Beasiswa Master di IWC Water Leader Scholarships 2012

5.5.11 |

IWC Water Leader Scholarships 2012

Scholarships are now open to study the International WaterCentre's Master of Integrated Water Management (Australia).
  • Full tuition scholarships - AU$41,520
  • Partial tuition scholarships
  • Open to international & domestic students
  • Applications close 1 August 2011
  • Program starts in February 2012 (The University of Queensland, Brisbane)
New feature: the IWC has developed an online application form for your convenience:
Apply online for the scholarship

Master of Integrated Water Management
The MIWM program equips students with the integration, leadership and managerial skills to become part of an elite group of water leaders with sustainable and holistic solutions to global water and climate change challenges.

Full-time and part-time/distance* study modes are available.

Read more | Apply now for the program

* part-time/distance study mode available only to Australian/NZ citizens and Australian permanent residents.

Monbukagakusho Scholarship for 2012

12.4.11 |

Pendaftaran Program Research Student (Umum) untuk keberangkatan tahun 2012 telah

info lebih lanjut silahkan langsung ke websitenya.....

Beasiswa di Amerika bidang Soil Carbon Dynamics


Postdoctoral Research Associate in Soil Carbon Dynamics

Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee


Project Description:

The Environmental Sciences Division (ESD),, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL),, has an immediate opening for a post doctoral research associate in soil carbon dynamics.

The post-doc will have the opportunity to design, execute, and analyze bench and field-scale experiments to better understand mechanisms controlling soil organic matter protection and stabilization. The successful candidate should have a demonstrated background and interest in plant root inputs to soil organic matter (SOM) pools, soil aggregate dynamics, and physio-chemical mechanisms that regulate carbon accrual in SOM fractions that range in chemistry and residence time. Process-level knowledge gained in these investigations will be incorporated into carbon models at local to global scales.

Responsibilities include data collection and analysis, interpretation, and publication of experimental and modeling results in high-visibility journals. Work will be conducted in collaboration with others having expertise in plant and microbial science, soil chemistry, carbon cycle science, and modeling. Preference will be given to applicants who have experience and interest in integration of soil dynamics across temporal and spatial scales. The applicant will join others engaged in climate change research as part of the Consortium for Enhancing Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems (CSiTE; The position will be based at ORNL in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.


Ph.D. required in Soil Science, Biological Sciences, Environmental Science, or related field. Applicants cannot have received the most recent degree more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment.

Technical Questions:

Questions regarding the position can be directed to Stan Wullschleger at Please include the requisition number and title when corresponding.

How to Apply:

Qualified applicants must apply online at All applicants will need to register before they can begin the online application. For complete instructions, on how to apply, please see the instructions at

This appointment is offered through the ORNL Postgraduate Research Participation Program and is administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). The program is open to all qualified U.S. and non-U.S. citizens without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran or disabled veteran.

Beasiswa S3 di Leipzig Germany


Postdoctoral Scientist (f / m) in Molecular Biology : Leipzig, Germany

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology: job description

The Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology is one of 60 institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. As one of the leading organizations for applied research in Europe it offers ambitious scientists challenging tasks coupled with responsibility and room for creativity.

At the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology in Leipzig, Germany a position is immediately available:

Postdoctoral scientist (f/m) in molecular biology

The Fraunhofer IZI is coordinating a large collaborative project that aims at the identification and validation of biomarkers on the basis of the non-protein coding part of the human genome. The project focuses on diagnostic and prognostic questions of utmost relevance for patients and health economy. Participation of five Fraunhofer Institutes from different technical and biomedical disciplines make this an outstanding highly interdisciplinary project striving to redefine the process of biomarker development.

We are searching for an outstanding and motivated Postdoc to join us to establish and coordinate tiling array and RNAseq analyses of patient samples to achieve new insights into the disease association of short and long non-coding RNAs.

He or she is expected (i_) to interact with clinical partners of the project to streamline the analysis process, coordinate sample logistics and refine research questions of the project, (ii_) to setup novel transcriptomic methods, establish the laboratory processes and develop standard operating procedures that safeguard the quality control and regulatory standards of the project, (iii_) to coordinate the technicians pursuing the high throughput transcriptomic analysis of clinical samples, (iv_) instruct PhD students working in the RNomics group, (v) to collaborate with bioinformaticians and statisticians of the group on developing data analysis processes and (vi) to interact with the engineering groups to establish automated laboratory processes and develop innovative laboratory devices.

