Info Deadline Beasiswa New Zealand Scholarships

9.4.13 |

New Zealand Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia

New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards: Indonesia

Open to eligible candidates from the public, private and civil society sectors.
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills and qualifications to contribute to sustainable economic, social and political development within ASEAN nations.  


The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards seek to make a substantial contribution to the ASEAN region’s development by providing opportunities for postgraduate study (i.e. Postgraduate Diploma, Master’s degree and doctorate/PhD) in New Zealand.
The New Zealand-ASEAN Scholars Awards (NZ-AS) are part of the New Zealand’s official development assistance to the ASEAN region. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), through the New Zealand Aid Programme, delivers this scholarship scheme.
Under the NZ-AS scheme, from total of 182 scholarships to candidates from ASEAN countries, up to 50 scholarships per annum are available for Indonesian applicants. The scholarships are for full time study (see the “Scholarships Benefits’ in the below attached "Country profile" document) at one of the nine eligible New Zealand Institutions (see the list under ‘Where Can You Study’ also in the below attached "Country profile" document).

Who can apply

People who meet the following profile may apply for the NZ-AS scholarships:
The New Zealand Aid Programme welcomes applicants from Indonesia who can demonstrate leadership qualities or potential for future leadership and academic excellence from the public and private sectors including: From civil society, university lecturers, development-focused organisations and charitable foundations. There is also available a special allocation (total of 2 awards) for people working for the ASEAN Secretariat, (see ‘Target Candidates’ below).
All candidates should demonstrate how their proposed course of study will contribute to Indonesia’s overall development strategies. The NZ-AS will in particular prioritise those whose fields of study closely align to Indonesia’s sustainable economic development objectives, especially in the areas of agriculture, renewable energy, (especially geothermal energy) and disaster risk management.
NZ-AS candidates will be preferably under 40 years of age at the time of application for Masters and under 45 years of age at the time of application for PhD. Those with work experiences in a field relevant to their intended course of postgraduate study, and can demonstrate a connection between their previous field of study and their intended field of postgraduate study.
Applicants must also meet the ‘General Eligibility Criteria’ outlined below and in the NZ-AS Indonesia Country Profile, (attached below).

Targeted Candidates

While anyone is welcome to apply, the NZ-AS may prioritise those who intend to study in areas aligned to the New Zealand Aid Programme Country Strategy 2012-2016 key thematic areas:
  1. Geographic area: Individuals from Eastern Indonesia (West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua). Eastern Indonesia is a geographic area of focus in New Zealand’s bilateral development programme in recognition of the complexity of the development challenges faced within these sub-regions compared to most other parts of the archipelago. The New Zealand Aid Programme has had a longstanding association with Eastern Indonesia and we believe it is important to continue that commitment through developing human capital needs so the sub-region can progress and make the most of the opportunities that exist in these provinces for development.  
  2. Government departments: Individuals from the Ministries of Agriculture, Forestry, Mineral Resources and Energy, and Marine Resources and Fisheries (including relevant research institutions under those Ministries); Environment; Tourism; Education; Foreign Affairs; National Police; National Agency for Planning and Development; Ministry of Defence (civilian officials); and National Agency for Disaster Management.

Application dates

22 April 2013 - Closing date for applications to be submitted to PTAN
Application Form (attached below).

Contact for further information

Managing Service Contractor for New Zealand ASEAN Scholar Awards in Indonesia:                                                                                                                                                                            
PT. Austraining Nusantara (PTAN)
PO Box 1808
JKP 10018                                                                                                                                                 
Tel: 021 5292 0810
Fax: 021-5292 0818
New Zealand Aid Programme Website
Embassy Facebook

[file] Indonesia_Country-profile.pdf
[file] NZ-ASEAN- Scholars-Awards-Application-Form-Jan 2013.pdf

Beasiswa di Italia

8.4.13 |

Call for applications 2013/2014 [English, Italian]

Accademic Requirements

Admission to IMT's PhD program is competitive on an international level, with evaluation mainly focusing on past academic performance (grades) and scientific relevance to the selected track. First and foremost, however, certain basic formal requirements must be met before candidates are eligible to apply. Namely, applicants must have completed and obtained a degree equivalent to at least 4 years of university studies. (Students in their final year of undergraduate study may be admitted on the condition that their bachelor's degree is awarded before they enroll at IMT.)

