Showing posts with label beasiswa s3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beasiswa s3. Show all posts

Tawaran Beasiswa Unggulan Luar negeri dari Kopertis

8.3.12 |

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Beasiswa s1, s2 dan s3 di Rusia


SETIAP awal tahun, pemerintah Federasi Rusia membuka pendaftaran beasiswa bagi mahasiswa Indonesia untuk belajar di Rusia untuk jenjang S1, S2, dan S3. Tahun 2012, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Rusia memberikan 40 kuota untuk S1 dan S2, dan 10 kuota untuk S3.

PERSYARATAN yang harus dipenuhi pelamar adalah:
S1 : nilai rata-rata 80% untuk mata pelajaran yang sesuai program studi tujuan; nilai minimal 60% untuk mata pelajaran lain; tidak lebih dari 3 tahun setelah tamat SMA; melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan. Yang belum punya ijazah SMA, dapat menyertakan nilai rapor kelas 11 s.d. 12.
S2 : IPK minimal 2,75; tidak lebih dari 3 tahun setelah tamat S1; melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan. Yang kelulusannya lebih dari 3 tahun, dapat sertakan surat referensi kerja sesuai spesialisasi untuk dipertimbangkan.
S3 : IPK minimal 3,00; usia maksimal 35 tahun; membuat proposal maksimal 2 halaman tentang tema penelitian ilmiah (dalam Bahasa Indonesia, yang diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris dan Rusia); menyertakan rekomendasi 2 profesor; diharapkan memiliki pengalaman kerja sesuai spesialisasi; melengkapi berkas-berkas yang diperlukan.

BERKAS-BERKAS lamaran yang harus diajukan:
1.Mengisi formulir dengan bahasa Inggris (form aplikasi dan form inisial, unduh melalui link di bawah)
2.Fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai dilegalisir lembaga pendidikan yang menerbitkan.
3.Terjemahan ijazah dan transkrip nilai dalam Bahasa Inggris oleh lembaga yang menerbitkan/ penerjemah tersumpah dan cap notaris.
4.Fotokopi akta kelahiran.
5. Terjemahan akta kelahiran dalam Bahasa Inggris oleh lembaga yang menerbitkan/ penerjemah tersumpah dan cap notaris.
6.Surat keterangan lulus uji kesehatan dalam Bahasa Inggris, (sertakan rincian hasil tes laboratorium).
7.Surat keterangan bebas HIV/AIDS dalam Bahasa Inggris.
8.Fotokopi berwarna dari lembar pertama paspor. Masa berlaku paspor terhitung minimal 1,5 tahun.
9. Mengisi surat jaminan orangtua/wali dengan bahasa Inggris di formulir bahasa Rusia (unduh melalui link di bawah)
10. Data diri lengkap.
11. 10 lembar pasfoto 4x6 berwarna.
12.Poin 1-9 dibuat rangkap 2 dan poin 1-11 dimasukkan ke 2 map kuning (S1)/ 2 map merah (S2)/ 2 map hijau (S3). Poin 1-11 discan dalam format jpeg di sekeping CD data.
13.Membayar biaya administrasi Rp.500,000,- (setelah wawancara)

PELAMAR dapat memilih jurusan program studi, tetapi penempatan kota dan universitas ditentukan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Federasi Rusia.
Kode spesialisasi program studi secara lengkap dapat diunduh melalui link di bawah.

PENERIMA beasiswa mendapat: gratis biaya pendidikan selama 5 tahun (1 tahun Fakultas Persiapan & 4 tahun program S1), 3 tahun (1 tahun Fakultas Persiapan & 2 tahun program S2), 3 tahun program S3; uang saku per bulan +/-1400RUB/ +/-46USD (disesuaikan ketentuan universitas).
S1, S2 mengikuti fakultas persiapan untuk belajar Bahasa di Rusia dan akan tiba di Rusia pada bulan September-Oktober; S3 akan tiba di Rusia pada bulan November-Desember.

PERLENGKAPAN dan BIAYA yang harus disediakan sendiri oleh penerima beasiswa:
-Penyediaan perlengkapan baju, sepatu, keperluan pribadi dan pendukung lain yang memadai untuk iklim Rusia
-Pengurusan visa studi 50USD
-Tiket pesawat Jakarta-Moskow +/-600USD
-Biaya penjemputan, transportasi dari airport ke tempat tujuan dan registrasi paspor +/-300USD
-Uji kesehatan di Rusia +/-250USD
-Uang saku untuk pengeluaran pribadi +/-350USD/bulan
-Pembuatan visa dan polis asuransi +/-300USD/tahun
-Biaya sewa asrama mahasiswa +/- 150USD/tahun

Berkas lamaran beasiswa Rusia dapat diantar langsung atau melalui jasa pos/ kurir (di muka kiri atas amplop ditulis: Beasiswa Rusia 2012) dan diterima pada tanggal 6 Februari-18 Maret 2012.

