Beasiswa The British Chevening Awards 2010/11

24.12.09 |

Mau minta tolong untuk teman2 menyebarkan informasi tentang beasiswa Chevening mengingat aplikasi Chevening untuk tahun akademik 2010/11 akan ditutup pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan websitenya yang dipakai sekarang ini adalah

Adapun persyaratan dan cara mendaftar sbb:

Application requirements:

* Indonesian citizens.
* Excellent first degree with a minimum GPA >=3.0.
* Good level of spoken and written English language (IELTS 6.5).
* Minimum of 2 years full time post-graduate (S1) work experience.
* Excellent career prospects.
* Commitment to career development, and ability to demonstrate motivation.
* Must be able to demonstrate future leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia's development.
* Field of study should be relevant to educational background or current profession.
* We regret that we are unable to receive applications for MBAs.
* Previous recipients of a Chevening scholarship for Masters degrees are not eligible to apply.
* Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment within the last two years) of the FCO (Foreign & Commonwealth Office), including FCO posts, the British Council or any Chevening sponsors are not be eligible for these awards.

When to apply?

On-line applications must be submitted between 1 October – 31 December 2009 via E-Chevening at We will contact you in the first three months of 2010 if you have been short-listed for interview.

Terima kasih banyak ya teman2, Selamat Natal bagi yang merayakan, selamat liburan & Sukses di tahun yang baru.


Rowena Rompas

Scholarship Officer

English & Education Reform Team

British Council I T +62 (21) 515 5561 ext 187 I F +62 (21) 5155562

Beasiswa S3 di swedia


ada beberapa opening position untuk PhD di Lund University, Swedia. Detail nya bisa dibaca sbb. Semoga bermanfaat.

Lund University is Scandinavia’s largest institution for education and research in a great number of disciplines, such as engineering, natural sciences, law, social science, economics, medicine, theology and the arts. The University has over 38 000 students and approximately 5 300 employees located in Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg. We have a comprehensive global network and a growing co-operation within the Öresund University framework within Southern Sweden and Eastern Denmark.

LTH forms the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University, with approximately 6 500 students and 850 PhD-students. The research carried out at LTH is of high international standard and we continuously develop our teaching and adapt our courses to the needs of today.

Lund University invites applications for the following position:

Doctoral student in thermal power engineering, PA 2009/4911

beasiswa AED

16.11.09 |

Open Programs

1. Master's Degree - in Public Health

Master's (two-year program) in the U.S from a Faculty of Medicine/Public Health with a concentration in:
a. principles of public health and field epidemiology including methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases,
b. health system capacity development including human resource and program management, public health information and surveillance systems, health economics, decentralization and governance, quality assurance and behavior change and communication
c. basic and advanced biostatistics,
d. applied or epidemiological research

2. Master's Degree in Epidemiology – Veterinary Science
Master's (two-year program) in country. from an accredited Faculty of Veterinary Science with a concentration in Animal and Public Health - Epidemiology an emphasis (through intensive coursework) on principles of epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases, principles of outbreak investigations, basic and advance biostatistics, animal and public health surveillance system.

3. Master's Degree in Field Epidemiology – Public Health

Master's (two-year program) in country from an accredited Faculty of Medicine/Public Health with a concentration in Field Epidemiology an emphasis (through intensive coursework) on principles of epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases, principles of outbreak investigations, basic and advanced biostatistics, animal and public health surveillance systems

4. Master's Degree in Field Epidemiology
Master's in the U.S. from a school of veterinary science with a concentration in Epidemiology and emphasis (through intensive coursework) on principles of epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases, methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases, principles of outbreak investigations, basic and advanced biostatistics, animal and public health surveillance systems, and animal and public health policy.

