Beasiswa S3 di Jerman, 2012

21.12.11 |


The Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology in Bremen GmbH seeks, at the earliest possible date, to fill a position of
Research Assistant (50%)
for three years. The appointee will be expected to work towards completion of a Ph.D.

Employment terms and conditions are governed by the provisions of the German TV-L, EG 13 for a part-time position. Salary is according to salary grade 13; the working week is 50% of full-time load (currently 19.6 hours).

We are looking for someone with appropriate qualifications in anthropology to conduct one year of field research in the Pacific within an interdisciplinary research project on perceptions of environmental change in the context of debates about global warming.
The field research will be conducted in cooperation with a geologist / sedimentologist; it will be supervised by the recently appointed Leibniz Professor at the ZMT, Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer (University of Lucerne).

Applicants should have completed a university degree (Master) in anthropology with a science minor. Other prerequisites are familiarity with anthropological field methods, knowledge of the Pacific and a special interest in either Psychological / Cognitive Anthropology or the anthropology of human-environment relationships. In addition to a commitment to teamwork and an interest in interdisciplinary research the applicant should have good English skills. The appointee will work with an enthusiastic international team of scientists, offering collegial patterns of work, a cooperative spirit and the opportunity to pursue new ideas.

All other things being equal, preference will be given to female. Disabled applicants whose personal and educational qualifications are the equal of those of others will also be given preference.

Applications (in German or English) should include a complete CV, a short description of your research interests and experience and two letters of reference; it should be sent, by February 1, 2012, as a PDF file to
or in written form to:
Mrs. I. Sanz Jannke
Leibniz Center for Tropical Marine Ecology GmbH.
Fahrenheit Straße 6,
28359 Bremen,
For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Bettina Beer ( or
Mrs. I. Sanz Jannke.

Beasiswa APOD Graduate Student Research Assistantship


APOD Graduate Student Research Assistantship
Applicants are sought for a graduate student research assistantship opening in the Department of Physics at Michigan Technological University. The successful applicant will be expected to complete courses and research for a Ph D. in astrophysics while supporting the production of the Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) website. Attributes sought in applicants include a desire to produce original research and to effectively communicate science to the public.

Initially, potential applicants should communicate their interest by emailing Prof. Nemiroff at . This email should include a brief statement about why this position interests you, a brief discussion of your research interests, a brief discussion of your writing interests, an indication of the quality of your grades, an indication of the quality of your GRE scores, and a link to a writing sample. Qualified applicants will be encouraged to submit a formal application.

Preference may be given to applicants with research interests in common with Prof. Nemiroff. A key area of continuing interest since the 1990s has been exploring cosmology and the universe by using gamma-ray bursts, an area again ripe with new data. A more full list of Prof. Nemiroff's interests might be found by browsing his scientific publications, possibly notable science ideas, and former Ph D. students.

MTU is listed in the top tier of national universities reviewed by US News and World Report. A recent interview discussing Prof. Nemiroff's association with APOD can be found here. APOD is supported by -- and produced in collaboration with -- NASA. MTU is an equal opportunity employer. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

International Water Law Scholarship Programme


nternational Water Law Scholarship Programme
> The Global Water Partnership together with IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science, under the auspices of UNESCO, at the University of Dundee, is looking to build on their successful 2011 International Water Law Programme (, and offer scholarships for 30 participants to undertake a module in International Water Law, in Dundee 11-29 June 2012.
> Scholarship recipients are responsible for all travel (to/from Dundee) and subsistence (food/accommodation) costs. GWP is aiming at providing funding for travel and subsistence for a limited number of successful Scholarship applicants. Even though final funding is pending, GWP and the University of Dundee now invite applications from suitable candidates.
> Applications will be accepted from 24 November 2011 to 3 February 2012. Successful candidates will be notified at the beginning of March 2012 to allow as much time as possible to obtain visas, additional funding, etc.
> The module is aimed at persons working in water resources who wish to acquire specialist knowledge of international water law, especially as it relates to transboundary water challenges in the GWP regions.
> Applicants to the joint GWP-University of Dundee IWL Programme should be from GWP Partner organisations and are required to be proficient in English, either as native speakers, or to a standard of an IELTS score of 6.5. A university degree is required in Hydrology, Environmental Science, Law, Agriculture, or related field.
> Read more and apply here:

Tips memilih program master di Jerman!


