6.4.14 |

Bakrie Graduate Fellowships

Selection Criteria

Applicants should have (a) a confirmed acceptance at the university partners (b) an excellent academic record with GPA of at least 3.5 for undergraduate and graduate level, (c) a good command of the English language, (d) assessed to have outstanding potential for leadership in government, business, or civil society after graduation.

Each Fellowship is tenable for one-year only for full-time students in master programs in almost all subjects.  Some professional based programs in medicine, business and law are excluded from the Bakrie Graduate Fellowships program.  The successful candidate is expected to complete his/her studies within the tenable period.

Selection Process

Candidates should send their application directly to the university partners.  Do not send the applications to the Bakrie Center Foundation.  The university will draw up a shortlist based on GPA scores. Those selected will then have to undergo a leadership assessment test arranged by the Bakrie Center Foundation.  The final score is based on weighted average of academic and leadership scores. The university will make the final announcement.

Each scholarship will cover the following:
    Tuition and other compulsory fees specified by the school.
    Monthly stipend
    Research Grant

Bakrie  Graduate Fellowship(BGF) atau Beasiswa Pascasarjana Bakrie adalah sebuah paket beasiswa yang disediakan oleh Bakrie Center Foundation (BCF) bagi mahasiswa pascasarjana.  Beasiswa ini diberikan kepada mahasiswa pascasarjana Program Magister tahun ke-2 untuk jangka waktu 12 bulan.
Calon mahasiswa penerima harus memenuhi beberapa persyaratan akademik dan kepemimpinan (leadership) melalui dua tahap seleksi. Seleksi Tahap I/Seleksi Potensi Akademik dilakukan oleh Program Pascasarjana. Seleksi Tahap II/Leadership Assessment dilaksanakan oleh BCF.

Seleksi Tahap I/Kompetensi Akademik
Seleksi Tahap I akan dilakukan oleh sebuah Tim Program Pascasarjana yang ditunjuk oleh Rektor.  Untuk keperluan ini, dalam usulannya  calon mahasiswa penerima diwajibkan untuk melampirkan:
1.      Ijazah S-1 dilegalisasi,
2.      Transkrip Akademik S-1 (IPK > 3,50) dilegalisasi,
3.      Transkrip Semester I S-2 (IPK > 3.50) dilegalisasi,
4.      Transkrip S2 sampai dengan Semester  2
5.      Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) S1 minimum 3.50, tanpa nilai D dan IPK selama program S2
         minimum 3.50.
6.      Lolos assesment kriteria kepemimpinan yang akan dilakukan oleh Bakrie Center Foundation.
7.      Dalam penyusunan tugas akhir/tesis, mahasiswa penerima beasiswa wajib melakukan penelitian
         tugas akhir di WILAYAH RISET UNGGULAN yang menjadi prioritas bagi UNIVERSITAS
         seperti tersebut dalam Pasal 4.
8.      Penelitian yang dilakukan mahasiswa penerima beasiswa wajib dikerjasamakan dengan salah satu
         pusat penelitian di bawah koordinasi LPPM yang terdapat di instansi UNIVERSITAS.
9.      Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa wajib menyelesaikan program S2 nya dan dalam waktu paling lama
        12 bulan mengikuti Periode Tahun Akademik yang berlaku.
10.  Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa wajib menyerahkan Curricullum Vitae (CV)  yaitu di dalamnya meliputi
       kompetensi akademik dan lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman berorganisasi dalam bentuk
       pengurus organisasi, bekerja atau usaha sambil kuliah, menulis artikel di media cetak / elektronik atau
       publikasi ilmiah, prestasi akademik atau non akademik, dan menjadi relawan di lembaga yang
       terorganisir secara resmi seperti LSM, PMI, ORMAS, dll.
11.  Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa wajib menulis publikasi artikel minimum 600 kata, setiap semester baik
      itu mengenai hal yang berkaitan dengan penelitian tesisnya ataupun isu-isu strategis lainnya yang
      berkaitan dengan kegiatan program Bakrie Center Foundation (BCF). Publikasi dimaksud adalah di
      media cetak/ elektronik lokal (daerah). Sebagai penulis, agar juga disebutkan,
     “Penerima Bakrie Graduate Fellowship”.
12.  Dokumen Pengalamanorganisasi, bekerja, berusaha dan volunteer /Kegiatan yang pernah diikuti

