Interview Session for Petronas Scholarship 2008

16.10.08 |

Muhamad Abduh
International Islamic University Malaysia

Dear All, (Maybe you have read the email forwarded in
your mailing list)

Please forward it again as a reminder to your friends.

The details of the interview session plan are as

15 October - Traveling to Jakarta
16 October - Jakarta (Interview session at PETRONAS Country Office Meeting Room, Level 27, Citibank Tower)
17 October - Traveling to Bandung
18 October - Bandung (Interview session at Sheraton Bandung Hotel)
19 October - Traveling to Jogjakarta
20 October - Jogjakarta (Interview session at UGM)
21 October - Traveling to Surabaya
22 October - Surabaya (Interview session at ITS)
23 October - Traveling back to KL

We would like to get your assistance in distributing the advertisement
attached and information about the Postgraduate Studies opportunities
at University Teknologi PETRONAS and also other relevant issues. The
new benefit is the increment of the allowance effective January 2009
Semester (MSc - RM 1650 per month, PhD - RM2200 per month).

The candidate are require to submit the application online at UTP
website and bring the printed application form
together with the
relevant documents during interview session.

We shall inform the candidates from time to time about
the details
using the email given in the online application form.

Thank you.


Tajul Ariffin Bin Shamsuddin
Admission & Registration Unit
Registry Office
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Bandar Seri Iskandar
31750 Tronoh
Perak, Malaysia
Tel : +605-3688403 ; Mobile : +6012-5218403
Fax : +605-3654082
Email : tajul_ariffin@ my

Beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Cheil Jedang Indonesia

12.10.08 |

Kami, PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan PMA-Korea yang memproduksi Lysine, Threonine dan MSG. Saat ini kami sedang mempersiapkan tenaga muda professional di bidang Research & Development untuk menjadi tenaga ahli masa depan. Untuk tujuan tersebut, kami mengadakan Program Beasiswa dengan detail sebagai berikut :

1.Sasaran / Persyaratan :
- Lulusan S1 tahun wisuda 2008 dari perguruan tinggi negeri terkemuka.
- Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Mikrobiologi atau Biologi.
- IPK minimal = 3.00 ; Belum menikah ; Usia maksimal 25 tahun.
- Bersertifikat nilai TOEFL minimal 400.
- Familiar dengan bahasa Korea menjadi suatu nilai tambah.

2.Bentuk :
- Beasiswa kuliah S2 (master) pada jurusan Biological Engineering di INHA University — Korea Selatan, selama 2 (dua) tahun terhitung mulai April 2009.
- Biaya administrasi (pengurusan passport, visa, dll.) serta biaya hidup selama di Korea ditanggung oleh CJ Group.
- Ikatan dinas dengan CJ Group.
- Ikatan dinas pertama selama 1 (satu) tahun pasca kelulusan, akan ditempatkan di R & D Centre CJ Group di Korea.
- Sisa masa ikatan dinas akan ditempatkan di CJ Group Indonesia (pabrik PT CJI Pasuruan atau Jombang).

Keterangan selengkapnya mengenai perkuliahan dapat dilihat di website INHA University"> tentang 2009-Spring Admission for International.

Jika anda memenuhi persyaratan dan tertarik dengan tantangan tersebut, segera siapkan :
- Surat lamaran ;
- Curriculum Vitae (CV) lengkap ;
- Ijazah dan transkrip nilai ;
- Pasfoto berwarna ukuran 3 X 4 Cm = 2 lembar ;
- Nomor telepon / hand phone (HP) yang mudah dihubungi ;
- Dokumen penunjang lain yang relevan.

Cantumkan kode “IKATAN DINAS” pada sudut kanan atas amplop, dan kirim ke alamat :

Jl. Raya Arjosari, Kecamatan Rejoso, Kab. Pasuruan — 67181
Contact person : Kikit - (0343) 401231 ; email :

Surat lamaran sudah diterima HRD PT CJI paling lambat tanggal 18 Oktober 2008. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk proses seleksi berikutnya.

