Beasiswa S1 ASEAN

23.2.12 |

Info Beasiswa S1 ASEAN

ada kesempatan beasiswa utk kuliah nya di bwh ni:

ASEAN-BAC Scholarships will be based on academic performance and will include:
  • Free U—PUP (University Prep Semester) with an opportunity to practice English, learn valuable study skills, and prepare for top quality university education.
  • Free tuition for the first academic year
  • Modern dormitory and healthy meals
  • Health care during TTU career.
  • The ASEAN-BAC Scholarship will not include airplane tickets and will not be paid in cash.
The scholarship for the next year will be based on the academic performance that is calculated upon the American 4-point scale
  • Over 3.5/4.0: 100% Scholarship.
  • From 3.0 to below 3.5: 75% Scholarship.
  • From 2.5 to below 3.0: 50% Scholarship.
  • Below 2.5: 0% scholarship.
TTU Economic Research Center will provide support to students upon a Student Loan Scheme at no interest or provide part time jobs for students who desire to pay the tuition fee.
After receiving the agreement from ASEAN-BAC, Tan Tao University will be pleased to offer 50 scholarships for 50 students from ASEAN, worth up to USD 27,500 per student.

SEARCA Scholarships 2012-2013 for Master and PhD in Agriculture

15.2.12 |

Dear milister,

Science and education for agriculture and development (SEARCA), Phillippines mengundang putra-putri Indonesia yang berminat untuk meneruskan pendidikan tinggi dalam bidang pertanian dan disiplin pendukungnya di kampus-kampus sbb:
- Institut Pertanian Bogor Indonesia
- Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
- Universiti Putra Malaysia
- Kasetsart University Thailand
- University of the Phillippines Los Baños

Penerimaan aplikasi paling lambat: 30 Juli 2012

Cek info selengkapnya di:

Jabat Erat,


Beasiswa S2 di Estonia 2012



The program provides two state-commissioned places for studies, which exempts from tuition fee (deadline for applying for state-commissioned place is 1 July, 2012).

All foreign students are encouraged to apply for the Ragnar Nurkse scholarship, named after probably the most internationally recognized Estonian scientist of the 20th century. The scholarship, in the amount of 7 200 euros, will be financed through the budget of TUT Department of Public Administration and it will be awarded to a student who will start his/her studies at the MA in Technology Governance programme in the academic year 2012/2013.

The scholarship recipient will be selected on the basis of candidates’ previous professional and academic accomplishments (minimum GPA to be considered for selection is 3.5). The application should also include a recommendation letter from one of student’s previous professors. Finally, student’s MA thesis proposal will be evaluated to determine whether it has the potential to create new knowledge and could be converted into a journal article.

Please send scholarship applications (a 1-2 page letter describing your thesis proposal and previous professional experience; proof of previous academic results; CV; academic recommendation letter) and other inquiries to Rainer Kattel at no later than May 31st 2012. Please use .pdf files.

In addition, 6 foreign students can apply for reimbursement of costs, related to obtaining visa, arranging health insurance and travelling to Estonia. The program will also support you in applying for scholarships from your home country or international or charitable organizations.

PhD students from universities around the world are encouraged to apply for the DoRa 5 scholarships for short term (3-10 months) study visits. TUT Deparment of Public Administration has hosted under this framework PhD students from Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) and Florida International University (USA). Interested applicants should contact DPA Director Rainer Kattel.



Silakan diteruskan
Sekedar meneruskan saja.... Semoga berguna.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012 9:33 am | set.balitbang.sdm | Berita T T T

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2012 kembali membuka
kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 di luar negeri bagi
PNS di lembaga kementerian dan non-kementerian termasuk, anggota TNI/
POLRI, baik di lingkungan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah,
lembaga pendidikan serta karyawan/karyawati swasta yang bekerja di
bidang TIK.