PhD Scholarships in Italy


Call for Applications A.Y. 2012-2013
Selection schedule

Ranking List of eligible candidates published no later than June 15, 2012


Admission Requirements

■Applicants, with no restriction on nationality, must hold a Master of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) or equivalent title.
■Current undergraduate students who will be awarded such a degree before September 19, 2012, may also apply. In this case, a successful application will be conditional to the subsequent completion of the degree and the transmission to the School of adequate documentation, also in electronic form, no later than September 22, 2012.

Positions and grants

■4 positions with 4 fellowships (amounting to € 12.500 per year + free meals at school's canteen + Campus facilities)
■The School reserves the possibility of accepting up to a maximum of 2 further students without grant or with other forms of financial support.

■Candidates are requested to apply online at: by May 4, 2012 by 12.00 pm Italian Time.
In case of problems with the online application, please contact Ph.D. Administration Office (tel. +39 050 883.336, e-mail:
■A hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate) together with the enclosures requested, must reach (regardless of forwarding date) by May 11, 2012:
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
International Doctoral Program in Economics
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
I - 56127 PISA, Italy
Application and attachments

- Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:

a) the copy of a valid identity document. Non-UE applicants will have to provide a photocopy of their passport;
b) the complete Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum covering scientific training, professional experiences, publications and all other information that might help in the evaluation of the candidate;

c) the academic record with the full list of courses and grades (in English, French or Italian);

d) the copy of the Master thesis, when applicable (or a copy of its abstract in English or in French or in Italian), and a copy of any other publication that they deem suitable (works written in languages other than Italian, English, or French must be accompanied by a summary in one of the above languages);

e) the copy of a Research Project, of no more than 2.000 words, which describes the research activities that applicants would like to perform during the Ph.D. course. The candidate may freely opt to change his/her research topics during the postgraduate program. However, the research project offers an indication of the research interests and is an important element for the evaluation of the potential of the candidate;

f) at least two recommendation letters written and signed by Faculty Members or other academics who have assessed and/or supervised the applicant's work during his/her university studies, offering a comparative evaluation of the learning achievements, research potential, maturity, and professional inclinations of the candidate. The letter ought to contain an appraisal assessing whether the knowledge of the English language by the candidate is adequate to attend a post-graduate programme

Undergraduate applicants are requested to specify the subject of their final thesis, in the countries where applicable, and should submit one copy of it at least in the form of a draft together with other documents

Selection of applicants

Selection of applicants will be based upon the assessment of all the submitted documents and publications.

Beginning of the Courses

September 25, 2012



tel. +39 050 883.336

beasiswa s3 Scholarships for foreign students from the University of Freibourg

4.3.12 |


Just wanna share this if any of you feel like going to and pursuing a
masters degree or research for your doctorates/PhD/Post-PhD at the
University of Fribourg (Switzerland) with scholarships. Deadlines are
28 Feb and 30 Sept every year.

Good luck,


beasiswa S3 PhD statistik/matematik/informatika


harap kirim surat lamaran beserta CV dalam bahasa inggris SEGERA dalam minggu ini ke email Welling Oei

salam hangat, Eko.

Researcher in Training w / v

Job Number

Julius Center / HTA

You have a strong affinity with the necessary knowledge of statistics,
applied mathematics and
informatics. You also have experience with programming, data mining
and / or data analysis /
visualization techniques. It is an important advantage if you are
familiar with relevant software. You have good communication skills.
Independent, you can manage well, but you also functions well in a
team. A result-oriented attitude is appreciated.