5. Master's Degree specializing in Coastal and Marine Conservation or Fisheries Management
Master's program in the U.S. from a program specializing in the following indicative areas:
a. Conservation of Coastal and Marine Resources
b. Marine and Coastal Zone Management
c. Fisheries Resources Management
d. Sustainable Fisheries Resources

6. Master's Degree in Energy Sector
Master's program in the U.S. specializing in Energy/Environmental Engineering with a concentration in, but not limited, to Energy Engineering, Energy Planning and Policy, Energy Economics, Energy Management, Energy and Environmental Policy, Clean and Renewable Energy Management, Energy Efficiency Management, Energy and Sustainability, or Energy and Environmental Law

7. Master's degree in Climate Change
Academic/degree program at master's level in the U.S. from a U.S. University focusing on climate change adaptation or mitigation

8. PhD, Master, or Bachelor Degree Program for Economics
PhD, Master or Bachelor degree in Economics, Finance, Management, Accounting, Insurance, Agriculture, Agribusiness, or Public Policy.

9. Master's Degrees from U.S. Universities in Public Affairs, Public Policy, Political Science, Public Administration, Public Management, Non-profit Management or related fields

10. Masters Degree in Public Health
Master's (one-year or two-year program) in the U.S. from a school of public health with a concentration in either International Health or Epidemiology/Biostatistics with an emphasis (through intensive coursework) on nutrition, maternal and child health, reproductive health, demography, health systems, health financing, health policy.

11. Masters Degree in Education
The objective of the HICD/Education program is to build human capacity within GOI Ministries of Education (MONE), Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare (KESRA) to better support quality improvements to the basic education and higher education sub-sectors.

12. Long term training for decentralization and local governance
Master's degrees in US on topics such as Public Administration, Public Management, Public Policy, Political Science, Regional Planning and other topics of importance to public service and leadership in Indonesia's regional government

13. US Long Term Training/ Master's Degree in Public Administration, Public Management, and Public Policy for Legislative Strengthening
Master's degrees in the US on topics such as Public Administration, Public Management, and Public Policy

Beasiswa Australia 2009 Beasiswa sampoerna foundation

12.11.09 |

PT Rio Tinto Indonesia dan Sampoerna Foundation bekerjasama berikan beasiswa penuh kepada satu orang untuk menempuh pendidikan S2 di bidang Sains, Ilmu Sosial, atau Commerce di University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Hanya, program beasiswa ini khusus diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa yang memiliki KTP Sulawesi Tengah atau Sulawesi Tenggara. Pelamar berusia maksimal 35 tahun dan telah selesai menempuh pendidikan sarjana S1 dari jurusan apapun dengan IPK minimal 3.00 (dalam skala 4.00).

Setelah lulus dari semua tahapan seleksi beasiswa, finalis penerima beasiswa dapat menyerahkan hasil tes Bahasa Inggris (TOEFL/IELTS) dan Graduate Admission Test sesuai persyaratan yang diminta oleh program S2 (Master) yang diminati, yaitu skor international TOEFL minimal 577 (PBT) atau 233 (CBT) atau 90 (IBT), atau skor IELTS minimal 6.5 4.

Syarat lainnya, calon penerima bukan lulusan dari universitas di luar negeri atau pernah terdaftar di universitas di luar negeri kecuali karena menerima beasiswa. Lainnya, selain tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain, calon penerima juga harus bisa membuktikan, bahwa tanpa beasiswa ini yang bersangkutan tidak mampu melanjutkan studi S2 di luar negeri.

Beasiswa ini juga berlaku untuk para guru, dosen, maupun Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Beasiswa meliputi biaya sekolah dan asuransi kesehatan, tunjangan hidup dan tunjangan buku, tiket pesawat pulang pergi Sulawesi-Sydney-Sulawesi, biaya aplikasi visa pelajar, biaya pendaftaran ke universitas, serta biaya persiapan tes IELTS.

Pendaftaran dan formulir aplikasi bisa diperoleh di:

Paket aplikasi dan dokumen-dokumen yang disyaratkan bisa dikirimkan ke alamat: Sampoerna Foundation Sampoerna Strategic Square, North Tower 27th Floor Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kavling 45, Jakarta, 12930, dengan kode tulisan (“RIO TINTO S2” di sisi kanan atas amplop aplikasi.

