Beasiswa S1, Beasiswa Djarum Plus

7.3.12 |

Djarum Beasiswa Plus berperan aktif memajukan pendidikan melalui pembudayaan dan pemberdayaan mahasiswa berprestasi tinggi, dalam berbagai pelatihan soft skills untuk membentuk manusia Indonesia yang disiplin, mandiri dan berwawasan masa depan serta menjadi pemimpin yang cakap intelektual, emosional dan spiritual.

Sejak 1984, ribuan mahasiswa menerima Beasiswa dan Program Pengembangan Karakter dari Djarum. Djarum percaya, pendidikan yang baik adalah bekal dalam mewujudkan bangsa yang kokoh, sejahtera dan bermartabat.

Beasiswa dan Pengembangan Karakter
Djarum menyadari, pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan bangsa dalam mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih baik.

Oleh sebab itu, sejak tahun 1984 melalui program Djarum Bakti Pendidikan, Djarum memberikan beasiswa kepada para mahasiswa-mahasiswi strata satu berprestasi tinggi dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi baik Negeri maupun Swasta di seluruh Indonesia. Untuk semakin menegaskan komitmennya memajukan dunia pendidikan, mulai tahun ini Djarum Bakti Pendidikan telah berubah menjadi Djarum Beasiswa Plus. Hal ini sesuai dengan arah kegiatan CSR PT Djarum di bidang pendidikan yang akan fokus dan identik dengan pemberian beasiswa.

Para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus mendapatkan dana beasiswa sebesar Rp 750.000,- setiap bulan selama 1 tahun.

Selain dana beasiswa, para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus juga (Beswan Djarum) mendapatkan pembekalan berbagai macam soft skills, guna menyerasikan antara pencapaian akademik (hard skills) yang diperoleh di kampus dengan berbagai ketrampilan agar para Beswan Djarum dikemudian hari menjadi manusia yang cakap intelegensia, emosional maupun spiritual.

Persyaratan untuk menjadi penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus Tahun 2012/2013


  1. Sedang menempuh Tingkat Pendidikan Strata 1 (S1) pada semester IV dari semua disiplin ilmu.
  2. IPK minimum 3.00 pada semester III.
  3. Dapat mempertahankan IPK minimum 3.00 hingga akhir semester IV.
  4. Aktif mengikuti kegiatan organisasi baik di dalam maupun di luar Kampus.
  5. Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain


  1. Mengisi Form Pendaftaran yang tersedia di Bagian Kemahasiswaan di Kampus masing-masing, atau download di website ini
  2. Fotocopy Kartu Hasil Studi semester III.
  3. Fotocopy sertifikat kegiatan organisasi/surat keterangan aktif berorganisasi.
  4. Surat keterangan dari Kampus tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
  5. Satu lembar foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm berwarna memakai jas almamater.

Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) dan Wawancara.

Memastikan kandidat yang lolos tes seleksi dapat mempertahankan IPK minimum 3.00 pada akhir semester IV.

Dapat dilihat di website dan juga tersedia di Bagian Kemahasiswaan Kampus.

Tanggal-tanggal Penting:

  • Pendaftaran: 1 April – 31 Mei 2012
  • Seleksi: 1 Juni – 18 Juli 2012
  • Verifikasi: 21 – 30 Agustus 2012
  • Pengumuman: 31 Agustus 2012

For more information, please visit official website:


Program Pertukaran Pemuda Antar negara ( PPAN) tahun 2012

6.3.12 |

Dengan hormat, kami sampaikan bahwa Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga melalui Deputi Bidang Pemberdayaan Pemuda kembali melaksanakan salah satu Program Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) Tahun 2012 yakni Pertukaran Pemuda Indonesia – Cina (PPIC). Program PPIC tahun 2012 dilaksanakan lebih awal, mengiringi kunjungan kenegaraan Delegasi Presiden Republik Indonesia ke China pada tanggal 20 s.d 25 Maret 2012.

