Info Beasiswa s2 di Korea Korea National University of Arts

2.4.13 |

2013 AMFEK Outline
Korea National University of Arts

As an affiliated organization of Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea(hereafter MCST), the Korea National University of Arts runs the short-term fellowship program for Art educators and professionals called Art Major Faculty ‘Explore K-Arts’(hereafter, AMFEK). AMFEK is sponsored by the MCST and invites professionals and academic researcher in various art fields from abroad each year for 6 months for the purpose to promote artistic cooperation and cultural understanding and introduce Korean traditional and contemporary culture.
 Program Objectives
  To promote the artistic and cultural network and cooperation by inviting art educators, researchers, or professional artists from institutions specialized in arts around the world
  To allow students to experience cultural diversity through exchange with invited art professionals and to strengthen the artistic creativity
■ Program Outline
  Invitation Eligibility
-          Professionals working actively as faculty members, artists, or art administrators of an artistic/cultural institution (Ages 25~45)
-          Field of Program:  6 schools* of Korea National University of Arts
* Music, Dance, Visual Arts, Drama, Film/TV/ Multimedia, Korean Traditional Arts
-          Region : Asia, Africa, East Europe
-          Period :   Jun. 1 ~ Dec. 1, 2013 (Apprx. 6 months)
-          Requirement: Fluent in English OR in Korean language
-          Number of Participant:  4
 * Former CPI Participants cannot apply.

 Support to Participant
-          1 round-trip airfare(economy class, up to 2,000 USD)
-          Accommodation : an en suite bedroom 
-          Living expenses: KRW 900,000
 ( apprx. USD 700, subject to change according to currency rate)
-          Korean language lessons(200 hours)
-          Insurance, Cultural field trips, etc.
-          Partial or full support on proposed projects such as workshop, symposium, exhibition, performance, etc. according to its feasibility and importance
    *Living expenses, material cost or research cost beyond the above should be charged on each participant.
 Activity and Obligation
-          Final report (Memoire, Performance, Exhibition, Film or Documentary production, etc.)
-          200 hours of Korean language lesson  
-     Weekly report
-          Participation in cultural events for the reciprocal cultural understanding; Festival, Seminar, Special Lecture, etc.
-          Participation on the research/creation project
1 K-Arts faculty member will be paired with the AMFeK participant as a mentor
Examples of research/artistic projects
-          A study on art education methodology or on the art administration
-          A study on building regional network on Art education between Asia andAmerica 
-          Joint-production of film/documentary
-          Joint workshop, performance or exhibition
 How to apply
 ◦ Due date : April 15, 2013
    Will begin work as AMFEK Fellow on June 1, 2013. Arrival dates are negotiable when impossible to arrive in Korea before June 1, 2013.  
◦ What to submit :
-  AMFEK Application Form
-  Certificate of employment or career
-  Portfolio (slides, video, dvd, etc.)
-  Proposal of research or project
-  Statement of self-introduction
-  2 Letters of recommendation by the chiefs of the employed organization
-  A copy of passport
-  2 passport photos
-  Medical clearance proof
◦ Where to submit :
Application send to
Ms. Seunghee LEE
Office of External Affairs
Korea National University of Arts
#146-37, Hwarang-ro 32-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 136-716, Korea
Tel. +82 2 746 9075  Fax. +82 2 746 9079 (should call in to confirm receipt of Fax)

 Evaluation Procedures
Upon review of application packages submitted, passing candidates will be individually notified for follow-up interview or official invitation. 

Informasi Detail dan Formulir Pendaftaran bisa di dowload di Link berikut:

Info Beasiswa S2 di Jepang tahun keberangkatan 2014

1.4.13 |

Program Research Student
Keberangkatan 2014 untuk Umum

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2014 telah dibuka pada 1 April 2013 dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 30 April 2013.