Pasuruan, 6 Oktober 2008



INTERNSHIP PROGRAM at The Mercedes-Benz Indonesia 2008

8.10.08 |

The Mercedes-Benz Indonesia offers motivated talents a fascinating environment in a
global corporation with a production site for chassis parts, passenger cars and
commercial vehicles.
What we offer you:

An internship with a duration of 3 - 6 month

Support from experienced skilled professionals

Work in a field of activity oriented to your field of study

Internships are possible in the fields of quality management, finance & controlling,
marketing & sales, human resource and logistics.
What we expect from you:

You are enrolled as a student at a university

You are studying in one of the aforementioned fields

You are willing to take an internship for a minimum of 4 months

Work experience (training, other internships)

Fluent in English

Advanced IT/computer skills

Intercultural competence
If you are interested, send us your application and other supporting documents:

Cover Letter

Curriculum Vitae

Certificate of intermediate diploma

Certificates of previous trainings / internships
Contact Email:

Best Regards
Devi Yulia

Beasiswa ASEAN Foundation

16.9.08 |

The ASEAN Foundation (funded through the Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund)
and The Asian Institute of Technology Thailand offering scholarships as

* Ten (10) full scholarships are available for ASEAN nationals who
wish to pursue masters degree in AIT. The scholarship award will cover
tuition and other academic fees, and living allowances for a 2-year
* Four (4) scholarships will be awarded under the project "Capacity
building for Gender, Poverty and Mobility Analysis of Road
Transportation Development in GMS Region", priority will be for
applicants nominated by project partners. The remaining six (6)
scholarships will be allocated for the various fields of study
identified by ASEAN Foundation as indicated below.


* Be a bonafide ASEAN national;
* Hold a bachelors degree (normally from a four-year program) or its
equivalent in an appropriate field;
* Have above average undergraduate grades (minimum CGPA of 2.75);
* Satisfy other requirements as specified by the school you apply to.
* AIT is an international institute with English as the sole language
of instruction. Admission to AIT requires proof of English language
proficiency which may be satisfied in any of the following: Submission
of an official test score from any of the following standardized English
exams: TOEFL, IELTS, CU-TEP (Thailand ), ARC (Lao PDR).
* Agree to return and/or serve for at least 2 years in any ASEAN
countries after completion of their studies.


School of Environment , Resources and Development (SERD)* /
Agricultural Systems and Engineering
Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management
Environmental Engineering and Management
Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology
Gender and Development Studies
Natural Resources Management
Pulp and Paper Technology
Regional and Rural Development Planning
Urban Environmental Management
Interdisciplinary Programs: Cleaner Production, Integrated Tropical Coastal Zone Management, Integrated Watershed Development and Management, Modelling Tools in Environmental Resources and Management, Disaster Preparedness, Mitigation and Management, Agribusiness Management.

School of Engineering and Technology (SET)* / /
Construction, Engineering and Infrastructure Management (CEIM)
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (GTE)
Structural Engineering (STE)
Transportation Engineering (TRE)
Water Engineering and Management (WEM)
Interdisciplinary Programs: Information and Communications Technologies (ICT)


All interested applicants must complete the following two sets of applications and submit them to the Admissions Office of AIT.

AIT application form (click here )
ASEAN Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies application form (click here


August 2008 intake is on 15 May 2008.
January 2009 intake, application should be made on or before 31 October 2008.
For more information, please contact:
Postal Address:
Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4 , Klong Luang
Pathumthani 12120 , THAILAND

Street Address:
Admissions and Scholarships Unit
Asian Institute of Technology
50 Moo 9, Km. 42, Paholyothin Road
Pathumthani 12120 , THAILAND

Phone: (662) 5245031-5033
Fax: (662) 524-6326
E-mail: \n

International Scholarships for Women in Japan 2008


International Scholarships for Women in Japan 2008

CWAJ Scholarship Program -2008 Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese
Women to Study in Japan (NJG)

Qualifications: Self-supporting international students who satisfy all
the following conditions;

* Applicants must be non-Japanese, non- permanent resident women,
enrolled in a degree program with a graduate school of a Japanese
university from April 2009 to March 2010.
* Applicants must be residing in Japan at the time of application
for study purposes.
* Applicants must have adequate ability in Japanese and English.
* Former recipients of CWAJ awards, members of CWAJ, or recipients
of scholarship amount greater than ¥1.0 million from any scholarship
foundation or from any public institution are not eligible to apply
for this scholarship.

