7.4.11 |

beasiswa Minamas, Sime Darby 2011 udah dibuka lagi..
Beasiswa ini untuk S1 (undergraduate) dan S2 (Post Graduate)
Akhir pendaftaran 15 April 2011
Application latter ada di
Keterangan lengkap lainnya ada di

The Endeavour Awards Scholarship, 2011

4.4.11 |

Endeavour Awards

The Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government's internationally competitive, merit-based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. Awards are also available for Australians to undertake study, research and professional development abroad.

The Endeavour Awards aim to:

Develop on-going educational, research and professional linkages between individuals, organisations and countries,

Provide opportunities for high achieving individuals from Australia and overseas to increase their skills and enhance their global awareness,

Contribute to Australia's position as a high quality education and training provider, and a leader in research and innovation, and
Increase the productivity of Australians through an international study, research or professional development experience.

The Endeavour Awards are a part of the Australia Awards initiative. The Australia Awards have been established to maximise the benefit to Australia of its extensive scholarship programs, and to support enduring ties between Australia and our neighbours.

The Australia Awards brings together under a single recognisable brand, the Endeavour Awards administered by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) and the international development awards administrated by the Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID). Further information is available at the Australia Awards website.

You can read about the experiences of Australian Endeavour Award holders who have undertaken overseas study and International Endeavour Award holders who have undertaken study in Australia.

Endeavour Awards brochures:

Endeavour Executive Awards
Endeavour Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Awards
Endeavour Research Fellowships for Indigenous Australians
Endeavour VET Awards

Further information on the Endeavour Awards:

Key Dates

1 April 2011
Applications open for the 2012 round of the Endeavour Awards.

30 June 2011
Applications close for the 2012 round of the Endeavour Awards.

July - October
After the closing date, DEEWR will review applications to ensure applications meet Award eligibility requirements.

Applications which meet eligibility requirements will then proceed to an external selection panel where they will be assessed against the selection criteria.

The selection panel makes recommendations to DEEWR with the final decision on Award allocation being made by DEEWR.

November 2011
Applicants are advised of the outcome of the 2012 Endeavour Awards

Master Scholarships, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain

3.4.11 |

Call for Grants to study on a University Master's Degree Programme
at the Rovira i Virgili University


Deadline for presenting applications: 30 April 2011


Application form:

Deadline for presenting applications: 30 April 2011

ADB - Japan Scholarship

29.3.11 |

berikut info beasiswa yang didanai oleh pemerintah Jepang melalui ADB

Beberapa rekan dari Indonesia yang pernah menerima beasiswa ini menempuh program S2 di Asian Institute of Management, Manila untuk Master in Business Administration, Master in Management, atau Master in Development Management. website

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat.

Salam, Wrenges

Beasiswa The Rockefeller Foundation: Bellagio Center Residency Program - Spring 2011


The Rockefeller Foundation: Bellagio Center Residency Program - Spring 2011

  • Apakah Anda seorang peneliti, ilmuwan, insan seni, jurnalis, penulis, aktivis LSM, pemerhati, atau pembuat kebijakan?
  • Apakah Anda memiliki rencana untuk membuat sebuah project ilmiah/publikasi/karya tulis/karya seni yang inovatif dan berpotensi memiliki impact yang besar?
  • Apakah Anda tertarik untuk mengerjakan project Anda tersebut di sebuah pusat penelitian dan studi di Italia dimana Anda berkesempatan untuk berdiskusi dengan para scholar lain dari seluruh dunia?

Jika jawaban Anda YA, raihlah peluang untuk mengikuti Residency Program, yaitu kesempatan untuk tinggal di The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italia selama 4 minggu yang akan memberikan peluang untuk:

- gratis akomodasi (termasuk makan) di The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italia selama 4 minggu

- kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dan berdiskusi dengan para scholar lain dari berbagai penjuru dunia

- ruang studio privat untuk kerja mandiri

- undangan untuk menghadiri berbagai resepsi dan acara diskusi/konferensi yang berlangsung di center tersebut

- kelompok beranggotakan 2-4 orang (yang mengerjakan satu project/karya yang sama) dapat juga memiliki kesempatan dalam program ini


Informasi lebih lengkap bisa didapatkan dengan mengakses: atau

Untuk jadwal dan pendaftaran webinar yang bisa diikuti, silahkan akses:

Doctoral Scholarship Swiss, 2011


The Doctoral Program "Molecular Life Sciences" is a joint program between ISREC (Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research) and GHI (Global Health Institute).

There are two yearly online application deadlines:

May 1st and November 15th

All the information about the application procedure as well as the link to the application form can be found here.

You'll find below research Groups with available PhD Positions for the next session: Summer - 29th & 30th June and 1st July 2011 (this page is updated as new positions become available):

ISREC / Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Lausanne

Cathrin Brisken - Genetic dissection of signalling pathways in breast development and breast cancer.

Pierre G�nczy - Cell division processes in C. elegans.

Oliver Hantschel - Signaling mechanisms and novel treatment strategies for haematological malignancies.

Etienne Meylan - NF-kappaB signaling and glucose metabolism during lung cancer development.

GHI / Global Health Institute, Lausanne

Bruno Lemaitre - Interaction between Endosymbiont and Drosophila & The Drosophila intestinal epithelium as an interactive barrier: From steady-stage to pathology.

Areas of expertise include:

  • cell biology
  • developmental biology
  • computational biology
  • biochemistry
  • molecular genetics
  • virology
  • host-pathogen interactions
  • immunology

For details, see web pages of thesis directors on the program members page.


EDMS program

SV 2515 (B�timent SV)
Station 19
CH-1015 Lausanne


Show on campus map

Prof. Joachim Lingner

Administrative assistant
Ms. Tatiana Dubi

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