10.1.13 |

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika pada Tahun 2013 kembali membuka kesempatan dan menyediakan beasiswa pendidikan S2 di luar negeri bagi PNS di lembaga kementerian dan non-kementerian termasuk PNS TNI/ POLRI, baik di lingkungan pemerintah pusat maupun pemerintah daerah serta karyawan/karyawati swasta.
Persyaratan : 
  1. Lulusan sarjana (S1)
  2. Memiliki IPK minimal 2.90 (dari skala 4)
  3. Memiliki nilai Institutional TOEFL (ITP)  minimal 570 atau IELTS minimal 6.5
  4. Memiliki nilai Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) minimal 550
  5. Mendapat rekomendasi dari pejabat yang berwenang
  6. Diutamakan :
    a. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
    b. Berusia maksimal 35 tahun
    c. Belum memiliki gelar dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa lain dan/atau sedang mengikuti program pendidikan S2
  7. Pendaftaran dan penyerahan berkas lamaran beasiswa paling lambat tanggal 5 Februari 2013

Klik disini untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai informasi beasiswa. Klik disini untuk mendaftar secara on-line

Beasiswa Master Beasiswa MM di Prasetya Mulya Business School

9.1.13 |

BIZCAMP Challenge: Prasetiya Mulya for Indonesia Future Business Leaders merupakan suatu kegiatan kompetisi antar lulusan program S1 fresh graduate dan mahasiswa S1 tingkat akhir dari beberapa universitas ternama di Indonesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencari talenta baru calon pemimpin bisnis Indonesia masa depan yang memiliki karakter kuat. Pada kegiatan BIZCAMP ini, peserta akan diberikan tantangan merancang proposal bisnis yang inovatif serta proyek kegiatan sosial dan lingkungan. Prasetiya Mulya Business School akan memberikan pembekalan pengetahuan bisnis dan pelatihan keterampilan dengan melibatkan para professional bisnis untuk sesi sharing, guest lecture dan coaching. Diharapkan peserta memahami bahwa sebagai calon pemimpin bisnis masa depan, tidak hanya aspek keuntungan bisnis saja yang menjadi fokus, namun juga berpikir tentang aspek lingkungan dan dampak positif terhadap kehidupan masyarakat.

Tujuan diadakannya program BIZCAMP:
BIZCAMP Challenge bertujuan untuk mencari talenta baru pemimpin bisnis masa depan yang memiliki karakter sebagai berikut:

Memiliki jiwa dan sikap sebagai pemimpin (leadership), terutama sebagai pemimpin yang visioner (mempunyai visi jelas ke depan).
Memiliki kemampuan problem solving, yaitu mampu melakukan identifikasi dan memahami masalah yang sedang dihadapi, menghasilkan beberapa solusi alternatif, dan kemudian mengimplementasikan secara efektif untuk memecahkan permasalahan.
‘Berpikir secara Stratejik’ (Strategic Thinking), mampu menemukan dan mengembangkan suatu peluang yang unik untuk menciptakan suatu nilai melalui kemampuan dialog yang bersifat provokatif dan kreatif di antara orang-orang yang ada di dalam organisasi yang mampu mempengaruhi terhadap arah organisasi.
‘Berpikir secara Terintegrasi’ (Integrative Thinking), mampu menghadapi tekanan gagasan yang bertentangan secara konstruktif, menghasilkan resolusi yang kreatif dalam bentuk gagasan baru yang berisi elemen dari gagasan yang bertentangan ketimbang memilih salah satu dan mengorbankan yang lain.
Mampu memiliki pandangan tidak hanya dari satu aspek namun terdiri dari beberapa aspek yang sifatnya multi dan integratif (multi perspective thinking).
Memberi wadah bagi generasi muda untuk menuangkan dan memvisualisasikan pemikiran dan kreativitasnya dalam bentuk ide proposal bisnis yang inovatif.

