Showing posts with label beasiswa S1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beasiswa S1. Show all posts

BEASISWA bagi Masyarakat Provinsi NTB

1.11.11 |


Beasiswa HENRI merupakan program kerjasama antara USAID, Harvard University, Universitas Indonesia/SEAMEO RECFON, SUMMIT Institute of Development (SID), Universitas Andalas dan Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan (LPP) Universitas Mataram.

Beasiswa HENRI bertujuan secara umum untuk memberikan/menyediakan pelatihan bagi Peneliti dan Profesional bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia dalam Analisa dan Penggunaan Data Lokal untuk Pengambilan Keputusan.

Beasiswa HENRI khusus dibidang Gizi Masyarakat (Community Nutrition) untuk level Master dan Doctorate dan diselenggarakan di Universitas Indonesia, SEAMEO RECFON.

Komposisi Beasiswa HENRI adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Reimbursement Biaya Pendaftaran 
2. Tiket PP untuk mengikuti Tes Masuk UI (TPA dan Bahasa Inggris) 
3. Biaya Masuk UI
4. Biaya Kuliah Per Semester
5. Biaya Hidup
6. Asuransi Kesehatan
7. Tiket PP untuk memulai dan berakhirnya perkuliahan
8. Pengadaan Handout/Materi 

Tahapan Beasiswa HENRI
1. Diterima UI (memiliki bukti pendaftaran dan penerimaan UI)
2. Mengisi Formulir Beasiswa HENRI
3. Mengikuti Beasiswa HENRI Tes (Tes Tulis dan Wawancara)
4. Pengumuman Hasil

Bagi yang berminat dipersilahkan untuk melakukan registrasi online pada link dibawah ini: 

Informasi pendaftaran/registrasi online silahkan mengunjungi website:

Bagi yang sudah melakukan registrasi/pendaftaran pada web tersebut diatas, untuk lebih lanjut mohon menghubungi:

Mandri Apriatni
Mobile: 081.757.31317

Beasiswa IIEF 2012

21.10.11 |

Dengan hormat,

Dibawah ini adalah informasi beasiswa Indonesia English Language Study Program (IELSP) untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris (English for Academic Purposes) dalam program immersion dalam kelas-kelas internasional selama 8 minggu di universitas ternama di Amerika Serikat. Program ini diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa S1 (masih aktif – belum sidang kelulusan) dari berbagai jurusan dari universitas manapun di seluruh Indonesia.  
Batas akhir pendaftaran adalah tanggal 18 November 2011  (diterima di IIEF). 
Kami mohon bantuan Bapak-Ibu sekalian untuk dapat menyebarkan informasi ini kepada para anak didiknya karena beasiswa ini sangat memberikan pengalaman yang berharga bagi para mahasiswa kita. Informasi lengkap dapat dilihat pada info dibawah ini, dan kami sertakan pula formulir pendaftaran dalam bentuk attachment. Formulir dapat juga diunduh dari website: . Formulir ini dapat difotokopi.
Terima kasih,
Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)

