Beasiswa PhD di Bath University, Inggris

20.4.10 |

PhD Studentship in the School for Health

"Motivational Responses To Physical Activity And Dietary Policies: Translating Success From The Smoking Context"

University of Bath - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Applications are invited for a full-time studentship at the University of Bath (starting October 2010).


The research will take a theory-based approach to exploring the potential to translate strategies found to be successful in reducing smoking prevalence in the UK, to tackling obesity. With obesity levels continually rising, this studentship provides the opportunity to conduct novel and original research in an important and highly topical area. In particular, the research will explore how current social policies to promote physical activity and a healthy diet are perceived and interpreted with respect to motivation for behaviour change. The research will take an interdisciplinary approach combining psychological and social policy perspectives.

The successful applicant will conduct their research within the School for Health and the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies under the academic supervision of Dr Fiona Gillison and Professor Linda Bauld.

Research setting:

The School for Health houses research groups from a broad range of disciplines including sport and exercise science, psychology and health, providing students with a vibrant and varied perspective on their research area. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to join the UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies (UKCTCS), and develop links with a community of researchers working on tobacco control at a national level. As part of the wider graduate school in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, students will have access to skill development courses, research student seminars and conferences, and access to research seminars and colloquia. Eligible students (i.e., possessing a Stage 1 qualification) will have the opportunity to work towards their Stage 2 qualification in Health Psychology alongside their studies.

Role Description:

Within the broad area of research outlined, the details of the research work programme will be designed together with the successful candidate. Duties will include:

* successfully completing a PhD thesis
* contributing to the School for Health research activities including research presentations and publications
* being an active member of the postgraduate student group and wider department


* A good first degree (upper second or first - or equivalent) in a Health or Social Science related discipline.
* A strong understanding of theories of behaviour change.
* Practical experience of methods of quantitative analysis.
* A desire to work towards long-term goals and ability to meet deadlines.
* Good verbal and written communication skills, and IT literate.
* Have an acceptable English qualification (e.g. GCSE, IELTS etc).

Graduates with experience and/or a Masters degree are particularly welcomed. Current final year undergraduates are also eligible to apply.

Fees and stipend:

The successful candidate will be supported for 3 years at research council rates (approximately £13,400 stipend for 2010-2011 plus UK/EU tuition fees). Overseas students outside EU are eligible to apply, however they must be able to fund the additional amount due for overseas tuition fees (please enquire for details).

To apply

Application forms can be downloaded from and completed application forms should be returned to the Graduate Office, University of Bath, Bath, BA2 7AY. Or you can apply on-line:

Please use Section 7 of the application form to outline your motivation for wanting to undertake research including this particular area of research (maximum of one side of A4).

In addition, please send a copy of your CV to

Closing Date: 28th April, 2010

Informal enquiries can be addressed to Fiona Gillison, e-mail: ( or 01225 384387).

Further information about the School for Health is available at:

Beasiswa PhD di Loughborough University Inggris


Postgraduate Studentship Opportunity

Loughborough University - Mathematics Education Centre

Are you interested in the teaching, learning and assessment of mathematics or mathematically-based subjects at university level ? Would you like to join a vibrant and internationally renowned group at the forefront of teaching and learning developments in higher education ?

The Mathematics Education Centre (MEC, has funding to offer a full-time three year studentship to a well-qualified applicant wanting to carry out research in an area related to the interests of its staff. These include: developing mathematics teaching at university level, undergraduate mathematics and mathematical identity, the development and evaluation of mathematics support, engineering mathematics - curriculum development and innovation, enhancing learning and teaching using technology. A full list of research interests can be found here: With world-wide growth in the numbers of students taking courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics - all of which are underpinned by mathematics - now is an exciting time to be at the forefront of developments in teaching and learning. How we teach and support students, how and what they learn, and how emerging technologies can support learning and teaching are key areas of interest. The MEC is an internationally renowned centre of teaching, learning and support. Being part of a School of Mathematics, it has strong collaborative links with the Department of Mathematical Sciences and as such is well-placed to research and impact directly upon higher education practice. With a growing number of academic staff and research students the MEC provides a vibrant, supportive community with a wealth of experience upon which to draw. For more information, browse our website, or read our leaflet for prospective students.

