Beasiswa Fullbright 2008

6.4.08 |

Dear All,Kesempatan
Belajar di Amerika Serikat dengan beasiswa dari Fulbright …Dan berbagai macam program beasiswa lainnya…

AMINEF mengundang
Anda sekalian untuk menghadiri Information Session yang akan diselenggarakan pada:

Hari/Tanggal: Senin/ 07 April 2008
Waktu : 13:00 – 15:00
Tempat : Seminar Room, International Village 2nd Fl.

Universitas Surabaya, Jl. Raya Kalirungkut, Surabaya.
Telp. 031-2981320, 031-8471809, 081-7395538

Ratna I. Widjaja
Village 2nd Floor, Universitas Surabaya
Jl. Raya Kalirungkut,
Ph. 62.31.8471809, Fax. 62.31.2981321

Beasiswa untuk bidang Biology


PhD student in Hydrology with specialization in global water-balance mode


Work description: The PhD student will work in the project "Modelling
Climate Effects on Global-Scale Water Balance" funded by FORMAS (The
Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and
Spatial Planning). In the project, where Uppsala, Göteborg, and Oslo
Universities cooperate, we work with development of the global
water-balance model WASMOD-M. A key question is the estimation of
parameter values in a globally consistent manner from available
land-surface data. This will be investigated through regional studies
in, e.g., parts of China and the Baltic-Sea basin. Another question
deals with downscaling of climate variables.

The application must include CV, copies of exams and list of courses
including the grades obtained, a copy of the undergraduate thesis (or
a draft thereof), as well as names of two reference persons.

For further information about the position, please contact Professor
Sven Halldin, tel. +46-18 471 2262 or+46 70 425 08 11), e-mail Union representatives are Anders Grundström,
SACO-rådet, tel. +46-18 471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, tel. +46-18
471 1996 and Stefan Djurström, SEKO,
tel. +46-18 471 3315.

Welcome with your application no later than April 14, 2008 at:
Registrator, UFV-PA 2008/647, Uppsala universitet, Box 256, 751 05
Uppsala, Sweden; fax
+46-18 471 2000 or e-mail: A fax or e-mail should
be followed by a signed application sent within a week of the deadline.



Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas institusi perencanaan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota melalui peningkatan potensi SDM di dalamnya serta sejalan dengan fungsi Bappenas sebagai Instansi Pembina Jabatan Fungsional Perencana, maka Bappenas pada Anggaran Tahun Dinas 2009 Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Perencana (Pusbindiklatren) Bappenas kembali memberikan kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya bagi staf perencana yang bekerja di Bappenas, Unit Perencanaan di Departemen/LPND, Bappeda atau nama lain, dan unit perencanaan di Dinas Teknis pada Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota untuk memperoleh Beasiswa Gelar Pusbindiklatren Bappenas Tahun 2008 untuk program : (a) S2 Dalam Negeri 13 Bulan; (b) S2 Double Degree, (c) S2 Luar Negeri, S3 Dalam Negeri dan (d) S3 Linkage. Untuk seleksi beasiswa tahun 2009 dan seterusnya, Pusbindiklatren Bappenas membuka kesempatan menyampaikan usulan calon peserta melalui pendaftaran sepanjang tahun. Dengan demikian, dimulai dengan seleksi yang akan dilaksanakan pada tahun 2008 ini, selanjutnya Pusbindiklatren Bappenas akan memiliki jadwal tetap, yaitu untuk pelaksanaan TPA setiap bulan Agustus dan pelaksanaan TOEFL setiap bulan September.

Untuk Selengkapnya silahkan download dibawah ini.

( Beasiswa Spanyol 2008) Open MSc/PhD positions at UPF, Barcelona, Spain


Call for MSc / PhD students
in the area of wireless communications and multimedia signalling
NeTS Research Group (
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
NeTS is looking for students coming from renowned universities from
around the world, with a very good grade record, who have a very high
interest in wireless communications, specially those based on the IEEE
802.11 principles, including sensor, adhoc, infrastructure WLANs and
mesh networks. We are also looking for students passionate about
multimedia communications in the Internet, and the protocols associated
to it. We seek students with a strong background on communications
networks, coming from electrical engineering, computer science or
related fields. Paramount is a desire to learn and push the limits of
current technology, as well as providing new insight into today's and
tomorrow's networks and services.

The accepted candidates will participate in several projects in tight
cooperation with other researchers from our group.
Positions available are:

1 PhD / MSc position in "Reconfigurable, adaptive and selforganized
sensor networks". Sensor networks are formed by small, inexpensive and
resource limited devices that can interact with the environment (sensing
or actuating) and communicate wirelessly with other devices. The work
will consist in the design and implementation of a complete new protocol
stack based on collaborative and crosslayer techniques, including power
control routing algorithms, reconfigurable PHY/MAC protocols and
adaptive self organized multihop clustering algorithms.