The Department of Health Technology Assessment conducted research into
costs and effects of
medical interventions to support decision making. For example, this
cost-effectiveness studies of clinical trials, but there are also
model studies with state-of-the-art modeling techniques. The
department focuses on a number of specific areas of expertise:
discrete-event modeling, value of information analysis, blood safety
models, stroke models and cost-effectiveness analyzes of national
screening programs. The department is part of the Julius Center (see
more about
information on the website

At this time, data on blood transfusions are not structurally
collected and analyzed. The PROTON2 study we want to change this by
setting a data warehouse which besides transfusion data from Dutch
hospitals also detailed data on the blood products themselves are
housed. Due to this combination, it becomes possible to determine the
cause of undesirable transfusion reactions, or other clinical outcomes
to link characteristics of the products, production or donors.
Furthermore, the results are used to control the blood for use in
different patient groups
of different hospitals to compare. The ultimate goal is to use the
hard data that the study yields PROTON2, safety and efficiency of
blood transfusions in the Netherlands to improve. You will help in the
design and construction of the data warehouse, perform various
statistical analyzes and will be engaged in the Solving methodological
problems in answering different
research questions. The research will you, as a PhD student, end with
a academic promotion.

The salary for this function ranges from 89-100% up to € 2700.00 gross
per month based on full-time employment (working week of 36 hours).
This is a temporary appointment for 3 years.

Apply or learn more about this job?
If you want to know more about this position please contact Welling Oei,
Junior researcher MTA, E-mail: or

Unesco Fellowships :UNESCO/People’s Republic of China – The Great Wall Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme 2012 - 2013

1.3.12 |

Dear All,

On behalf of the Director-General, I have the pleasure to inform you that, within the
framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme, the Government of
the People's Republic of China has renewed in January 2012, the offer of twenty-five (25)
fellowships for advanced studies in varied subjects for the benefit of certain Member
States (see Annex No. I).
Offered in open competition, these fellowships are intended for senior advanced
students wishing to pursue non-degree post-graduate studies for one year at Chinese
universities. Candidatures (a maximum of two) should be submitted as prescribed on the
application form, to enable the authorities of the donor government to select the twentyfive
(25) most deserving candidates. Given that UNESCO grants priority to gender
equality, special attention will be given to women’s candidatures. Owing to the limited
number of fellowships available, only candidates having exceptional merit and excellent
potential will be considered under this co-sponsored programme.
The annexes to this letter provide detailed information concerning the requisite
qualifications, the facilities offered, the general conditions governing the award of
fellowships as well as the procedure for the submission of applications.
We would be most grateful if you could address the submission of candidatures (in
triplicate) to the attention of: Ali Zaid, Chief of the Fellowships Programme Section,
UNESCO, 7, place de Fontenoy – 75352 Paris 07 SP (France), by 30 March 2012 at the

Scholarships PhD in Regional Economics


Doctoral student in the area of Regional Economics

The Faculty of Applied Economics is seeking to fill the following full-timevacancy in the Department of Transport and Regional Economics

Doctoral student
in the area of Regional Economics

Project description.

The Flemish policy research centre on Entrepreneurship and Regional Economics advises the Flemish government on subjects related to entrepreneurship and the spatial aspects of the economy. Particular attention goes towards smart specialisation strategies, i.e. strategies of governments that concentrate available resources in some selected promising activity sectors in order to generate sustainable economic growth. Following topics will be part of the research:

· distribution of economic activity in the region of Flanders

· how networks between and within spatial clusters of economic activity function

· how institutional capacity can be built at different levels to boost the development of clusters

Job description

· You prepare a doctoral thesis in the field of Regional Economics within the framework of the Flemish policy research centre for entrepreneurship and regional economics;

· You contribute to teaching and research in the Department of Transport and Regional Economics;

· You prepare a Ph.D. thesis of the research project;

· You contribute to the research of the policy research centre at the Department of Transport and Regional Economics (University of Antwerp);

· You write scientific articles on the subject of your thesis and on additional research;

· The candidate is expected to enrol the university's Ph.D. program and to obtain a Ph.D. at the end of the project.

Profile and requirements

· You hold a master degree in a domain which is relevant for regional economics (economics, geography, commercial engineering, social and political sciences,…) ;

· You can submit outstanding academic results;

· Also students in the final year of their degree can apply;

· The emphases in your teaching correspond to the UA educational vision ;

· Your academic qualities comply with the requirements stipulated in the university’s policy ( );

· You are quality-oriented, conscientious, creative, customer-oriented and cooperative;

· You can express yourself well in written and spoken English. Your are willing to learn Dutch.

We offer

· A doctoral scholarship , under the conditions of the Dehousse grants, for a period of one year, with the possibility of renewal for a further three-year period after positive evaluation;

· The start date of scholarship will be asap;

· A dynamic and stimulating work environment.