Entry Requirements

All candidates must have (or expect to gain) a good honours degree (usually at least 2.1) in Mathematics, Education, Psychology or a related discipline. Essential for success are good English language skills, both oral and written. We welcome applicants from the EU and Overseas who are fluent in English (this can be demonstrated via a number of different qualifications). The successful applicant will be expected, with support, to study relevant research literature, attend appropriate training to fill gaps in their preparation and develop their general skills, identify research questions and take the lead in designing and conducting studies to investigate these questions. They will also be expected to take a full part in the research life of the Centre, participating in research seminars and reading group sessions, giving presentations and seeking funding to attend conferences. Applicants should submit the following:

* A one-page CV summarising relevant experience and skills.
* A one-page cover letter describing their reasons for wishing to undertake PhD study in their chosen area and the personal qualities that they will bring.
* A two-page essay on one or more issues affecting learning in undergraduate mathematics.

Submitted materials will be assessed for coherence, clarity and relevance.

Informal contact is welcome prior to any formal application. Professor Tony Croft ( will be happy to talk through opportunities and direct applicants to potential supervisors. You may contact potential supervisors directly). Formal applications can be made online.

Closing date: 30th April 2010.

Stipend: This is currently £13,290 plus fees at UK/EU rate.

Beasiswa PhD di Aston University


PhD Studentships

Aston University - School of Life & Health Sciences

PhD Studentships for international overseas students with bursaries available against fees.

Projects are available in research groups allied to Biomedical Sciences, Biology, Pharmacy, Optometry and Psychology

Applications are invited for three year Research Studentships to be undertaken in the School of Life and Health Sciences at Aston University to start in July or October 2010.

The School of Life and Health Sciences is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to pursue cutting-edge research. In the 2008 RAE, 85% of the research in the School of Life and Health Sciences was ranked as being of international quality, and the School was ranked 3rd out of 61 UK University submissions to Allied Health Professions and Studies for quality and volume of research. The School currently has a research income of about £8m, with approximately 75 research students, (part time and full-time), who are registered in the School each year.

Project Details

Projects can be viewed by research topic and research supervisor at (

Financial Support

The projects are available to students meeting the University and School academic entry requirements and bursaries for international students will be awarded competitively on merit. The bursaries for international students will cover payment of £6,000 against the international fee of £12,650 per annum.

Application Requirements

• Applicants should have or expect a good honours degree (either first class or upper second class) or hold an MSc in a relevant discipline.

• The English Language requirements are a minimum score of 620 (260 minimum in computer test) in TOEFL OR IELTS with minimum marks of 6.5 in each section and an overall band of 7.0.

• The studentships are for 3 years, subject to a satisfactory progress review at the end of the first year, and are available for July 1st and October 1st 2010 registration.

• For an application form please visit:

• Closing Date: Monday, 10th May 2010 for July entry or 9th August 2010 for October entry.

• For informal enquiries or to return completed applications forms, please contact the Research Office, Room MB560, School of Life and Health Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET; email : +44 (0)121 204 4019).

Ref: R100071




The Defence Section British Embassy Jakarta is currently recruiting students for sponsorship in Masters Degree in Defence Management affiliated with Cranfield University and Indonesia Defence University (Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia ) for period 2010-2012.

Interviews for sponsored students will be conducted on Monday, 10 May 2010 and Tuesday, 11 May 2010 in Jakarta .

Qualifications & General Requirements:

1. Must already hold an S1 Degree (from any discipline)
2. Minimum GPA of 3.0
3. Age between 20-30
4. Excellent oral an written English language skills (Min TOEFL 550/IELTS 6.5)
5. Have some basic knowledge of the Indonesian Defence System

Please submit ONLY your application letter, CV in English, S1 certificate and evidence of TOEFL/IELTS score addressed to:

Ms. Putri Arthani via email putri.arthani@ or by post to:

Defence Section

British Embassy Jakarta

Jl. MH Thamrin 75, Jakarta 10310

The closing date for applications is Thursday, 29 April 2010. Only successful applicants will be notified for interview. There will be no correspondent unless notified by the British Embassy. Eligible candidates will need to commit to a full time course for duration of the period June 2010 – July 2012.

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Sampoerna School Of Business 2010/2011

17.4.10 |

Saat ini, kami sedang membuka program penerimaan mahasiswa baru Sampoerna School of Business (SSB). Program ini ditujukan bagi lulusan SMA dan sederajat (tahun kelulusan 2008, 2009 & 2010) yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan strata 1 bisnis di Putera Sampoerna School of Business, Jakarta. Untuk tahun ajaran 2010/2011, SSB membuka 2 jurusan:

• Management
• Accounting

SSB menawarkan 2 alternatif pembiayaan:
• Beasiswa pendidikan
• Pinjaman pendidikan (syariah)

Pembiayaan melalui jalur beasiswa dan pinjaman pendidikan hanya diberikan selama 4 tahun, dan tidak dapat melebihi jangka waktu tersebut. Pendaftaran dibuka sampai dengan tanggal 30 April 2010 (bukan cap pos). Persyaratan dan formulir pendaftaran bisa diunduh di dan dapat diperbanyak sendiri.