Program ini ditujukan untuk mereka yang berminat dalam program research student di perguruan tinggi di Jepang.
Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke program degree (S-2 / S-3 / professional graduate course) atau meneruskan program S-3 setelah menyelesaikan program S-2 / professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.
Peminat juga dapat langsung masuk ke program degree tanpa mengikuti research student apabila telah mendapatkan izin dari universitas yang bersangkutan. Beasiswa diberikan tanpa ikatan dinas, mencakup biaya kuliah dan biaya hidup.

  1. Lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1979.
  2. IPK minimal 3.0 dari tingkat perguruan tinggi terakhir
  3. Nilai TOEFL-PBT minimal 550 atau TOEFL-IBT 79 atau IELTS Minimal 6.0, atau nilai Japanese Language Proficiency Test minimal level 2.
  4. Memilih bidang studi yang sama dengan disiplin ilmu sebelumnya.
  5. Bersedia belajar Bahasa Jepang.
  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
CARA PELAMARAN (& Info lebih lanjut) :

Info Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora)

28.3.13 |

JAKARTA - Asyiknya ikut pertukaran pelajar adalah kita enggak hanya kenal dengan teman-teman baru dari berbagai negara, tetapi juga berkesempatan jalan-jalan gratis ke negara asing. Tentu saja, sambil jalan-jalan itu kita belajar banyak hal dari negara, penduduk, dan kebudayaan negara yang kita singgahi.
Contohnya, beasiswa Pertukaran Pemuda Antar Negara (PPAN) Kementerian Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kemenpora) Republik Indonesia ini. Selama sepuluh hari hingga tujuh bulan, pemuda-pemudi Indonesia bisa mengikuti berbagai jenis pertukaran pelajar di berbagai negara.
Syaratnya mudah, kok. Pelamar program ini haruslah merupakan warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta belum menikah. Pelamar juga harus memiliki wawasan luas tentang Tanah Air dan dunia internasional.
Selain itu, pelamar harus memiliki kemampuan seni dan budaya Indonesia atau skill yang dapat dikontribusikan untuk program. Misalnya, fotografi, film making, menulis, public speaking, membatik, dll.
Ada juga persyaratan khusus untuk tiap program. Pelamar Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) berusia 21-25 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) berusia 20-30 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange Program (IMYEP) berusia 23-27 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP) berusia 18-25 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; pelamar Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP) berusia 18-23 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013; dan pelamar China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (CHIYEP): berusia 23-28 tahun per 1 Agustus 2013.
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online di laman masing-masing Purna Caraka Muda Indonesia (PCMI) tiap provinsi. Misalnya, pemuda-pemudi Jawa Tengah bisa membuka laman PCMI Jawa Tengahuntuk melihat informasi pendaftaran secara online.
Menurut laman PCMI Jawa Tengah tersebut, Jumat (22/3/2013), berkas lamaran dikirimkan dalam satu email ke sebelum Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013 Pukul 13.00 WIB. Tuliskan subject “PPAN2013_Nama Pendaftar”, contoh: PPAN2013_Dewi Lestari.
Dalam berkas lamaran tersebut, lampirkan scan KTP, scan sertifikat kompetensi berbahasa Inggris TOEFL Paper (450)/TOEFL IBT (40)/ TOEIC (400)/IELTS (4,0); dan dokumen pendukung yang relevan seperti sertifikat prestasi, dokumentasi kegiatan, dan surat rekomendasi.
Secara ringkas, berikut penjelasan tentang masing-masing program PPAN:
Tema: Cross-Cultural Understanding & LeadershipDurasi: dua bulan
Elemen Program: Homestay, JASEAN Youth Leader Summit, Onboard Activities, Discussion, Club activity, Courtesy Call, Institutional Visit.
2. Indonesia-Canada Youth Exchange Program (ICYEP)
Tema: Youth Leadership in Action (Community Development & Volunteering)
Durasi: tujuh bulan (3,5 bulan fase Kanada, 3,5 bulan fase Indonesia)
Elemen program: Host Family, Work Placement, Counterpart, Educational Activity Day, Culture Show, Community Project, Sector Project 

3. Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP)
Tema: ProfessionalismDurasi: empat bulan (dua bulan fase Australia, dua bulan fase Indonesia)
Elemen Program: Homestay, Internship, Social Activities, Counterpart, Art Performance.
Tema: EntrepreneurshipDurasi: 10 hari
Elemen Program: Courtesy Call, Field Visit, Art Performance, Homestay.
5. Indonesia-Korea Youth Exchange Program (IKYEP)
Tema: Art & CultureDurasi: 20 hari
Elemen Program: Art Workshop, Art Performance, Homestay, Institutional Visit, Field Trip, Courtesy Call.
6. China-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (CHIYEP)
Tema: Youth EmpowerementDurasi: 10 hari
Elemen Program: Courtesy Call, Visit, Comparative study about Youth Empowerment in China.(rfa)
Sumber: Okezone

Info Beasiswa New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) tahun 2014


Beasiswa New Zealand ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) mengundang anda untuk menempuh pendidikan pasca sarjana di New Zealand.

Batas waktu pengajuan aplikasi beasiswa ini akan ditutup pada tanggal 22 April 2013. Informasi detail mengenai beasiswa berikut dengan formulir aplikasi, bisa dilihat melalui website

Aplikasi bisa dikirim ke:
PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO Box 1808
JKP 10018

Bila ada pertanyaan silakan mengirimkan email ke

Info Beasiswa 2014 di Turki untuk Undergraduate, dan PostGraduate


Türkiye scholarships consist of these opportunities:

• Monthly Pocket Money
- For Vocational School Students 500 TL (approximately 300 USD) per month

- For Undergraduate Students 500 TL (approximately 300 USD) per month

- For Master's Students 750 TL (approximately 450 USD) per month

- For Ph.D. Students 1000 TL (approximately 575 USD) per month

• Housing
Türkiye Scholarship students can stay in public university dormitories without paying anyfee. Students who do not want to stay in these dormitories can use other housing possibilities on their own expenses.

• Tuition Fee
Türkiye Scholarship students do not pay any tuition or university fee for education.

• Health Expenses
Türkiye Scholarship students are covered by public health insurance.

• Turkish Language Course
Türkiye Scholarship Students take Turkish language course for one year if they do not have proof of Turkish Language knowledge. Students who are placed in departments which instruct in other languages than Turkish also must take Turkish Language Course.

Türkiye Scholarship students will get certain amount of money for their transportation expenses at their first arrival to Türkiye and departure after graduation from Türkiye. 

All nationalities (excepct Turkish) are eligible for this scholarships. Application deadline for Postgraduate and Doctoral programs: 31 March 2013. Application deadline for Undergraduate program: 31 May 2013. For further info about the scholarship, please proceed to the link below.

Info beasiswa 2014 di Tohoku University


Rekan2 pencari beasiswa

Berikut ada kesempatan beasiswa untuk yg berminat melanjutkan study di Tohoku University di bidang Disaster and Global Safety Science, mulai April tahun ini telah dimulai program beasiswa 5 tahun (master-doktor terusan) Global Safety, Disaster Science and Engineering. Info lengkapnya bisa dilihat di laman ini

Note: Berhubung pagenya dalam bahasa Jepang, silakan gunakan google translate untuk menerjemahkan.

Beberapa info dari orang dalam: program ini sangat well designed, dan utk mahasiswanya tersedia beragam funding untuk menunjang riset ybs. termasuk di dalamnya peluang untuk short stay di univ2 yang punya collaboration research dengan IRIDeS ( seperti USGS, DLR, Univ. Lyon, Hawaii Univ. UCL dll. Profesor2 dari univ2 dan institusi tersebut nanti juga punya lecture sendiri di program ini.


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