· Applications may be submitted only online, until the closing date April, 2 2012;

· A pre-selection will be made from amongst the submitted applications. The remainder of the selection procedure is specific to the position and will be determined by the selection committee;

· More information about the application form can be obtained from Ellen Huijer (TEL 03 265 31 45);

· For questions about the profile and the description of duties, please contact prof. Ann Verhetsel ( ).

Beasiswa S3 di Jerman, 2012-2013

7.2.12 |

Institution/Organization: University of Konstanz

Department: Linguistics
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Semantics
The Department of Linguistics of the University of Konstanz invites applicants
For a Doctoral Research Position (Salary scale 13 TV-L / 65%).
Applicants are invited for a three-year doctoral position within the Research
Unit 'What if: On the meaning, epistemology, and scientific relevance of
Counterfactual claims and thought experiments', funded by the DFG (Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft) at the University of Konstanz. The successful candidate
Is expected to work within the project 'Semantics and pragmatics of
Counterfactuals''s and undertake research towards a Ph. D. In linguistics. The
Position is available as of April 1st, 2012.
Project description:
So-called subjunctive conditionals (e.g. If John had come yesterday, he would
Have enjoyed it) often convey that the content of the if-clause is false. The
Counterfactuality of the if-proposition is taken not to be asserted or
Presupposed, but rather generated as an implicature. However, the exact source
Of the implicature is not clear, and different analyses are applied to different
Conditional types. The aim of the project is to investigate the semantic and
Pragmatic basis of counterfactuality, including the contribution of
Morphological marking (mood, tense, aspect), pragmatic inferencing, and other
Additional elements in different types of conditionals (severe tense mismatch,
Light negation, donkey quantification).
Applicants should have an M.A. Degree (or equivalent) in linguistics and should
Specialize in formal semantics. Knowledge of pragmatics, logic and/or philosophy
Of language is welcome.
The University of Konstanz encourages disabled persons to apply. They will be
Given preference if appropriately qualified (contact +49 (0) 7531 / 88 - 4895).
The University of Konstanz has been certified by the Hertie Foundation to be a
Family-friendly institution. The University is committed to further the
Compatibility of work and family life.
The University of Konstanz is an equal opportunity employer and tries to
Increase the number of women in research and teaching.
Applicants should send a short cover letter, a full CV and one sample
Publication or paper by February 9th, 2012 to Maribel Romero at the postal
Address below or via email ( ).
Address for applications: Prof. Dr. Maribel Romero, Fachbereich
Sprachwissenschaft, Postfach 181, 78457 Konstanz, Germany.
Application Deadline: 09-Feb-2012
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof. Maribel Romero
Department of Linguistics, Post 181
University of Konstanz
Konstanz 78457
Contact Information:
Prof. Maribel Romero

Beasiswa S3 King's College, London

13.12.11 |

Economic & Social Research Council Doctoral Studentships

Having won a coveted place in the national network of training centres accredited by ESRC, King’s Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Centre (KISS-DTC) is awarding a number of ESRC-funded postgraduate research studentships to support doctoral research and training in the social sciences at King’s.
Deadline for the next round of studentships is 17:00GMT 1 February 2012. This deadline is absolute.


ESRC studentships are available from the KISS-DTC for UK and EU students who meet residency requirements set out by the ESRC. Please consult the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide for full details on residential eligibility requirements.
ESRC studentship funding is highly competitive. In view of the limited number of awards and the very high standard of applications received, successful applicants are likely to have a very good first degree (BA or BSc Honours or equivalent), at first class standard (or upper second class with clear evidence of first class work), and typically also an appropriate Masters degree (at distinction or at least high merit level) and/or another appropriate qualification, such as prior professional or work-related expertise, relevant to your proposed area of study.

Subject Areas

Studentships will be available to students wishing to undertake an MPhil/PhD research degree programme within one of the following 15 KISS-DTC research theme panels:
While interdisciplinarity is a hallmark of research at King’s and we are keen to support social science research at the interfaces with the humanities, with the medical sciences, and with the natural and mathematical sciences, ESRC studentship funding is only available for projects that fall substantially (>66%) within the broad social and behavioral science remit of the ESRC. There is further guidance available HERE.
· Up to 2 studentships will be available for students whose research projects involve Advanced Quantitative Methods. If you feel that your research project will include a strong quantitative methods focus please make this clear within your application (via the ‘Research Proposal’ section of the Case for Support Research Degree Programmes form).