“Frequently Asked Questions” 
  1. Apakah IELSP itu? 
Indonesia English Language Study Program adalah program beasiswa yang menawarkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris di universitas-universitas di Amerika Serikat selama 8 (delapan) minggu. 
Program ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris peserta, khususnya dalam English for Academic Purposes. Selain itu, peserta akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mempelajari secara langsung kebudayaan dan masyarakat Amerika Serikat karena peserta akan mengikuti program immersion dalam kelas internasional dimana mereka akan bergabung dengan peserta lain dari berbagai bangsa dan negara. Dalam program ini, peserta tidak hanya akan belajar Bahasa Inggris, namun juga akan mengikuti berbagai program kultural yang akan memberikan pengalaman yang sangat berharga. 
  1. Siapa yang berhak mendaftar? 
IELSP terbuka untuk mereka yang berumur 19 – 24 tahun dan masih aktif sebagai mahasiswa S1 minimal tahun ketiga (semester 5 keatas) di perguruan tinggi mana pun di Indonesia dari berbagai jurusan. Pendaftar juga harus memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai TOEFL® baik International TOEFL® atau TOEFL® ITP minimal 450. Peserta terpilih juga harus bersedia untuk meninggalkan kuliah di tanah air selama 8 minggu karena akan mengikuti kursus intensif di Amerika Serikat selama waktu tersebut.
  1. Apa saja persyaratannya? 
-        berumur 19 – 24 tahun, dan
-        aktif sebagai mahasiswa S1 minimal tahun ketiga (semester 5 keatas) di perguruan tinggi manapun di seluruh Indonesia (BELUM DINYATAKAN LULUS/MENEMPUH SIDANG KELULUSAN)
-         memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai TOEFL® baik International TOEFL® atau TOEFL® ITP minimal 450 (bukan Prediction Test)
-         memiliki prestasi akademik yang baik
-         aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan atau organisasi
-         memiliki komitmen penuh untuk segera kembali ke tanah air segera setelah program ini selesai
-         tidak memiliki pengalaman belajar di Amerika Serikat atau negara lain selain Indonesia
-         memiliki sifat-sifat: aktif, mandiri, bertanggung jawab, percaya diri dan berpikiran luas.
-         Menguasai komputer
  1. Bagaimana cara mendaftar?
Untuk mendaftar, dapat mengambil formulir di kantor Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF), Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite B, Jl. HR Rasuna Said, Jakarta 12980. Formulir juga dapat di-download dari website IIEF di Formulir boleh di fotokopi.
  1. Dokumen apa saja yang harus disertakan dalam formulir pendaftaran? 
Pendaftar harus melampirkan dokumen-dokumen berikut dalam formulir pendaftaran yang telah dilengkapi: 
·         1 (satu) buah pasfoto berwarna ukuran 4x6
·         1 (satu) buah fotokopi Kartu Identitas (KTP)
·         1 (satu) buah surat keterangan resmi dari universitas bahwa yang bersangkutan masih aktif terdaftar di universitas tersebut
·         transkrip nilai dari semester 1
·         1 (satu) buah fotokopi Ijazah SMA (tidak perlu diterjemahkan)
·         1 (satu) buah fotokopi Daftar Nilai Ujian SMA (tidak perlu diterjemahkan)
·         1 (satu) buah Surat Referensi dari dosen di universitas – menggunakan form khusus yang terlampir dalam Formulir Pendaftaran. Form Referensi yang telah dilengkapi harap dimasukkan kedalam amplop tertutup dan disertakan bersama Formulir Pendaftaran yang telah dilengkapi. Surat Referensi dari Dosen Matakuliah Bahasa Inggris lebih baik.
·         1 (satu) buah fotokopi nilai TOEFL® (International TOEFL® atau TOEFL® ITP)
  1. Formulir ditujukan ke mana?
 Formulir yang telah dilengkapi dan disertai oleh dokumen persyaratan dialamatkan ke: 
Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
                Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite A-B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna SaidJakarta 12980
(harap menuliskan IELSP di sudut kiri atas amplop)
  1. Kapan batas waktu pendaftaran? 
Untuk Gelombang X , formulir yang telah dilengkapi dan disertai oleh dokumen persyaratan harus diterima oleh IIEF paling lambat tanggal 18 November 2011.
  1. Apakah saya harus sudah memiliki paspor dan visa Amerika Serikat sebelum mendaftar? 
Seseorang tidak perlu sudah memiliki paspor dan visa Amerika Serikat untuk bisa mendaftar. Jika terpilih, peserta akan diberikan waktu untuk mengurus paspor. Visa Amerika Serikat akan diurus oleh IIEF sebelum keberangkatan. Perhatian: Penerima beasiswa dijadualkan untuk berangkat ke Amerika Serikat pada bulan Maret, Mei dan Agustus 2012. (catatan: keputusan hasil seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat)
  1. Apakah ada biaya tertentu yang harus saya bayar dalam program beasiswa ini? 
Program ini merupakan beasiswa penuh, dan peserta tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Penerima beasiswaakan ditanggung seluruh biaya kecuali biaya pembuatan paspor.
  1. Kemana saya harus bertanya untuk mendapatkan informasi?
 Untuk informasi dapat menghubungi:
             Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
                Menara Imperium Lt. 28 Suite A-B
Jl. H.R. Rasuna SaidJakarta 12980
Telp: 021 – 831 7330, Fax: 021 – 831 7331 (pada jam kerja)

