Beasiswa 40 MSc Scholarships at Bocconi University, Italy

10.1.13 |

Up to 40 need-based scholarships to international students

Bocconi University offers up to 40 need-based scholarships to international students enrolling in a Master of Science Program at Bocconi. The awarding of the scholarship also takes into consideration academic performances of the students.


The Scholarship consists of full tuition waiver worth approximately € 11,500.00 per year for a maximum of 2 academic years. The renewal of the scholarship is subject to meeting merit criteria.
Scholarship applications must be submitted by the same deadline as that of applicant's Bocconi online admission's application; see table below. 


Only applicants for the first year of a Bocconi Master program who meet all the following conditions will be taken into consideration for the awarding of the scholarship:

- non-Italian citizenship;
- non-Italian residence;
- a non-Italian Undergraduate degree earned abroad or in Italy; 

Students who meet any of the following conditions will NOT be taken into consideration:
- previously enrolled in a graduate program in Italy or abroad;
- recipient of a scholarship awarded for the AY 2013-14 by private or public institutions.

Further information 

Beasiswa Swedia, 2013-2014


International Student Scholarships are a testament to the commitment of Dalarna University (DU) to quality and outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to international students who have shown great interest and motivation to study at DU.

Application for Studies at DU
Before you apply for a scholarship, you must submit an application for the degree programme using the online application service for international programmes in Sweden at The application deadline is normally between October and mid-January: for exact dates, please see the website above.

Scholarship Value
International scholarships cover either 25 % of tuition fees or 50 % of tuition fees for a degree programme. The scholarships are distributed as follows over a calendar year:

25 % tuition fee coverage:

18 scholarships to be awarded for Master’s Programmes in English and Irish Literature, African Studies, Tourism Destination Development, Pre-Master Economics, Business Studies and the Bachelor’s Programme in International Tourism Marketing
6 scholarships for the Master’s Programme in Solar Energy Engineering
4 scholarships for the Master’s Programme in Business Intelligence

50 % tuition fee coverage:

7 scholarships to be awarded for Master’s Programmes in English and Irish Literature, African Studies, Tourism Destination Development, Pre-master Economics, Business Studies and Bachelor’s Programme in International Tourism Marketing
4 scholarships for the Master’s Programme in Solar Energy Engineering
1 scholarship for the Master’s Programme in Business Intelligence
Benefits and Requirements

Scholarships cover part of the tuition fee only and will not provide for accommodation, books, travel, or other personal or incidental expenses.
Tuition fees will be waived in part for successful applicants. Payments are not made to the applicant.
The award of the scholarship is conditional upon registering on campus in the degree programme for which the award is made.
The scholarship is valid only for programmes starting during the upcoming academic year and is usually granted for one academic year (two semesters). An extension is possible for programmes that are longer than two semesters provided that study results are satisfactory.
The award period can neither be altered nor be extended, and awards cannot be used towards or during exchange studies.
Selection Criteria

Eligible Countries
Scholarships are available to citizens of all non-EU/EEA countries who are required to pay tuition fees for full-time temporary studies at Dalarna University. However, applicants from the following countries who are eligible for the Swedish Institute scholarships are not eligible to apply for the DU scholarships:

Bangladesh, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, Uganda and Zambia.

Applicants from these countries may apply for Swedish Institute scholarships: see

Applicants from Belarus can find information about the Open Europe Scholarship Scheme at

Selection and Decision
The Office of Education and Research at DU is responsible for the processing of scholarship applications.

Great emphasis is placed on the applicant’s previous education, references and cover letter. The Vice Chancellor makes the final decision on awards.

Only applicants who have been selected in the first selection round at may be considered. There is no age limit; however, you are not eligible for the scholarships if you are already studying in the programme in question.

Apply for the Scholarship

Application Deadline
The application deadline is March 15. Late entries will be processed in chronological order.

Application Form
Here you can access the application form.

