Showing posts with label beasiswa s3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beasiswa s3. Show all posts

Ph.D position: Monitoring cellular activity using SECM

1.11.09 |

Job description

Multicellular spheroids play an important role in the fields of tissue engineering and tumor biology as models for tissues since these 3D cell aggregates better mimic in vivo conditions, by reproducing nutrient and signal gradients, cell-cell contacts as well as extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. We have developed in collaboration with the group of Tissue Regeneration (BMTI, U. Twente) a novel technique for preparing large amounts of small-sized (<>

The Ph.D candidate will focus on the SECM-based characterization of spheroids. His/her work will start by mapping the respiratory activity of cells (O2consumption) of cells in a 3D cell aggregate and to correlate this with the cell fate and the formation of functional microtissues; cell death, proliferation or differentiation present different respiration patterns/level. Following this, the candidate will focus on angiogenesis or the formation/sprouting of capillaries, and this can be seen via the detection of the released NO. Last, the candidate will use SECM as a technique to map the reorganization of cells in functional microtissues.

For detail information please visit:

Ferry Haris

Beasiswa di Cambridge

12.1.09 |

PhD Studentships in Statistics
Vacancy Reference No: LF04227

Limit of tenure applies*

Applications are invited for PhD studentships in Statistics, to be
held in the Statistical Laboratory. The Studentships are associated
with the Cambridge Statistics Initiative which is targeted at the
development of novel statistical methodology, both generic and in
specific application areas. Information about the Laboratory can be
found at .

The studentships will provide funding to cover fees at the home/EU
rate. Additional funding for fees for those paying the overseas arts
rate could be available and will be assessed competitively. A stipend
will be paid of at least the equivalent to the national minimum
(£13290 for the academic year 2009/10) for a minimum period of 3 years.

Supervision, along with research training tailored to the needs of the
student, will be provided by the Laboratory. Research interests of
academic staff can be found here .

Applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD course at the
University of Cambridge. They should normally hold (or expect to be
awarded) a first class UK honours degree or equivalent and a
postgraduate qualification in Mathematics or Statistics.

Initial enquiries, which should include a curriculum vitae and an
indication of possible research topics, should be directed to
Professor A.P. Dawid.

* Limit of tenure: 3 years

Closing date: 31 January 2009.

Beasiswa S3 di Delf Netherlands


Post-doc positions
Quantum Information Processing
with Superconducting Circuits

In Delft we have developed superconducting flux quantum bits. These nanofabricated qubits behave as quantum two-level systems, their coherence time can be micro­seconds while they can be operated in nanoseconds. Very recently we have developed dispersive readout that allows quantum non-demolition measurement. We also very recently have realized a controlled-NOT gate for two qubits. However, many fundamental questions remain to be answered and many practical aspects need improvement. In the near future we will improve control of the qubits and study entanglement and temporal correlations, back-action of the measurement process, interaction with a harmonic oscillator, the optimal lay-out for a practical multi-qubit quantum information processor. We also want to investigate new designs such as the phase-slip qubit.

Our team at present consists of three senior investigators Hans Mooij, Kees Harmans and Ad Verbruggen (materials aspects), two post-docs and four PhD students. We are part of the Quantum Transport Group where also quantum dot spin qubits and nano­wires are investigated. We are members of the FOM concentration group Delft-Leiden on Solid State Quantum Information and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience. In the EU-supported integrated project EuroSQIP we collaborate intensively with European groups. Within EuroSQIP we have three post-doc positions available.

We are interested in candidates with experience in experimental research on low temperature solid state nanocircuits, quantum optics or trapped atoms/ions, with an interest in nanofabrication. We may consider hiring a theory post-doc with strong interest in experimental manipulation and measurement, for a limited period. The main focus for a new post-doc will be defined in accordance with his/her interest and the needs of the project.

Information is available on the QT website, from Kees Harmans (, tel. +31 15 2785195) and from Hans Mooij (, tel. +31 15 2786153).

Applications should be addressed to
prof. J.E. Mooij
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience
DelftUniversityof Technology
2628 CJ Delft , The Netherlands

PhD/Postdoc position available


Dear Colleague,

In my newly started group at the University of Geneva I have vacancies
at the PhD/Postdoc level to work on graphene nano-electronics and on
organic single-crystal devices. I would greatly appreciate if you
could inform any potentially interested candidates in you group, and
if you could post the announcement in the attached file in your

I take this occasion to send you my new contact details in Geneva, which are:

Prof. A. Morpurgo
Department of Condensed Matter Physics and
Group of Applied Physics
University of Geneva
Quai Ernest-Ansermet 24
CH1211 Geneva 4
Tel: 0041 (0)22 3793574
FAX: 0041 (0)22 3796869

Thank you in advance for your help and kind regards.