Bentuk kegiatan program BIZCAMP:

Seleksi untuk mendapatkan 30 finalis terdiri atas rangkaian seleksi administratif dan tes potensi akademik, psikotes, diskusi kelompok, games, pembuatan proposal karya tulis dan presentasi serta wawancara. Seluruh proses menggunakan sistem gugur.
30 finalis terpilih akan mengikuti proses karantina dan kompetisi BIZCAMP.
Pemenang akan mendapatkan kesempatan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di program MM Prasetiya Mulya.
Syarat Kandidat Bizcamp
Persyaratan untuk mengikuti kompetisi BIZCAMP adalah:

Peserta adalah mahasiswa S1 sederajat (minimal semester 7 atau maksimal 2 tahun kelulusan).
Belum pernah dan/atau tidak sedang menjalani pendidikan S2.
Memiliki minat terhadap bidang bisnis, ekonomi, marketing atau akuntansi.
Memiliki prestasi yang baik di universitas.
Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi, ekstra kurikuler dan kepanitiaan di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah.
Memiliki prestasi atau bakat lain diluar kemampuan akademis.
Lulus seluruh proses seleksi.
Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi sesuai waktu yang ditetapkan.
Berminat serius untuk meneruskan pendidikan ke jenjang S2
Program Agenda 2013

Roadshow (seminar & presentation)
8 (eight) major cities in Java Island on January – April 2013 (with a target number of ± 100 student registrants in each city). The cities to be visited are: Bandung, Bogor, Jakarta, Malang, Solo, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Surabaya.

Online Registration
The online registration will be opened in 03 January 2013 and will be closed on 06 April 2013

Test (Written test & interview)

Phase I selection tests (Jabodetabek area): on 21 April 2013.
Phase II Selection Test group discussion + Interview (Jabodetabek area): on 24 – 26 April 2013
Prasetiya Mulya will arrange admission test in other major cities with minimum of 30 participants.
The schedule for the admission test will be between 29 April – 05 May 2013.
Finalist Announcement: Monday, 13 May 2013.
This BIZCAMP will be held for five days, 26 May – 02 June 2013 at PMBS Cilandak Campus, Jakarta Selatan

For more information, please visit official website:

Info Beasiswa Internship Program di National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS)


National Institute for Physiological Sciences (NIPS) (Department of Physiological Sciences, School of Life Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) invites foreign students who wish to stay at NIPS for approximately 2 weeks (internship) in 2013. The aim of the internship is to provide students who are thinking of entrance to our PhD course program with an opportunity to experience our education system and research activity. We believe this opportunity will be very helpful to students in making a decision to enter our graduate university. We will support travel and stay expenses.

To apply for the NIPS Internship 2013

Please register yourself.
IMMEDIATELY after registration, please send your [Curriculum Vitae] including [official records of your scores in schools] to “” as PDF files.
If you wish, you can also send PDF files of recommendation letter(s).

[Important Note] Without the submission of (2), your application is incomplete and we do NOT accept it.

Application deadline: February 8, 2013
Intern period: approximately 2 weeks between May, 2013 and January, 2014
(The title of inquiry Email should be “NIPS Internship 2013”)
Amount of support: upper limit of the support including the airfare and accommodation fee is 200,000 Japanese Yen/person.
Email address for inquiries :

For more information, please visit official website:

Info Beasiswa S2 Beasiswa Master di University of Essex


Our new Academic Excellence International Masters Scholarship supports overseas students who are funding their own studies at the University of Essex. We are offering a scholarship worth £2,000 if your grades in your first degree are equivalent to a UK first class degree.

This new scholarship scheme is for students seeking to join our University in October 2013. Awards will be made on the basis of grades obtained in your first degree, so all applications for relevant courses will automatically be considered. The scholarship is awarded as a partial tuition fee waiver and is available for students on postgraduate taught courses (excluding MBA).

All our relevant course applications, received by the given deadline, will automatically be considered for this scholarship and a fee discount applied to all who meet our grade requirements.


These scholarships are restricted to applicants who are overseas fee payers and are entirely self-funded. They are not available to students who are fully or partly sponsored.
Students must have been awarded a first degree with a grade equivalent to a UK first class honours bachelor’s degree.
Only one scholarship award can be made per student and the award cannot normally be held in conjunction with other University of Essex scholarships.
These scholarships do not apply to deferred entry. Where a student, to whom a scholarship has been offered, requests deferred entry, the award will be considered again in line with the terms and conditions that apply in the new proposed year of entry.
How do I apply?