Beasiswa S1 dan S2 di Korea, Exp. Oktober 2011

15.10.11 |

Advantages of attending KDI School

       World-class, innovative programs focused on the real world policy and management issues
     All classes conducted in English in a truly international environment
     Top-notch faculty with unparalleled expertise and teaching excellence
Academic Programs
    Master’s Degree
Master of Development Policy
Master of Public Policy
- Fiscal and Social Policy
- Trade and Industrial Policy
- Global Finance and Regulation
- Public Management and Leadership
- Regional Development and Environment
- Global Governance and Political Economy
- Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development
 Doctoral Degree
- Ph.D. in Development Policy                     - Ph.D. in Public Policy
• Korea Global Leader’s Fellowship (KGLF)
- Eligibility: High-level government officials from G20 and developing countries
- Type: Executive Program (non-degree)
- Contents: G20 agendas and Korea’s development experience
Scholarship Information
        • Seoul G20 Global Leader’s Fellowship
Benefits: Full tuition, monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare
Eligibility: Division Head-level or minimum 6 years of working experience in the public sector
Offering period: Spring and Fall Admissions
        • Global Ambassador Fellowship
          Benefits: Full tuition and monthly stipend
          Eligibility: All overseas candidates are welcome to apply
          Offering period: Spring and Fall Admissions
 • KOICA Scholarship
          Benefits: Full tuition, monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare
          Eligibility: Government officials recommended by KOICA
Offering period: Spring Admissions only
 • POSCO Scholarship
          Benefits: Full tuition, monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare
          Eligibility: Government officials from Asian countries
          Offering period: Spring Admissions only
          The KDI School nominates POSCO Scholars from among the best applicants.
 • KOGAS Global Fellowship
          Benefits: Full tuition, monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare
          Eligibility: Candidates from East Timor, Mozambique, Myanmar, Russia, Uzbekistan, Iraq, Indonesia,
          China, Mexico, Mongolia, and Thailand
          Offering period: Fall Admissions only
• IDB Scholarship
  Benefits: Full tuition, monthly stipend, and round-trip airfare
  Eligibility: Central Bank mid-career officials from Central America countries
Offering period: Spring Admissions only
General Admission Requirements
        • Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent            • Government officials preferred
        • Proficiency in English                        • Work experiences recommended
Program Duration:
• Coursework: February – December, 2012 in Seoul, South Korea (trimester system)
• Approval of thesis (written in home country in the 2nd year of study)
Admission Procedure: 1st Round: Document Review 
                                        2nd Round: Interview in English
Application Deadline:  October 28, 2011
Required Application Documents for Admission:  
1.  Application for Admission - Complete online application at the KDI School website
2.  Statement of Purpose(must use the school form) – send by postal mail
3.  Bachelor’s Transcript(s) (University Grades/Marks) – send by postal mail
4.  Certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree Diploma – send by postal mail
5.  Two Recommendations – send by postal mail
6.  Two Passport sized Photos – send by postal mail
7.  English Score Reports (strongly recommended) – send by postal mail
8.  Employment Verification (if applicable) – send by postal mail
9.  Copy of Passport
Important Points to Remember:
1.     All documents must be prepared in English.
(Please attach certified translations if the documents are in any other languages.)
2.     All documents must be original. Copies will only be accepted if each page is marked with an official stamp.
3.     Documents submitted with the application can not be returned to the applicants.
4.     Applicants may only apply for one scholarship and multiple applications will invalidate candidacy.
Application Submission & Admission Inquiries:
     * The Office of Admissions
Tel: 822-3299-1281  Fax: 822-3299-1223  Homepage:
Address: The Office of Admissions
 KDI School of Public Policy and Management
                          87 Hoegiro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-868, South Korea
본 메일은 2011년 10월 5일 기준,
회원님의 수신동의 여부를 확인한 결과 회원님께서 수신동의를 하셨기에 발송되었습니다.

Beasiswa Universitas PETRONAS MALAYSIA, exp. September 2011

19.9.11 |


The Government of Indonesia through its Oil and Gas Department (Migas) and the National Education Department (Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional) in collaboration with PETRONAS offering a full time scholarship for studying in Malaysia on the following degrees:
1. Chemical Engineering
2. Civil Engineering
3. Electrical and Electronic Engineering
4. Mechanical Engineering
5. Petroleum Engineering
1. Petroleum Geosciences
2. Information and Communication Technology
3. Business Information System
General selection criteria are as follows:
1 Age: Not exceeding 23 years old on the date of application
2 Marital Status: Single
3 Academic Qualification: Must have passed High School Level Examination (GCE O' Level / SMA equivalent) and or Academic Potential Test from major universities in Indonesia
4 Language Proficiency: Good command in English (oral & written)
5 Course of Study: To follow any of the above program offered by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)

These Scholarships are offered to students to continue further on their education and, upon completion, to serve either PETRONAS or the Government of Indonesia in any of the designated departments, subsidiaries, companies, organizations or institutions for a period to be agreed upon.

Have the UTP Application Form downloaded from the following address: and submitted after completed along with your latest (non returnable) passport size photograph (color) also your contact number, address, CV and relevant copies of full academic report not later than 25th September 2011 to the following address:

PC Muriah Ltd
Mandiri Tower 18th floor , Plaza Bapindo
Jalan Jendral Sudirman kav 54-55 Jakarta, 12190 Indonesia

Please write on the Subject: PETRONAS SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM
Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interview.

