Beasiswa 2012 untuk S2 dan S3 di Taiwan

8.6.12 |

Dear friends,

Perkenalkan saya Ivan, alumni NTUST - Taiwan (2009-2011) dan saya mendapatkan beasiswa full selama kuliah S-2 MBA Program di sana.
Beasiswa di Taiwan sudah mengcover semua (Gratis biaya pendaftaran, gratis uang sekolah, dan diberikan biaya hidup berupa uang tunai setiap bulan) dan yang terpenting adalah tidak ada kontrak/ ikatan apapun setelah lulus.

Untuk teman-teman yang berminat, Taiwan kini menyediakan banyak sekali peluang untuk S-2 dan S-3 dalam bahasa Inggris untuk semua jurusan.
Mulai April 2011, kementerian pendidikan Taiwan sudah membuka kantor Taiwan Education Center Indonesia sebagai perwakilan mereka untuk menyediakan informasi tentang studi lanjut di Taiwan ( Apabila teman-teman berminat, silahkan menghubungi TEC Indonesia di atau menghubungi saya secara pribadi.

NB.: TEC Indonesia ini adalah instansi pemerintah non-profit hanya untuk memberikan informasi, bukan merupakan agen yang bersifat komersial.

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi teman-teman.
Ivan Arista

Beasiswa Full Scholarships MBA di Erasmus University Belanda

5.6.12 |

Scholarship | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University presents the unique opportunity for you to win a scholarship to cover part of your costs to participate in Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University International Full-time MBA Programme starting in January 2013 in Rotterdam. The Scholarship will be open to high potential candidates from the Far East who are interested in pursuing a world class graduate management education in a leading international business school in Europe.

Award : One scholarship valued at €10.000

Eligible Country : Republic of China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Russian Far Eastern Federal District.

The scholarship will be deducted from the second instalment of the tuition fee and the winner is responsible for all other expenses incurred during his/her study at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (e.g. housing, course materials, and living expenses.)

In order to qualify for the scholarship competition, you must be a citizen of, or hold permanent residence status in, one of the above mentioned countries. You must also have completed your application to the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University full-time MBA Programme and have been offered a place in the programme commencing January 2012.

How to Apply
If you would like to be considered for the RSM MBA Far East scholarship you are required to:

1. Complete and sign the Applicant Agreement

2. Essay: The subject for the essay is determined by RSM academics and should not exceed 2000 words. The essay questions can be found by following this link: Scholarship Essay Question

3. One-page A4 Curriculum Vitae (CV) demonstrating evidence of substantial career progression
Please submit your completed scholarship application to the Scholarships Office at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University together with an electronic copy of your CV by email to no later than 1 December 2012.

Selection Process
Depending on the number of applications, successful candidates will be short listed and the Awards Committee will select the winner from the shortlisted candidates.

Deadline: no later than 1 December 2012.
For forther information and application, please visit :

Beasiswa Master The International WaterCentre (IWC) Masters Scholarships

31.5.12 |

IWC Masters Scholarships (full-tuition) - now open

IWC Masters Scholarships Flyer

The International WaterCentre (IWC) Masters Scholarships are currently open to study IWC Master of Integrated Water Management in 2013.
  • IWC Masters Scholarships - full-tuition (AU$44,400): currently open (until 1 August 2012) - read more below

Every year, the International WaterCentre (IWC) awards scholarships to a small number of excellent candidates who are accepted into theIWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM). These scholarships are awarded to applicants who clearly demonstrate potential to become water leaders of the future.

Scholarship value

  • Full-tuition (valued at AU$ 44,400) for full-time or part-time/distance* study of the Master of Integrated Water Management
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for international students

Note: the scholarship does not include travel, accommodation, field work, or living costs. These costs will be the responsibility of successful recipients.

* Part-time/distance study option is available only to Australian/NZ citizens and Australian permanent residents.

Who can apply

The scholarship is available to eligible Australian and international applicants to study the IWC Master of Integrated Water Management (MIWM) program. The next intake will be February 2013 (Semester 1).