Persyaratan Calon Peserta

  1. Warga Negara Indonesia, Putri (ditunjukkan dengan KTP Jawa Tengah)
  2. Usia 25 -30 tahun;
  3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
  4. Minimal lulus SLTA;
  5. Belum menikah;
  6. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan dengan skor kompetensi minimum memenuhi salah satu sistem tes sebagaimana ketentuan berikut:
    1. Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) 400
    2. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
      1. TOEFL Paper 432
      2. TOEFL CBT 120
      3. TOEFL IBT 40
    3. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) 3,5
    4. Cambridge Exam Preliminary English Test (PET)
    5. Belum pernah mengikuti program pertukaran pemuda dengan luar negeri yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga;
  7. Menguasai salah satu atau lebih jenis keterampilan kesenian;
  8. Belum pernah terlibat dalam tindakan kriminal dan dijatuhi hukuman berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
  9. Lulus seleksi di tingkat daerah dan pusat

Anda yang tertarik mengikuti program ini dapat mengirimkan softfile berkas sbb:

  1. Akte kelahiran atau kenal lahir;
  2. Izin tertulis bermaterai Rp. 6000,- asli dari orang tua/instansi yang bersangkutan,
  3. Menyerahkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian Daerah setempat
  4. Surat pernyataan peserta bermaterai Rp.6000,- yang telah ditandatangani pula oleh orang tua/instansi yang mengirimkan peserta, menyatakan kesediaan untuk mentaati peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga;
  5. KTP yang masih berlaku;
  6. Paspor asli yang masih berlaku, sebagai persyaratan pengurusan visa (keterlambatan pengiriman visa asli akan menghambat pengurusan visa dan dapat membatalkan keberangkatan)
  7. Fotokopi sertifikat kompetensi Bahasa Inggris ( TOEIC/ TOEFL/ IELTS/ (Cambridge Exam) yang disahkan Kadispora/ Kadisdik tingkat Kota/ Kabupaten;
  8. Pasfoto berwarna 4X6 background putih sebanyak 6 lembar
  9. Curriculum Vitae maksimal 3 halaman

* Anda juga diperkenankan melampirkan portofolio sebagai bukti pendukung CV anda

Semua berkas dikirimkan dalam bentuk softfile ke alamat selambat-lambatnya 9 Maret 2012 pukul 09.00. CP untuk seleksi ini adalah Saudara Abe (0856 4716 1717)

D. Pembiayaan

  1. Yang ditanggung masing-masing daerah adalah biaya pengurusan paspor di provinsi masing-masing.
  2. Yang ditanggung oleh Pemerintah Provinsi adalah:
    1. Uang saku peserta selama mengikuti program;
    2. Transport dari ibukota provinsi-Jakarta (PP) untuk mengikuti program;
    3. Biaya perjalanan dari tempat tinggal ke ibukota provinsi;
    4. Akomodasi selama di ibukota provinsi.
  3. Yang ditanggung oleh Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga adalah:
    1. Biaya visa, airport tax dan tiket ke negara tujuan PP;
    2. Perlengkapan pribadi selama mengikuti program;

Persiapkan diri Anda dan jadilah wakil Jateng dalam PPAN 2012!

For more information, please visit official website:

KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Kangwon National University, Korea


Chuncheon Campus
Humanities and Social Science

Business Administration, Economics, Tourism Administration, Accounting, International Trade & Business, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Law, Education, Korean Education, Social Education, English Education, Cultural Anthropology, Real Estate, Sociology, Journalism and Mass Communication, Psychology, Political Science, Public Administration, Visual Culture, Korean Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, History, English Language and Literature, Japanese Studies, Chinese Literature and Language, Philosophy