Scholarship amount: 2,000,000 Yen
Number: 3

Application period: Applications must be sent directly to the
foundation by post mail and postmarked between October 1 (Wed) and
October 28 (Tue), 2008.

Applicantsare expected to abide by the deadline and submit application on time.

Applicants who pass the documents screening will have an interview in
English and Japanese in Tokyo. Final result will be informed by postal
mail. Send applications by regular mail.

Application forms are available on CWAJ website:
Request for application forms by e-mail or phone will not be

Application forms and details are available at the International
Student Section in the Students Center.


Beasiswa Habibie Center


Yayasan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi(Yayasan
SDM-IPTEK) didirikan oleh Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.J. Habibie (mantanpresiden
RI) pada tahun 1997. Badan pengurus yayasan ini diketuai olehProf. Dr.
Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro, mantan Menteri Pendidikan danKebudayaan, dan
memiliki tujuan :

* Mewujudkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang unggul dan memiliki
kualitas Iman dan Takwa yang tinggi.
* Menguasai, mengembangkan dan mengendalikan ilmu pengetahuan dan
teknologi secara mandiri.
* Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut diatas, Yayasan melakukan kegiatan
sebagai berikut:
* Memberikan beasiswa untuk tingkat S3 (Doktor),
* Memberikanpenghargaan dan hadiah kepada orang atau Badan yang telah
berjasa ataumelakukan terobosan di bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi
* Mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan
Teknologi (Iptek).
* Membentuk atau membantu berdirinya Pusat Peragaan Ilmu Pengetahuan
dan Teknologi.
Beasiswa diberikan 2 (dua) kali setahun yaitu:
a.Periode bulan Mei
Formulir harus sampai di panitia paling lambat 21 April tahun berjalan.
b.Periode bulan Nopember

Formulir pendaftaran diajukan paling lambat tanggal 20 Oktober.

Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk beasiswa S3.

* Usia maksimum 35 tahun.
* Tidak menerima beasiswa dari lembaga atau sumber lainnya.
* Sudahditerima atau telah mendapatkan surat keterangan diterima
dalam programS3 di perguruan tinggi atau lembaga yang berada di
* Selama mengikuti program S2, penerima beasiswa S3 harus mendapatkan
nilai cum laude atau minimal berada pada peringkat ke-5.
* Pendaftar harus menyerahkan dua rekomendasi dari tokoh ilmuwan
dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
* Pendaftar harus menunjukkan sikap kepemimpinan dalam bidangnya dan
memiliki tingkat integritas dan kreatifitas yang tinggi.

Pendaftar harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran secara lengkap disertai
dengan dokumen penunjang.
Pemilihan penerima beasiswa ditentukan dalam sidang dewan pakar yang
telah ditentukan oleh Yayasan.
Seleksi dilakukan berdasarkan 5 (lima) kelompok bidang ilmu yakni :

* Kelompok Ilmu Dasar,
* Kelompok Ilmu Kedokteran dan Bioteknologi,
* Kelompok Ilmu Rekayasa,
* Kelompok Ilmu Sosial, Hukum, Ekonomi dan Politik,
* Kelompok Ilmu Filsafat, Agama dan Budaya.
Beasiswa yang diberikan berupa:

* biaya pendidikan (SPP) dan dana studi lainnya,
* tunjangan tugas akhir,
* tunjangan biaya buku/fotokopi,
* tunjangan biaya hidup,
* tunjangan biaya transportasi dari daerah ke tempat kuliah (jika
saat melamar ada di daerah di luar tempat belajar)

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