Formulir aplikasi dan persyaratan dokumentasi lainnya dikirimkan ke:
Bagian Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Sampoerna School of Business
JL. Kapt. Tendean 88C, Mampang
Jakarta Selatan 12710

Informasi lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi melalui:
1. Email
2. Telpon 021-5372340 ext. 7142

Panitia Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Sampoerna School of Business

Beasiswa Pelatihan Internasional Manajemen Rumah Sakit (InWEnt)

12.4.10 |

InWEnt – Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH
Capacity Building International, Germany

Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Internasional di Bidang
Manajemen Rumah Sakit


InWEnt-Capacity Building International, Jerman, merupakan sebuah organisasi nirlaba, yang bergerak di bidang pengembangan kapasitas sumberdaya manusia, pelatihan kelanjutan dan dialog di seluruh dunia. Program ini ditujukan bagi ahli dan eksekutif dari politik, administrasi,pelaku bisnis, dan masyarakat. InWEnt yang disponsori oleh Pemerintah Jerman membantu mengimplementasikan Tujuan
Pembangunan Millenium dari PBB.

Tantangan yang dihadapi sektor rumah sakit di banyak negara menuntut pegawai di bidang manajemen rumah sakit yang memiliki wawasan yang lebih luas daripada batasan-batasan serta tradisi yang ada.
Dengan demikian peserta yang diharapkan adalah para manejer tingkat atas yang bekerja pada berbagai fasilitas di sektor kesehatan. Setelah mengikuti pelatihan,peserta tidak hanya mampu berperan
sebagai tenaga ahli dan penggerak manajemen inovatif, tetapi juga menjadi bagian dari keunggulan, penggagas ide dan kontak awal bagi manajemen rumah sakit di masa depan.


Peserta yang diharapkan adalah profesional muda yang berkualitas (usia 32 - 45 tahun) dengan latar belakang akademik (BA, MA, diploma lanjutan atau sarjana dalam bidang yang sesuai dengan pekerjaan rumah sakit). Memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidangnya selama minimal 5. Pekerjaan tersebut sebaiknya berkaitan dengan manajemen rumah sakit.
Peserta harus memiliki pengetahuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik. Calon peserta wanita diperiotaskan.


Kurikulum mencakup topik sebagai berikut :
Dasar-dasar dan prinsip manajemen
Manajemen sumberdaya manusia
Manajemen keuangan
Manajemen fasilitas
Manajemen kualitas
Sistem informasi rumah sakit
Hygiene dalam rumah sakit
Manajemen berencana

InWEnt menanggung biaya-biaya yang berhubungan dengan kursus bahasa
Jerman pada pusat penilaian di Hanoi (kosumsi dan akomodasi, biaya kursus). InWEnt akan memberikan beasiswa kepada para peserta yang lulus seleksi dan diundang untuk mengikuti pelatihan kepemimpinan internasional selama 12 bulan di Jerman. Beasiswa ini mencakup
biaya kursus dan kursus material, kosumsi dan akomodasi, uang saku per hari dan biaya perjalanan yang berhubungan dengan kursus. Biaya perjalanan menuju dan dari pusat penilaian dan menuju serta kembali
dari Jerman ditanggung oleh institusi pengirim sebagai kontribusi dalam pelatihan kelanjutan. Pengecualian dapat dilakukan
atas kebijaksanaan InWEnt.


Untuk pendaftaran, silahkan isi formulir pendaftaran secara elektronik dan kirim kembali melalui email sebelum tanggal 19
April 2010, ke: iltasia @

dan copy ke: thao @

Silahkan kirim formulir lamaran asli ke :

T Andry Hartanto
InWEnt - in cooperation with DED
German Development Service
Menara BCA Grand Indonesia, 46th Floor,
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.1
Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

Tel: +62-21-2358-7030ext. 15

Pengumuman Lengkap (Brosur):


InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung
Capacity Building International, Germany
Health Division
Dr. Johannes Kleinschmidt / Elfriede Bader
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40
53113 Bonn
Tel + 49 (0) 228 44 60, ext. 1729 or 1812
Fax + 49 (0) 228 44 60 1844

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