1 PhD / MSc position in "Modeling adaptive traffic flows over capacity
varying wireless mesh networks". Current WLANs suffer from various
impairments which reduce their ability to carry multimedia flows
satisfactorily. One of them is the intrinsic variable capacity due to
the multiple transmission rates used and caused by the distributed
random access to the channel. The proposed thesis will consider the
definition of a mathematical framework to analyze multichannel wireless
mesh networks, based on the IEEE 802.11s/n prestandard, in order to
optimize the QoS and signalling mechanisms (e.g. based on P2P paradigms)
to adapt properly the multimedia traffic sources (such as VoIP, video

1 PhD / MSc position in "Next Generation Multimedia Signalling for the
multiservice Internet". The Internet is undergoing a dramatic evolution
through new architectural paradigms, like the NGNs, P2Pbased signalling
and applications, mobile and wireless access networks and the like.
There is a necessity to design a new set of integrated signalling
protocols, which permit to control the transmission of multimedia
traffic over such heterogeneous networks. IMS is the current best
practice in that area, but its many shortcomings and high complexity
suggest to explore new approaches that go beyond IMS, like P2PSIP based
systems. The goal of this PhD, thus, is to design, evaluate and
standardize new signalling protocols for the Internet of the future.
We offer a three year grant to PhD students with a MSc already finished.
Moreover, for students without a MsC a four year grant is also possible
with the requirement to follow our master program during the first year.

How to apply (Deadline: 1 May 2008)
Please send your full CV, together with your student record (as
appropriate) and a cover letter stating your interests and goals to:
Dr. Miquel Oliver:
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Edifici Estació França, Passeig de la
Circumval∙lació, 8. Postal code: 08003 Barcelona (Spain). Tel: 93 542
24 51 Fax: 93 542 25 17

Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (Update!!)

2.4.08 |

Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (Update!!)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (Update!!)

Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa DepKomInfo Tahun 2008 (diperpanjang hingga 7 April 2008)

Magister Teknologi Informasi UGM bekerjasama dengan Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia menawarkan bantuan finansial melalui program beasiswa bagi para calon mahasiswa terpilih yang memiliki outstanding knowledge dan/atau skill dan bermotivasi besar untuk berkontribusi dalam pengembangan e-Government di Indonesia.

Program CIO (Chief Information Officer) ditujukan untuk eksekutif/pengambil kebijakan yang bertanggungjawab mempromosikan TI sebagai sarana peningkatan kualitas birokrasi pemerintahan, baik pada level strategis maupun operasional. Program CIO MTI UGM dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan SDM dalam rangka pengembangan e-Government di lembaga pemerintah tingkat pusat maupun daerah.

Lebih detil baca/download leaflet berikut (klik pada gambar) Update !!! :

Tujuan pemberian beasiswa adalah mencetak SDM unggul untuk mendukung penerapan e-Government. Program beasiswa ini diharapkan dapat menjadi katalisator dan akselerator dalam peningkatan kualitas SDM TI, khususnya di lingkup pemerintahan dan pengembangan TI di Indonesia pada umumnya.

Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk pembebasan penuh (full waiver) terhadap biaya pendidikan di Program CIO MTI UGM, senilai biaya SPP yang berlaku saat ini.
Beasiswa hanya mencakup biaya program selama 16 bulan, tidak mencakup biaya hidup (living cost), biaya transportasi dari/ke lokasi asal peserta, biaya pendaftaran, dan biaya wisuda. Jika peserta tidak dapat menyelesaikan studi dalam waktu 16 bulan, biaya tambahan masa studi harus ditanggung peserta (tidak dicakup dalam beasiswa).

Calon penerima beasiswa diharapkan memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:

* Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) yang ditempatkan di lembaga-lembaga departemen, non departemen, baik di lingkungan pemerintahan pusat maupun daerah.
* Memiliki masa kerja sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun terhitung mulai tanggal diangkat menjadi PNS dalam gelar S1 pada instansi yang bersangkutan.
* Memiliki IPK S1 minimum 3,0 (dari skala 4,0).
* Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada saat mendaftar
* Bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan e-Government di lingkungan asalnya.
* Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat berwenang (minimum pimpinan instansi setingkat Eselon II).
* Belum memiliki gelar S2 dan tidak sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2 di tempat lain.
* Tidak menerima dan/atau sedang menerima beasiswa dari lembaga lain.
* Memiliki outstanding knowledge dan/atau skill.