Paket aplikasi ini juga dapat diperoleh di Universitas Haluoleo (Bapak La Otjo Oti/Staf Pembantu Rektor I Rektorat), Lantai 4 Kampus Bumi Tridharma Anduonuho Jl. H.E.A Mokodompit Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara dan Universitas Tadulako (Ibu Utik Widaryanti/Bagian Pelayanan Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa) PKM BAK PSI Kampus Bumi Tadulako Tondo Jl. Sukarno Hatta Km.9, Tondo Palu, Sulawesi Tengah.

Beasiswa City Overseas student awards


City University


The University for business and the professions

City is offering the following opportunity:

City Overseas student awards

With the end of the UK Government's Overseas Research Students (ORS) Awards, we have also decided to institute our own scheme in order to supplement the main studentships and to increase support for international research students. The City Overseas Student Awards will cover the doctoral tuition fees of overseas fee-paying students who can demonstrate outstanding merit and research potential. Eligible candidates will be considered for both full studentships and these additional awards.

Full details can be found here:
Closing date for applications: Monday 25 January 2010

City University London, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB


Beasiswa ITB Untuk Semua 2009


Pasal 31, Ayat 1, UUD 1945
"Setiap warga negara berhak mendapat pendidikan."

Rekan-rekan semua,

Untuk tahun ajaran 2010, Institut Teknologi Bandung kembali menyediakan beasiswa "ITB Untuk Semua" yang diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa baru ITB angkatan 2010 yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu. Para peminat diharuskan melakukan pendaftaran dalam kurun 9 November-24 Desember 2009. Persyaratan serta proses seleksi dapat dilihat di situs resmi BIUS ( dan situs resmi ujian masuk ITB (

Penerima Beasiswa ITB Untuk Semua (BIUS) akan ditanggung uang pendidikan, tempat tinggal, serta biaya hidup selama menempuh kuliah di Bandung. Beasiswa ini hanya diberikan kepada pemilik ijazah SMA/SMK/sederajat tahun 2010 (bukan ijazah persamaan) sesuai persyaratan untuk fakultas/sekolah yang dipilih. Kriteria kemampuan ekonomi orang tua yang digunakan adalah jumlah penghasilan total dari kedua orang tua calon mahasiswa kurang dari nilai Upah Minimum Regional (UMR) yang berlaku.

Pada tahun ajaran 2009, BIUS telah diberikan kepada 40 mahasiswa ITB angkatan 2009. Mereka telah melalui saringan ketat terhadap 3.170 pendaftar awal dan lulus ujian penerimaan mahasiswa baru. Untuk tahun ini, ITB menargetkan beasiswa akan diberikan kepada 100 mahasiswa baru, dengan syarat mereka lulus ujian (sesuai standar tinggi yang berlaku) dan jumlah donasi yang berhasil dikumpulkan panitia penyelenggara beasiswa mencukupi.

Selain mendapat ongkos kuliah dan biaya hidup, penerima BIUS akan mengikuti masa persiapan (bridging) sekitar satu bulan sebelum masa perkuliahan untuk membantu menyesuaikan diri dengan suasana kampus serta kehidupan di Bandung. Selama kuliah, para mahasiswa mendapat bimbingan dalam mengatasi kendala studi dan persoalan adaptasi yang mungkin muncul. Para mahasiswa juga akan diberi kesempatan mengikuti ceramah inspirasional, studi ke industri dan lokasi penerapan teknologi tepat guna, dsb.

Berkaitan dengan program ini, kami memohon kesediaan rekan-rekan untuk ikut menyebarluaskan kabar ini ke pelosok Tanah Air sehingga dapat menggapai seluruh siswa potensial.

Semoga program ini dapat merekrut putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk kuliah di salah satu perguruan tinggi terbaik di Indonesia. Juga, semoga program ini dapat menginspirasi anak-anak yang kebetulan lahir dari keluarga kurang mampu tetap bercita-cita tinggi dan giat dalam menuntut ilmu.

Salam hangat penuh semangat.

Andrianto Soekarnen
Koordinator Penggalangan Dana & Promosi
Tim Penyelenggara Beasiswa ITB Untuk Semua

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