10 postdoctoral positions in Paris, France
Labex Inflamex, Institute of Inflammatory Diseases, Paris
10 positions for postdoctoral scientists are available at the Institute of Inflammatory Disease in Paris. Projects involve the study of molecular mechanisms in the development of various inflammatory diseases, withinINFLAMEX, a cluster of excellence in the field of inflammation.
Starting date: beginning of May 2013
Salary will be 2400 to 2900 €/month for 2 years
Applications should be sent to: inflamex@univ-paris-diderot.fr
Dead line application March 20th, 2013
Information on the individuals projects is available at: www.inflamex.com
Salary will be 2400 to 2900 €/month for 2 years
Applications should be sent to: inflamex@univ-paris-
Dead line application March 20th, 2013
Information on the individuals projects is available at: www.inflamex.com