Beasiswa s1 undergraduate scholarship 2011 di Thailand

1.3.11 |

Sripatum International College Scholarship Program
in celebration of the 40th Anniversary of
Sripatum University

Sripatum International College
Sripatum University

Eligible Applicant :

1. Applicant must be a citizen of the following countries and currently enrolled in College or University, or have recently completed final year of high school.

- North America (1): USA

- Europe (15): United Kingdom, France, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Norway,Denmark, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria

- Australia: (2): Australia, New Zealand

- ASIA (2): China, India

- ASEAN member countries

2. Applicant must have good academic record from accredited institution.

3. Applicant must have a good command of written and spoken English.

4. Applicant must be in good condition physically and mentally.

How to Apply :

1. Application : Applicant may obtain application package from Sripatum International College (SIC) in person, or on SIC website at

2. Submit the completed application form including academic record (original or a certified copy by the given institution), medical form, two letters of recommendation, and etc.) to the following address:

Director : Sripatum International College (SIC)
Sripatum University 
Level 8, Building 11,
61 Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

e-Mail :

Timeline :

1. Application must reach SIC by: April 30, 2011

2. Successful applicant will be notified by email, and list of successful applicants will be posted on SIC website by: May 10, 2011

Programs Available (all 4 years degree) :

1. Bachelor of Arts in International Business Communication

2. Bachelor of Business Administration in Hotel Management

Scholarship Inclusion :

Tuition fees and Registration fees for the period of four years (scholarship will be reviewed after each academic year, based on academic performance)

Scholarship Exclusions :

1. Accommodation

2. Living Allowance

3. Air Ticket

4. Visa fees

5. Personal expenses

6. Medical expenses

7. Health Insurance

8. Other expenses that may occur

Number of scholarships available :

Twenty scholarships in total

Visa :

As soon as the selection of the awardees has been made, SIC will send the "Letter of Acceptance" to each student by mail. Upon your receipt, please contact the Thai Embassy / Consulate in your country to allow them sufficient time to process your visa application. The student shall apply for the appropriate type of visa (Non-Immigration, ED type) as early as possible on their own expenses. After that please let the SIC know the results of the visa application immediately.

Contact Information :

 : Sripatum International College
Sripatum University

Level 8, Building 11,
61 Phaholyothin Road, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: +66 2 – 579-1111 Ext: ext. 1017, 1018, 1303

Fax : 662 – 558 – 6868

E-mail :

List of required documents :

1. Completed Application Form with photo attached

2. Two Essays

3. Two Letters of recommendation with contact address

4. Completed Medical Form

5. Original or certified copies of Transcript and Diploma

6. Resume or brief biodata

7. TOEFL (at least 65 for iBT) or IELTS (at least 5.5 for all bands)
Or proof that English language is used for the medium of instruction for your high school education.

8. Two additional photos (35x45cm)

Essay Topics :

Please submit a 1,000 word essay on the following title: `Why do you want to study in International Business OR Hotel management program at SIC? and What do you hope to accomplish through this program?

Further information:

Beasiswa IIEF untuk S1

17.10.09 |

teman2 , IIEF membuka pendaftaran untuk Beasiswa pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Intensif di amerika serikat selama 8 Minggu bagi Mahasiswa S1.batas akhir pendaftaran 12 November 2009. Info Lengkap

semoga bermanfaat


Beasiswa S1 UI

15.5.09 |

Dear All,

LBI FIBUI is holding a scholarship workshop in May at Salemba Campus. If you
or someone you know has been trying (or planning) to win a scholarship, but is
in doubt because of its intricacy, here’s the answer.

Held in 3 sessions, the workshop will guide you all through the way to plan,
write, and present your scholarship proposal, as well as to train you to go
through the interview successfully. LBI Scholarship Workshop is a 9-hour
workshop to maximize your chances of winning a scholarship:

- How do I start to write a winning scholarship proposal?

- What personal information is crucial to include?

- How Should I organize my essay to get me noticed?

- What kinds of question should I anticipate for the interview?

- How can I give distinctive impression to the interviewer?

- What are the do’s and don’ts during the interview?

The workshop will be conducted in English by FIB UI lecturers who have ever won scholarships to pursue post-graduate study abroad.
Investment Rp. 400.000,00
for 3 session at LBI FIBUI Salemba at 20th,
22nd, and 27th of May 2009, 18.00-21.00.


