Showing posts with label beasiswa inggris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beasiswa inggris. Show all posts

Beasiswa di Universitas Oxford tahun ajaran 2013-2014

3.11.12 |

Universitas Oxford di Inggris menawarkan Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme di bidang humaniora untuk tahun ajaran 2013-14. Progam beasiswa ini ditujukan untuk menumbuhkan dialog lintas disiplin akademik, lintas budaya, dan lintas generasi. Lulusan program beasiswa ini diharapkan siap menjadi pemimpin yang tidak hanya menguasai bidang yang dipilih, tetapi juga membentuk seorang pemimpin yang memiliki pemikiran, pandangan global, dan aksi positif untuk kemajuan umat manusia.

Tersedia enam beasiswa untuk program pascasarjana satu atau dua tahun. Beasiswa ini akan menanggung seluruh biaya kuliah dan kebutuhan akademik serta memberikan uang saku untuk hidup sebesar 13.590 poundsterling. Penerima beasiswa juga berhak atas akses ke Ertegun House yang memberikan keleluasaan kepada penerima beasiswa untuk menulis dan melakukan penelitian, berpartisipasi dalam sejumlah acara sosial, kuliah umum, dan aktivitas lain untuk membangun kualitas lulusan beasiswa ini sesuai tujuan.

Apa saja syaratnya? Kandidat harus bekerja di bidang yang terkait dengan fakultas-fakultas yang ditawarkan, yaitu klasik (meliputi arkeologi klasik), sastra dan bahasa Inggris, sejarah (termasuk sejarah seni dan sejarah arsitektur), linguistik , filologi dan fonetik, bahasa abad pertengahan dan modern (mencakup bahasa Eropa kebanyakan dan literatur mereka), musik, studi oriental (termasuk studi wilayah Timur Jauh dan Timur Tengah dan studi berbagai bahasa), filsafat, serta teologi. Pastikan diri pula memenuhi persyaratan untuk masuk ke program studi pilhan, termasuk persyaratan bahasa Inggris.

Untuk mendaftar program ini, kandidat bisa mengikuti petunjuk di laman resmi Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship dan perlu mengunduh formulir pernyataan pendukung yang ada. Pendaftaran ditutup pada tanggal 4 Januari 2013 untuk program studi Filsafat dan 18 Januari 2013 untuk program studi lainnya. Penawaran program studi ini akan diputuskan pada 13 Maret 2013. Semua kandidat yang berhasil akan diberitahu melalui alamat e-mail. []

Scholarships fro International Postgraduate at University of Birmingham

9.3.12 |

For over a century the University of Birmingham has been recognised as one of the world’s leading universities for the quality of our teaching and research. We attract students of the highest calibre from around the world and have been welcoming international students to the University for over 100 years. To award outstanding achievement, we are pleased to offer a number of international postgraduate scholarships.

What we are offering
The University of Birmingham is offering International Postgraduate Scholarships worth £10,000 towards the cost of tuition fees for a one year masters course. These awards are for tuition fees only and cannot be used for maintenance/living costs.

Who we are looking for
Applicants must have an excellent academic background. Due to the level of competition for these scholarships, only applicants with a 1st class bachelors degree will be considered.

Applicants must also demonstrate excellence in an area of their life. This might be outstanding academic achievement, exceptional achievement in extra curricular activities (such as sport, music, managing events or societies) or significant achievement gained either in their working life or through volunteering and service to others.

Applicants must also outline the contribution they will make to the University of Birmingham as a student and what they expect to gain from studying here.

In order to apply candidates must:

be overseas for fee purposes
have applied for a one year full time masters course and have been issued with a student id number
not be in receipt of a full fee scholarship from any other source
have made adequate financial provision to study in the UK

How to apply
You must have made an application to study at the University of Birmingham before submitting a scholarship application.

The deadline for receipt of applications is Friday 1 June 2012. Applications will not be accepted if they are submitted to the University after this date.

For more information, please visit official website:

Beasiswa The British Chevening Awards 2010/11

24.12.09 |

Mau minta tolong untuk teman2 menyebarkan informasi tentang beasiswa Chevening mengingat aplikasi Chevening untuk tahun akademik 2010/11 akan ditutup pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan websitenya yang dipakai sekarang ini adalah

Adapun persyaratan dan cara mendaftar sbb:

Application requirements:

* Indonesian citizens.
* Excellent first degree with a minimum GPA >=3.0.
* Good level of spoken and written English language (IELTS 6.5).
* Minimum of 2 years full time post-graduate (S1) work experience.
* Excellent career prospects.
* Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
* Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia's development.
* Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
* We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
* Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to apply.
* Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment within the last two years) of the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council or any Chevening sponsors are not be eligible for these awards.

When to apply?

On-line applications must be submitted between 1 October – 31 December 2009 via E-Chevening at We will contact you in the first three months of 2010 if you have been short-listed for interview.

Terima kasih banyak ya teman2, Selamat Natal bagi yang merayakan, selamat liburan & Sukses di tahun yang baru.


Rowena Rompas

Scholarship Officer

English & Education Reform Team

British Council I T +62 (21) 515 5561 ext 187 I F +62 (21) 5155562

School of History & Archaeology Postgraduate Studentships Cardiff School Of History And Archaeology

11.1.08 |

School of History & Archaeology Postgraduate Studentships
Cardiff School Of History And Archaeology

Value per annum £3,168
Duration up to 3 years
Number of Award(s) variable
Subject area History, Ancient History, Archaeology
Contact Website

Qualifying Details
Studentships pay a stipend of £3168 per year for MPhil/PhD students, and may be held for up to 3 years for full-time students; other studentships are available for MA students. Awards may also be made for part-time study, on a pro rata basis. Applicants will have been accepted for postgraduate study in the School and, if from the UK, are likely to have applied for an Award from the AHRC (deadline 1st May) or the ORS Award.

This award is applicable to the following countries:
all countries

[UK] The University of Edinburgh International Undergraduate Scholarships


The University of Edinburgh will offer ten scholarships for undergraduate study in any subject offered by the university. The scholarship will be £1,000 per year and will be tenable for the duration of the programme of study.

The scholarships are competitive and will be awarded to citizens from Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and USA who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for an undergraduate programme.

The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit.

The scholarship is not available to students already on programme.

Applicants should have applied through UCAS, should already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh and should have firmly accepted that offer or be intending to do so. Accepting the University of Edinburgh as an insurance offer does not satisfy the conditions relating to this scholarship.

Application Procedure

Candidates may complete an online scholarship application or download an application form in Rich Text Format (RTF) or PDF (which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader), or request one to be sent to them from:

The Scholarships and Student Finance Office
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh EH8 9YL

Fax: +44 131 651 4066
Telephone:+44 131 651 4070

A completed scholarship application form, together with a copy of your degree transcript and two academic references, should be received by the Scholarships and Student Finance Office by the closing date of 1 April 2008 in order to be considered for the scholarship.

Selection Procedure

A University of Edinburgh Selection Committee will meet in mid April 2008 to select the scholarship holders. The winners of the scholarship will be announced in late April 2008.

source :

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