Furthermore, we expect:

– The ideal candidate has a strong background in molecular biology, experience in transcriptomics and holds a PhD in biology, biochemistry or any equivalent discipline.
– He or she is familiar with high-throughput molecular techniques like microarrays and/or next generation sequencing and has a basic understanding of bioinformatic and statistic analysis of transcriptomic data sets. Familiarity with the R statistical framework and Unix/Linux operating systems is desirable.
– The candidate has a strong interest in biomedical, disease relevant research questions.
– In addition, the candidate should enjoy working on application oriented research, which involves presenting and marketing research results to industrial partners and contribute to raising funds from commercial and public sources.
– The candidate must have excellent communication and interpersonal skills and be capable of working within an interdisciplinary team. The candidate must have excellent written and verbal skills in English.

As one of the leading research companies in Europe we offer a variety of development and promotional opportunities:

– Working in an exciting, young and highly interdisciplinary research environment of biologists, biochemists and bioinformaticians with excellently equipped facilities
– f-determined work in our laboratory with an advanced equipment park
– attractive remuneration including performance-related components
– advanced training in complementary skills like science marketing, leadership, presenting, etc.

Employment, compensation and benefits are determined by the collective agreement for public service (TVÖD). The position is initially limited to the project end on 12/31/2013. To apply, please email a cover letter, CV (in English), a summary of your PhD thesis and related papers and contact information of three professional references to our personnel management:

Questions regarding this positions should be directed to:
Dr. Jörg Hackermüller,
Phone +49 341 35536-5205.

Beasiswa Pemerintah Italia tahun akademis 2010-2011

8.4.11 |


Beasiswa hanya diberikan untuk menempuh pendidikan atau penelitian di institut negeri atau yang diakui secara resmi:
· Università degli Studi, Sekolah Tinggi dan Politeknik;
· Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik;
· Institut Restorasi;
· Sekolah Nasional Sinematografi;
· Pusat dan laboratorium penelitian, perpustakaan, arsip dan museum yang merupakan bagian dari studi di universitas tempat mahasiswa terdaftar..

Beasiswa tidak dapat diberikan untuk studi yang dilangsungkan di:
- Institusi asing (universitas, akademi, perpustakaan dan sekolah jenis apapun), walaupun berada di wilayah Italia;
- Pusat dan laboratorium penelitian privat yang tidak diakui.


a. Kursus bahasa jangka pendek (3 bulan):
Kursus ini juga diperuntukkan sebagai tahap persiapan bahasa, bagi mereka yang ingin melanjutkan studi di universitas di Italia.

b. Program Sarjana :
Karena sesuai dengan U.U. 264/99 penerimaan mahasiswa di program sarjana akan melalui proses saringan, disarankan agar pemohon mendaftarkan diri pada program lainnya sebagai pilihan alternatif, agar apabila tidak diterima pada satu program, kesempatan untuk mempertahankan beasiswanya tidak akan hilang.

c. Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik:
Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik (akademi dan konservatori), Sekolah Tinggi Restorasi dan Sekolah Tinggi Sinematografi.

d. Kursus Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Italia untuk Dosen Bahasa Italia (1 atau 3 bulan)
Kursus ini diperuntukkan bagi dosen Indonesia yang mengajar bahasa Italia. Beasiswa untuk kursus mengenai pembelajaran dan pengajaran bahasa Italia dilaksanakan di Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Siena dan Roma Tre atau pada institusi-institusi lain yang berhak mengeluarkan sertifikat pengajaran bahasa Italia sebagai bahasa asing (L2).

e. Pasca Sarjana :
- Program untuk mendapatkan gelar Master tingkat I dan II (dengan jangka waktu minimum satu tahun akademik). Dihimbau kepada para calon mahasiswa untuk mencermati dengan baik biaya perkuliahan program yang akan diambil.
- Para calon penerima beasiswa untuk gelar Master akan diberitahukan mengenai biaya studi dan kemungkinan bahwa program tersebut mengharuskan mahasiswanya untuk mengikuti perkuliahan di institusi akademik yang berada di luar Italia.

f. Program S3:
Kriteria penerimaan pada program tersebut ditentukan oleh masing-masing Universitas. Disarankan menghubungi masing-masing institusi atau mencari informasi pada situs-situs internet terkait.

g. Penelitian:
Harus mendaftarkan diri dan mengikuti program sarjana dan/atau program pasca sarjana.

h. Spesialisasi:
Dalam kategori kursus spesialisasi tidak termasuk jurusan kedokteran (UU 08.08.1991 n.257).

Calon penerima beasiswa diharuskan untuk memiliki surat penerimaan dari institusi yang dipilih.

Beasiswa untuk seluruh program yang sudah disebutkan di atas (kecuali yang sudah diterangkan) berdurasi 9 bulan. Periode beasiswa dimulai dari Januari 2012 dan hanya untuk tahun ajaran 2011-2012.