LBI FIB UI Depok: Faculty of Humanities (FIB) Building V, 1st
floor. University
of Indonesia, Depok. Ph:
(021) 7864075, 78849082

LBI FIBUI Salemba: Jl. Salemba
Raya No: 4 Jakarta.
31930335, 3922436, 31902112

All the best,


Lembaga Bahasa
Internasional FIBUI

University of Indonesia’s Salemba

University of Indonesia’s Depok Campus

Ph. Salemba : (021) 31930335, 31902112, 3922436
Ph. Depok : (021) 7864075, 78849082

Cell. 0818160114

Beasiswa Full Study di UNISMA Bekasi

13.5.09 |

Hai teman-teman, ada Beasiswa Fullbright 100% BEBAS BIAYA KULIAH sampai lulus lho. Di Universitas Islam “45” (Unisma) Bekasi, itu loch UNISMA Bekasi yang ada di samping pintu tol Bekasi Timur, universitas paling besar or terluas se-Bekasi.

UNISMA BEKASI menyediakan beasiswa Fullbright (100% bebas biaya kuliah)
terbuka untuk umum dengan persyaratan:

• Siswa SMA/SMK/MA Tahun Ajaran 2008/2009 (Fresh Graduate)
• Tidak pernah tinggal kelas.
• Nilai rata-rata raport minimal 7,00 untuk setiap semester.
• Nilai raport untuk Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika rata-rata minimal 6,00 tiap semester.
• Surat Permohonan kepada Rektor UNISMA.
• Mengisi formulir dan biodata.
• Surat pernyataan yang disetujui orang tua.
• Surat pengantar dari Kepala Sekolah.
• Foto kopi rapor dari semester 1-5.
• Pas photo 4x6 berwarna 3 lembar
• Lampiran sertifikat-sertifikat prestasi (jika ada).

Peraih Beasiswa Fullbright dapat memilih salah satu program studi sebagai

1. Fakultas Agama Islam (FAI)
• Program Studi Tarbiyah/ Pendidikan Agama Islam (S1)
• Program Studi Syari'ah/Hukum Islam (S1)
• Perbankan Syariah (S1)
• PGRA (D2)

2. Fakultas Ekonomi (FE)
• Program Studi Manajemen (S1)
• Program Studi Akuntansi (S1 dan D3)
• Program Studi Komputer Akuntansi (D3)
• Program Studi Manajemen Keuangan Perbankan (D3)

3. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP)
• Program Studi Administrasi Negara (S1)
• Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan (S1)
• Program Studi Manajemen dan Administrasi (DIII)
• Program Studi Psikologi (S1)

4. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP)
• Program Studi Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (Olahraga)(S1)
• Program Studi Pendidikan IPS (GEOGRAFI) (S1)

5. Fakultas Komunikasi, Sastra dan Bahasa (FKSB)
• Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi (S1)
• Program Studi Sastra Inggris (S1)

6. Fakultas Pertanian (FAPERTA)
• Program Studi Agribisnis (S1)

7. Fakultas Teknik (FT)
• Program Studi Teknik Sipil (S1)
• Program Studi Teknik Komputer (D3)
• Program Studi Teknik Elektro (S1 dan D3)
• Program Studi Teknik Mesin (S1 dan D3)

Info lebih lengkap silahkan mampir yah ke
Disini teman-teman dapat langsung mendownload formulir beasiswanya.
Salam hangat,

Maharani Imran
Manajer Humas dan Pemasaran
Universitas Islam “45” (Unisma) Bekasi
Jl. Cut Meutia No.83 Bekasi
Phone/Fax. (021) 8808853

international scholarship for bachelor degree

11.2.09 |

International Scholarship for Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering, Biella campus, Italy

Call for Applications for the 2009/2010 Academic Year

The project offers international students the possibility to receive a scholarship and other benefits to graduate from the Politecnico di Torino attending a Bachelor of Science (BS) program in Textile Engineering at the Biella campus.

The initiative is promoted by the Politecnico di Torino and is supported by Camera di Commercio di Biella, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella and Unione Industriale Biellese.

General information on the Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering program

Location: Biella (Città Studi university campus)

Language in which the courses are held: English

Length: 3 years

The activities will begin in September 2009.

For more information on the Biella university campus, please visit the Città Studi website.

Having not Italian citizenship or being an Italian citizen who has obtained a secondary school diploma abroad
Being at least 18 years old (by 01/09/2009)
Meeting the minimum requirements for the admission to Italian university. For further information, please visit the Entry requirements page.
In the countries where it is required, having successfully passed the state-level university admission exam (e.g. Gao Kao in China)
Knowledge of the English language, preferably demonstrated by an international certification (students who do not provide such certification may be asked to conduct a telephone interview to test their knowledge of English)
Not having enrolled in a Bachelor of Science program of the Politecnico di Torino before the 2009/2010 academic year
Not being the recipient of other scholarships, Italian or foreign.