· How to apply

· Applicants will be required to follow the application process set out for Graduate School administered funding schemes. Full details can be found on the Graduate School administered research degree funding scheme website.
· If you have any queries about the ESRC studentship application process, they should be directed to
Jane Sandall
Professor of Social Science and Women's Health
& Programme Director (Innovations) NIHR King's Patient Safety and Service Quality Research Centre
Division of Women’s Health
King’s College London
Women’s Health Academic Centre KHP
10th Floor, North Wing, St. Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road LONDON SE1 7EH
Tel: 020 7188 8149
Fax: 020 7620 1227
Skype: jsandall

Beasiswa s3 di Nanyang Singapura 2012

7.11.11 |

The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a competitive and prestigious scholarship scheme designed to encourage outstanding graduates or final-year students to take their first step towards a leading research career by studying for a doctoral degree program (Phd) at NTU, one of Asia’s leading research universities. Funding will be provided for up to 4 years for NPGS awardees.
Up to 30 NPGS awards will be made available in each Academic Year. Successful candidates will be known as Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholars.
Minimum Qualification
To qualify for a NPGS award, you must have a First Class Honours degree or equivalent at Bachelor’s level and applicants should also demonstrate excellent research abilities. The PhD research will be in any topic agreed between you and your chosen NTU supervisor within the research activities of NTU. At the time of application, if you have not yet completed your undergraduate degree programme, you will need to furnish documentation from your university that you are on track to get a First Class Honours degree or equivalent. Failure to do so will disqualify you from the NPGS award, in which case you may be considered for other NTU PhD research scholarships, subject to meeting the selection criteria. For other requirements on Test scores, please visit:
How to Apply ?
The application for Academic Year 2012-13 (Aug 12 and Jan 13) intake is now open from 1 Oct 11 to 15 Nov 11. Please click here to apply. Please note that NPGS applications with full supporting documents must reach the Graduate Studies Office by 15 Nov 11. We regret that late applications will not be considered. Successful candidates will be notified by post or email in Feb/Mar 2012.
Please refer to our admissions website for the respective school’s intakes.
Please note that only applications through this website will be considered for the NPGS award. Normal applications through our admissions website will not be eligible for the NPGS award.
visit official website here!

BeasiswaChina Government Scholarship for Master and PhD, Nanjing University, China

1.11.11 |

Dear Student,

Chinese Government Scholarship is a scholarship set up by the Chinese government to facilitate students and scholars from all over the world to conduct their study and research in Chinese universities. The scholarship aims to increase the mutual understanding and friendship between people of China and people from the rest of the world and to develop the communication and cooperation between China and the rest of the world in the field of Education, Technology, Culture and Economics.
Term of Scholarship
Scholarship will be tenable for three years and four years from the date of award for masters' degree and PhD degree, respectively. One-year preparatory education in Chinese languageprior to grantees' study of his major will be provided with full scholarship benefits if deemed necessary

  • Academic Background: Applicant must have completed a four-year undergraduate degree for master degree pursuer and a master degree or equivalent for PhD degree pursuer.
  • Chinese Language: Applicant must be willing to learn Chinese language, if applicable, and receive education in Chinese language.
  • Health: Applicant must be mentally and physically healthy
Application Accepted from October 15th 2011 to December 15th 2011


Beasiswa S3 di Leipzig Germany

12.4.11 |

Postdoctoral Scientist (f / m) in Molecular Biology : Leipzig, Germany

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology: job description

The Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology is one of 60 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. As one of the leading organizations for applied research in Europe it offers ambitious scientists challenging tasks coupled with responsibility and room for creativity.

At the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology in Leipzig, Germany a position is immediately available:

Postdoctoral scientist (f/m) in molecular biology

The Fraunhofer IZI is coordinating a large collaborative project that aims at the identification and validation of biomarkers on the basis of the non-protein coding part of the human genome. The project focuses on diagnostic and prognostic questions of utmost relevance for patients and health economy. Participation of five Fraunhofer Institutes from different technical and biomedical disciplines make this an outstanding highly interdisciplinary project striving to redefine the process of biomarker development.

We are searching for an outstanding and motivated Postdoc to join us to establish and coordinate tiling array and RNAseq analyses of patient samples to achieve new insights into the disease association of short and long non-coding RNAs.

