The Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University through the support of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport offers five partial scholarships for developing countries. Applications
for these scholarships are open to all students from developing
countries and/or countries going through a process of political and
economic transition. Students who are applying to study in one of the
Bachelor’s studies or Master’s studies programmes
at Faculty of Social Sciences from academic year 2014/15 can
apply. The deadline for scholarship applications is 30th April 2014.
Study Subject(s): Scholarships are provided to study any one of the courses offered by Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing Bachelor’s or Master’s degree level at Charles University.
Scholarship Provider: Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Faculty of Social Sciences
Scholarship can be taken at: Czech Republic
Eligibility: Applications
for these scholarships are open to all students from developing
countries and/or countries going through a process of political and
economic transition, who are applying for study in one of our Bachelor’s studies or Master’s studies programmes at the Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences from academic year 2014/15.
Scholarship Open for International Students: The students of developing countries (Afghanistan, Gambia, Mozambique, Bangladesh, The Guinea, Myanmar, Benin, Guinea-Bisau,
Nepal, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Niger, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Cambodia,
Korea, Dem Rep., Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Kyrgyz
Republic, Somalia, Liberia, Tajikistan, Comoros, Madagascar, Tanzania,
Malawi, Togo, Congo, Dem. Rep, Eritrea, Mali, Uganda, Ethiopia,
Mauritania, Zimbabwe, Albania, Indonesia, Samoa, Armenia, India, São
Tomé and Principe, Belize, Iraq, Senegal, Bhutan, Kiribati, Solomon
Islands, Bolivia, Kosovo, South Sudan, Cameroon, Lao PDR, Sri Lanka,
Cape Verde, Lesotho, Sudan, Congo, Rep., Marshall Islands, Swaziland,
Côte d’Ivoire, Micronesia,
Fed. Sts., Syrian Arab Republic, Djibouti, Moldova, Timor-Leste, Egypt,
Arab Rep., Mongolia, Tonga, El Salvador, Morocco, Ukraine, Fiji,
Nicaragua, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Nigeria, Vanuatu, Ghana, Pakistan,
Vietnam, Guatemala, Papua New Guinea, West Bank and Gaza, Guyana,
Paraguay, Yemen, Rep., Honduras, Philippines, Zambia, Angola, Ecuador,
Palau, Algeria, Gabon, Panama, American Samoa, Grenada, Peru, Antigua
and Barbuda, Iran,
Islamic Rep., Romania, Argentina, Jamaica, Russian Federation,
Azerbaijan, Jordan, Serbia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Latvia, South Africa, Botswana, Lebanon, St. Lucia, Brazil,
Libya, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Suriname,
Chile, Macedonia, FYR, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Tunisia, Colombia,
Maldives, Turkey, Costa Rica, Mauritius, Turkmenistan, Cuba, Mexico,
Tuvalu, Dominica, Montenegro and Uruguay) can apply for these
Scholarship Description: Thanks to a
generous contribution from the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and
Sport, the Faculty of Social Sciences is able to offer a limited number
of partial scholarships for students of all fees based programs in academic year 2014/15. Five scholarships are
available, for students from developing countries and/or countries
going through a process of political and economic transition.
Number of award(s): Five scholarships are available.
Duration of award(s): Scholarships are awarded for school year 2014/15, and may not be deferred to later years.
What does it cover? -Under
the terms of this scholarship, students will receive a waiver of school
fees for their first semester of study, plus a one-off payment of Kc 50,000 (about 2,050 Euro) as a contribution towards living costs.
-School fees for the second semester of study will Not be waived.
-Although we would like to continue the scholarship scheme in school
year 2015/16, this is subject to our receiving further funding for
future years. At present, therefore, we cannot guarantee that similar
scholarships will be available for students’ second year of study.
Selection Criteria: In
addition to the documents submitted by scholarship applicants, the
Scholarship Review Board will take into consideration applicants’
results from their earlier studies. Priority will be given to students
who have not previously had the opportunity to study abroad.
Notification: Not Known
How to Apply: -The
mode of applying is by post. Applications must be made on the form that
accompanies this announcement, and must include the following
-completed application form;
-motivation essay
of no more than 1000 words, explaining why they need a scholarship, and
what they hope to gain from their studies at the Charles University;
letters of recommendation from teachers, who know the student from
their previous studies, including confirmation of the student’s
financial need.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline for scholarship applications is 30th April 2014.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application
Dengan hormat kami informasikan, bahwa sesuai dengan amanah Permendiknas Nomor 12 Tahun 2007, tentang kualifikasi Pengawas Sekolah Pendidikan menengah minimal berpendidikan strata dua (S2). Menurut data yang kami peroleh Pengawas Dikmen SMA/SMK berjumlah 5.850 orang dan dari jumlah tersebut yang belum memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan S2 sebanyak 4.943 orang. Dengan demikian Pengawas Sekolah yang berkualifikasi S2 hanya sebanyak 16 % dari jumlah Pengawas Sekolah yang ada.
Sejak tahun 2010, Direktorat Tenaga Kependidikan Ditjen PMPTK bekerjasama dengan LPMP DKI Jakarta dan DI yogyakarta telah memberikan beasiswa S2 kepada 184 Pengawas Sekolah dan guru yang akan diproyeksikan menjadi Pengawas Sekolah Kab/Kota. Sampai saat ini sekitar 43 orang telah lulus dari program S2 Pengawas Sekolah yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Magister Universitas Indonesia dan 46 orang di Program Magister Universitas Gadjah Mada, sedangkan untuk tahun 2013 masih terdapat 37 Orang pada semester empat di Universitas Indonesia dan 58 orang di pada semester empat Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sejak tahun 2012 sesuai dengan perubahan organisasi Kemendikbud, program tersebut dilanjutkan oleh Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Menengah Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah dengan memberikan beasiswa kepada 148 Orang di empat LPTK terdiri dari 25 orang di Universitas Negeri Medan, 47 orang di Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 29 Orang di Universitas Negeri Makassar dan 48 orang di Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Pada tahun 2013 Direktorat P2TK Dikmen akan menlanjutkan program tersebut dengan memberikan beasiswa S2 kepengawasan kepada 100 orang Pengawas Sekolah atau calon Pengawas Sekolah, yang akan dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNESS), Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) dan Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED).
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota untuk mengajukan calon penerima beasiswa program S2 Pengawas Pendidikan Menengah dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. Pengawas Sekolah SMA, SMK yang sudah bertugas, memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan S1, berusia maksimal 50 tahun pada bulan Juni 2013.
2. Guru Bidang Studi di SMA, SMK atau Kepala Sekolah SMA, SMK status PNS, yang akan diproyeksikan oleh Dinas Pendidikan yang bersangkutan menjadi Pengawas Sekolah dan memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan S1, berusia maksimal 48 tahun pada bulan Juni 2013 dengan masa kerja minimal 5 tahun.
3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Dokter tidak menderita penyakit kronis sehingga dapat membahayakan pada waktu mengikuti pendidikan, dan bagi peserta wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil, serta tidak hamil selama pendidikan.
Surat Usulan Calon Peserta Program S2
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