Selection criteria

Applicants will be selected based on their previous academic career and on their Curriculum Vitae.

Amount of the scholarship
The gross amount of the Biella Campus scholarship is 10.000 Euro per year (30.000 Euro for the complete period). The exact net sum is dependent upon the individual tax conditions of each student, which can be verified only upon the arrival of the student.
The amount of the scholarship will not be increased in case the student will need more time to graduate than indicated.
The allocation of the scholarship is dependent upon the submission, within 10 days from the arrival in Italy of the student, of the original documentation, which must correspond with the documentation attached to the online form (see the “Selection outcomes” section below).
Payment of the scholarship occurs periodically. The first instalment is dependent upon the possession of the relevant documentation (residence permit, Italian fiscal code, and bank account in the name of the scholarship recipient), all obtainable upon arrival in Italy; for this reason, the first instalment is not paid at the moment of arrival at the Politecnico di Torino, but in the course of the following months (most probably November).

Requirements to maintain the scholarship
Given that it is not possible to combine the benefits received from more than one scholarship, students who are assigned another study grant while receiving the Biella Campus scholarship must promptly notify the Politecnico di Torino.
Payment of the scholarship will be suspended if the academic performance of the recipient does not meet a satisfactory level.

How to apply

To apply, students must, under the penalty of being excluded from the selection process:


application deadline: 8 p.m. (Italian time) on March 22nd, 2009.
Method: fill in the online application form by first registering and providing your biographical information, logging in and choosing your level and degree program, and subsequently submitting the application. Students must also provide information on their previous educational career, language abilities and work experience, and they must attach the necessary documentation in pdf format. After having completed these steps, the application for a scholarship will be considered complete.

N.B. The scholarship or project for which the applicant is eligible is not specified in the application form, since the Politecnico will automatically assess your eligibility for the Biella Campus scholarship based on the information you provide. At the end of the selection process, the Politecnico di Torino will inform you if you have been selected for a Biella Campus scholarship (see the “Selection outcomes” section below).

The following documentation must be attached in pdf format to the online application form:
Secondary School Diploma*
For students from the countries where it is required, a certificate showing that the state-level university admission exam (e.g. Gao Kao in China) has been passed**
For students from a national school system in which preuniversity education lasts for less than 12 years: a transcript that demonstrates that all the exams in the student’s program of study have been passed (1 or 2 years, depending on whether the national school system lasts for 11 or 10 years, respectively) OR, for students who have enrolled in a post-secondary institution, a certificate that demonstrates the attainment of a post-diploma degree
Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed (in English if possible) - maximum 3 pages
Letters of reference (optional - 2 maximum)
A personal introduction letter (written by the applicant)
Optional English language certificate

The above documents must be rendered in English (preferably), Italian, French, or Spanish.

* Applicants who have not yet obtained a diploma by March 22nd, 2009 must in any case submit their application within the said deadline; after this date, they will be allowed to re-enter the application form only to attach the document and fill in the fields relating to the diploma up until July 15th.

** Applicants who have not yet obtained such a certificate by March 22nd, 2009 must in any case submit their application within the said deadline; after this date, they will be allowed to re-enter the application form only to attach this document and fill in the fields relating to the national state-level university admission exam up until July 15th.

We emphasise that the data shown in the documents must coincide with those inserted in the online application form. Moreover, failure to attach even one of the above documents will result in exclusion from the selection process.

International Scholarships in Mathematical Sciences - University of Nottingham

20.12.08 |

University of Nottingham

International (non-EU) Tuition Fee Scholarships (PhD or MPhil) in
Mathematical Sciences

School of Mathematical Sciences

The University of Nottingham is offering awards of two full Tuition Fee
Scholarships for a new international student registering on a research
degree programme in the School of Mathematical Sciences at The
University of Nottingham from September 2009. The scholarships are for
each year of a PhD or MPhil research programme, subject to satisfactory
progress. To be eligible to apply for these scholarships, students

* have an upper second honours degree in a mathematics or
mathematics-related subject, or its equivalent
* be holding a conditional or unconditional offer of a place on a
full-time research degree programme in the School of Mathematical
Sciences at the University of Nottingham to commence studies from
September 2009
* be classified as an 'overseas' student for fee purposes

Information regarding suitable research projects is available on the
School's web pages at:

Informal enquiries may be addressed to:

Applications for postgraduate study can be made on-line at:, alternatively, application forms are
available from the Postgraduate Admissions Secretary, School of
Mathematical Sciences, The University of Nottingham, University Park,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Tel: 0115 951 4948. Fax: 0115 951 4951. Email: Please quote ref. SCI/549X1.

