The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) is offering Arryman Fellowship for Indonesian graduate students holding an S1 or S2 degree

14.9.13 |

The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF) is offering Arryman Fellowship for Indonesian graduate students holding an S1 or S2 degree. This award is an innovative “1+6” educational scholarship leading to the doctoral degree at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA). This six-year award covers the second phase of the “1+6” design. Arryman Scholars receive full tuition, a stipend for living expenses, travel and research support, as well as other funding to advance their scholarly development. December 31, 2013 is the application deadline.
Study Subject(s): ISRSF seeks applicants in the fields of political science, history, law, journalism and communications, anthropology, sociology, or economic development studies.
Course Level: This award is an innovative “1+6” educational scholarship leading to the doctoral degree at Northwestern University in Chicago (USA).
Scholarship Provider: The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation (ISRSF)
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
-Indonesian citizens preferably 35 years or younger.
-College or university graduates with a strong record of performance in their S1 or S2 degree program.
-A deep commitment to becoming a world-class scholar devoted to an academic career of teaching, research, and publication.
-A minimum iBT TOEFL score of 70 (test date no earlier than June 1, 2012).
Scholarship Open for International Students: Indonesian citizens can apply for this fellowship.
Scholarship Description: The Indonesian Scholarship and Research Support Foundation’s main objective is to cultivate a new generation of world-class Indonesian scholars and provide on-going support for innovative research and knowledge on important societal issues. ISRSF believes that a deliberate effort focused on producing committed scholars will significantly increase the number of Indonesian academics who are not only devoted to teaching, but also to path-breaking research and publication. To achieve this important goal, ISRSF will recruit, train, and graduate twenty innovative scholars focused mainly in the social sciences, but also doctorates in law, business, journalism and communications, and economic development studies. Each year until 2016 we will select four talented Indonesians who show great potential to become leading scholars. These Arryman Fellows will spend one year conducting research, studying English intensively, and taking graduate classes for credit in preparation for doctoral studies. Arryman Fellows are then eligible to receive six-year awards from ISRSF as Arryman Scholars to pursue their Ph.D at Northwestern University in Chicago, USA.
Number of award(s): Each year until 2016 ISRSF will select four talented Indonesians who show great potential to become leading scholars.
Duration of award(s): The duration of the award is for six years.
What does it cover? Arryman Fellows who are successfully admitted during their First year to a Northwestern Ph.D. program are eligible to become Arryman Scholars. This six-year award covers the second phase of the “1+6” design. Arryman Scholars receive full tuition, a stipend for living expenses, travel and research support, as well as other funding to advance their scholarly development.
How to Apply: The mode of applying is online.
 Scholarship Application Deadline: The deadline to submit your application is December 31, 2013.
Further Official Scholarship Information and Application

Beasiswa Master dan Doktoral di Universitas Malaysia

10.9.13 |


Postgraduate Studies Scholarship at Malaysian Universities. The duration of the award is 36 months for PhD and between 12 to 24 months for Masters Programme. International students can apply for these scholarships. To be eligible for this scholarship, applicants must not be more than 45 years of age during application and must have a minimum of Second Class Upper (Honours) or a CGPA of 3.5/4.0 at Bachelor Degree Level for Masters Degree program and for PhD programme must possess CGPA 3.5/4.0 or very good result at Masters degree level in a similar field of intended PhD study.

Info Beasiswa s1 dan Info beasiswa s2 The Open Society Fellowship

4.6.13 |

The Open Society Fellowship was founded in 2008 to support individuals pursuing innovative and unconventional approaches to fundamental open society challenges. The fellowship funds work that will enrich public understanding of those challenges and stimulate far-reaching and probing conversations within the Open Society Foundations and in the world.

A fellowship project might identify a problem that has not previously been recognized, develop new policy ideas to address familiar problems, or offer a new advocacy strategy. Project themes should cut across at least two areas of interest to the Open Society Foundations. Among these are human rights, government transparency, access to information and to justice, and the promotion of civil society and social inclusion.

Fellows are expected to take full advantage of the foundations' expansive reach and work to bring new people and fresh ideas into the organization's ambit. Successful projects should push the boundaries of current thinking and carry lessons that can be applied to a variety of settings. Fellows may produce a variety of work products, including publications such as books, reports, or blogs; innovative public-education projects; or the launch of new campaigns or organizations. They may also engage in activities such as hosting panel discussions, traveling to conferences, participating in policy debates, and aggressively promoting their ideas in public venues.

Interested applicants should first download and review the fellowship guidelines at left. Applications are accepted online at

Eligibility Criteria
The Open Society Fellowship accepts proposals from anywhere in the world. Applicants should possess a deep understanding of their chosen subject and a track record of professional accomplishment. Past and current fellows have included journalists, activists, academics, and practitioners in a variety of fields. Successful applicants will be eager to exploit the many resources offered by the Open Society Foundations and be prepared to engage constructively with our global network. Ideal fellows are specialists who can see beyond the parochialisms of their field and possess the tenacity to complete a project of exceptional merit. Proficiency in spoken English is required.

Ineligibility Criteria
The fellowship does not fund enrollment for degree or non-degree study at academic institutions, including dissertation research.