Alberto Morpurgo

Post doctoral position in microbiology


We invite applications for a one-year postdoctoral research position in the field of microbiology, genetic and phenotypic biodiversity, in the CIRM-BIA (International Centre of Microbial resources) in Rennes, France.
The CIRM-BIA of Rennes is dedicated to the preservation, identification, characterisation, and distribution of bacteria of food interest. It is located in the laboratory for Science and Technology of Milk and Egg within the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA).

The specific project aims at determining phenotypic and genetic diversity in a collection of bacteria, in relation with their application as cheese starters. This project is funded for 1 year by private funds.
We seek candidates with Ph.D. and experience in the field of microbiology and molecular biology. Prior experience in Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) would be appreciated.
Duration: 1 year, from March 2009 to February 2010.
Salary: 26 000 ¤
Applicants should submit their CV (including names and contact details of referees), by email to: Florence Valence-Bertel: or Dr. Anne Thierry:

Details regarding the Institute and the place
INRA (French National Institute for Agricultural Research)
Research Division: Division Microbiology and the Food Chain (MICA, for MIcrobiologie et Chaîne Alimentaire, in French).
Research Unit: UMR1253 Science and Technology of Milk and Egg (STLO), INRA, Rennes, France, Head : Sylvie Lortal

The city of Rennes is located in northwest France, in east of Brittany. The total population of the area is ~200 000, with at least a quarter of the population made up of students. The city is classified as a city of art and history. Rennes is connected to the high speed TGV rail network from both Paris (two-hour travel) and Lille. Rennes does have its own airport (Rennes-St. Jacques).

Beasiswa S3 dari Habibie Center

12.1.08 |

Beasiswa dari Habibie Center

Yayasan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Yayasan SDM-IPTEK) didirikan oleh Prof. Dr.-Ing. B.J. Habibie (mantan presiden RI) pada tahun 1997. Badan pengurus yayasan ini diketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Ing. Wardiman Djojonegoro, mantan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dan memiliki tujuan :
l Mewujudkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang unggul dan memiliki kualitas Iman dan Takwa yang tinggi.
l Menguasai, mengembangkan dan mengendalikan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi secara mandiri.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut diatas, Yayasan melakukan kegiatan sebagai berikut:
l Memberikan beasiswa untuk tingkat S3 (Doktor),
l Memberikan penghargaan dan hadiah kepada orang atau Badan yang telah berjasa atau melakukan terobosan di bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Habibie Award).
l Mengembangkan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Iptek).
l Membentuk atau membantu berdirinya Pusat Peragaan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi.

Beasiswa diberikan 2 (dua) kali setahun yaitu:
a. Periode bulan Mei
Formulir harus sampai di panitia paling lambat 21 April tahun berjalan.
b. Periode bulan Nopember
Formulir pendaftaran diajukan paling lambat tanggal 20 Oktober.
Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk beasiswa S3.
l Usia maksimum 35 tahun.
l Tidak menerima beasiswa dari lembaga atau sumber lainnya.
l Sudah diterima atau telah mendapatkan surat keterangan diterima dalam program S3 di perguruan tinggi atau lembaga yang berada di Indonesia.
l Selama mengikuti program S2, penerima beasiswa S3 harus mendapatkan nilai cum laude atau minimal berada pada peringkat ke-5.
l Pendaftar harus menyerahkan dua rekomendasi dari tokoh ilmuwan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
l Pendaftar harus menunjukkan sikap kepemimpinan dalam bidangnya dan memiliki tingkat integritas dan kreatifitas yang tinggi.

Proses pendaftaran dan seleksi
l Pendaftar harus mengisi formulir pendaftaran secara lengkap disertai dengan dokumen penunjang.
l Pemilihan penerima beasiswa ditentukan dalam sidang dewan pakar yang telah ditentukan oleh Yayasan.
l Seleksi dilakukan berdasarkan 5 (lima) kelompok bidang ilmu yakni :
1. Kelompok Ilmu Dasar,
2. Kelompok Ilmu Kedokteran dan Bioteknologi,
3. Kelompok Ilmu Rekayasa,
4. Kelompok Ilmu Sosial, Hukum, Ekonomi dan Politik,
5. Kelompok Ilmu Filsafat, Agama dan Budaya.

Beasiswa yang diberikan berupa:
l biaya pendidikan (SPP) dan dana studi lainnya,
l tunjangan tugas akhir,
l tunjangan biaya buku/fotokopi,
l tunjangan biaya hidup,
l tunjangan biaya transportasi dari daerah ke tempat kuliah (jika saat melamar ada di daerah di luar tempat belajar)

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