Supporting Documents for Applications

Application form including application number from
Personal letter
One reference letter
All registered students are insured by the Swedish State Group Insurance against illness and accident during the scholarship period.

A list of applicants who have been awarded a scholarship will be published on the Dalarna University website.

Beasiswa S2 Master Scholarships in Public Policy, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore


The 2-year Master in Public Policy (MPP) Programme is designed for young professionals who seek rigorous education and training in public affairs. The MPP program provides a strong foundation for future public service leaders in policy analysis, programme evaluation, and management in the public and private sector. The programme prepares candidates with skills that enables them to work in many settings — from national, state, and local government; and in think tanks, consulting firms, multilateral institutions and non-profit organizations.

Taught by our eminent faculty who come from some of the most prestigious institutions globally, the small class size of 60 students facilitates dynamic interaction between professors and students, and amongst the students themselves . A prestigious network of partner institutions worldwide allows qualified Master students a unique opportunity to spend a year abroad pursuing a double degree or spend a semester abroad on exchange.

MPP students come from more than 25 countries around the world; they are drawn from the public, private and not-for-profit sector, with international students constituting roughly 80 percent of the student body.

A sample cohort includes candidates in positions such as Communication Officer, UNDP, Malaysia; Analyst, Goldman Sachs; Analyst, Australian Department of Defence; Associate, Ernst & Young; Research Associate, Harvard University; Radio Producer, UN Mission in Sudan; Senior Assistant Director, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Singapore and Junior Diplomat, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Indonesia to name a few.

The LKY School also offers students a wide range of professional development services through career counselling, career panels and employer information sessions, networking events with alumni and professional skills workshops. Graduates of the LKY School go on to distinguished careers all over the world in multilateral, government and non-profit sectors.

Financial Aid
More than 50 percent of the LKY School students study on merit based scholarships. All students can apply for the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) and Chang Yung-Fa scholarships. Furthermore, prospective students can also apply for more scholarships based on nationality.

Applicants for financial aid simply need to complete (as part of the general application process) the Financial Aid Application Form which requires the applicant to indicate maximum of 3 scholarships he/she chooses. Upon successful admission to the LKY School, more specific information on grants will be communicated to the financial aid applicant. Students can also work as research or staff assistants, either within the School or with external institutions across Singapore.

Admission Requirements
Candidates accepted into the programme will normally have up to 5 years of work experience and the average age is mid-20’s. Although bright fresh graduates will be considered, the MPP candidate preferably should have displayed interest and/or experience in a public service environment.

Admission requirements are as follows:

NUS honours degree (minimum 2nd Upper) or an equivalent degree (i.e. Bachelor dgree with an average grade of B or above)
Valid TOEFL or IELTS test scores (only for international applicants without a degree from an English-medium institution in Australia, Canada, Ireland, NZ, UK or the US); a score of at least 580 on TOEFL paper based test / 85 on TOEFL internet based test or 6.5 on IELTS preferred
Completed application form
Complete CV
3 essays
3 references
Application fee
Official transcripts and certificates/diplomas
In general, the School looks for evidence of intellectual distinction, personal character and leadership capabilities (as demonstrated by extracurricular, civic or community activities, employment history and recommendations).

The application deadline for MPP 2013 is 15th February, 2013.

MPP Programme Highlights
The 2 -year MPP programme has 5 unique features:

MPP students have the option of deepening their understanding of a specific field by focusing on one of five areas of specialisation:
Development Studies
Economic Policy and Analysis
International Relations and Security Studies
Social and Environmental Policy
Public Management and Governance
MPP students can apply to “double degree” programmes with Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), University of Geneva, Peking University or the University of Tokyo. While admission is highly competitive, accepted students spend one year at the LKY School and the second at the partner institution (application to the double degree partner is made at the end of the first semester at LKY School). Upon successful completion of the programme they will be awarded two degress from the respective institutions. The school also offers double degree programmes with NUS Faculty of Law and NUS Business School.
MPP students can also benefit from exchanges in the second year with more than a dozen world class universities including Georgetown University, Tsinghua and University of St Gallen. Accepted students spend one semester at the partner institution.
To obtain direct practical experience, MPP students must undertake a public policy or management study, called the Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE), for a client in the public, private, or non-profit sector.
MPP students also have the option of pursuing an internship in the public, private or not-for-profit sector in the summer or winter break. The School actively engages with leading think tanks, consulting firms, multilateral institutions and non-profit organizations to help facilitate internships for students.
The MPP program is full time and fully taught in English. The core curriculum focus is on quantative skills and analysis, economics, political science, management and leadership. It comprises of completing 8 core modules, 7 electives and a Policy Analysis Exercise (PAE) with a client in the public or private sector.

MPP Core Modules:

Economics and Public Policy I
Economics and Public Policy II
Politics and Public Policy
Empirical Analysis for Public Policy OR Statistical Techniques for Public Policy
Public Policy Research and Evaluation
Policy Analysis Exercise
Introduction to Public Policy and Analysis
Public Management and Leadership
Public Policy Research Design and Methodology
For enquiries, please contact (65) 6516-6134 or email to

For more information, please visit official website:



Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2013 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lembaga kementerian dan non-kementerian termasuk PNS TNI/ POLRI, baik di lingkungan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah serta karyawan/karyawati swasta.
Persyaratan : 
  1. Lulusan sarjana (S1)
  2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2.90 (dari skala 4)
  3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP)  minimal 570 atau IELTS minimal 6.5
  4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550
  5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang
  6. Diutamakan :
    a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
    b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun
    c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2
  7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 5 Februari 2013

Klik disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai informasi beasiswa. Klik disini untuk mendaftar secara on-line

Beasiswa Master Beasiswa MM di Prasetya Mulya Business School

9.1.13 |

BIZCAMP Challenge: Prasetiya Mulya for Indonesia Future Business Leaders merupakan suatu kegiatan kompetisi antar lulusan program S1 fresh graduate dan mahasiswa S1 tingkat akhir dari beberapa universitas ternama di Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencari talenta baru calon pemimpin bisnis Indonesia masa depan yang memiliki karakter kuat. Pada kegiatan BIZCAMP ini, peserta akan diberikan tantangan merancang proposal bisnis yang inovatif serta proyek kegiatan sosial dan lingkungan. Prasetiya Mulya Business School akan memberikan pembekalan pengetahuan bisnis dan pelatihan keterampilan dengan melibatkan para professional bisnis untuk sesi sharing, guest lecture dan coaching. Diharapkan peserta memahami bahwa sebagai calon pemimpin bisnis masa depan, tidak hanya aspek keuntungan bisnis saja yang menjadi fokus, namun juga berpikir tentang aspek lingkungan dan dampak positif terhadap kehidupan masyarakat.

Tujuan diadakannya program BIZCAMP:
BIZCAMP Challenge bertujuan untuk mencari talenta baru pemimpin bisnis masa depan yang memiliki karakter sebagai berikut:

Memiliki jiwa dan sikap sebagai pemimpin (leadership), terutama sebagai pemimpin yang visioner (mempunyai visi jelas ke depan).
Memiliki kemampuan problem solving, yaitu mampu melakukan identifikasi dan memahami masalah yang sedang dihadapi, menghasilkan beberapa solusi alternatif, dan kemudian mengimplementasikan secara efektif untuk memecahkan permasalahan.
‘Berpikir secara Stratejik’ (Strategic Thinking), mampu menemukan dan mengembangkan suatu peluang yang unik untuk menciptakan suatu nilai melalui kemampuan dialog yang bersifat provokatif dan kreatif di antara orang-orang yang ada di dalam organisasi yang mampu mempengaruhi terhadap arah organisasi.
‘Berpikir secara Terintegrasi’ (Integrative Thinking), mampu menghadapi tekanan gagasan yang bertentangan secara konstruktif, menghasilkan resolusi yang kreatif dalam bentuk gagasan baru yang berisi elemen dari gagasan yang bertentangan ketimbang memilih salah satu dan mengorbankan yang lain.
Mampu memiliki pandangan tidak hanya dari satu aspek namun terdiri dari beberapa aspek yang sifatnya multi dan integratif (multi perspective thinking).
Memberi wadah bagi generasi muda untuk menuangkan dan memvisualisasikan pemikiran dan kreativitasnya dalam bentuk ide proposal bisnis yang inovatif.