He or she is expected (i_) to interact with clinical partners of the project to streamline the analysis process, coordinate sample logistics and refine research questions of the project, (ii_) to setup novel transcriptomic methods, establish the laboratory processes and develop standard operating procedures that safeguard the quality control and regulatory standards of the project, (iii_) to coordinate the technicians pursuing the high throughput transcriptomic analysis of clinical samples, (iv_) instruct PhD students working in the RNomics group, (v) to collaborate with bioinformaticians and statisticians of the group on developing data analysis processes and (vi) to interact with the engineering groups to establish automated laboratory processes and develop innovative laboratory devices.

Furthermore, we expect:

– The ideal candidate has a strong background in molecular biology, experience in transcriptomics and holds a PhD in biology, biochemistry or any equivalent discipline.
– He or she is familiar with high-throughput molecular techniques like microarrays and/or next generation sequencing and has a basic understanding of bioinformatic and statistic analysis of transcriptomic data sets. Familiarity with the R statistical framework and Unix/Linux operating systems is desirable.
– The candidate has a strong interest in biomedical, disease relevant research questions.
– In addition, the candidate should enjoy working on application oriented research, which involves presenting and marketing research results to industrial partners and contribute to raising funds from commercial and public sources.
– The candidate must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and be capable of working within an interdisciplinary team. The candidate must have excellent written and verbal skills in English.

As one of the leading research companies in Europe we offer a variety of development and promotional opportunities:

– Working in an exciting, young and highly interdisciplinary research environment of biologists, biochemists and bioinformaticians with excellently equipped facilities
– f-determined work in our laboratory with an advanced equipment park
– attractive remuneration including performance-related components
– advanced training in complementary skills like science marketing, leadership, presenting, etc.

Employment, compensation and benefits are determined by the collective agreement for public service (TVÖD). The position is initially limited to the project end on 12/31/2013. To apply, please email a cover letter, CV (in English), a summary of your PhD thesis and related papers and contact information of three professional references to our personnel management:

Questions regarding this positions should be directed to:
Dr. Jörg Hackermüller,
Phone +49 341 35536-5205.

beasiswa Doktoral/ S3 di Norwegia, 2011

20.3.11 |

PhD Candidates

The maritime offshore cluster operates globally and is highly innovative and adaptive. Every new ship is more or less a prototype designed for unique advanced operations. Environmental demands, subsea operations at several thousand meters depth, rough climate challenges and the installation of wind turbines are examples of operations that continuously demands new solutions. The close cooperation between Aalesund University College (AAUC), the companies in the region and NTNU/MARINTEK in Trondheim, provide the access to innovative and challenging laboratory facilities, where main focus is on applied research activities. In this academic and industrial environment you will find numerous interesting and challenging research objectives. Aalesund University College can offer PhD Candidate positions in the following fields:

• Environmental friendly (green) shipping (11-05ITN)

Existing propulsion machinery must be optimized and new novel systems must be developed to meet future requirements. The main objective of this research is to adapt advanced energy and environmental technology from other fields, to be applied onboard maritime installations.

• Machinery systems – modeling, simulation and optimization (11-10ITN)

Machinery systems onboard advanced off-shore vessels have become more and more complex and integrated, increasing the need for tools and methods to analyze and optimize. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge, methods and tools for effective modeling and analysis.

• Human factors – man/machine interactions (11-09ITN)

As machines get more complex, operations more demanding, and need for risk reduction, we need to study and develop better and safer man/machine interaction. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods to be used in effective design of operator interfaces such as ship bridge design.

• Ship behavior under real operational loads and conditions (11-08ITN)

Ship behavior under normal conditions, are well studied. However, the interaction between vessel and external factors such as sub-sea equipment under demanding operations requires new research approach. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods to analyze ship behavior including external loads and conditions.

• Remote control and monitoring of maritime operations (11-07ITN)
The cost and availability of cheap and advanced instrumentation, microprocessors and data transfer solutions has opened for new possibilities for remote monitoring and control of systems in operation. The main objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods to design effective remote operated condition monitoring systems including intelligent analysis for effective evaluation, and how to apply this technology to make extended laboratory facilities.

• Complex marine operations management (11-06ITN)

Ships and machines for demanding marine operations are getting more and more complex. Integrated control systems and interacting crews challenges safety. Planning and executing high risk operations challenge a safe and effective management. The objective of this research is to develop knowledge and methods for effective and safe management of complex high risk operations off-shore.
All these research fields are linked together in the overall research programs at AAUC, and will be part of a research team. The research may be both theoretical and experimental, and in close cooperation with local industry partners, NTNU/MARINTEK in Trondheim, and relevant international universities/research centers. The common goal for the vacant positions is to build up research activity over a period of 5 years. The PhD candidates will be part of the Research Centre for Marine Operations in Virtual Environment (MOVE) at AAUC.


