with specialization in carbon transport between inland lakes and the atmosphere
at the Department of Earth Sciences
Application no later than 22 March, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/323

PhD position in Image Processing
at the Centre for Image Analysis
Application no later than 19 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/203

PhD position in applied nuclear physics within the fusion energy neutron diagnostics group
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than 1 March, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/162

PhD student position within the ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than 15 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2009/3253

PhD position in Geophysics with focus on physical properties of rocks and hardrock reflection seismics
at the Department of Earth Sciences
Application no later than 1 March, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/200

PhD student in theoretical particle physics
at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Application no later than 15 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2009/3254
Extended date of application

PhD student position, Medical Law
at the Department of Law
Application no later than 15 February, 2010. UFV-PA 2009/2940

Four doctoral student positions
at the Department of Law
Application no later than 1 March, 2010. UFV-PA 2009/2411

Beasiswa PU Pekerjaan UMUm tahun 2010


Bagi teman-teman PNS/pegawai BUMN/D di bidang ke-PU-an yang berminat beasiswa D3, D4, S2 silakan buka situs, pendaftaran ditutup 26 Maret 2010.

Lowongan di Matahari Department Store ( Real Estate officer) , exp. Februari 2010



Our company, the biggest in retail industry who seek candidate to join in Store Development Division.


· Male / Female, maximum 32 years old

· Min. Bachelor degree in :

- Engineering [Architecture, Civil, Planology, Design],

- Law [Business Law]

- from reputable University min GPA 3.00

- having profession certificate is preferable

· Experienced min 2 years in Marketing, Project, Design or Legal in Retail Industry

· Having good relationship with national Developers & Mall / Shopping Center

· Good communication in English both oral and written

· Computer literature MS Office [Word, Excel, Power Point] & good presentation

· Good negotiation & analytical thinking

· Disciplined individuals who have strong integrity and can cope with high work standard demands

· Mature professional with strong initiative

· Well organized, fast, efficient & creative

· Willing to travel to project site


Please send or email complete application in English, with CV and most recent photograph within 10 days of this advertisement to :

HRD – Recruitment


Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada No. 2138 – Cyber Park

Lippo Karawaci, Tangerang 15811

Email :

Beasiswa di Inggris 2010

3.2.10 |

University of Nottingham
International Research Excellence Scholarship

Do you want to be part of a world-leading community?

30 full tuition fees scholarships

You can apply for this scholarship if you

are classed as an overseas student for fee purposes AND
already hold an offer to start a full-time Research degree programme (PhD or MPhil) at Nottingham in September 2010 – any subject area

The closing date for applications is 16th April 2010

We aim to notify applicants of the outcome within 6 weeks of the closing date

These scholarships are for up to each 3 years of a Research programme subject to satisfactory progress

Beasiswa di Aalto University, Finland


Aalto University announces several postdoctoral research vacancies

Aalto University is announcing several postdoctoral research posts in the University's different research fields. The vacancies announced are in the units that performed especially well in an international research assessment ( Aalto University rewards these units with a total of fourteen (14) postdoctoral research posts between 1st August 2010 and 31st December 2012. In addition, other postdoctoral tasks of different lengths, starting on 1st of August 2010, are announced vacant in the rewarded units.

The aim of the work of the postdoctoral researchers is to support and further strengthen the research areas within the units' research profile. Their task will include research as well as teaching and supervision related to the research field. In addition, a postdoctoral researcher can be asked to perform other tasks related to research and teaching.

The applicant's chances are improved by a doctoral examination that was performed speedily and successfully. For filling up the positions, the emphasis is on the quality of the applicant's earlier scientific research and international experience as well as having a convincing research plan that meets the units' needs well. The persons to be selected must have completed their doctoral examination before the start of the postdoctoral period. The tasks require fluency in the English language (knowledge of Finland's two official languages is not required).

More details about the vacancies, required application documents and the fields where the positions are made available can be found on the following pages:

Aalto University School of Economics

- Department of Business Technology (1 position in Information Economy and/or Service Science)

Aalto University School of Art and Design

- Department of Design (1 position Design Collaboration)
- Department of Media (1 position in Experimental Interfaces and Interaction Design and 1 position in Photography)

Aalto University School of Science and Technology

- Department of Applied Physics (at least 2 positions, several research areas)
- Department of Automation and Systems Technology (1 position in Safety of Intelligent Mobile Work Machines)
- Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science (4 positions in several research areas ranging from neuroscience to computational sociology)
- Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Technology (at least 1 position, several research areas)
- Department of Information and Computer Science (4 positions, several research areas)
- Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis (1 position in Statistics and 1 position in Operations Research)
- Department of Radio Science and Engineering (several research areas)
- Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics (several research areas)
- Low Temperature Laboratory (1 Position in Quantum Metrology Triangle at the Physics Research Unit and 1 Position in Neural Connectivity in Human Cognition at the Brain Research Unit

- Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (1 position in Computational Techniques and Modelling), Aalto University, and University of Helsinki

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