Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP)

9.3.10 |

Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP)

JJ/WBGS Program

In 1987, the World Bank, with funding from the Government of Japan, established the World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (WBGSP) for graduate studies in subjects related to economic development. Each year, the Program awards scholarships to individuals from World Bank member countries to undertake graduate studies at renowned universities throughout member countries of the Bank.

Now in its 23d year, the Regular Program has awarded 3,153 scholarships, selected from 58,944 applicants. In addition, 1,226 scholarships have been awarded in the various JJ/WBGSP Partnership Programs for a total of 4,379 awards.
Since the inception of the Program, the Government of Japan has provided over 204,7 million dollars to the Scholarship Program. The Program's objective is to help create an international community of highly trained professionals working in the field of economic and social development. The World Bank and the Government of Japan require the scholars to return to their home countries on completion of their study Programs and apply their enhanced knowledge and skills to contribute to the development process in their respective regions and communities.

Starting in 1992, a number of Partnership Programs have been launched, largely to respond to the need for graduate study Programs which combine academic rigor with specialized training in the practical aspects of policy-making. The objective of these Programs is to prepare the participants for effective policy-making roles in their home countries and regions.

The World Bank administers the Program through the World Bank Institute (WBI). Policy guidance for the Program is provided by a Steering Committee comprised of three Executive Directors and five senior managers of the Bank. A Secretariat for day-to-day administration is maintained within WBI.,,contentMDK:20276784~menuPK:551652~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:551644,00.html

Education UK eNews - LSE Special Edition



The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is the world's leading dedicated social science institution. Founded in 1895, LSE enjoys a global reputation for academic excellence. All of LSE's teaching and research is undertaken from a social science perspective, giving the institution a unique approach to otherwise common fields. Around 69% of LSE's students, and more than 40% of its academic staff, originate from outside the UK. Students are selected for their academic commitment and ability and the global diversity of the students and staff ensures that LSE's education is truly international.

LSE offers 38 undergraduate (BSc) degrees and over 140 taught postgraduate (MSc) programmes across 30 departments or institutes. As a 'laboratory of the social sciences', the School's academic profile spans a wide range of disciplines, from accounting to law, management to urbanisation.

Students looking for entry to LSE's undergraduate programmes should hold three GCE A levels, or a suitable foundation programme from a university in the UK, or have successfully completed at least one year at a university in Indonesia. To be considered for admission to the Graduate School we require the Magister (S2), with grades of B+ or 3.5/4. Applicants with the Sarjana (S1) may also be considered with exceptional grades.

LSE makes over £12 million of need and merit based financial aid available to its students each year. Awards range from a contribution to tuition fees to full coverage of all expenses.

For further details about LSE email .

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships



New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships (NZIDRS) are open to all international students who meet the eligibility criteria.

NZIDRS scholarships include:

full tuition fees for three years of full-time doctoral study
NZ$20,500 per annum living allowance (NZ$1708.33 per month).
up to NZ$600 annual health insurance allowance
NZ$2000 (across 3 year tenure) travel allowance. This is intended to be used for conference attendance and field research
NZ$800 (across 3 year tenure) book and thesis allowance
NZ$500 one-off establishment allowance. Only to be paid to those students who are travelling to NZ specifically to take up the NZIDRS. No student already located in NZ is eligible to receive this amount.
Additional funds are not available to support accompanying dependants.

Evidence of available supervision

You need to show evidence that academic supervision is available when you apply for this scholarship. Applicants should contact the relevant university departments to confirm the availability of appropriate supervision before submitting their applications. Please see the terms and conditions for more information.

NZIDRS application close date

The NZIDRS closes to applications on the 15th of July each year. Applications will be accepted from early May until 5pm (NZ time) on Thursday the 15th of July 2010. Please note that NZIDRS applications received after the closing date and/or incomplete applications will not be considered by the selection panel under any circumstances. This is non-negotiable.

Find out more

If you have questions about the NZIDR scholarships, please contact the Education New Zealand Scholarships Manager -

NZIDRS terms and conditions (PDF)
NZIDRS application form (Word doc)
NZIDRS guidelines & frequently asked questions (PDF)

Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships


Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships

Applications for the 2011 intake open on 10 March 2010
and close on 30 June 2010

The Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) aim to develop leadership and build partnerships and linkages within the Asia-Pacific, while addressing priority development issues of the region.

The ALA program comprises ALA Scholarships and ALA Fellowships. These awards are for leaders or those who have potential for leadership roles that can influence social and economic reform, both in their own countries and in the Asia-Pacific region.

ALA Scholarships are for study at Masters or Doctorate level in an Australian university. Study programs must relate to a priority development area: disability, economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender, governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, regional stability, rural development, water and sanitation. ALA scholars also undertake a Leadership Development Program in Australia.

As ALA Scholarships are an investment in the future of the Asia-Pacific region, ALA scholars are required to return to their home country or the region for two years after they have completed their studies in Australia.

Selection for ALA Scholarships is competitive, based on leadership qualities, academic excellence and potential impact on return home.