Master degree or similar in:
• Mechanical engineering
• Marine technology / naval architecture / ocean engineering
• Cybernetics / control engineering / electronic engineering
• Nautical science
• Industrial design

Terms and conditions:

Each PhD candidate will be offered individual terms, related to background and competence. The normal period of appointment is 4 years with integrated teaching assistance of master and bachelor students.

For more information please contact:

Hans Petter Hildre, , +47 95993659
Vilmar Æsøy, , +47 91847089
Karl Henning Halse, , +47 95227613

For more information also visit:

AAUC home page:

Beasiswa S3 di The University of Tasmania


The University of Tasmania has over 100 Elite Research Scholarships for PhD candidates in areas we excel in: the health and medical sciences, natural, physical and applied sciences, as well as business and management, regional development, education and the humanities.

Our Elite Research Scholarships are valued at $30k per annum tax-free, and are available for three years, with a possible six-month extension.

We also support our PhD candidates with a suite of practical resources throughout their Higher Degrees by Research including laptops, opportunities for performance-based scholarship top ups, cloud data storage, a conference support fund, generic skilling and supportive candidature management which help each candidate navigate their own research path.

If you have an outstanding academic record and a passion for research we probably have an Elite Research Scholarship for you.

Promising candidates within Australia and New Zealand are eligible for a return airfare to visit UTAS and their School of interest to help them decide. And if chosen, generous relocation support is available.

Applications remain open throughout 2011.

Beasiswa S3 di University of Sussex, UK

17.2.11 |

University of Sussex

Investing in the next 50 years of excellence

£3.3 million in funding to support up to 70 Doctoral Studentships

The University of Sussex has a long history of outstanding research. In this, our 50th anniversary year, we are investing in our continued academic excellence by offering up to 70 full and partial Doctoral Studentships across the University, worth up to £3.3 million. The studentships are available in all our subject areas across the arts, sciences and social sciences.

Our continued focus on research is reflected in our RAE results; Sussex has world-leading research in every department. And our commitment to our Doctoral students is demonstrated by our Doctoral School, a unique resource bringing researchers from across the University together in an interdisciplinary research community.

For further details of the studentships available, visit

Beasiswa S3 di Australia


THE PROJECT: The Circus Oz Living Archive: developing a model of online
digital engagement for the performing arts.

The successful applicant will have demonstrated capacity in one or more of
the following areas of computer science: information retrieval, image/video
processing, web programming and database development. In addition, you will
be excited by the prospect of contributing to a multidisciplinary team on a
research project with a ‘real-world’ context.

The candidate will work closely with a PhD student in interaction design to
cook up some innovative social media/computational outcomes for the project.
Plenty more at:

an appropriate closing
Adrian Miles
School of Media and Communication
Program Director B.Comm Honours

Beasiswa S3 di Leeds University, UK


The Institute of Communications Studies at the University of Leeds is offering a number of PhD Scholarships for study commencing in September/October 2011. The scholarships cover full maintenance and fees equivalent to the Home/EU rate, for a period of three years. They are intended to support full-time study leading to a PhD in any area of the Institute’s research activities, and are open to both home/EU and international applicants.

Deadline for receipt of applications is 1 May 2011.

More details at:

Further information about studying for a PhD in the Institute can be found at:

Other enquiries can be made to

Beasiswa S3

7.1.11 |

PhD stipend - Soil Bioremediation - 37279

The National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), Department of Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology, Aarhus University in Roskilde, hereby calls for applications for a fully financed PhD stipend in collaboration with Aarhus Graduate School of Agriculture, Food and Environment, SAFE. The position is expected to be filled by 1 January 2011 or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation.

Department of Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology (MIMI)
The Department of Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology currently comprises the director of the department, 1 professor, 8 scientific staff, 11 technicians, 3 administrative staff, as well as visiting scientists and several PhD and undergraduate students.

Description of the project
Pesticide contamination of soils and groundwater poses a serious threat to human and environmental health. Robust contaminant removal relies mainly on microorganisms which are able to degrade the pesticide either solely or synergistically in microbial consortia. The main objective of the present PhD project is to study microbial remediation of pesticide-contaminated soils using a bio-augmentation approach.

