the Ken Thiess Memorial Scholarship: Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management

25.5.12 |

Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management

Blue Line

The course is taught by international leaders in a broad spectrum of disciplines and delivered by the International WaterCentre. Graduates gain the research, strategic and managerial skills they need to advance their careers in the water sector and become future leaders in integrated water management.

The course runs over two years and comprises four compulsory course units (first semester) and a research thesis (three semesters).

Graduates will receive an internationally recognised degree endorsed by four leading Australian Universities.

Beasiswa Blackberry-ITB 2012 untuk Master dan Doktoral


Mohon disebarkan ke seluruh Indonesia.   -------   Penawaran Beasiswa Penelitian “Mobile Computing for Smart Society” (Periode 1: Tahun Akademik 2012-2013)  Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) bekerja sama dengan BlackBerry menerima 6 mahasiswa baru tingkat Doktor (S3) dan 12 Magister (S2) yang akan dilibatkan di dalam kegiatan penelitian tentang mobile computing for smart society dengan insentif sebagai berikut: 1. Gaji sebagai peneliti dan beasiswa Biaya Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan (BPP) di ITB selama maksimal 3 tahun untuk program Doktor dan selama maksimal 2 tahun untuk program Magister. 2. Perangkat penunjang penelitian (Portable PC dan BlackBerry® device).  Topik penelitian yang ditawarkan, namun tidak terbatas pada: 1. Smart Logistics 2. Smart Healthcare 3. Smart Travel/Transportation 4. Smart Home 5. Smart Learning 6. Mobile hardware interface Proposal topik-topik penelitian lain juga terbuka untuk diusulkan.  Persyaratan umum: 1. Mengikuti dan lulus ujian masuk Program Magister Informatika - Opsi Teknologi Informasi (untuk jenjang S2) atau Program Doktor Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (untuk jenjang S3), Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (STEI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). (Jadwal pendaftaran: 2. Memiliki minat yang tinggi dalam melakukan penelitian. 3. Memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk menjadi entrepreneur. 4. Bersedia bekerja secara full-time di BlackBerry Innovation Center di ITB. 5. Menguasai C/Java/HTML.  Peminat serius diharapkan untuk mengirimkan surat lamarannya ke Dr. IGB Baskara Nugraha melalui email ke, dengan melampirkan Curriculum Vitae (CV) dan proposal penelitian, paling lambat pada 7 Juni 2012. Kandidat yang lulus seleksi dokumen akan diundang untuk wawancara pada minggu kedua Juli 2012. Penerima beasiswa akan diumumkan pada minggu ketiga Juli 2012.

Info Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa master di KOREA

23.5.12 |

Info Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa master di KOREA

Professor Moonsoo Kang
Network Architecture and Analysis Laboratory

Room #10112, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chosun University,
375 Seosuk-dong, Dong-gu, Gwangju 501-759, Korea

An applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenship and come under each of the following:
1) Graduated or is going to graduate from a bachelor’s or master’s program in Korea or a foreign country
(Dept. of Electronic Eng., Computer Science Eng., and IT related Eng.)
2) Must have minimum iBT TOEFL score of 80 or IELTS score of 6
3) Must have excellent CGPA

- Mesh and Sensor Networks
- Transport Protocols over Heterogeneous Networks
- Network Protocol Design for Green Networks
- Mobile OS for Networked Computer
- Modeling and Performance Analysis
- MAC and Routing issues over Vehicular Ad hoc Networks.

Send below documents to e-mail ( before May 31st 2012
1) CV (Curriculum Vitae) including photo, experience, contact address, birth data and so on
2) A copy of a transcript
3) A copy of graduation certificate
4) A copy of english test score sheet such as iBT or IELTS (can be sent after May 31st 2012)

Support all kinds of registration fees (admission fee + tuition fee). And more than 700,000 KRW per month supported by Government.

Chosun University:

Beasiswa DAAD 2012 untuk jenjang S2 periode 2012-2014

15.5.12 |

Beasiswa DAAD 2012 untuk jenjang S2 periode 2012-2014

Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2013/2014

Call for Application: April 2012

(Deadline: 31st July 2012)

Please klick here to download this File as PDF.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries with further specialized studies. The DAAD supports these selected programs with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programs run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.

Target group:

University teaching staff, researchers and professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private institutions in the following areas:

  • Economic Sciences / Business Administration/ Political Economics
  • Development Co-operation
  • Engineering and related sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Regional Planning
  • Agricultural and Forest Sciences
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Medicine/Public Health, and Veterinary Medicine
  • Social Science, Education and Law
  • Media Studies

See Annex for the list of selected courses (Please klick here to download the list of selected courses).

Language of instruction:

German or English, depending on the degree course:

  • Participants in postgraduate courses in which English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a two-month intensive German language course.
  • Participants in postgraduate courses in which German or German/English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a six-month intensive German language course. Please note that the candidates must have certain German language certificate at the time of application.