To be eligible to apply, you must meet the following criteria.

Internship Fair Goes to UGM


Pengen tau tentang exchange dan magang ke luar negri?
Pengen tau cerita seru temen2 yang baru pulang exchange??

AIESEC LC UNDIP Presents....
Internship Fair Goes to UGM
FREE!! Be ready!!!
There will be:
1. Global Exchange Program Info Session
2. Exchange Participant's Sharing and many more...!!!!

We'll gonna be at:
- Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UGM
- Fakultas Hukum UGM
- Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik UGM

On 11th - 12th March 2010

Be there or you'll be sorry! =]

Beasiswa S1 Pendidikan Sampoerna School of Education 2010

24.2.10 |

PUTERA SAMPOERNA SCHOOL OF EDUCATION membuka pendaftaran mahasiswa baru tahun akademik 2010/2011 melalui jalur BEASISWA dan STUDENT FINANCING.

Program Studi yang ditawarkan:
1. Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
2. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


1. Lulus SMA atau setara pada tahun 2008, 2009 atau lulus di tahun 2010.
a. Program Pendidikan Matematika: SMA jurusan IPA
b. Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris: SMA semua jurusan
(Bagi peserta lulusan SMK dapat mendaftar untuk pilihan Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)
2. Bagi lulusan SMA Internasional harap menyertakan Ijazah yang disetarakan oleh Depdiknas
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan syarat dokumen lainnya
4. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris yang baik
5. Nilai raport rata-rata 7,00 selama masa SMA/SMK (kelas 10 – 12) dengan nilai matematika dan bahasa inggris minimum 7,00
6. Surat referensi dari Kepala Sekolah & Wali Kelas/Guru BK
7. Surat keterangan kesehatan
8. Lulus proses seleksi

PERSYARATAN KHUSUS (Program Beasiswa):

1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Menjelaskan dan menunjukkan bukti kebutuhan tunjangan keuangan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan dengan melengkapi informasi yang tercantum dalam formulir pendaftaran mahasiswa baru SSE
3. Memiliki prestasi akademik dan non-akademik yang tinggi semasa SMA yang dapat dibuktikan dengan nilai raport atau surat rekomendasi guru atau kepala sekolah
4. Lulus proses seleksi beasiswa


1. Fotokopi raport kelas 10-12 (legalisir)
2. Hasil UAN SMA (diwajibkan bagi yang sudah lulus saat mendaftar)
3. Fotokopi KTP (2 lembar)
4. Pas foto berwarna 4x6 (2 lembar)
5. Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu yang dikeluarkan oleh RT/RW atau kelurahan sesuai domisili(khusus peserta melalui jalur beasiswa)
6. Dokumen-dokumen pendukung, seperti tagihan listrik, PAM, dll (khusus peserta melalui jalur beasiswa)
7. Surat referensi dari kepala sekolah (format surat referensi disediakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education)
8. Surat referensi dari Wali Kelas/Guru BK (format surat referensi disediakan oleh Sampoerna School of Education)
9. Fotokopi KTP orang tua (1 lembar)
10.Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga (1 lembar)
11.Surat Keterangan Kesehatan (1 lembar)


Proses seleksi penerimaan terdiri dari 3 tahap sbb:
Tahap 1: Seleksi Dokumen
Tahap 2: Tes Potensi Akademik , Tes Kemahiran Bahasa Inggris & Tes Materi (sesuai program studi yang dipilih)
Tes 3: Interview & Diskusi Kelompok


1. Batas akhir penerimaan dokumen
Dokumen kami terima paling lambat tanggal 09 April 2010. Dokumen dapat dikirimkan melalui pos atau langsung ke Sampoerna School of Education.

2.Pengumuman Lolos Seleksi Dokumen:
Pengumuman aplikan yang lolos seleksi akan kami umumkan pada 14 April 2010. Pengumuman dapat dilihat melalui website di

3. Ujian Seleksi Masuk:
Ujian Seleksi Masuk akan diadakan di 4 kota besar sbb:
Jakarta: 23 – 25 April 2010
Medan: 26 – 28 April 2010
Yogyakarta: 23 – 25 April 2010
Makassar: 26 – 28 April 2010

4. Pengumuman Lolos Ujian Seleksi Masuk:
Aplikan yang lolos Ujian Seleksi Masuk akan diumumkan tanggal 7 Mei 2010. Pengumuman dapat dilihat melalui website di

5. Seleksi Interview & Diskusi Kelompok:
Interview & Diskusi Kelompok akan diadakan di 4 kota besar sbb:
Jakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010
Medan: 17 – 19 Mei 2010
Yogyakarta: 14 – 16 Mei 2010
Makassar: 17 – 19 Mei 2010

6. Pengumuman:
Aplikan yang lolos akan kami umumkan tanggal 7 Juni 2010. Pengumuman dapat dilihat melalui website

1. Prosedur Pendaftaran

2. Formulir Pendaftaran

3. Formulir Surat Referensi

Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai Program ini dapat menghubungi:
021-577 2275 ext. 7283 / 7285

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