Ini ada tips memilih program master di Jerman (menurut orang Jerman)

1. Belajar bahasa Jerman
(supaya bisa baca tulisan di atas tanpa pakai Google Translate dan sejenisnya)

2. Lihat kampus
(maksudnya lihat website kampusnya, program apa saja yang ditawarkan)

3. Internationalitas
(Bagaimana international students dan international lecturer?)

4. Akreditasi
(Perguruan tinggi biasanya punya akreditasi, contohnya di USA ada ABET, kalau Jerman bisa coba mulai dari )

5. Ranking
(Beberapa sistem ranking menggunakan parameter yg berhubungan dengan produktivitas riset: jumlah paper, paten, H-index pengajar, dll.)

6. Proses melamar
(Dalam mengirim aplikasi, perhitungkan biayanya, contoh pos, internet, biaya ujian TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, dll, kadang-kadang ada "uiversity entrance fee" )

7. Layanan konsultasi
(Di Jerman, ada istilah "Betreuung". Intinya berhubungan dengan layanan konsultasi. Bagaimana mahasiswa (dan calon mahasiswa) dilayani oleh pegawai administrasi maupun pengajar serta senior. Betreuung masuk perhitungan sistem ranking CHE di Jerman:

8. Tingkat Gagal Studi
(Berapa persen mahasiswa yang drop out atau gagal studi juga perlu jadi bahan pertimbangan. Jurusan teknik di Jerman punya tingkat DO kira-kira 40-50%. Jurusan sosial sekitar 20%)

9. Jejaring
(Bagaimana jejaring alumninya. Ini punya hubungan dengan pekerjaan setelah lulus master)

Selamat mencari beasiswa!
Entah di Jerman maupun negara lain.
Darah Juang!


Research Grant from IFS


Sebuah lemabag internasional memberikan hibah penelitian kepada peneliti muda (usia max 40 th)di negara berkembang.
berikut ini beberapa kriterianya :

# a citizen of a developing country
# a scientist with at least a Master's or equivalent degree/research experience
# under 40 years of age and at the beginning of research career
# attached to a university, national research institution or a research-oriented NGO in a developing country

info selengkapny bisa di trace melalui link berikut :

paling lambat 29 Januari 2012

atau langsung aja ke IFSnya :

Beasiswa Master of Laws (L.LM) di Transnational Law and Business University (TLBU), Korea Selatan

13.12.11 |

Beasiswa Master of Laws (L.LM) di Transnational Law and Business University (TLBU), Korea Selatan adalah beasiswa untuk tahun ajaran 2011/2012. TLBU akan menerima aplikasi dari mahasiswa Hukum (khususnya Universitas Indonesia dan UNPAR) hingga tanggal 31 Desember 2011. Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan sekitar bulan Januari 2012 dengan cara interview melalui telepon. Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan sekitar bulan April 2012. Dan program beasiswa akan dimulai pada bulan September 2012.

Berkas-berkas yang harus dikirim sebelum 31 Desember 2011:

1. Sertifikat TOEFL – (LIA juga bisa, skor 500 masih dipertimbangkan)
2. Legalisir transkrip sama ijazah
3. Motivation Letter (essay 1-2 halaman dalam bahasa inggris yang isinya menceritakan tentang siapa kamu, keluarga kamu, cita-cita dan ambisi kamu)
4. Pas foto 5 lembar 4×6
5. Recommendation Letter (dari dosen)
6. Formulir (download dari kr – Admissions – Download)

Kirim sebelum 31 Desember 2011 ke alamat:

Admissions Office, TLBU Graduate School of Law in Seoul
300, Naeyu-dong, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Seoul, 412-751, Korea
(Phone) 82-31-960-1012- 5
(Fax) 82-31-960-1019
(E-mail) admissions@tlbu.

PS: Kirim dokumen kesini pakai TIKI JNE/Post bisa sampai 3 hari. Biaya sekitar 19 USD dgn berat kurang dari 1 kg.

untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan klik link ini

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