Criteria for applying:

  • Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
    For some courses, Bachelor degree should have been completed not longer than 6 years at the time of application. Concerning this matter, please directly contact the coordinator of the respective study program
  • Degree: Bachelor or Master
  • GPA: min 2,75 for Master candidates (some study programs applied GPA more than 2,75. Please see the detail on the website of each study program) and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates
  • Work experience: at least two years after completing Bachelor degree.
  • Language skill:
  • For postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL (minimum score: 550 paper based, 213 computer based, 80 internet based) or IELTS (band 6). Some courses may expect a different level. For detailed information see the website of the relevant course.
  • For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the course list. Certain level of German language exam may be required before admission to the course.

Information and DAAD form are available from the:

DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas II, Lt. 14
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190

Consultation hours: Monday – Thursday, 1:30pm – 4:00pm
Contact person: Ms. Dwi Nurlianti/Ms. Muji Rahayu
Phone: (021) 520 0870 / 525 2807
Fax: (021) 525 2822

You are suggested to apply online. However you must send the printed form together with other application documents (triplicate) via post to the DAAD Jakarta Office before the deadline. The instruction on how to apply online is available here

Beasiswa untuk Lulusan SLTA / SMA ke Jepang, jenjang D2, D3 dan S1


Beasiswa untuk Lulusan SLTA / SMA ke Jepang, jenjang D2, D3 dan S1

Beasiswa yang tersedia yaitu di Universitas (S-1), College of Technology (D-3) atau Professional Training College (D-2) di Jepang.

JAKARTA, - Kepedulian pemerintah Jepang bagi kemajuan generasi muda Indonesia begitu besar. Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Jakarta kini menawarkan Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho) kepada siswa-siswi Indonesia lulusan Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas (SLTA) untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke Universitas (S-1), College of Technology (D-3) atau Professional Training College (D-2) di Jepang mulai tahun akademik 2013 (April 2013).

Seperti dikabarkan Kedutaan Jepang di Jakarta pada, pelamar hanya bisa mendaftar 1 (satu) program entah itu S-1, D-3 atau D-2.

Pihak kedutaan tidak mengatakan bahwa syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan untuk meraih beasiswa ini tidak lah begitu rumit. Berikut ini syarat-syaratnya:

(1) Lahir antara tanggal 2 April 1991 dan tanggal 1 April 1996.

(2) Nilai rata-rata ijazah atau rapor kelas 3 semester/cawu terakhir minimal:
- 8,4 untuk program S-1
- 8,0 untuk program D-3
- 8,0 untuk program D-2

(3) Pelamar harus lulus dari SLTA, atau akan lulus maksimal 31 Maret 2013.

(4) Formulir pendaftaran beasiswa bisa didownload dari website resmi Kedutaan Jepang di Formulir yang sudah diisi bisa diantar atau dikirimkan via pos ke Kedutaan Besar Jepang atau Konsulat Jenderal Jepang, lengkap dengan fotokopi rapor, ijazah, dan nilai ijazah sampai tanggal 15 Juni 2012. Jika pada saat penutupan (15 Juni 2012) nilai ijazah asli belum bisa dikeluarkan, maka nilai ijazah sementara dari Kepala Sekolah bisa diterima.

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi Kedutaan Besar Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan: 021-3192-4308 Ext. 175, 176)

Beasiswa S1, Beasiswa S2 dan Beasiswa S3 dari Pemerintah Turki

11.5.12 |

Beasiswa S1, Beasiswa S2 dan Beasiswa S3 dari Pemerintah Turki

The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Jakarta has the pleasure to announce the “Türkiye Scholarships”, a new and comprehensive scholarship programme initiated by the Government of the Republic of Turkey.

Starting from the 2012-2013 academic year, the scholarships granted by the Government of the Republic of Turkey are restructured and renamed as “Türkiye Scholarships”, consisting of 22 scholarship programmes. Of these 22 programmes, 8 are available for Indonesian nationals, namely:

Goldenhorn Scholarship (undergraduate)
History and Civilization Scholarship (graduate and research)
Ibni Haldun Social Sciences Scholarship (graduate and research)
Economic Studies Scholarship (graduate and research)
Ali Kuşçu Science and Technology Scholarship (graduate and research)
İbni Sina Medical Sciences Scholarship (undergraduate, graduate and research)
Islamic Theology Scholarship (undergraduate, graduate and research)
Yunus Emre Turkish Language Scholarship (undergraduate, graduate and research)

With the new regulations, an online application system is introduced in order to make the application process faster and more practical. Thus, as a general rule, the scholarship applications for the 2012-2013 academic year should be made online, via the “Türkiye Scholarships”.

Deadline for the applications is 1st June 2012. The selection is a two-step procedure: in the first stage, the applicants will be evaluated according to academic merits, based on the documents provided during the application; in the second stage, the most successful candidates will be invited to Turkey for interview in June, July or August 2012 (if deemed necessary, the interviews can be made by telephone or online).

As part of the “Türkiye Scholarships”, accommodation and travel expenses, university fees, Turkish language education fees and general health insurance of the students who are granted a scholarship will be covered by the Government of the Republic of Turkey. The grantees will also be entitled to a monthly stipend.

For more information, please visit official website:

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