The PhD project aims at obtaining optimal pesticide degradation in situ by inoculating contaminated soil with effective degraders of specific pesticides. Such degraders are already isolated in collaborative projects and include both bacteria and fungi with degradation potentials to be studied individually as well as in synergistic consortia.

Various approaches for introducing the microorganisms in contaminated soils involve direct inoculation, proliferation via plant roots as well as using various forms of protective carrier materials. Initial pilot experiments are performed in the laboratory with soil cores subsequently leading to pilot-scale experiments in lysimeters and full-scale experiments in the field. This will involve soils from the national Danish pesticide warning program (VAP) and known contaminated sites with historic point-source contamination.

The research will focus on selected pesticides that are being encountered in groundwater samples of the pesticide warning program or pose a problem in European water resources. These include benzonitriles (dichlobenil/BAM, bromoxynil), triazines, phenoxyalcanoic acids and phenylurea herbicides. In addition, factors affecting mobility/bio-availability of glyphosate and AMPA will be elucidated.
Pesticide degradation patterns and kinetics will be measured using front-line chromatographic and immunological analytical approaches, so that removal of pristine pesticide compound and their degradation products can be identified and quantified. Analytical work is performed in close collaboration with partners in the overall project consortium in which the present PhD study is embedded and which provide additional information about biological factors (like protozoan grazing) affecting the fate of the introduced degraders. Optimally, the project will provide new knowledge that will facilitate a more effective removal of pesticide contaminants in soil and associated aquifers thus securing clean and safe drinking water in the future.

Qualifications and specific competences
Applicants to the PhD positions must have a relevant Master’s degree (or graduate in the very near future – documentation for final thesis and date of examination must be enclosed in the application) or equivalent in natural sciences, e.g. microbiology, soil chemistry, environmental chemistry or a related field. The ideal candidate has experience in both microbiology and chemical analysis.

Place of Employment and Place of Work
Employment and main place of work will be at NERI/AU (Roskilde/Sealand). The work will proceed in close collaboration with GEUS (Copenhagen/Sealand) and DJF/AU (Foulum/Jutland). The PhD student can expect extended stays at DJF/AU for doing parts of the research work.

Hours per week: 37 hours

Further information
Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact: Project coordinator: Ulrich Bay Gosewinkel, National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, phone +45 4630 1387 or internal supervisor Anders Johansen, National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus University, phone +45 4630 1316

More information and

Your application must include CV, documentation of academic degrees, references and other relevant material you may wish to submit in support to your application. To apply please follow the link below.

Employment and salary terms

The position will be filled according to the existing agreement and the job structure for scientific personnel at universities and the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. The PhD scholar will be employed as a PhD student at NERI/Aarhus University. Your qualifications will be assessed by an expert panel with external participation.

General guidelines for employment at NERI can be obtained from the HR Department at +45 4630 1200.

NERI encourages applications from all qualified candidates, regardless of gender, age or ethnic background.


All applications must be made online and received by:

The Environmental Research Institute (NERI) is part of Aarhus University. NERI is located in Roskilde (Sealand), Silkeborg and Kaloe (Jutland), Denmark.
Please apply online here

10 PhD positions in Mathematics, Regensburg, Germany

5.7.10 |

The DFG-Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1692 "Curvature, Cycles, and Cohomology" at the Department of Mathematics of the University Regensburg announces the opening of

10 PhD positions and 2 postdoc positions

starting October 1, 2010. Its areas of research focus on the interaction of arithmetic geometry, global analysis, and geometric PDE. The prospective applicant should have a Diploma or Master degree and seek to finish a PhD project within 3 years.

Applications are to be sent to

Prof. Ulrich Bunke
Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg

Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

For further information see

Beasiswa S3 di swedia

24.12.09 |

ada beberapa opening position untuk PhD di Lund University, Swedia. Detail nya bisa dibaca sbb. Semoga bermanfaat.

Lund University is Scandinavia’s largest institution for education and research in a great number of disciplines, such as engineering, natural sciences, law, social science, economics, medicine, theology and the arts. The University has over 38 000 students and approximately 5 300 employees located in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg. We have a comprehensive global network and a growing co-operation within the Öresund University framework within Southern Sweden and Eastern Denmark.

LTH forms the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, with approximately 6 500 students and 850 PhD-students. The research carried out at LTH is of high international standard and we continuously develop our teaching and adapt our courses to the needs of today.

Lund University invites applications for the following position:

Doctoral student in thermal power engineering, PA 2009/4911

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