These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and all academic applications will automatically be considered.
The University will use official transcripts and certificates, submitted as part of the original application, as evidence of grades achieved and no alternative supporting evidence will be accepted.
Applicants who have firmly accepted an offer of a place by 30 September 2013, and met the academic conditions of entry, will be considered for these scholarships. Applications submitted after that date may be considered depending on availability of funds.
Successful applicants will be informed, in writing, by the end of October 2013 of any award to be offered.
Payment arrangements

These scholarships will only be made available as a partial waiver on the tuition fee that is payable on registration at the University.
These terms and conditions apply to the academic year 2013-14. The University of Essex reserves the right to update these terms and conditions as necessary.

For more information, please visit official website:

Info Beasiswa s2 di Portsmouth University


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) scholarships for 2013 entry are open to Home, EU and International students. You can apply to be considered if you:

Are fully self-funding
Have applied to, and been offered a place on, the MBA programme
Master of Business Administration (full time – one year and two year programmes) Scholarships & Bursaries
We are offering one full scholarship (100% reduction off the course fee) and a number of scholarships at 50% and 30% reduction off the course fee are available. Please note the scholarships cannot be taken in conjunction with any other discount or bursary offered by the University with the exception of the 2% early payment discount which is applied to the net value of the fee. The early payment discount is available to self-funding students who pay their tuition fee in full in advance of the beginning of the academic year.

 Please complete the Master of Business Administration Scholarship Application Form (Word version if required), and submit this for the first round of scholarships no later than 21st December 2012 for the first round, 1st March 2013 for the second round and 31st May 2013 for the final round of scholarships. Successful scholarship applicants will be required to accept their place on the programme within four weeks of notification in order to obtain the reduction in the fee. International self-funding students who are not applying for a scholarship can find information about the GOAL Award International Student Bursary Scheme by visiting the international student bursary page.

Part-time Executive MBA Scholarships
We are delighted to offer one full scholarship (100% reduction off the course fee) and a number of scholarships at 50% and 30% reduction off the course fee. Please note the scholarships cannot be taken in conjunction with any other discount or bursary offered by the University with the exception of the 2% early payment discount which is applied to the net value of the fee. The early payment discount is available to self-funding students who pay their tuition fee in full in advance of the beginning of the academic year.

Please complete an MBA Scholarship Application Form (Word version if required) and submit this for the first round of scholarships no later than 21st December 2012 for the first round, 1st March 2013 for the second round and 31st May 2013 for the final round of scholarships. Successful scholarship applicants will be required to accept their place on the programme within four weeks of notification in order to obtain the reduction in the fee.

If you have any questions regarding our scholarships, please contact:

The Admissions Centre
Portsmouth Business School
Richmond Building
Portland Street
Portsmouth PO1 3DE

Tel: +44 (0)23 9284 8200
Fax: +44 (0)23 9284 4040

Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa Chuo University, Japan


Chuo University, Japan is offering an exchange program for undergraduate and graduate students of UGM. The program will be held for one semester and one year, starts April 2013 and September 2013, with guaranteed university accomodation and estimated living cost JPY 100,000/month. All courses will be taught in Japanese, so Chuo University also offers free Japanese language course for international students. Please click here for the list of courses offered in English.

For those who are interested, please submit these required documents:

Application form (click here to download).
Certificate of health (click here to download).
Motivation letter (250 – 500 words).
Certificate of enrollment from your faculty.
Letter of recommendation from your faculty.
Copy of TOEFL certificate (minimum score 520) or Japanese proficiency test certificate.
Copy of your transcript (minimum GPA 3.00).
Copy of your passport.

to OIA UGM before October 20, 2012 (for April 2013 admission) and April 20, 2013 (for September 2013 admission).

Office of International Affairs
Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Phone : (62-274) 563974
Fax : (62-274) 552810
E-mail :

For more information, please visit official website:

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