Natural Science
Applied Plant Sciences, Applied Biology, Biological Environment, Biosystems Engineering, Horticulture, Regional Infrastructures Engineering, Animal Life System, Animal Biotechnology, Animal Resource Science, Animal Products and Food Science, Home Economics Education, Science Education, Forest Management, Forest Environment Protection, Forest Resources, Forest Biomaterials Engineering, Paper Science & Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Pharmacy, Nursing, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry, Mathematics, Geophysics, Geology, Statistics, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Biotechnology(Food Science & Biotechnology), Biotechnology(Biomaterials Engineering), Biotechnology (Molecular & Medical Biotechnology), Biotechnology(Bio-Health Technology), Molecular Bioscience, Systems Immunology, Computer Science

Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Energy and Resources Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering and Technology, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer and Communications Engineering, Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering

Art & Sports
Dance, Fine Art, Design, Music, Sport Science

Veterinary Medicine, Medicine

Interdisciplinary Programs
Environmental Management and Policy, Geographic Information System, Medical and Biomaterial Sciences, Environmental Consulting

Samcheok Campus
Humanities and Social Sciences

Public Administration, English, Early Childhood Education, Regional Economics

Fire Protection Engineering, Environmental Disaster Prevention Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Electronic & Information Communication Engineering, Architectural Design, Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical·Automative Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architectural System Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Control & Instrumentation Engineering, Energy & Chemical Engineering

Art & Sports
Visual Communication & Multimedia Design, Leisure Sports

Admission Schedule

  1. Deadline for Submission : March 30, 2012
  2. Preliminary document screening for eligibility and screening by departments (1st & 2nd step) : April 2, 2012 ~ April 6, 2012
  3. Screening by International Affairs office (3rd step) : April 9, 2012 ~ April 11, 2012
  4. Recommendation of final scholarship candidates to NIIED: April 13, 2012

Application Procedure

  1. Preliminary document screening for eligibility (1st step)
  2. Screening by departments (2nd step)
  3. Screening by International Affairs Office (3th step)
  4. Recommendation of final scholarship candidates to NIIED

Campus Life

  1. Dormitory
    • KNU offers an international student dormitory. (individual cooking is available)
  2. School location
    • Chuncheon (Kangwon National University) is located east of Seoul and is approximately 1 hour from Seoul by bus and train.
      1. Dong Seoul Terminal: 05:40 ~ (every 15 minutes)
      2. Sangbong Train Station: 05:05 ~ (every 20 minutes)
    • Travel from Incheon International Airport to Chuncheon takes approximately 2 hours by bus.
      1. Bus schedule: 08:10 ~ 21:30 (buses run 10 times a day)
      2. Bus fare: 18,000 won
      3. Bus departure location: Stand No. 9C on first floor of the KAL Limousine Stop at Incheon International Airport

Kangwon National University
Address: International Affairs, Kangwon National University, 1 Kangwondaehak-gil,
Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, 200-701 Republic of Korea

Scholarships from The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards


The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme, the New Zealand Government’s international development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

These awards empower individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to economic, social and political development within ASEAN nations.

The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards recognise New Zealand’s close cultural, economic, and geographic ties with South-east Asia. They seek to empower individuals to contribute to the economic, social, and political development of their countries.

What the scholarship offers

New Zealand has first-rate education institutions that offer world-recognised qualifications. Successful applicants will have access to excellent academic knowledge in quality facilities.

Scholarships include financial support for tuition, living costs while in New Zealand, an establishment allowance on arrival in New Zealand, and return airfares.

The partners of students are eligible for a work visa that allows them to live and work in New Zealand for the duration of their partner’s study.

Eligible countries

Applications for New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards are welcome from the following countries. For more information about priority sectors, follow the links to the scholarship information page for your country.

Cambodia I Indonesia I Lao PDR I Burma I Philippines I Vietnam

General eligibility criteria

The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards are open to candidates from the public and private sector including civil society, university lecturers, development-focused organisations and charitable foundations.