Applications are open to candidates without regard to nationality, age, gender or religion. Proficiency in English is compulsory as research and teaching are conducted in English. No knowledge of Italian is requested. Candidates must apply via the online application form by the deadline set in the Call for Applications (July 17th, 2013 at 18:00 Italian time).

Formal requirement for admission are:

"Laurea Magistrale" (or "Specialistica") or a "Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento" from an Italian University
A foreign university degree of at least 4 years (or full time equivalent - the eligibility of the foreign degree is assessed by the track selection committee).
Applicants obtaining their degree by no later than October 31, 2013 can also apply.
For any additional questions, please contact the PhD office directly.

PhD 2013/2014 Application Form 

Info Beasiswa S2 dan beasiswa s3 di Jepang, tahun keberangkatan 2014

2.4.13 |

Program Research Student
Keberangkatan 2014 untuk Umum

Pendaftaran untuk keberangkatan tahun 2014 telah dibuka pada 1 April 2013 dan akan ditutup pada tanggal 30 April 2013.

Program ini ditujukan untuk mereka yang berminat dalam program research student di perguruan tinggi di Jepang.
Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke program degree (S-2 / S-3 / professional graduate course) atau meneruskan program S-3 setelah menyelesaikan program S-2 / professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan.
Peminat juga dapat langsung masuk ke program degree tanpa mengikuti research student apabila telah mendapatkan izin dari universitas yang bersangkutan. Beasiswa diberikan tanpa ikatan dinas, mencakup biaya kuliah dan biaya hidup.

  1. Lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1979.
  2. IPK minimal 3.0 dari tingkat perguruan tinggi terakhir
  3. Nilai TOEFL-PBT minimal 550 atau TOEFL-IBT 79 atau IELTS Minimal 6.0, atau nilai Japanese Language Proficiency Test minimal level 2.
  4. Memilih bidang studi yang sama dengan disiplin ilmu sebelumnya.
  5. Bersedia belajar Bahasa Jepang.
  6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
CARA PELAMARAN (& Info lebih lanjut) :

Info beasiswa Ikatan Dinas Sekolah Kedinasan 2013


Berikut info Kuliah dan Ikatan Dinas, mungkin manfaat buat keluarga atau sodara.
Ada 7 Info Perguruan Tinggi Kedinasan yang mungkin bermanfaat buat Anak Sendiri, Keponakan, atau Anak Tetangga yang ingin kuliah tapi gak pengen membebani biaya kuliah kepada Orang Tua. Selain itu, begitu tamat kuliah, langsung ditempatkan di Kementerian/Lembaga RI yang terkait.
1. STIS – di bawah Badan Pusat Statistik (dapat uang saku per bulannya Rp. 850.000), pendaftaran online (4 april s.d. 20 Mei 2013 di Lokasi kuliah Jakarta
2. AKAMIGAS-STEM – Akademi Minyak dan Gas Bumi (Sekolah Tinggi Enerji dan Mineral) di bawah Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral RI. Lokasi kuliah Cepu, Jawa Tengah (Kawasan Rig dan pengeboran minyak) – Info bisa dilihat di
3. MMTC – Sekolah Tinggi Multi Media Training Center di bawah Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika RI (Kominfo).Pendaftaran online di Lokasi kuliah di Yogyakarta
4. STSN – Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara – di bawah Lembaga sandi Negara. Pendaftaran online di
Lokasi kuliah di Bogor
5. STKS – Sekolah Tinggi Kesejahteraan Sosial di bawah Kementerian Sosial RI. Pendaftaran offline di Kemenkes RI, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Padang, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Jayapura, Palu.Info di
6. STPN – Sekolah Tinggi Pertanahan Nasional di bawah Badan Pertanahan Nasional RI. Pendaftaran online di
Lokasi kuliah Yogyakarta
7. IPDN – Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri di bawah Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI. Pendaftaran offline di Bagian Kepegawaian Daerah Kabupaten/ Kota seluruh Indonesia. Lokasi kuliah Jakarta, Pekanbaru, Manado, Bukittinggi, Makassar.