This is a fellowship for individuals only; proposals from two or more applicants will not be accepted.

Applicants who are uncertain whether their topic fits within the foundations' focus areas are invited to submit a brief letter of inquiry, accompanied by a CV, before proceeding with the online application process. That letter of inquiry should be addressed to

Proposals received by August 1, 2013, will be evaluated by December 1, 2013. The following deadline will be February 1, 2014, for evaluation later that year.

Info beasiswa s2, info beasiswa master di perminyakan, Scholarship: Master's degree in petroleum geosciences


Scholarship: Master's degree in petroleum geosciences


New deadline: June 15. 2013

The “Dick Murphy Scholarship Award” by SEAPEX aims to promote petroleum geoscience expertise in Southeast Asia. Now on its third year.

To be eligible you must:

Be a Southeast Asia National (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar).
Be a member or have applied for membership of SEAPEX.
Have a provisional acceptance/place to study a Master's degree in petroleum geosciences at a recognized university.

If you meet the above eligibility requirements, complete the application form and submit with the following supporting documents:

Endorsement letter and/or evidence of acceptance from host university.
Copy of Bachelor's degree / academic records.
Recommendation letter from a course tutor / department head.
Other supporting documents that will aid application.

Application and supporting documents may be submitted to:

20 Upper Circular Road, The River Walk #01-06 Singapore 058416
Attention: Dick Murphy Scholarship

Or email scanned copies to:

Info Beasiswa S2, Info Beasiswa master dalam negeri 2014


Dengan hormat kami informasikan, bahwa sesuai dengan amanah Permendiknas Nomor 12 Tahun 2007, tentang kualifikasi Pengawas Sekolah Pendidikan menengah minimal berpendidikan strata dua (S2). Menurut data yang kami peroleh Pengawas Dikmen SMA/SMK berjumlah 5.850 orang dan dari jumlah tersebut yang belum memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan S2 sebanyak 4.943 orang. Dengan demikian Pengawas Sekolah yang berkualifikasi S2 hanya sebanyak 16 % dari jumlah Pengawas Sekolah yang ada.

Sejak tahun 2010, Direktorat Tenaga Kependidikan Ditjen PMPTK bekerjasama dengan LPMP DKI Jakarta dan DI yogyakarta telah memberikan beasiswa S2 kepada 184 Pengawas Sekolah dan guru yang akan diproyeksikan menjadi Pengawas Sekolah Kab/Kota. Sampai saat ini sekitar 43 orang telah lulus dari program S2 Pengawas Sekolah yang diselenggarakan oleh Program Magister Universitas Indonesia dan 46 orang di Program Magister Universitas Gadjah Mada, sedangkan untuk tahun 2013 masih terdapat 37 Orang pada semester empat di Universitas Indonesia dan 58 orang di pada semester empat Universitas Gadjah Mada. Sejak tahun 2012 sesuai dengan perubahan organisasi Kemendikbud, program tersebut dilanjutkan oleh Direktorat Pembinaan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Menengah Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah dengan memberikan beasiswa kepada 148 Orang di empat LPTK terdiri dari 25 orang di Universitas Negeri Medan, 47 orang di Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 29 Orang di Universitas Negeri Makassar dan 48 orang di Universitas Negeri Semarang.

Pada tahun 2013 Direktorat P2TK Dikmen akan menlanjutkan program tersebut dengan memberikan beasiswa S2 kepengawasan kepada 100 orang Pengawas Sekolah atau calon Pengawas Sekolah, yang akan dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ), Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNESS), Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM) dan Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED).

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, kami mengharapkan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota untuk mengajukan calon penerima beasiswa program S2 Pengawas Pendidikan Menengah dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. Pengawas Sekolah SMA, SMK yang sudah bertugas, memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan S1, berusia maksimal 50 tahun pada bulan Juni 2013.
2. Guru Bidang Studi di SMA, SMK atau Kepala Sekolah SMA, SMK status PNS, yang akan diproyeksikan oleh Dinas Pendidikan yang bersangkutan menjadi Pengawas Sekolah dan memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan S1, berusia maksimal 48 tahun pada bulan Juni 2013 dengan masa kerja minimal 5 tahun.
3. Sehat jasmani dan rohani dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Dokter tidak menderita penyakit kronis sehingga dapat membahayakan pada waktu mengikuti pendidikan, dan bagi peserta wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil, serta tidak hamil selama pendidikan.
surat dan pedoman dapat di unduh dibawah ini.
Surat Usulan Calon Peserta Program S2
Pedoman Pemberian Beasiswa S2 Kepengawasan Bagi Pengawas Sekolah Dan Calon Pengawas Sekolah

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Info Beasiswa S2 di Italia, 20 Master Full Scholarships at Scuola Sant'Anna, Italy



20 Master Full Scholarships at Scuola Sant'Anna, Italy
Living allowance: 12000 Euro per year
Tuition fee for grant holder: Free
Apply online:

One-year 2nd-level Master organized by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna and Telecom Italia:

The Master is entirely held in English. Applicants of any citizenship should be resident in Italy and should have earned a prior Laurea Magistrale or Specialistica or previous regulation (or equivalent foreign Master degree) in the area of Information or Industrial Engineering before June 30, 2013.

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