Syarat-syarat utama bagi calon penerima beasiswa adalah sebagai berikut:

1) Kemampuan berbahasa Italia
Kemampuan berbahasa Italia merupakan syarat utama yang harus dipenuhi oleh para calon melalui wawancara di Institut Kebudayaan Italia atau menunjukkan Sertifikat Bahasa Italia. Syarat tersebut tidak berlaku untuk program kursus bahasa Italia.

2) Ijazah
Calon penerima beasiswa harus memiliki ijazah sesuai dengan yang diminta untuk pendaftaran pada institusi akademik yang dipilih. Beberapa ketentuan mengenai hal tersebut:
- Ijazah harus diterjemahkan ke bahasa Italia dan disahkan oleh perwakilan Pemerintah Italia di negara tempat studi dilakukan.
- Ijazah harus disertai surat pernyataan oleh Kedutaan Besar Italia tentang nilai ijazah di negara tempat studi dilakukan.
- Untuk pendaftaran pada Program Sarjana di Universitas-universitas di Italia, calon penerima beasiswa harus memiliki Ijazah Sekolah Menengah Umum atau setara, yang di negaranya dianggap sah untuk memasuki tingkat Universitas.
- Untuk pendaftaran pada Program Spesialisasi, Pasca Sarjana dan Program Master tingkat I dan II di Universitas Italia dibutuhkan ijazah sarjana yang setara dengan ijazah Italia guna melakukan pendaftaran dan dokumen lainnya yang akan ditetapkan oleh institusi akademik yang dipilih oleh calon penerima beasiswa.
- Untuk menjadi mahasiswa pada Sekolah Tinggi Seni dan Musik dibutuhkan sertifikat/ijazah Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) atau setara, untuk dapat diterima pada akademi kesenian atau konservatorium.
- Untuk mengikuti kursus Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Italia dibutuhkan ijazah Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU).
*Proses penerjemahan dokumen sekolah dilakukan apabila pemohon beasiswa sudah dinyatakan lulus seleksi beasiswa.

3) Batas Usia
Batas usia untuk penerima beasiswa adalah 35 tahun. Batas usia tersebut tidak berlaku untuk dosen bahasa Italia, dengan syarat dosen tersebut melakukan kegiatan mengajar bahasa Italia. Pengecualian untuk Sekolah Tinggi Sinematografi yang menuntut batas usia yang tidak melebihi 27 tahun.
Calon penerima beasiswa minimal harus berumur 18 tahun.

4) Pengajuan permohonan
Aplikasi permohonan beasiswa harus dan hanya dapat dilakukan secara online di :


1.) Selain mengisi formulir on-line, pemohon beasiswa juga diharuskan untuk meng-upload:
- dokumen identitas diri, yaitu paspor
- pas foto berwarna ukuran 4x6

2.) Apabila pemohon beasiswa berhasil lolos tahap seleksi administrasi, maka pada saat dipanggil untuk wawancara diharuskan membawa surat rekomendasi asli (pemberi rekomendasi harus sesuai dengan yang sudah dituliskan di formulir online.)

3.) Tidak perlu menyerahkan formulir hard copy.

4.) Apabila pemohon dinyatakan lulus tahap seleksi administrasi, pemberitahuan resmi hanya akan dilakukan secara online.

Permohonan beasiswa yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan di atas dianggap gagal

2 MEI 2011

Kami menyediakan waktu untuk asistensi pengisian formulir pada tanggal 18 dan 19 April 2011, pukul 10.00 wib di Istituto Italiano di Cultura. Masing-masing diharapkan untuk membawa laptop.




PHONE: (021) 392 7531/ 3927532
FAX. : (021) 310 1661

Beasiswa Lotus Project, Erasmus Mundus Grant for South East Asian

7.4.11 |


Lotus is an Erasmus Mundus Action Two Partnership (EMA2) of European and South-East Asian Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and Associations aiming at fostering mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and South-East Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand), through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level and to co-operate in the following program activities:

Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students
Mobility of PhD students
Post-doc mobility
Academic and administrative staff mobility

The types of mobility to be funded are:

For students: undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate mobility opportunities
For academic staff: exchanges for the purposes of teaching, practical training and research

This project is to give South-East Asian students and staff the possibility to go to a European University to improve, enrich, learn, experience, .... their own knowledge and skills.

Please bear in mind that the scholarships are only granted to South-East Asian students and staff coming to Europe.

The grant covers:

Monthly subsistence allowance
Travel ticket
Tuition fee

To enable students to benefit in a linguistic, cultural and educational way from the experience of pursuing academic studies in another country, all students should have a thorough command of English (this can only be proven by means of internationally recognized documents, p.e. IELTS certificate, TOEFL, First Certificate of Cambridge, an English diploma, a Degree obtained in English). Please note, however, that this also depends on the language requirements of the host universities within the Lotus project.

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