Bisa disebarkan ke Anak atau Saudara Kita yg baru lulus  SLTA

Semoga Bermanfaaat.

Info Beasiswa s3 di Utah State University (USU)


Source: AGU Careers

PhD Research Assistantships - Hydroinformatics and Hydrologic Modeling Systems

The Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL) is a stand-alone facility located at Utah State University (USU) on the Logan River, Logan, Utah. The UWRL( operates within an academic environment and collaborates with government and private sectors to address technical and societal aspects of water-related issues, including quality, quantity, distribution, and conjunctive use. This is accomplished through providing more than 100,000 square feet of state-of-the-art laboratory, computer, and office space. 

PhD Research Assistantships
Up to three PhD student assistantships are available at Utah State University starting Fall 2013 for graduate students to help develop cyberinfrastructure to support hydrology and water resources modeling and to more seamlessly share data, hydrologic models, and model components. This research is supported by multiple National Science Foundation grants, including HydroShare (, Utah’s innovative Urban Transitions and Aridregion Hydrosustainability (iUTAH) project (, CI-WATER (, and the CUAHSI HIS ( Modeling work will include development of technical approaches for coupling hydrologic models in support of developing holistic models of natural and human mediated hydrology of western water systems. Additional cyberinfrastructure research may include development of software systems supporting sensors and sensor networks, automated quality control and management of streaming sensor data, analysis and visualization of large, sensor-derived datasets, new methods for sharing hydrologic data and models, and enhanced information and data models for hydrologic and environmental data.

  • Assistantships will be awarded through the Utah Water Research Laboratory at Utah State University
  • Applicants must apply for admission through the USU graduate school
  • Applicants should have a background in engineering, hydrology, computer science, or a closely related field
  • Priority will be given to students with experience or strong interest in computer programming, hydrologic modeling, and/or cyberinfrastructure development.

For more information on the application process, please contact Dr. Jeff Horsburgh  Utah State University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages applicants from all backgrounds to apply.

Info beasiswa s2 dan beasiswa s3 di LSKK ITB untuk Perioda Agustus 2013


Dengan hormat,
Bersama ini diumumkan pendaftaran seleksi beasiswa untuk Program Magister & Doktoral ITB yang residensi di Grup LSKK, Sekolah Teknik Elektro & Informatika Institut Teknologi Bandung.Beasiswa mencakup Program Magister Teknik Elektro (opsi Teknik Komputer, opsi Kendali & Sistem Cerdas, opsi Mekatronika dan Opsi Teknologi Media Digital & Game ) serta untuk Program Doktor Teknik Elektro & Informatika.
Beasiswa mencakup Biaya Pendidikan & Biaya Penelitian.
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan tertentu, juga disediakan biaya hidup.
Persyaratan umum:
- Latar Belakang Pendidikan: Sains & Teknik
- IPK >= 3,25
- Nilai Tes Potensi Akademik minimal 500 dari OTTO BAPPENAS, Nilai EPT (ELPT) 93.
- Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter
- Surat Ijin dan Rekomendasi dari Atasan bagi yang telah bekerja
Grup LSKK juga membantu mengkoordinir pelaksanaan tes TPA dan EPT dengan jadwal-jadwal tertentu.
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut:
1. Aspek Administrasi Pendidikan: sdr. Rahman Faisal ( ) +62-22-250960
2. Aspek Akademik: Dr. Ir. Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto ( )
Pendaftaran beasiswa dapat juga dilakukan secara online melalui
Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

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