To be eligible, you must:

  • be a citizen of one of the eligible countries and have resided in that country for at least two years at the time of application
  • not have citizenship/permanent residence status for New Zealand or Australia
  • not be married or engaged to be married to a person who holds New Zealand or Australian citizenship or permanent residence status
  • not hold or have held a New Zealand Government or Australia Government scholarship in the preceding 24 months at the time of application
  • not be seeking support for a degree programme already commenced
  • not hold a qualification at a similar level or in a similar field of study at similar level (this means holders of bachelor degrees should apply for Masters or PhD and Masters graduates should apply for PhD study)
  • be available to take up the scholarships in the calendar year for which the scholarship is offered
  • hold a bachelor degree of strong academic merit that is relevant to the proposed post graduate qualification
  • have a minimum IELTS (academic) results of 5.5 overall, with no band less than 5.0 and results to be no older than 24 months at time of application
  • satisfy the admission requirements of the New Zealand institution in which the degree programme is to be undertaken, including that institution’s English language criteria.

Preference will be given to applicants whose study focuses on the priority sectors identified by each country. Please see country information pages listed above for more information about these priorities.

Preference will also be given to applicants under 40 years of age.

English language requirements

New Zealand tertiary education institutions set their own admission requirements for English language proficiency. All applicants should check the IELTS (International English Language Testing System, academic stream) or TOEFL (Testing of English as a Foreign Language) score required for admission to their selected New Zealand education institution. As a guide, most New Zealand education institutions require a minimum IELTS score of 6.5, with no band less than 6.0, for postgraduate level study. Some postgraduate qualifications may require a higher score.

Candidates must provide the original copy of their IELTS or TOEFL exam result as a pre-condition of placement. Results must be no older than 24 months at the time of the scholarship start date.

Candidates who show particularly strong developmental relevance and applicability may be able to receive three months’ English language training in New Zealand prior to starting their main academic qualification. Candidates with IELTS of 6.0 overall, with no band less than 5.5, should therefore still consider applying.

Application process

Download the New Zealand-ASEAN Scholar Awards application form (pdf 159kb)

Application processes and timelines can vary depending on the country. For information about the application process please see the scholarship information page for your home country.

Terms and conditions

All applicants who are offered a New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards will be required to sign a contract with the New Zealand Government declaring they will comply with the terms and conditions of the scholarship.

All awardees are required to return to their home country for a minimum period of two years following completion of their scholarship in order to contribute to their country’s economic and social development.

Scholarships from Kumoh National Institute of Technology


Mohon bantuan untuk menyebarkan informasi beasiswa ini ke kampus teman-teman yang terdahulu di Indonesia maupun ke teman-teman lainnya yang tertarik.

Dept. of IT Convergence, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, is recruiting graduate students (M.S. students). Some researches which are offered in this department are listed below:
- Wireless Network
a. 4G Network: Wimax and LTE
b. Wireless sensor network
c. Wireless power system
- Networked Control System
a. Real Time System
b. Industrial / Military network
- Bio-medical Engineering
>> For this research topic, the basic requirements are having C language skill and understanding Engineering Mathematics

We support international cooperation with other countries to accelerate international researches. If anyone wants to join our departments and research activity, we will support their researches and studies through our lab fellowship or government programs which cover tuition fee and living expense.

Here are some labs in Dept. of IT Convergence
- Networked System Laboratory
- Wireless Embedded Networking System

For more information, please send CV to these email addresses:
- Prof Kim Dong-Sung
- Favian Dewanta

Scholarship Global Faculty Grants Program from Soros Foundation


Track 2: Global Faculty Grants Program

Track II of the Global Faculty Grants Program offers Fellows the time, space and resources necessary to conduct research leading to publication in an internationally-recognized peer reviewed journal. The program aims to promote original research and to increase the international mobility of scholars in countries of focus. The program supports well-established scholars who occupy responsible and influential position at home universities to pursue research visits of up to 5 months to any accredited higher education institution worldwide.