Closing date: 17 April 2009.

For all our vacancies and more about working at the University of
Nottingham see:

New Zealand Development Scholarship

16.12.08 |

New Zealand Development Scholarship

The New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) scheme offers the
opportunity to people from selected developing countries to undertake
development-related studies in New Zealand.
This may include study related to education, health, rural
livelihoods, governance, human rights, or economic development,
depending on the human resource development training needs of the home

New Zealand -Development Scholarships are offered for full-time,
tertiary level study at participating New Zealand education
The NZDS scheme has two categories:
1-New Zealand Development Scholarships – Public category (NZDS-Public)
The NZDS-Public scholarships scheme is a bilateral scheme available to
individuals from selected partner countries in Southeast Asia and the
Pacific. The selection criteria is determined by the partner
government and NZAID.

Shortlisted applications, mostly from public sector employees, are
endorsed for a scholarship by the partner government. Employees from
civil society or private sector organisations may apply for the NZDS-
Public in some countries depending on country-specific selection
criteria. The levels and fields of study available for study in New
Zealand are determined according to the partner country's human
resource development training needs.
Country eligibility download: Cambodia (pdf 6K), Indonesia (pdf 8K),
Lao PDR (pdf 6K), Philippines, Timor-Leste (pdf 5K), Viet Nam (pdf
5K), Cook Islands (pdf 9K), Fiji (on hold), Kiribati (pdf 9K), ,Papua
New Guinea (pdf 4K), ,Samoa (pdf 1K), Solomon Islands (pdf 1K), Tonga
(pdf 2K), Vanuatu (pdf 1K).
2-New Zealand Development Scholarships – Open category (NZDS-Open)
The NZDS-Open scholarships scheme is a non-bilateral scheme available
to candidates of some developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin
America and the Pacific. Under the NZDS-Open scheme, candidates
independently apply for a scholarship.

NZDS-Open scholarships are generally directed at employees of private
sector or civil society sector organisations, including non-
governmental organisations. In some countries, public sector employees
can also apply for a NZDS-Open scholarship depending on the country or
region-specific selection criteria. This criteria also determines the
levels and the fields of study under which candidates can apply to
study in New Zealand.
Eligible countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia: Cambodia (pdf
66K), Indonesia (pdf 68K), Lao PDR (pdf 66K), Maldives (pdf 58K),
Mongolia (pdf 58K), Myanmar (pdf 58K), Nepal (pdf 58K), Philippines
(pdf 62K), Sri Lanka (pdf 58K), Timor-Leste (pdf 75K), Viet Nam (pdf
Eligible countries in the Pacific region: Federated States of
Micronesia (pdf 84K), Marshall Islands (pdf 84K), Palau (pdf 84K),
Fiji (On hold), Kiribati (pdf 69K), Papua New Guinea (pdf 84K), Samoa
(pdf 61K), Solomon Islands (pdf 71K), Tonga (pdf 82K), Vanuatu (pdf
Eligible countries in Latin America: Argentina (pdf 74K), Bolivia (pdf
74K), Brazil (pdf 74K), Chile (including Rapa Nui) (pdf 74K), Ecuador
(pdf 74K), El Salvador (pdf 74K), Guatemala (pdf 74K), Honduras (pdf
74K), Nicaragua (pdf 74K), Paraguay (pdf 74K), Uruguay (pdf 74K)
Eligible countries in Africa: Kenya (pdf 70K), Mozambique (pdf 70K),
South Africa (pdf 70k), Tanzania (pdf xxK), Zambia (pdf 70K)
More info:

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance Madrid, Spain

13.12.08 |

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance
Madrid, Spain

Scholarship / Financial aid: up to EUR 10,000 per year offered
Date: one year
Deadline: 6 April 2009
Open to: students

At CEMFI we train students for careers as professional or academic
economists. Our graduates acquire the quantitative tools and research
skills to work as economists in business, finance, government, and

The basic graduate offering at CEMFI is its highly prestigiousMaster in Economics and Finance. Unlike many Master programs in the US and elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.
CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the
tuition fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR
10,000 per year. They are granted according to academic merit. If new grants are endowed, they will be
announced on CEMFI’s web page.