Seleksi Tahap II/Penilaian Kemampuan Kepemimpinana
Salah satu keunggulan program beasiswa ini adalah menghasilkan kader dengan kemampuan akademik dan kepemimpinan mumpuni.  Oleh karena itu, selain asesmen kemampuan akademik pada Tahap I, BCF juga akan melakukan penilaianterhadap potensi kepemimpinan calon mahasiswa melalui wawancara.  Undangan wawancara akan dikirimkan oleh pihak BCF secara langsung kepada calon mahasiswa penerima melalui HP dan/atau e-mail. Mahasiswa penerima beasiswa dari sumber lain tidak diperkenankan untuk menerima BGF.

Pendaftaran dilakukan secara manual dengan mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran.  Formulir pendaftaran dapat diunduh dari website Program Pascasarjana. Pendaftaran yang telah dilengkapi dengan berkas-berkas yang diperlukan untuk Seleksi Tahap I dan Tahap II harap dikirimkan ke Direktur Program Pascasarjana.
Formulir  1 dan Formulir  2 diketik dengan rapi (font Calibri 10) soft file dikirim via email dan hardcopy dijilid dengan berkas yang lain 3 rangkap. 
Download Application form here

Jadwal Pelaksanaan Seleksi Beasiswa 
Tahun Ajaran 2014-2015

Beasiswa di Universite Paris


Open PhD Position at the Centre de Recherche en Informatique, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Title: Process Mining: intentional process model generation for recommendation

Find PhD Proposal here :

No application will be considered after the 1st of June 2014

Funding: doctoral contract

Location : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Centre de Recherche en Informatique, 90, rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris, France

Starting date: between September and November 2014

Info Beasiswa ke Jerman 2015-2016

10.3.14 |

Dear All:

The Institute for General Material Properties of the Friedrich-Alexander- Universit?t Erlangen-N?rnberg (FAU) is seeking outstanding PhD candidates in the context of a research training group on in-situ microscopy of nanoscale structures.

The mechanical behavior of metallic nanostructures differs dramatically from their bulk counterparts. Nanowires, particles or thin films can have yield stresses of the order of the theoretical strength and significantly modified elastic properties. In this project, atomistic simulations will be used to complement in- situ experiments to gain insights in the fundamental deformation mechanisms at the nanoscale. The project is part of the research training group GRK 1896 ?In Situ Microscopy with Electrons, X-rays and Scanning Probes?, which provides PhD students with comprehensive, method-spanning and interdisciplinary training in the application of cutting-edge nanocharacterization tools to materials and device development. For more information on the project see:

Highly qualified candidates with academic education in physics, chemistry, materials science or related disciplines are invited to apply. Degrees such as M.Sc. or equivalent qualifications are required for PhD studies. The successful candidate will have a solid background in physical metallurgy and mechanical behavior of materials, as well as experience with numerical simulations (preferably Molecular Dynamics) and scientific programming. Excellent oral and written communication skills and the ability to work well in a dynamic and collaborative research environment are essential. The PhD positions are provided for up to three years and will be paid according to the regulations of the collective wage agreement of the civil service.

Please send your application (including a cover letter describing your research interests, curriculum vitae, scanned certificates and contact information of two references)
to and grk1896@ww.uni-

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Erik Bitzek
Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Institute I: General Material Properties
t Erlangen-N?rnberg (FAU)
Martensstr. 5
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Phone:+49-(0)9131-8527507 Fax: -04

Info Beasiswa Scholarships di Perancis 2014 -2015

9.3.14 |

For the 2014/2015 academic year, Université de Lyon is offering 60 scholarships for international students having a high-level academic record and willing to join one of our Master’s degree programmes

You are student and look for a high-level Master’s degree programme, innovative and internationally-oriented for Research and private sectors?
You wish to benefit from the cutting-edge research and innovative potential in France and in the Rhône-Alpes Region?For the 2014/2015 academic year, Université de Lyon is offering scholarships for foreign students having a high-level academic record and willing to join one of our Master’s degree programmes:

-Biosciences Master’s Degree
-Physics and Chemistry Master’s Degree
-Nanoscale Engineering Master’s Degree
-ADMIRE Master’s Degree
-Altervilles Master’s Degree
-AlterEurope Master’s Degree
-Public Policy Master's Degree
-Infectious Disease Master's Degree

Scholarship amount

400 euros or 800 euros / month depending to the applicant's file.