Bentuk kegiatan program BIZCAMP:

Seleksi untuk mendapatkan 30 finalis terdiri atas rangkaian seleksi administratif dan tes potensi akademik, psikotes, diskusi kelompok, games, pembuatan proposal karya tulis dan presentasi serta wawancara. Seluruh proses menggunakan sistem gugur.
30 finalis terpilih akan mengikuti proses karantina dan kompetisi BIZCAMP.
Pemenang akan mendapatkan kesempatan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di program MM Prasetiya Mulya.
Syarat Kandidat Bizcamp
Persyaratan untuk mengikuti kompetisi BIZCAMP adalah:

Peserta adalah mahasiswa S1 sederajat (minimal semester 7 atau maksimal 2 tahun kelulusan).
Belum pernah dan/atau tidak sedang menjalani pendidikan S2.
Memiliki minat terhadap bidang bisnis, ekonomi, marketing atau akuntansi.
Memiliki prestasi yang baik di universitas.
Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi, ekstra kurikuler dan kepanitiaan di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah.
Memiliki prestasi atau bakat lain diluar kemampuan akademis.
Lulus seluruh proses seleksi.
Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi sesuai waktu yang ditetapkan.
Berminat serius untuk meneruskan pendidikan ke jenjang S2
Program Agenda 2013

Roadshow (seminar & presentation)
8 (eight) major cities in Java Island on January – April 2013 (with a target number of ± 100 student registrants in each city). The cities to be visited are: Bandung, Bogor, Jakarta, Malang, Solo, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya.

Online Registration
The online registration will be opened in 03 January 2013 and will be closed on 06 April 2013

Test (Written test & interview)

Phase I selection tests (Jabodetabek area): on 21 April 2013.
Phase II Selection Test group discussion + Interview (Jabodetabek area): on 24 – 26 April 2013
Prasetiya Mulya will arrange admission test in other major cities with minimum of 30 participants.
The schedule for the admission test will be between 29 April – 05 May 2013.
Finalist Announcement: Monday, 13 May 2013.
This BIZCAMP will be held for five days, 26 May – 02 June 2013 at PMBS Cilandak Campus, Jakarta Selatan

For more information, please visit official website:

Info Beasiswa Internship Program di National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS)


National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) (Department of Physiological Sciences, School of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) invites foreign students who wish to stay at NIPS for approximately 2 weeks (internship) in 2013. The aim of the internship is to provide students who are thinking of entrance to our PhD course program with an opportunity to experience our education system and research activity. We believe this opportunity will be very helpful to students in making a decision to enter our graduate university. We will support travel and stay expenses.

To apply for the NIPS Internship 2013

Please register yourself.
IMMEDIATELY after registration, please send your [Curriculum Vitae] including [official records of your scores in schools] to “” as PDF files.
If you wish, you can also send PDF files of recommendation letter(s).

[Important Note] Without the submission of (2), your application is incomplete and we do NOT accept it.

Application deadline: February 8, 2013
Intern period: approximately 2 weeks between May, 2013 and January, 2014
(The title of inquiry Email should be “NIPS Internship 2013”)
Amount of support: upper limit of the support including the airfare and accommodation fee is 200,000 Japanese Yen/person.
Email address for inquiries :

For more information, please visit official website:

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