Admission to the PhD program at CEMFI is through the Master. All students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from an external source or from CEMFI. For more information on admission and scholarship applications, please
visit the website. For any queries, feel free to contact: .


beasiswa ke Qatar dan negara arab lainnya (utamanya untuk Arabik dan Islamikos

12.12.08 |

Dear rekan-rekan,

Bagi yang mau melanjutkan studi ke Qatar untuk mendalami Arabik atau
studi Islam, bisa mengklik bagian ini:

Di situ ada info beasiswa master maupun S1 (bachelor, kalau ada yang
mau ngulang lagi). Lumayan, mumpung lagi kaya Qatar kasih beasiswa,
nanti kalau udah kere 50 tahun lagi, dengan minyaknya yang habis,
pasti minta beasiswa ke NKRI. hehehe.

So, yang punya cita-cita lanjut ke Arab, kesempatan ini jangan

Ada pula info ke negara lainnya, Mesir, Marok, Tunisia, Algeria, di Tiap tahun biasanya buka antara Maret-Agustus,
masing2 negara berbeda.

kalau Lebanon, seperti Universite St Joseph di Beirut biasanya kasih
beasiswa untuk kajian Arab, tapi selain Arab dan Inggris, mereka minta
kemampuan dasar bahasa Prancis. Mungkin beda dengan American Univ of
Lebanon, cukup eglish dan arabic boleh. Infonya ada di universitas
bersangkutan. Googling saja.

Silakan... Terima kasih dan sukses untuk semua.


Zacky Khairul Umam

Beasiswa di Kingston University

2.12.08 |

Kingston University
PhD studentship
Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture

The Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture invites applications from outstanding postgraduate students for an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award starting in March 2009. The award is for a three-year full-time studentship, and is equivalent in value to a standard AHRC Doctoral Award.

Partner organisation: The Geffrye Museum

Project: Approaches to documenting the homes of the London middle classes in the 21st Century

The aim of this project is to examine domestic interiors from the standpoint of the householder/occupants, exploring the meanings and values placed on domestic spaces. The research will seek to understand the social, cultural and aesthetic contexts, which influence choice and taste

It is anticipated that the project would suit well-qualified postgraduates from the arts, humanities or social sciences, who are looking to research the visual and material contexts of contemporary family life, domesticity and home-making. The project sits across the fields addressed by the Design Research Centre and the Modern Interiors Research Centre in the Faculty, and the Geffrye Museum. It will involve developing research methodologies for this subject area and gathering material such as recorded interviews of householders and images of their homes, which will form part of the Geffrye Museum's archive collections.

Applications deadline Wednesday 14 January 2009. Interviews will be held in February.

For further details please contact Emerald Day, Research Administrator on:
Tel +44 (0)20 8417 4016 (voicemail)

Informasi Beasiswa Luar Negeri ke SPANYOL untuk lulusan Ekonomi

15.11.08 |

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance

CEMFI, Madrid (Spain)

At CEMFI we train students for careers as professional or academic
economists. Our graduates acquire the quantitative tools and research
skills to work as economists in business, finance, government, and academia.

The basic graduate offering at CEMFI is its highly prestigious Master in
Economics and Finance. Unlike many Master programs in the US and
elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.

CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the tuition
fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR 10,000
per year. They are granted according to academic merit. In previous
years, the Fundación Carolina, in cooperation with the Fundación BBVA,
has endowed several scholarships for Latin American students of the
Master. If new grants are endowed, they will be announced on CEMFI’s web

An important distinguishing feature of our Master is that it lasts for
two years, the second being essential for shaping the skills of our
graduates. The first year consists of basic graduate coursework and some
optional subjects. The second year includes specialized courses and
research training through a Master thesis. Our ratio of students to
faculty is between four and five. Thus we can devote a lot of attention
to each student. This is particularly important for the Master thesis,
where the faculty provides guidance to a unique degree.

Members of CEMFI’s faculty publish in top journals and are research
leaders in their fields. They are also editors of prestigious journals
and are key players at leading learned societies such as the European
Economic Association and the Econometric Society.

Our Master students get very good jobs as economists. For example, in
positions dealing with portfolio and risk management, macroeconomic
forecasting, policy evaluation, or microeconomic consultancy. CEMFI has
been building a reputation for more than 20 years and a degree from
CEMFI provides a strong signal of quality, regularly confirmed by the
market. Moreover, we run an experienced and efficient job placement service.

Students interested in furthering their research training, either
because they aim for a professional career with a stronger research
content or because they aim for an academic position, will continue to
develop their research skills for another three years and complete the
PhD program. Graduates from CEMFI’s PhD program have published papers
from their dissertation in top journals and we have an excellent record
in the PhD job market.

Admission to the PhD program at CEMFI is through the Master. All
students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from
an external source or from CEMFI. For more information on admission and
scholarship applications, please visit: For any
queries, feel free to contact:

Application has to be received by 6. April 2009.

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