Persyaratan :
Lulusan sarjana (S1)
Memiliki IPK minimal 2.90 (dari skala 4)
Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP) minimal 570 atau IELTS minimal 6.5
Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550
Mendapat ijin dari pejabat yang berwenang ( Bagi PNS minimal Pejabat
Eselon II, bagi dosen atau staf pengajar minimal Dekan, bagi
karyawan/karyawati swasta oleh pimpinan perusahaan)
Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
Berusia maksimal 35 tahun
Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau
sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2

Formulir Pendaftaran yang telah diisi dan seluruh dokumen yang
dipersyaratkan harus dikirim via pos atau diantar langsung dan diterima
Panitia Seleksi dengan alamat tersebut di bawah ini paling lambat
tanggal 29 Februari 2012 (Cap Pos).
Panitia Seleksi tidak melayani pertanyaan atau komunikasi, baik secara
langsung maupun via telepon dan Internet. Klik disini untuk mendaftar
secara on-line.

Dokumen terkait pendaftaran Beasiswa Kementerian Kominfo 2012

Alamat Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :
Tim Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia
Panitia Seleksi Beasiswa S2 Luar Negeri
Gedung Depan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika Lt. 4
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat No. 9
Jakarta – 10110

Brawijaya ITB'84

Beasiswa DIKTI Scholarship 2012

12.2.12 |

DIKTI-UTS Doctoral Degree Scholarships are the outcome of a collaboration between Indonesia's Ministry of National Education Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI) and UTS.

Further details are available via the contacts listed below.

Value and duration

Successful scholarship candidates will be covered for UTS tuition fees and living expenses, airfares and health cover.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible for the DIKTI scholarship, candidates must be Indonesian citizens and satisfy the eligibility criteria set by DIKTI, available on the DIKTI Website.

To be eligible for the UTS Tuition fee scholarship candidates must be a DIKTI candidate and satisfy the selection criteria and entry requirements set by UTS for the Doctoral Degree Program, including academic qualification and English language requirements.

How to apply

1. Apply for a research degree at UTS. Go to the UTS International Applying to study at UTS webpage and follow the steps on how to apply for a UTS research degree.
2. Obtain the Letter of Offer from UTS for the research degree program
3. Apply for the DIKTI Scholarship within the timeline specified by DIKTI.
4. Send DIKTI scholarship letter to UTS confirming your eligibility for a 'DIKTI-UTS Doctoral Degree Scholarship'. Please lodge your international application for the doctoral program if you have not already done so by now.

Please see contact details below.

Application period

Opening date: 15/10/2011
Closing date: 31/05/2014

For further information contact

Dr John I. Pariwono
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Pintu I Senayan
Jakarta 10002
Phone: +021 57946092
Fax: +021 57946092

UTS International
Sponsored Students
Phone: +61 2 9514 1767
Fax: +61 2 9514 1530
UTS International website:

Beasiswa S1, beasiswa studi beastudi ETOS 2012



barangkali ada temans dan saudaranya yang mebutuhkan,
silakan cek tautan berikut:

semoga bermanfaat, silakan disebarluaskan informasi ini.


Bagi kamu pelajar SMA yang akan kuliah di PTN dapet beasiswa..
Telah dibuka, Pendaftaran Seleksi Beastudi Etos 2012.

Persyaratan Umum:

Lulus SMA/sederajat dan akan masuk Perguruan Tinggi melalui jalur seleksi masuk PTN jalur regular
Diterima pada PTN dan jurusan yang direkomendasikan Beastudi Etos (Daftar PTN dan jurusan yang direkomendasikan dapat dilihat dibawah ini.

Persyaratan Khusus :

Berasal dari keluarga tidak mampu
Melampirkan surat keterangan tidak mampu dan slip gaji/surat keterangan penghasilan orang tua dari ketua RT/DKM setempat
Daftar riwayat hidup yang bisa didapat di asrama Beastudi Etos maupun di-download disini.
Mengisi dan menandatangani akad Beastudi Etos (bisa di-download disini)
Fotokopi raport SMA semester 1-5, Kartu Keluarga, KTP atau kartu pelajar dan STTB bagi yang telah lulus SMA/sederajat
Foto terbaru 4 x 6, 2 lembar
Foto rumah (tampak keseluruhan, ruang tamu, kamar tidur, kamar mandi, dapur)
Membuat tulisan tentang kisah perjalanan hidup sepanjang minimal 2 halaman folio (tulis tangan)

Maksimal pengumpulan berkas tgl 18 Maret 2012

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