Scholarship is awarded for a 10-month period.


- Nanoscale Enginerring Master's programme:
Candidates who are nationals of the European Economic Area: the application deadline is July 1, 2014
For all other applicants: May 31, 2014
-Altervilles Master's programme : the application deadline is May 31th 2014
-AlterEurope Master's programme : the application deadline is May 15th 2014
-ADMIRE Master's programme : application for candidates outside Europe is February 4th. Application for candidates from the European Economic Area is May 24th
-Biosciences Master's programme et Physics & Chemistry Master's programme: Application closed.
-Public Policies Master's programme: the dead line application June 15th 2014
-Infectious Diseases Master's programme: dead line application

More Information Please Open

Info Beasiswa di University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpu, Malaysia


Dear All,

I would like to invite applications for Full time Graduate (Master/PhD) position at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for research areas: medical imaging/image processing.

General Requirements

1. Experience/Knowledge in research methodology would be useful

2. Possess Bachelor’ degree in Biomedical Engineering or other Engineering disciplinary programmes (CGPA 3.00 and above)

3. Proficient in English

4. Pleasant personality, independent, hardworking and self-motivated

5. Ability to use the various statistical packages would be an added advantage

6. Demonstrate cooperativeness and teamwork

7. A accompanying full CV is required.

Specific Requirements

Project areas – Medical Imaging / Image Processing

· Possess knowledge in any programming skills, MATLAB, C++, C or others

· Good in image / signal processing would be an advantage

Duration of Appointment

24 months - 2 years subject to contract renewal (for Master Candidate)

36 months - 3 years subject to contract renewal (for PhD Candidate)

Salary range

RM 1500 - 2500 per month (Depends on the qualification)

Interested candidates are requested to forward your resume contains academic qualification and research experience to

Due date for application

until further notice

Shortlisted candidates may be called for interview.

Info beasiswa Dahlan Iskan untuk SMA / SMK tahun 2014

6.3.14 |

Kabar gembira untuk teman-teman pejuang beasiswa. Telah dibuka beasiswa yang digagas oleh Menteri BUMN RI Dahlan Iskan bekerjasama dengan Surya University. Program Beasiswa Dahlan Iskan merupakan program kerjasama antara JPNN (JawaPos National Network) , Dahlan Iskan Foundation dan Surya University. Program Beasiswa S1 di Surya University ini terbuka bagi siswa/I berprestasi lulusan SMA dan sederajat, jurusan IPA/IPS di seluruh Indonesia, untuk tahun akademik 2014-2015.
Syarat dan Ketentuan:

Siswa/i lulusan SMA dan sederajat jurusan IPA/IPS di seluruh Indonesia.
Nilai rata-rata Raport kelas 10 dan 11, minimal 8
Lulus Tes Seleksi yang diadakan oleh Panitia Beasiswa Dahlan Iskan
Program Beasiswa hanya mencakup biaya studi.
Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa berlangsung sampai dengan periode 31 Maret 2014
Prosedur Pendaftaran

Untuk Seleksi Tahap I Kirim :

1. Fotokopi Raport SMA kelas 10 s.d 12 yang sudah dilegalisir
2. 2 ( dua) lembarFotokopitanda pengenal (KTP/ SIM/KartuPelajar)
3. 4 (empat) lembarpasfotoukuran 3×4 cm berwarna
4. 1 (satu) lembar fotokopi Akte Kelahiran/Surat Tanda Lahir.

Bagi yang lolos seleksi administratif akan diumumkan di media ini, dan akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes seleksi yang akan diumumkan di media ini.  Berkas aplikasi dikirimkan melalui media assemble Jawa Pos (JPNN) di masing-masing daerah.

Informasi lengkap beasiswa

PT Jawa Pos Inhabitant Arrangement
Graha Pena Jakarta Lantai 5
Jl Raya Kebayoran Lama 12
Jakarta Selatan 12210
Buzz: +62 2153699607 (Ibu Eno)

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