Important dates

  • 1 May 2012: Masters Scholarships open
  • 1 August 2012: Masters Scholarships close
  • 10 September 2012: Notification will be sent via email to all applicants

For further information:

the Ken Thiess Memorial Scholarship: Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management

25.5.12 |

Master of Philosophy in Integrated Water Management

Blue Line

The course is taught by international leaders in a broad spectrum of disciplines and delivered by the International WaterCentre. Graduates gain the research, strategic and managerial skills they need to advance their careers in the water sector and become future leaders in integrated water management.

The course runs over two years and comprises four compulsory course units (first semester) and a research thesis (three semesters).

Graduates will receive an internationally recognised degree endorsed by four leading Australian Universities.

Beasiswa Blackberry-ITB 2012 untuk Master dan Doktoral


Mohon disebarkan ke seluruh Indonesia.   -------   Penawaran Beasiswa Penelitian “Mobile Computing for Smart Society” (Periode 1: Tahun Akademik 2012-2013)  Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) bekerja sama dengan BlackBerry menerima 6 mahasiswa baru tingkat Doktor (S3) dan 12 Magister (S2) yang akan dilibatkan di dalam kegiatan penelitian tentang mobile computing for smart society dengan insentif sebagai berikut: 1. Gaji sebagai peneliti dan beasiswa Biaya Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan (BPP) di ITB selama maksimal 3 tahun untuk program Doktor dan selama maksimal 2 tahun untuk program Magister. 2. Perangkat penunjang penelitian (Portable PC dan BlackBerry® device).  Topik penelitian yang ditawarkan, namun tidak terbatas pada: 1. Smart Logistics 2. Smart Healthcare 3. Smart Travel/Transportation 4. Smart Home 5. Smart Learning 6. Mobile hardware interface Proposal topik-topik penelitian lain juga terbuka untuk diusulkan.  Persyaratan umum: 1. Mengikuti dan lulus ujian masuk Program Magister Informatika - Opsi Teknologi Informasi (untuk jenjang S2) atau Program Doktor Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (untuk jenjang S3), Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (STEI), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). (Jadwal pendaftaran: 2. Memiliki minat yang tinggi dalam melakukan penelitian. 3. Memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk menjadi entrepreneur. 4. Bersedia bekerja secara full-time di BlackBerry Innovation Center di ITB. 5. Menguasai C/Java/HTML.  Peminat serius diharapkan untuk mengirimkan surat lamarannya ke Dr. IGB Baskara Nugraha melalui email ke, dengan melampirkan Curriculum Vitae (CV) dan proposal penelitian, paling lambat pada 7 Juni 2012. Kandidat yang lulus seleksi dokumen akan diundang untuk wawancara pada minggu kedua Juli 2012. Penerima beasiswa akan diumumkan pada minggu ketiga Juli 2012.

Info Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa master di KOREA

23.5.12 |

Info Beasiswa 2012 : Beasiswa master di KOREA

Professor Moonsoo Kang
Network Architecture and Analysis Laboratory

Room #10112, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chosun University,
375 Seosuk-dong, Dong-gu, Gwangju 501-759, Korea

An applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenship and come under each of the following:
1) Graduated or is going to graduate from a bachelor’s or master’s program in Korea or a foreign country
(Dept. of Electronic Eng., Computer Science Eng., and IT related Eng.)
2) Must have minimum iBT TOEFL score of 80 or IELTS score of 6
3) Must have excellent CGPA

- Mesh and Sensor Networks
- Transport Protocols over Heterogeneous Networks
- Network Protocol Design for Green Networks
- Mobile OS for Networked Computer
- Modeling and Performance Analysis
- MAC and Routing issues over Vehicular Ad hoc Networks.

Send below documents to e-mail ( before May 31st 2012
1) CV (Curriculum Vitae) including photo, experience, contact address, birth data and so on
2) A copy of a transcript
3) A copy of graduation certificate
4) A copy of english test score sheet such as iBT or IELTS (can be sent after May 31st 2012)

Support all kinds of registration fees (admission fee + tuition fee). And more than 700,000 KRW per month supported by Government.

Chosun University:

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