Prosedur Aplikasi

1. Calon peserta harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran (Form aplikasi bisa diperoleh di Kantor Program MTI atau di-download di sini )Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi dan seluruh dokumen yang dipersyaratkan harus dikirim via pos atau diantar langsung dan diterima Panitia Seleksi dengan alamat tersebut di bawah ini paling lambat 18 Februari 2008 (Gelombang I) dan tanggal 7 April 2008 (Gelombang II).
2. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat administrasi (shortlisted) akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes seleksi dan wawancara di kantor MTI UGM.
3. Wawancara akan mengidentifikasi hal-hal sebagai berikut:

* Potensi keberhasilan studi
* Penguasaan knowledge dan/atau skill dalam bidang TI
* Motivasi dan attitude

Syarat-syarat yang harus dikirimkan

1. Formulir permohonan beasiswa
2. Salinan Ijazah dan Transkrip Akademik S1 yang dilegalisir
3. Surat rekomendasi dari pejabat berwenang (minimum pimpinan instansi setingkat Eselon II).
4. Surat keterangan yang menerangkan bahwa bidang kerja yang ditangani terkait dengan pengembangan e-Government di lingkungan asalnya.
5. Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan PNS dalam gelar S1 pada instansi yang bersangkutan.

Download Formulir Pendaftaran

Alamat Pengiriman Berkas Lamaran :

Magister Teknologi Informasi
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Gedung Teknik Elektro lt. 2
Fakultas Teknik
Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta

Perkuliahan dimulai 2 Juni 2008

blog ini merekomendasikan untuk lowongan lowongan terkini dan info2 terkini

Beasiswa ke ITALIA untuk S1


(blog ini direkomendasikan oleh


The Government of Italy offers scholarships to Indonesian citizens
wishing to pursue their studies in Italy. The selection is held
annually by a Selection Committee consisting of competent authorities
and expert representing both Italy and Indonesia. This Scholarship
grants are distributed for students, professionals, teachers, and
artists who meet the necessary requirements for enrollment in any
Italian post-secondary institutions (universities, academies,
conservatories, art restoration institutes, National School of
Cinematography, research centers or laboratories, libraries, archives,
museums and other national or nationally-recognized institutions), and
who would like to attend specialization courses or to conduct research
in specific fields. For Italian language study, the scholarships are
awarded for specific programs which are held at the Universities for
Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Roma Tre or at the other recognized
institutions (which are authorized to issue certification of Italian
as a second language).

The short-term scholarships are distributed in the range period
between one to nine months and are reserved primarily for courses in
Italian language and culture. Applicants must possess a high school
diploma at the time they apply and must be 35 years of age or younger
(minimum maturity age is 18 years old for Indonesian citizen).

Italian language and culture courses of a one-month period are
reserved for Italian language teachers to whom no age limit applies,
and for 3rd year University students in the Italian Studies Department.

The long-term scholarships consist of a nine – to twelve-month period,
(depending on the length of the course) beginning in autumn. They are
awarded for specific research or specialized courses at public
post-secondary institutions in any area of study, except for medical
studies. All courses of study must be undertaken at the Government
approved educational institutions. Applicants for the long-term
scholarships interested in undergraduate research or study must
possess a high school diploma entitling the applicant to enroll in
university; for those wishing to study or conduct research at the
post-graduate level, the minimum requirement is a Master's degree.
Applicants must be 35 years of age or younger (minimum maturity age in
Indonesia is 18 years old).


Elements taken into consideration by the Selection Committee are:

- The applicant's curriculum studiorum and vitae.
- The applicant's proposed program of study (for post-graduate, master
courses and doctorate studies).
- The Reference letters from Indonesian or Italian academics (for
post-graduate, master courses and doctorate studies).
- The existence of direct contacts between the candidate and Italian
academics and/or institutes of higher learning in the candidate's
field of study (applies particularly to applicants for long-term
- Knowledge of Italian is mandatory; unless the applicant is applying
for Italian language courses or applying for an independent study (in
this case the candidate must have a letter from a professor declaring
willing to follow the student in another language).

Scholarships offered by the Italian Government cover standard living
expenses such as boards and lodging expenses, Insurance( valid only in
Italian Territory ) , and do not include air fares (return)
Please note that scholarship recipients must make their own travel and
lodging arrangements.
Any partial or total exemption from university fees for scholarship
recipients is the decision of the individual university/ institution;
no exemptions are granted by private institutions.

Changes in the place of study or the starting date will not be
permitted once the scholarship has been awarded. Applicants must
therefore indicate the name of their chosen institution and the dates
of the chosen existing course/s clearly and exactly on their
application forms.


Please read carefully; incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- three copies of the application form (in MS Word Format n. 1), each
with original signature and each accompanied by a signed passport-size
When you win the scholarship, you are subsequently required to submit
the following documents as soon as possible:
- at least two original letters of reference from professors, teachers
and/or professional superiors (for post-graduate, master courses and
doctorate studies)
- Original (for authentication) and certified copies of the
applicant's high school diploma and/or university degree(s).
- Original and certified copy of High school transcript;
- Original and certified copy of University transcript, if applicable;
- Original (for authentication) proof of Indonesian citizenship:
copies of one of the following: passport, citizenship certificate or
birth certificate;

Certified copies will not be returned and original documents will be
returned upon completion the process of authentication and
authorization by the Italian Institute of Culture and the Embassy of


Applications postmarked after the deadline will not be accepted.

For more information click here:

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