Track II is offered to academics in Nepal, Afghanistan, select countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and Tajikistan) and select countries of the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine). The Program does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or disability, and is offered to individuals matching the following profile*:

  • well-established scholars holding a doctorate (PhD) or its equivalent;
  • occupying a full-time position at a university with regular teaching responsibilities;
  • demonstrating language ability sufficient for with the desired university placement;
  • having an established record of academic achievements, including publications in area of specialization;
  • able to articulate a persuasive and well-planned research project to be completed during the fellowship.

Collaborative research projects, in which the guest scholar participates in an ongoing research project at the host institution, are strongly encouraged.

* Employees of the Open Society Foundations and employees of local administering organizations (and their immediate family members), who are directly involved in the administration of scholarships are not eligible; nor are individuals receiving other Open Society Foundations--funded fellowship support.

Research Proposal

The research proposal should focus on a specific question in a relevant area of social sciences/humanities, should have a well-defined research hypothesis, and should explain what contributions the study will make to the academic discipline. The proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and will be evaluated also in relation to the duration requested (up to 5 months) and hosting environment arranged.


April 15, 2012


Competition is merit based and applications are evaluated on the academic merit of the proposed research project. Other factors include the applicant’s professional aptitude, leadership potential, long-term commitment to a career in higher education in home country, and language ability sufficient for the host university setting.

All completed applications are reviewed and evaluated by a committee of university representatives and OSF staff. Selection committees comprised of academic specialists will evaluate the merits of the research proposal, as well as the logic of the proposed destination and duration of the proposed research visit.

Host University Placement and Activities during Fellowship

In addition to completing the program application form, applicants are expected to submit a detailed study plan describing their proposed project, activities, and goals to be achieved while on program. Applicants will be expected to negotiate their own invitation by an academic colleague in the hosting department and are required to obtain the endorsement of both the hosting institution and home university administration. OSF plays no role in brokering placement of applicants at host universities.

The hosting institution must be capable of offering appropriate resources such as a workplace, access to libraries and the Internet, and other assistance as needed at the host institution, at no cost to the program. For collaborative projects, written confirmation by the lead investigator of the research agreement, including express reference to the applicant's project, must be included with the application materials.

Fellows must uphold the academic standards of the host institution and are expected to be in residence at the host university for the duration of the fellowship. Failure to maintain academic and professional standards as defined by the host university may result in dismissal from the program. Failure to follow the laws governing foreign students in the host country will result in dismissal from the program.

The program is focused on research support, but grantees are encouraged to take advantage of the full range of the host education environment, such as administrative structures and student-related services, which may be applicable to the home institution. Specific additional activities may include:

  • Visiting classes to observe teaching methods, review syllabi and reading lists of host faculty;
  • Attending departmental and university faculty meetings;
  • Auditing relevant courses, participating in classroom discussion;
  • Giving guest lectures or helping to teach a course; and
  • Participating in the OSF Academic Webfolio Project (, which provides opportunities for networking and peer review/feedback.

Fellowship Terms

Track II fellowships last up to 5 months and are renewable once, after the grantee has spent at least one (1) year back in the home country. The fellowship provides:

  • monthly stipend for room, board, and other living expenses;
  • program-related travel;
  • accident and sickness insurance during the program;

The fellowship does NOT provide funding for dependent family members or administrative fees for the hosting institution.

Fellowship Outcomes

The expected outcome of the fellowship is significant progress made toward the submission of an article to an international peer-reviewed journal. Fellows are also expected to present a public lecture to their host department as well as the home university community.

Fellows will be required to submit a final narrative report, describing the progress made on their research project and outlining further steps required to bring the project to completion and publication. This report will be included in any renewal applications.


Applicants from Egypt, Jordan and Palestine only should submit their applications and address any questions to:

Global Faculty Program Coordinator
Open Society Scholarship Programs
1700 Broadway, Floor 17
New York. NY 10019

All other applicants can obtain more information and should submit their applications to their local scholarship programs' coordinator at the local educational advising center or Soros Foundation.

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